
Chapter 12

Omg we're almost at 1k in just two weeks🥺 Thank you to everyone who's reading. The first time readers and the one's who've been with me from the start...And ofcourse those who recommended it to thier friends. Thank you for the support and encouragement💕.

One more thing...You can now vote for the story. I really hope everyone keeps enjoying the story.


*Louis POV*

I get into Xh university as a humanities major. Endo was is a dentistry major.A few weeks into freshman year of college I run into Elsie...turns out she goes here too,I later find out that she's also a humanities major, even though we were in different departments we'd still run into each other on several occasions. I also notice her hanging around with Endo so I asked Jayden and he said they'd talked and Endo had forgiven her. To be honest after they broke up Endo wasn't really himself anymore, he'd randomly space out, he didn't talk much anymore, didn't even nag me anymore and from what Jayden told me after they'd moved... he'd randomly drink till passed out and rejected literally everyone who made a move on him without a second glance. So it really made sense to me that they made up and even though they weren't dating I just knew for a fact that it'd eventually happen.

One day I walk into the school library to make research for an assignment we had and I see Endo with Elsie whispering and silently giggling with each other, it reminded me of that night I first saw her. I turn around to leave and slam my head right into someone's chest

"ow"I wince as I look up...it's Jayden

"Hey Jayden"

he throws a quick glance behind me and then returns his gaze to me, I guess he noticed.

"Sup pretty?...wanna do something fun?"he says smiling at me.

"Come on" he says as he takes my hand and starts walking out of the library, He ends up taking me to a cafe.

"I thought you said we were going to do something fun" I say with a brow up

"Wait till you see the inside"

We walk in and it pretty much looks like any other cafe I've seen before but obviously I don't say anything,we order our coffee,make payments and a key is given to Endo. He starts walking in the direction of a door on the right and I follow him, we pass through the door and there's a flight of stairs...So there's an underground floor,now I see what he means. Once we're down, I'm even more blown away. It's like a library down here...Comic's,history books,research books, literally every kind of book was here and what was even more?! was that there were private rooms,there were still chairs and tables outside of the rooms...but if you wanted privacy you could also get it. This was like going karaoke except it was books instead of music.

"So...what do you think?" Jayden says with a smirk

"I've been here half a year and you're just telling me about this place, I thought we were friends?"I say sniffing like I'd been crying

He just let's out a small laugh and says

"Well now you know, don't you?" He says rolling his eyes

"Grab the books you need for your report,I paid for five hours....if you finish on time we could read a few comic books,play games and even play loud music if you want, the rooms are sound proof"

"oh I like the sound of that alright"

"Of course you do"

Jayden and I had bonded over the last two years of highschool and I ended up telling him about my crush on Endo,how I had confessed and how I'd been rejected, it also Turns out we have allooot in common.Honestly...he's nicer than i'd thought.He never did anything that made me uncomfortable and whenever he noticed I was bummed he'll do anything he could to make me feel better. He never asked me about things related to me and Endo and listened whenever I wanted to rant. Why can't I just fall for him instead? I bet I'd be much more happy if it was him I had feelings for.

I finish my report two hours before our time is up so we end up snacking out and reading comics while listening to music. Once our time is up we head out and I take out my phone for the first time since we got here, A text from Endo pop's up...

"Lou guess what?..."

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