

Another month went by, making it Adam's third month of living in the world of Randail.

His progress in improving himself continued, his fat continued to lower, and his strength continued to grow. His knowledge of the world not lagging behind.

He had reached level 20, earning the [Adept] title and 25 more stat points.

A slight surprise was that his appearance stat increased by a few decimal points as his weight-loss journey went on.

Adam had sufficiently adapted to wearing his new plate armor, and wielding his custom-made halberd without them significantly impacting his endurance.

Like he had thought, his strength and endurance went up a bit with excessive conditioning pushing his body to it's limits.

Feeling ready, he requested to be able to go out into Erustus, and become an adventurer, which he stated was to gain real experience.

Thankfully, King Lucius permitted it.

Adam was given 9 months.

Having not been provided details on the time range, he put the question of why that was aside.

He said a brief goodbye to Elaina, Areis, and Merandin, having been given some coin his journey into the world of Randail began in earnest.

He had learned a great deal, he wanted to see the land he would be protecting as a Hero, in the conflict to come.

Adam geared up-- his plate armor on, with a filled leather pack, medallion & map, his halberd in his grip, took his first personal steps outside.

The sunlight melding into his figure.

His first destination was the premier adventurer's guild located in Walcon.

Deciding against the easy road, his walk to Walcon began.

Adam barely felt fatigue as his march progressed.

Hours of walking passed.

The cobblestone under his feet becoming grass, slowly transitioning into a dirt path.

He saw something in his vision that eased out a smile on his face.

A carriage.

Its trajectory wavering with the breeze of the wind.

Zagging left and right, it expanded in Adam's vision. Horses neighing, a coachman steering, a dust cloud gathering as they rushed forth.

The carriage closing in allowed Adam to see holes that pierced the frame of it.

It was damaged.

He was sure that it wasn't due to poor maintenance, the crazy zagging movement allowed him to recognize that they were being chased.

A arrow piercing the carriage affirming it.

He knew this development.

A subtle surge of excitement shot through his veins.

Bad guys were on the way.

As he had fought goblins and trained with human opponents, he was not too anxious.

He maintained his present pace.

Soon, the carriage was a mere several feet away.

Trailing them were a few rough-looking people screaming on horseback wearing leather gear, with wicked expressions and blunt blades.

There was no doubt.

Adam took a deep breath.

If he got involved, he would be taking human lives. Fiendish or not, they were humans all the same.

He supposed it was a benefit to overcome this now, than later, when the stakes would be higher than ever.

The carriage was inches away, the coachman recognizing his proximity, he pulled at the reins to move away.

Unstably, their escape resumed.

The bandits not far off, Adam demanded: "Halt."

They snarled, tickled by Adam's request, their horses showed no signs of slowing down.

A malicious laughter of the one leading the horse pack rang out.

Adam could just get out of their way.

But, he knew that would be ill-advised.

Changing his grip on the halberd, Adam stood still.

Adam's gaze furrowed, exhaling a deep breath, as his body motioned into a thrust with his halberd forward.

The bandits holding in laughter continued on, the leader coming into contact with the halberd's blade.

Flying back, the bandit fell off their horse, the halberd sinking into their leather armor, they crashed to the ground.

The other bandit's expressions immediately turned serious, when they saw their leader on the ground. Blood dripping from his mouth, unconscious.

The horse of the leader charged around Adam as it fled, riderless.

Adam having pulled the halberd back to his side, immediately set his sight on the nearest of the other bandits.

Rallying together, they moved towards Adam, their horses galloping fiercely.

Within moments, they were at Adam's position.

Adam moved to avoid being trampled by the horses, but still enough for the bandits to make their moves.

In motion, they swung down their weapons.

Holding the haft of the halberd, a cold rumble echoed, as he blocked.

A shiver rushing through his body at the impact, Adam drove his halberd up, slamming against the face of a bandit, causing them to collide to the ground.

The other bandit grimaced, and descended from his horse.

Reaching for a second weapon that was holstered, two iron weapons shone in front of Adam.

Adam went for an overhead strike, that was barely blocked by the bandit, before Adam struck his leg out, landing between the bandit's legs.

Their pupils jammed up as if possessed, they fell to their knees, falling face first.

The last bandit maneuvered hesitantly, taking out a bow, swiftly nocking a arrow.

Adam not being so merciful, shot out his halberd, arms extended, the blade embedding into their stomach.

Straining, he exerted more effort, grunting, the blade shot the rest of the way through the bandit's abdomen.

Defiantly the arrow almost ready to shoot out, they started pulling back the string.

Throwing his armored elbow at their face, they lost consciousness, their intensity sinking like a boulder in the ocean.

The horses galloped out of his way, neighs escaping as they zagged in multiple directions.

He could try to learn horseback riding, but, now wasn't the time.

Seeing the slow heaving breaths of the unconscious bandits, he put strength into his arms, gripping the halberd tightly.

They were seriously injured, but he could not leave the possibility for their survival.

Seeking to block off the growth of future guilt, if something should happen, if the bandits lived through this day, he gulped.

His eyes landing on the bandit's whose breaths quivered.

Adam looked back, seeing the shrinking carriage, and set his eyes back on the bandits.

His halberd's grip tightening to the point of a sharp pain in his hands.

Adam's pupils becoming jagged.

His swung down.

A swishing sound rang, their wavering labored breaths dispersed to a flattening silence.

Adam's chest felt heavy, as if he had ingested something rotten.

Unable to resist the urge, he emptied his stomach.

The bright sky that had encircled his vision dimming to a colder, darker blue. Daylight becoming evening.

Wiping his mouth, Adam cried out: "Disgusting!"

The sound of a notification echoed in his ears as he grasped at his face, taking a moment to breath, a frown etched on his face.

So that's what it felt like to take the life of another person.

It was wretched.

His pupils dragged to the blue screen in his sight.

It hung in his face, like a whimpering dog.

His grim gaze slightly softening.

The corners of his mouth smoothing.

But, it had to be done.

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