
Russian Mob Pt. 1

"Wh-Wh-Why are you dressed like that?!" Mikan shouted out at Florence while she kept her hands firmly over my eyes.

"Dressed like what? Oh this? Isn't it best for a medical practitioner to wear clothes for the environment they are in? Besides a nurse should never get flustered with what they wear as long as they focus on healing and saving others in a sterile and cleanly environment!" She said with a voice full of conviction and determination back at her.

Both me and Mikan were surprised that she could say that with a straight face, but she is a berserker that only cares about healing others, though while we were both stunned, Florence moved Mikan's hands from my face as she gave me a once over.

"Sudden development of minor Epistaxis(Nosebleed) in the patient, wears glasses but appear to be nonprescription as eyesight is exceptional, healthy, fit, appears to have lost well over a hundred pounds in less than a years time, a healthy diet and plenty of exercise has helped patient lose weight in a proper way, conclusion besides the minor Epistaxis patient appears to be in perfect condition, no real treatment is needed." She said as she did a quick once over of my body before pulling out some tissues and handing them to me to deal with my nosebleed.

But hearing all this Mikan got stars in her eyes, "Ooooh! You were able to notice everything that Hifumi had been going through in the last few months at merely a glance, Mrs. Nightingale I wish to learn from you in the ways of medicine and how I can save even more people!" She said as she jumped up and grabbed Nightingale's hands.

"Hmmm, it seems my commander has great interest in the field of Medicine just as I do, very well, I shall help you learn everything I know and make so more lives can be saved through the power of medicine, cleanliness and sanitation!" She said before she grabbed Mikan and began to drag her off.

"Florence! Remember proper rest is needed for one to properly absorb any and all knowledge when given to them!" I shouted out as she turned and looked at me.

"Your words will be taken into account my commanders lover, don't worry I won't work her to the bone, that wouldn't be healthy for her at all." She said with a nod before they left with Mikan waving goodbye as she looked excited to learn from Florence.

"Haaaa…. Good thing using Anti-Spiral on my crotch can keep me from getting a boner, cause damn was she hot." I say as I lay back down on the beach chair and relax.

"Now then, we just need to wait for the Russian dogs to enter the lions den." I say as I grab the juice and drink it as I relax, now all that's left is to wait.



Three days later

'Master, they are arriving.' Serenity said to me as I opened my eyes.

It was a bit after dinner time and the sun had finally set, during these past few days I've been having fun messing around with everyone on this vacation, but me, Nekomaru, and Peko have been aware of what is to come the entire time.

'Looks like it's time.' I say as I get off the couch and lay the sleeping Mikan down on the couch.

Florence was cleaning her revolver as she looked at me stand up, "We have enemies approaching, Keep Mikan safe, me and the others can handle them." I say to her.

"Are you sure you do not require my assistance? My commander said to help you if you ever require it after all." She said as she looks at the sleeping Mikan who has a happy smile on her face.

"No, you are more needed protecting her than worrying about me, unless they rain hellfire from the sky down onto me, nothing can really hurt me in this world." I say as I put on some casual clothes and summon Yamato before pulling out my phone and sending a text to Peko and Nekomaru.

'There coming' I text before putting my phone away and heading out, are set meeting place is the main villa where both me and Nekomaru were heading to.

Soon enough Nekomaru reached me as we both headed into the main villa where we met with Peko and Fuyuhiko who were waiting for us.

"I understand Nekomaru to come and help with this fucking mess, but Hifumi? I didn't think your the fighting type, I mean I know your training with Nekomaru, sparing with Akane and learning swordsmanship from Peko, but that's different from actually killing people you know?" He says as he looks me over with a squint in his eyes.

He and his sister were told about this the night we got here, they were both pissed that some guys would come on his territory and go after one of his friends to hold her hostage, even though Peko didn't want him to get involved, he wasn't going to just sit on the sidelines and watch it all go down.

Peko does have experience in killing as she has killed assassins sent to kill Fuyuhiko and his sister plenty of times before, Nekomaru hasn't killed before but he's been in plenty life and death fights before so he has no qualms in killing if it means he protects who he cares about, like his friends.

"True, you guys don't know about my past, and frankly it doesn't matter, no I've never killed anyone with my hands, but after plenty of life changing experiences, any fears I once had are no longer there and I will do whatever I can to protect my friends, even if my hands are stained I won't hate myself for what I do here tonight, besides I always have back up, Fuyuhiko has Peko, then I have Serenity." I say before they suddenly see a black cloud of darkness appear as it hides Serenity's manifestation from them all.

Peko and Nekomaru tense up but I calm them down, "Easy guys, she's on my side, this is Serenity, she is the one who relayed the info to me on their movements." I say introducing her to them.

"Master, they have arrived on the other side of the island and are making there way here." Serenity relayed to us.

"How many are we dealing with?" I say as I click Yamato out of its sheathe.

"50, all using Makarovs with silencers attached." She told us all, making Fuyuhiko click his tongue.

"So they were planning to go silent in this, but enough men to cause issue if we went in the way to protect Sonia." He said getting pissed before I went over to a bust of their father where they pop the head up and press a button.

Doing so several panels on the wall which show a bunch of weapons with silencers on them.

"Ohohoho, Fuyuhiko my man, you have been holding out on us." I smirk as I look at the guns on the wall and grin at all the weapons that showed up.

"Well hello there beautiful." I say as I grab myself a pair of silenced Silverballer pistols to take for my own as I looked at them with a grin.

"Oy! Those are mine!" But I just hold them up above his head out of his reach.

"Whoa there, wouldn't the Desert Eagle do you, nah that should be Nekomaru's, I think the PPK's suit you more." I said with a grin as I messed with him.

"Are you fucking making fun of my height asshole!" He said getting pissed as I kept the M1911A1 SilverBallers out of his reach.

"What? I know you can handle the recoil on those than these babies, besides it's the only pair of guns you can hide on your person of your stature."

"Your really making fun of my height Bastard!" He said as he kept chasing me around the room.

"Master, they will arrive in 5 minutes." Serenity decided to cut our messing around short and get us serious.

"Fine! You owe me later for letting you use my personal favorite guns…." Fuyuhiko said as he reluctantly took the dual PPK's after giving up on taking the SilverBallers back from me.

"Alright, let's get to work." I say with a grin as we prepare for war.

But in reality it really was just a one sided massacre.

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