

Adam knew better than to charge at the wolf, weaponless, and with no combat skills to speak of, it would end poorly in the best of cases.

His thoughts which would have previously in tatters, having caught sight of the wolf, surprisingly did not overwhelm him. It allowed him to be level-headed. His dauntless courage skill settled his anxieties. He was especially thankful that he had gained this skill for this moment.

He might have made a mistake like try to run without it, which could potentially be heard by the wolf, making him it's next meal.

He felt it best to wait for the wolf to leave than to toy with the risk of escaping openly.

As he waited, he sat down at the tree that obscured him, the sky filled with hints of inky darkness.

Eventually, the wolf left.

He was in the clear now.

Waiting a few more minutes to be sure that there were no animals, beasts or monsters prowling around, he made his way to the river.

His parched throat relieved as he cupped water from the stream into his mouth.

He looked around, and saw a few fish swimming along the stream.

This would greatly aid him.

He had found a source of water, and food.

He felt lucky.

However, not wanting to be brazen in standing in the open in the growing darkness, where he was

at the greatest risk, in the forest, he withdrew.

Thinking, he considered where he should sleep.

It was too dangerous to sleep on the ground.

A cave was also a no, for there were none, and there was no telling if there was a bear

or other animals, that claimed it.

His best option, he believed, was to climb a tree that had especially large branches, and try to nap there.

That way nearly all dangers in the forest, he assumed would not be able to reach him. It also allowed him to see from a larger vantage point.

Adam examined the trees in his line of sight.

After glancing about for a minute, he locked his gaze on a tree that would be suited to rest upon.

He had no tree-climbing ability, however, it was a hurdle he had to face now.

Adam did not overestimate his abilities, just because he could be relatively calm in this environment.

Anything could be starting to stir in the darkness. He quickly began trying to climb the base of the trunk. He was glad he kept his old shoes, that allowed a better climbing grip.

He made a foot up the tree before sliding off the trunk.

Adam took a double take at the darkness, to be certain nothing was sneaking up on him.

He saw nothing, in his limited vision.

Getting back to climbing, he made it a bit further up the tree, reaching a few feet higher this time.

Nevertheless, he still fell back to the ground.

This situation was not good.

He had already been trying to climb for a few minutes.

Something could appear at any moment.

He knew that most forest animals had excellent night-vision.

Which made his inability to climb the tree swiftly, a much more dire predicament.

He tried a few more times, looking over his shoulder each attempt just to be safe.

Gradually, his climbing skills improved.

In his next attempt, he nearly had reached a branch, when he had sunken to the forest floor once more.

Suddenly, he heard a crunch.

His eyes piercing the darkness for any silhouettes, found one.

Its eyes seemed to glow in the night.

As it neared, the moonlight revealed more of its body.

It was a fox.

It looked over, its eyes examining Adam who was clutching the tree, before it skipped and bounded across the moonlit forest.

A drop of sweat fell from Adams face.

With greater vigor, Adam got back to climbing the tree.

At last, his footing stable, he was able to climb to the height of a branch, that was several feet off the ground.

He reached for it, kicking himself off the trunk for a boost, for the notable distance.

He successfully was able to grab hold of it, but his feet hung in the air.

Wiggling his body up on the branch, more of his leg on the branch, gradually he was able to be fully on it.

Taking a breath, he looked below, before pulling himself back, as he saw shadows begin to move around in earnest.

This was their time.

Adam thought he could sleep, however, he saw something familiar.

His hair on end, he saw the wolf striding forward, a few feet from the base of his tree.

Adam did not believe that wolves could climb trees. He wasn't sure that the wolf had sensed him by the stream either.

Not able to be certain, he had to hold off on sleeping till the danger passed.

The wolf sniffed around the trunk of the tree, it gazed upward. But, Adam that laid aligned to the trunk, avoided detection.

It tried to sniff around some more, as if it caught a scent of interest. Unfortunately,

it could not find its origin after half an hour, and begrudgingly scampered off.

Relieved he was not noticed, Adam tried to settle in, to sleep on the wide branch of the tree.

His eyelids amassed weight, as his exhaustion took over.

Watching the stars, his vision narrowed.

On the verge of sleeping, Adam heard a noise he did not ever desire to hear. Causing his eyes to spring back open.

A long-held cry, that pierced the night, and drove Adam to complete wakefulness echoed in the forest. A howl that melded together gradually with others.

A forest choir, that was ready to hunt.

Groaning, Adam knew, sleeping would have to wait.

With several wolves around, the luck that allowed him to avoid the first wolf, may not hold out.

Shortly after, silence took reign of the forest.

He slowly eyed the ground.

The shadows shifted again, a blob of darkness pulling out, forming a distinct silhouette.

Their feet scrambling forward.

Ragged breathing and the swishing sound of air, their arms swaying.

It was a person.

Swiftly, in the distance, several quadrupedal shadows trailing them emerged, their growls deafening and guttural.

Adam could now clearly see the person.

It was Marcaine, his breath faltering as he cursed.

The shadows trailing them revealed to be wolves.

He was being hunted.

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