
Part 21 - Stage is set

281 AC

Hall of a Hundred Hearths -

(Omni POV)

The feast was in full swing and most of the participants were enjoying themselves. Food was shoved into mouths, wine was poured into throats and hands were touching places they shouldn't.

But among those people was one particular lady who wasn't enjoying herself. She disliked such big feasts and would much rather go out riding her horse through the woods or hunting with her brothers. Sadly she wasn't allowed. She had to act like a 'proper' lady should.

(Lyanna Stark POV)

I hate this. I hate it with a passion. This hall full of lies, wine and lust disgusts me. I don't want to be here and was dragged here by Father. My duty towards House Stark was to become a 'proper' lady and marry into a great and noble house ...

Aye, I would do my duty had I not seen my 'betrothed' for the first time. Before today I had only seen Robert Baratheon years ago and that also for a short time. I was expected to get to know him better so we could get closer.

But I am revolted by what I am seeing. This drunk whoremonger of a man was groping maids in front of all the other lords and ladies in the hall and what's worse ... he was doing it in front of me, his betrothed. I couldn't muster the words to describe my wish to just leave and drop all pretences and break the betrothal.

*clenches her jaw*

Arrghh, why? Why me? Why did I have to become a woman? I hate all this. I hate the dresses, the boring traditional 'womanly' lessons and most of all the restriction of freedom. And to top it all off I was supposed to marry this disgusting whoremonger that would never stay faithful to me and f*ck what he can.

(Omni POV)

Suddenly the air around the hall changed and the door to the hall opened. A murmur went through the hall when they saw who had entered. King Aerys II Targaryen entered the hall and sat down at the head of one of the biggest tables.

His poor sister-wife sat down to his right. To the King's left sat the Crown Prince, Rhaegar Targaryen who had risen in respect of his father. Aerys' eyes swept over the crowd seemingly searching for treachery and betrayal until they settled on his son.

He was the reason Aerys was here. Varys had told him that there was a change the Prince wanted to take the crown.

(Rhaegar Targaryen POV)

Ah, this was the best chance to play a tune to calm down everyone and leave a good impression. That's what it was all about, to impress and have the sheep rally behind me.

"My Lords and Ladies, I greet you this fine evening. In honour of my father the King and my mother the Queen, I would love to sing a song. I hope you enjoy it."

I reached out as one of the servants handed me my harp. I sat a little apart so that I could be heard and seen. I wanted to make a good impression.

Slowly I plucked the strings of the harp and began with the soft song I had chosen especially for this occasion.

More and more I immersed myself in the music. I had the talent to enchant my listeners and was able to get many ladies to do what I wanted. It was so easy.

I had seen someone among the Northmen whose sight had fascinated me. The young she-wolf of the North. Lyanna Stark was what I had imagined her to be, beautiful and strong-willed.

It was a pity that she was promised to the stag. But that has never stopped me before. I would make a special effort to impress her.

With a fiancé like Robert Baratheon, it won't be hard to make myself look better and get her interested. She was so young and inexperienced, it was a piece of cake. I couldn't help but think about the prophecy. A song of ice and fire. This was it, this was the chance ... none of my current children was the ones who were promised.

It also made sense, the third child was going to be with Lynna ... oh Lyanna you will soon fall for me, I'll make sure of it.

(Brandon Stark POV)

As the sissy prince sat down and started playing his harp, I almost couldn't stop groaning and rolling my eyes. What a pathetic performance that was. I mean he had talent no doubt and he would surely be able to loosen the legs of many maidens that way, but for a man that was like castration in my eyes.

There was no way I could take him seriously. On the other hand, he won a lot of tourneys and could use his bright smile to charm many people. Though many simply lost on purpose... who would want to lose their lives just because they won against the Prince and angered him or his father? No one that's who.

Aye, I didn't like him but that didn't matter. He was the Crown Prince, and I could do nothing about it.

What was a bit funny though was the effect his performance had on my sister. I could see her crying tears because of it. I had immediately hit it off with Robert and liked him. But I also understood that as a woman lady, my sister would not like to marry someone like him.

He was very liberal with his groping and that was not even something I'd do in front of my betrothed.

"Are those tears, my ... dear ... sister?", I teased her.

"S-stop it, Brandon.", she answered and looked at me fiercely. It seemed my teasing hit true.

That didn't sit right with me though. This wasn't good. She should not get close to the sissy prince. That would lead to disaster if he managed to get into her head ... or even worse her pan...

NO!!! I wouldn't allow it. I must make sure to keep an eye on her.

(Ashara Dayne POV)

This was a very new experience for me. Her Grace, Princess Elia Targaryen neé Martell, was here so I of course as her lady-in-waiting also had to be here.

I was thankful to Princess Elia to take care of me. She kept me close and introduced me to court and life in King's Landing among the higher nobles. Still, as a four and ten-name-day woman, I was expected to find someone to court. The Princess told me this would be a great place to find someone.

I had the honour of dancing with Prince Oberyn. He was just like the rumours said they were. Of course, it was not the first time we met and he thankfully broke the ice with his attitude.

The dance with Lord Connington had a lot to be desired but it was expected of me to accept his request to dance.

After some time I was approached by a tall and broad-shouldered, black-haired man. This must be one of the northerners with the way he carries himself and looks.

"My lady Dayne, it's an honour to meet you. My name is Brandon Stark.", the man introduced himself.

"Lord Stark, I am honoured to meet you. I thought with your broad shoulders that you must be one of the esteemed northern lords. I am glad I was correct."

"Aye, we do look special that is true. I come here to ask a bit of a favour, my lady."

"Oh, and what would that be?"

"You see in our family I inherited most of the boldness and my brother is left with practically none. He has gotten all the good manners though, Hahahaha.

Now he has been looking at you for some time and I was wondering whether you would be so kind as to dance with him at least once. Don't worry he is easy to get rid of. And should you have a problem with that I'll gladly help you, hahaha."

"Of course Lord Stark, it would be my pleasure. If you would introduce us..."

"Aye, I'll certainly do that."

(Omni POV)

Casterly Rock

Solar of Lord Tywin Lannister

In the solar of his father, Escanor was going over some reports he had gotten from ravens from all over the Kingdoms.

He got to a special one that wrote of news about the feast. It seems the things that he had expected were indeed going as they were supposed to.

"Hehe, it seems the stage is set. Let the games begin then ..."

Tourney starts the next chapter. Hope you enjoy it.

Cedric_7512creators' thoughts
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