
Chapter 5 - Treaty of Laura

"When Milim said a Demon was vying to become a Demon Lord, I would never have suspected the demon would come from his family..." Guy sat down on his throne within the Frozen Continent, contemplating the events of the last Walpurgis.

Seeing another Demon Lord from the demon race rise was interesting no doubt, that demon brought with her so many questions, some of which caused him to question the very nature of demons.

"Just WHAT is that Demon?" Misery, Guy's green-haired primordial maid muttered with a mix of confusion and frustration.

"No clue," Guy said simply.

"What? Out of everyone I would've imagined you to know what she is." Misery asked in shock.

Guy shook his head and shrugged, "No clue. She seems to be part of Noir's family but at the same time…" Guy sighed, "If only that bastard wasn't so hard to find. He never stays in one place. He's the type of person who would only be found if he wanted to be found."

"Do you think the abnormalities of that Demon is Veldora's doing?" Rain, the blue-haired primordial maid serving Guy asked as she approached.

"I won't say it's impossible, but still… Why would he?" Guy muttered, "That Lizard isn't one to think ahead much"

"What's this about my idiot brother?" From one of the dozen hallways in the Frozen Castle came a girl with snow white hair that split into twin tails, blue eyes that could freeze any who looked at them for too long, and a dress that showed off their young looking body. Leaning against the chair while showing off her body as she listened with curiosity. Velzard, as a True Dragon, took quite an interest at the mention of her younger brother who she often had to 're-educate' on multiple occasions.

"Apparently he had named two individuals within the Great Jura Forest to protect his domain while he reincarnates. One of them is a strange Demon and the other seems to be a strangely powerful slime."

"Wait, has my brother actually not done something inherently stupid for once?!" Velzard asked in shock, surprised that Veldora would think more than a single step ahead.

"At least on the surface it seems like it, he named this demon 'Tanya' and now she's quite a powerful Demon Lord. She's probably the strongest of the newer generation. I would give her a few decades to a century to fully awaken in all honesty. She has already built up a nation and has effectively full control over the entire Jura Forest in his stead." Guy explained as Velzard listened with great interest.

"It's about time that moron got his act together. Who would've thought he'd get such powerful pawns so soon? Even so, are you sure this isn't just some Demon taking advantage of his disappearance?" While somewhat impressed at the possibility of Veldora finally learning after millennia of 'education', she still found it difficult to believe.

Guy leaned back in his chair, counting the stars in the artificial night sky above them, "I had also assumed that possibility myself until she showed a projection of Veldora. That alone wouldn't be enough to convince me, though Dagruel's vouching for them did help. What really stood out was Veldora mentioning Milim as 'his brother's only child'. Even if this demon managed to know what Veldora looked and sounded like, there was no way she would know about Milim unless someone like Veldora truly told her."

"I suppose there must be some truth to it then. It seems he has finally learned to not be a moron. But I suppose I'll just have to wait and see what he's like after he's reborn."

Guy nodded, "Yes, the main question for us now is what's up with the demon herself."

Velzard tilted her head, "What do you mean?"

"It's… complicated. I'm not fully sure how to describe it myself. In theory, one shouldn't be able to be part of two houses at once, yet…" Guy stood up from his throne and continued, "I may not be able to track down Noir right now, but I can find Blanc. She and I need to have a discussion. Even if she doesn't know anything, maybe she can provide some insight."

"Have fun with that, tell me if anything about my brother comes up." Velzard showed little interest in the 'strangeness' of this demon if it didn't have anything to do with her brother.

Guy left the room to prepare for his descent back into the depths of hell for the answers he needed. Ultimately, it didn't matter much to him what the answer was, but there was one potential theory that could have serious consequences if true. The consequences which may end up working to his detriment if he ends up unprepared for them.


The rumbling of tanks echoed through the countryside of the Beast Kingdom Eurazania. Heads turned as the beasts of both steel and magic moved through the paved dirt roads with surprising ease, their suspension and tracks making the vehicle seem unphased by the bumpy path ahead.

The tanks were painted a dark shade of grayish-blue, the only contrast being the golden symbol of a Dragon copied over on both sides of each tank. Each tank had with it a flag attached to its top, waving in the wind with the same symbol of a dragon in gold with rays of blue extending outward as if symbolizing the dragon as the rising sun of the nation.

Positioned Between two rows of five tanks were three carriages of luxurious detail. Being blue in color with golden-colored detailings all over, the carriages matched the colors of the flag. Leading the front carriage was a mighty dragon with red scales that gradiently turned orange near the bottom. While the dragon was undeniably strong, looking closely enough would cause one to tell it wasn't particularly proud.

The dragon had noticeably shrunk its size down, and while acting like a powerful dragon that demanded respect, clearly didn't think too favorably of pulling the carriage. The other two carriages were pulled by a powerful Direwolf and Blade Lion respectively, once more showing off the power this group had to so easily tame such powerful beasts.

While most could tell easily that the group radiated power and authority, few could even begin to guess with absolute certainty where they were from or what they were doing here. Only a few near the border actually had a reliable answer.

Within the carriage sat a demon who emanated more power and authority than the entire escort she brought with her. The black, red, and gold eyes without a speck of white were in stark contrast with their otherwise human appearance, though they matched the demon's black hair with a single red stripe perfectly.

The demon, Tanya, sat legs crossed in a maroon-colored three-piece suit with a long suit jacket. She also wore gloves with a darker maroon shade which matched her waistcoat in color. The neck brooch she wore had a large red jewel attached to it with three golden wings in a circular pattern around it. The jewelry would've been worth a lot on its beauty alone, but the power it had was far more valuable.

Across from the demon and sitting more casually was what appeared to be a blue-haired human of fairly androgynous features, albeit leaning more towards the feminine side. The outfit this person, Rimuru, wore was similar in aspects to Tanya's, with blue pants and a black waistcoat and a larger white shirt underneath. While Rimuru's outfit lacked the same suit coat that Tanya's had, he instead wore a cape with direwolf fur at the top. The cape was a tan color on the inside and a royal red on the outside, all of which gave Rimuru a much more regal look compared to his Chancellor counterpart.

Rimuru glanced out the window at the passing scenery, the cart ride was somewhat bumpy but with Tanya's subordinates having invented a carriage with suspension, it was far nicer than it would've otherwise been.

After a few moments of looking out the window, his gaze briefly turned to the Demon across from him, asking, "Mind telling me how you beating someone up leads to them wanting to discuss an alliance with us?"

Tanya moved her hand around as she messed with what appeared to be a floating model of one of Tanya's Magier tanks, though this one seemed to have numerous colored cores rather than a singular magicule one. This projection was a manifestation of her [Illusion Master] skill, but it was nonetheless useful for planning and mapping out various projects and changes to the design.

When Tanya first came to this world she knew nothing of the engineering she was now fairly decent at. The [Sage] skill mixed seamlessly with her traits as a demon allowing her to learn quickly, and now she considered herself fairly good at it. Enough so, at least, to work on improvements to models in her free time.

Not looking up from her projection, she commented, "Carrion and the Beast Kingdom have a strange form of meritocracy, in fact, one could argue it's much closer to a Kratocracy, though that statement isn't directly accurate. Their culture and nation seem to value strength above all, even to the extent that they shun those that aren't strong enough. It's a bit moronic if you ask me as even the weak can have their place, but it's their country, I suppose."

"So he LIKED getting his ass kicked? Sounds more like masochism than anything else to me." Rimuru once more returned to looking out the window as Tanya shrugged her shoulders.

"I wouldn't be that surprised, but I take it to be more that he has respect for anyone with the strength to deserve it. I'm a new Demon Lord, and after beating him up I've shown myself to be a potentially promising one at that. Among the younger generations of Demon Lords, he's been one of the most active in trying to secure his position and power. It's also possible he just likes our alcohol."

"So he thinks that you, as the youngest Demon Lord, would be eager for ties with other Demon Lords and wanted to get to you first? Is that why he fought you in the first place? To make first contact?"

Tanya moved around a red orb in her projection, messing with some of the machinery connected to it as she grumbled to herself before responding, "Possibly. He'd be right in thinking I would like more Demon Lord allies. The Demon Lords have resorted to majority votes and diplomacy for most affairs, so having more people willing to vote on my side is for the best."

Rimuru nodded along as his gaze turned down towards the Tanks driving parallel to their sides, "Alright, well, does that mean that we HAVE to have the Tanks? Are they even going to know what the hell these things are?"

The projection continued to move around as Tanya looked up at Rimuru, "I think anyone can take a good guess and realize that the Panzers are a show of power. It is basically a small mobile fortress of magisteel and that's before even accounting for its firepower which normally they would have no way of knowing about."

Rimuru turned his head and stared straight at Tanya, trying to make eye contact as Tanya's interest lay with her project, "Tanya… What do you mean by 'normally'?"

"You'll see," Tanya answered without looking up.

Rimuru sighed and once more turned to look out the window of the carriage as his skill [Great Sage] spoke to him.

«You should have anticipated this. The likelihood of this happening was-»

'Yeah, yeah, I get it! I really should stop getting surprised when Tanya does stuff like this. Maybe I should keep that pyrophiliac on a leash…'

«Chances of Survival under such a plan are 0.00000-»

'Great Sage.'





«There are eighteen million, nine hundred and three thousand, two hundred and twenty-eight zeros in your chances of survival.»

After a few more hours, the carriages began driving into the Beast Kingdom's capital, most moving out of the way as they approached the center.

After yet another few minutes of driving onwards, the tanks and carriages stopped just in front of a towering staircase that leads to the base of a massive waterfall ahead.

Turning their cannons inwards and upwards, the tanks fired into the air, the shells passing and crossing each other before exploding in the air in a blast of blues and golds. The colorful sparks from these explosions quickly fizzled out as Rimuru looked out the window, shaking his head.

"So you invented fireworks?"

Tanya waved her hand as her projection disappeared, "Compared to tanks, magical shields, and nuclear weapons, you'd find that fireworks are fairly easy to pull off. Besides, a lot of the goblins and kijin wanted them for festivals and feasts too."

Rimuru leaned against the window as he added, "I'm surprised, I didn't think it was even possible."

Tanya looked confused, "Fireworks? Even the ancient Chinese could make fireworks."

"No, for you to make something not inherently designed with the intention of killing people," Rimuru corrected.

Tanya gave Rimuru an unimpressed stare, pulling up a projection of another design as she made a wicked smile, "Well if you want to see something designed to kill people, here's something that can kill you."

"You made something to kill me?!"

"Not you specifically, but I did use you as a reference. It's incredibly inefficient in terms of magicule consumption, but it's meant to basically disintegrate anything it comes into contact with, allowing it to much more effectively harm someone with rapid regenerative abilities such as yourself."

"Good to know you have a contingency plan for when you plan to kill me."

"I have contingency plans against everyone, Rimuru, and that's not even my plan against you."

Rimuru made the mental decision to not take the conversation further as he focused on the task at hand, "Well, we're here, I suppose we should head out of this carriage."

Tanya once more dismissed the projection and nodded, "Agreed."

Tanya and Rimuru each stepped out of opposing ends of the carriage. Tanya stepped out on the left, meeting with Benimaru and Eiga who both shared nods with their leader. On the right, Rimuru stepped out and was met with Shion and Ranga, both eager to follow him into this endeavor. At the front of the cart was also Stella, though it was obvious she wasn't particularly happy about her role as a glorified packhorse.

At the foot of the stairs in front of the duo stood the Demon Lord Carrion with Albis and Suphia behind him like during Walpurgis. He approached Tanya and gave her a firm handshake with a wide smile, "Ha-ha! You sure know how to put on a show! I'd expect nothing less of a demon. I assume those big machines there are the types of stuff you spoke with Ramiris about. What'd you call them again? Panzers?"

Tanya accepted his handshake with the same firmness the large Demon Lord gave. Despite her appearance being no more than a teenager, her strength seemed to be easily on par with Carrion's. "Yep, Tempest's weapons of war. I doubt there's much the human nations could reliably throw at even just one of these things, though a powerful enough majin might have a good shot against it."

"I can tell! I'm sure plenty of my own forces might be able to take it down, but if you got a whole army of those things, I can see them getting overwhelmed."

"Aren't you spilling a bit too much information about your military strength, Carrion?" Tanya asked with a smirk.

Carrion let out a chuckle, "As if we didn't already know who was the stronger out of the two of us. Don't worry though, I'll catch up in no time, you won't be able to sit on that throne of strength forever." Carrion now turned to Rimuru who, despite being weaker than Tanya still showed off a considerable aura even while held back.

Rimuru offered a polite bow before introducing himself, "My name is Rimuru Tempest, King of the Imperial Tempest Federation. Though, I'm sure Tanya's already mentioned me. Regardless I come with more alcohol, I was told by Tanya you enjoyed it." Rimuru held up a wine bottle with a smile, managing to suppress his nervousness about meeting face-to-face with a Demon Lord perfectly.

Carrion gestured for Albis to take the bottle as he laughed, "Ha-ha! Tanya told you correctly. Well then, I am Demon Lord Carrion, the Beast Master of the Beast Kingdom of Eurazania." Carrion extended a hand for Rimuru to shake, giving another firm handshake to Rimuru as he did with Tanya before continuing, "Well then, now that formalities are handled, let's head inside for actual discussions."

The staircase to the top would've been long, tedious, and painful for the average person walking up it, though thanks to the strength and abilities of all present, the stairs were little more than a menial task. Finally at the top Carrion led them inside the castle and towards a simple, but nicely kept room where the meeting would take place.

The subordinates of all of them were dismissed and allowed to talk amongst each other as the three held their meeting in isolation within the room. Tanya and Rimuru sat next to each other across from Carrion who sat at the opposite end of a well-crafted table.

Rimuru seemed to be the only one holding the meeting to a more formal standard as both Tanya and Carrion seemed to take it more casually with the former only doing so after assuming the nature of the latter.

Starting the meeting off, Tanya says, "I have three main topics I want to discuss with you, first is trade relations, second is diplomatic relations, and third is the topic of research. I believe it's best if we start with trade."

Carrion nods along, "If it means getting more wine, I'm all for it. What did you have in mind?"

Rimuru had spent much of the car ride using [Great Sage] to calculate all the needs and potential exports of Tempest and running them through various simulations, with all of that he knew exactly what Tempest needed. As such, Rimuru took over, "Tempest resides within the center of the Great Forest of Jura. While much of our territory has fertile soil, the time and effort needed to clear out large stretches of forest for farmland is often better used in city expansion for our rapidly growing population. This has left us mostly with the grasslands within our more southern territories to contribute the bulk of our food. While we have enough for now, our population is soon to outgrow our food supplies, and progress on making farmlands in the south isn't fast enough to make up the difference."

"I suppose a whole nation can't live off the bounty of the forest forever," Carrion noted.

"We tend to have plenty of meat, but at the rate Tempest is growing, we won't be able to rely on it too heavily. We're also still trying to find animals that we can cultivate on a larger scale for meat, but cows need a lot, and pigs… well it wouldn't feel right to keep pigs as livestock with the Orcs around. Without trade with human nations, however, achieving both of those is basically impossible for quite some time. However, your nation has a lot of farmland, so Tempest would like to propose a trade deal with that in mind."

Carrion seemed to understand the gist, "So you want some agricultural produce and in exchange, we'll get more processed goods like alcohol and other items?"

Rimuru nodded, "Precisely. You export food, and we export wine, clothing, and other processed goods. Tanya here has quite some fancy technologies lined up, so we can probably export some of those to you too."

"With how fast you seem to be advancing technologically you'd best watch out for a Temna War."

Tanya took over once more and nodded, "We'll get to that later, but for now what are your thoughts on the trade arrangement?"

Carrion nodded, "Sounds good to me, the specifics can be dealt with after the main topics have been discussed."

With that, Tanya pushed onwards, "Next I would like to propose a military alliance between Eurazania and Tempest. This will also in effect make us allies as Demon Lords as well. Regardless of the case, in the event of war or a major disaster, our two nations and militaries will work together in the defense of one another."

Carrion made a light laugh and commented, "With the military might you possess on your own, I'd be a fool to turn you down on that offer. You have my promise that if and when war comes, you will have the Beast Kingdom's aid."

"Good, then we can move on to my last focus; research. As you mentioned all of this progress will likely bring about an attack from the heavens. In order to guard against it, Tempest has created the Tempest Research Institute, a research organization with researchers from Tempest and Dwargon all working for a few main goals. The first goal is progress in basic technologies to improve everyday life, the second is in self-defense, and the third is a guard against the heavens themselves. If you can send a few scientists of your own, Tempest will be more than happy to provide you with the benefits of its research."

"Hmm… We do have quite a few intellectuals here in the Beast Kingdom, but I'm afraid we're generally lacking compared to most. Though I do have an idea that may work. You see, in the Beast Kingdom we value strength above all, those without it usually find themselves on the outskirts of our society. However, by providing those without strength a chance to prove themselves through intelligence, I may have a few people to send to you over the course of the next months and years," Carrion explained as Tanya listened on.

Satisfied enough with the answer, Tanya responded "That'll do. Now for the specifics of the treaty… Rimuru?"

Tanya turned towards Rimuru as he had [Great Sage] write out a more in-depth and specific treaty according to the discussions they had already had. Producing a small stack of paper, Rimuru held it out and handed it to Carrion who read through it thoroughly.

After a few minutes of reading he placed the paper on the desk, saying "Seems well to me. I read through that proposal of a road connecting Eurazania to Tempest and I do believe I can agree to the conditions there as well."

"If there's nothing else, I believe all that's left is to sign the papers." After saying this, Tanya slid the papers over to Rimuru who signed first, followed shortly afterward by Carrion's own signature.

With that, the Treaty of Laura was signed and the Imperial Tempest Federation and the Beast Kingdom Eurazania were now officially allies.

Stepping out of the meeting room a few minutes later the three noticed a significant lack of most of the subordinates they had come with. Rather than the six that were supposed to be waiting there, all that was left were Rimuru's subordinates Shion and Ranga.

Confused but already beginning to guess where they were, Tanya asked, "Alright, where did they go?"

Shion folded her arms and explained, "Well Eiga and that Suphia girl immediately went out to spar. As for Benimaru and the Albis woman, Albis invited Benimaru for a date around the capital. She technically didn't call it a 'date' but I feel like that's what it obviously was."

"Well good on Benimaru I suppose. It's probably best if we don't intrude on that or the crazy cat lady sparring sessions. If you see either of them, tell them we're leaving in a few hours," Tanya ordered as she went to discuss more things with Carrion with Rimuru simply taking his subordinates out to get food somewhere.

"Seems our subordinates are really taken with each other," Carrion comments.

Tanya rolled her eyes as she began to walk back into the meeting room, "Let's just hope you don't need to give a certain snake maternity leave anytime soon. Wait, would a snake lycanthrope lay eggs or- No, don't answer that."


The Tempestian diplomatic visit officially ended several hours later as Tanya had planned. Luckily Benimaru had returned to the group a good bit before that, though was visibly flustered and Tanya could've sworn his Kimono was a bit messier than when they first arrived. Eiga was found mostly unharmed and with Suphia being a battered mess. According to Eiga though, she had apparently 'improved significantly' over their countless sparring.

By the time the escort once more returned to Tempest, it had been a few days since their escort initially left and as they approached Stella seemed to grow more nervous.

After a while, Tanya received a [Thought Communication] from Stella as she muttered {'H-Hey… Maybe we should… wait to go back into Tempest? Surely there's a long way around here somewhere…'}

Tanya sighed, {'What is it, Stella?'}

{'W-Well I feel the presence of my brother and frankly, I don't want to see him.'}

{'Your brother? What's wrong with him? Don't tell me he's about to try rampaging through Tempest.'} Tanya grumbled through Thought Communication.

{N-No nothing like that… He's just scary.'}



{'You're an evolved Element Dragon. I think you'll be fine.'} Tanya reassured the dragon, hiding her annoyance.

{'You sure?'}


It didn't take long for the dragon to be spotted as the dark red dragon loomed over the trees with his draconic arms folded across from each other. His scales were a much darker color than Stella's, and his Draconic form was more bulky than Stella's much smoother form. His horns were longer and more curved than Stella's short and straight ones.

As Tanya stepped out of the carriage, Stella took her human appearance and followed closely behind Tanya.

As they neared the Dragon she heard it talking, "When's your leader getting here? I've been waiting all day."

Tanya noticed the dragon surrounded by the bulk of the Blade Lions and even some Direwolves. Despite the dragon being much stronger than Stella was before being named, even he wouldn't have much of a chance against all the monsters he was surrounded by.

Stepping out from the tree line Tanya looked up at the Dragon and asked, "Alright, I'm the Chancellor of this nation, what are you here for?"

The dragon lowered his head and gave a nod in respect, "Greetings Chancellor, I have come looking for my sister."

'Jeez this guy's a lot better mannered than I expected. No wonder he's so casual about being surrounded by the Blade Lions, he probably never intended to attack us.'

"Can I ask why?"

The dragon nodded, "My sister has a tendency to go out and burn down random things. For the most part she avoided human retaliation by attacking things like abandoned castles or underdeveloped wilderness, but when she went out to go into the Jura forest she never returned. I do believe she is still alive, in fact I can see her barely hiding behind that tree over there." He pointed to the forestline behind Tanya as Tanya rested her face in her hands.

"Yeah, that's her. I've recruited her to handle any dragons that come by from the north so as to prevent us from being attacked, at least without notice. If possible I was hoping to recruit some for my own nation. I don't really mind handing her over but she does say she's scared of you."

The mighty dragon let out a long sigh, "She's not scared of me exactly, it's more likely that she's scared I'll have to ground her again. It annoys me as her brother to do so, but each time she goes off on her own it hurts the faction's reputation."

Tanya looked curious, "Factions?"

"Ah, up in the northern mountains around Dwargon there are numerous draconic factions vying for land and power. Most humans don't disturb us up there, and as such we have devolved into in-fighting. I am the leader of one of these factions as was our father, but since his death, we've not been in the best position strategically. I consider myself a competent leader at least, but I'm limited in how much I can do with what we have. My sister going off on these random raids is only making the situation worse."

Tanya placed her hand on her chin for a moment and considered her options. In the end, her decision was quite simple, "I have an offer for you in that case."

"An offer?" The dragon asked.

"Yes. You and your faction can serve under our military and we'll give you everything you need. We have a large cave system for you all to build your homes in if you'd like, or we could accommodate you in other ways. Whatever the case, you'll be under our protection and care so long as you serve under me."

The dragon seemed to take the offer with some consideration, "Maybe… Considering our position it is an enticing offer. May I ask what you go by, Demon?"

"I am the Demon Lord Tanya von Tempest as well as Chancellor of the Imperial Tempest Federation of which we are within."

"Demon Lord?!" The dragon shouted in shock, taking a step back.

"Recently recognized, but yes. Now then, do you accept my offer?" Tanya asked once more.

The dragon bowed its head, "It would be an honor to serve under a Demon Lord if you will have me."

Tanya smiled as she acquired yet another powerful asset. "In that case, your name will be Doug!"

The dragon nodded and began to glow, shrinking down into human form as unlike his sister, he seemed to understand the concept of clothing. The outfit he wore was a tan military uniform with a hat and sunglasses. Tanya decided not to question where he learned of sunglasses, assuming he noticed some of the goblins with them after the Orcs had invented them a month or so prior. The hat held a symbol of a dragon with a pair of wings outstretched positioned similarly to the Imperial Fag of the Empire, though with only one Dragon head.

As Doug offered a salute, Rimuru walked in from the forest, asking, "Alright, what's going on."

Tanya smiled and began walking to town, "Just recruited another dragon. If you don't mind, could you give him a place to stay for the night? I need to plan out some places for a large group of dragons to live in the cave."

"A largewhatnow?" Rimuru asked quickly, however, Tanya was gone before she could bother answering.

Rimuru, by this point, was no longer surprised at Tanya's acquisition of more powerful 'assets' and simply went with the flow. After introducing himself as the King of Tempest, he helped the Dragon to a room to spend the night.


Thanks to various editors and helpers on the Discord who helped with things like plot decisions, grammatical errors, and other aspects of the chapter:

Terraman60, Phymiath, Dtrackt, Cat

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