
Chapter 8

*Louis POV*

When we get back Jayden is gone, Endo ask's his parents and tell him he'd gotten a call from his parents so he left. Elsie show's up almost immediately looking panicked, she then pulls Endo away...they return a few minutes late and we head home. Endo's parents host a mini party to celebrate Endo graduating. Our parents go to bed as well as endo's younger siblings leaving just the two of us with the alcohol,after a few drinks I get tipsy and find myself blabbing about how I'd fallen in love with Endo to him...I remember getting pissed because he'd said I was like a little sister to him and even scolding him then breaking down into tears, After that I remember nothing else.

The next day I wake up with a hangover and a text from Endo saying he and Elsie had broken up, I panic thinking she'd dumped him after finding out i liked him so I rush over to his place. What I hear when I get there though makes me angry instead...Turns out she'd been two timing him and her 'reason' was that she thought there was something going on between Endo and I.

'God people can be so annoying' if she thought he was cheating, why didn't she just break up with him then?Huhh...

A few weeks have passed and it was now time for Endo and Jayden to move. While Endo is moving the last of his stuff into his trunk Jayden walks up to me and says...

"Hey uhm...I know we're not exactly close but I was wondering if i could get your number so that we can stay in touch?!"

"Sure"I say smiling at him and taking his phone from him. I type in my phone number and hand him his phone.

"Thanks" he says before walking back to Endo's car. As they're driving off he looks at me and smiles then waves us goodbye.

I shuffle through the rest of highschool just waiting to graduate cause to me... highschool was boring without Endo. Finally I graduate and get into the same University with Endo. With my grades most people thought I'd go for an Ivy league university but there weren't any ivy league schools close to Endo so I went for his instead.


'Hector Morge'

The second son of the morge family and the rebel. Is currently 17 years old. Has had a crush on Lou for as long as he could remember but never said anything about it.


Black hair

Green eyes

Bracket smile


Veiny hands




popular and knows it

Dog lover


Golden retriever energy


Flirty but is always clear bout his intentions.

Loves sports

music lover

'Hazel Morge'

Only daughter of the morge family and Hectors twin.


Black hair

Green eyes

Bracket smile



Has fangs and bunny teeth




popular and knows it

Dog lover


Golden retriever energy


Loves reading

writes as well


Hii everyone and welcome new reader's don't give up now🌚 we're getting to the good part🤭.

writing really isn't easy so please refer your friends if you've liked the story so far.

Byeeeeee😘see y'all again tomorrow

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