
Monster Protection Team

The next day I was resting in my room and recovering from the traumatic experience I endured from yesterday. I soon woke up and noticed Orimi sleeping next to me, sitting in a chair and her arms and head was resting against the bed. I looked over and noticed Rimuri sleeping in the bed with me fully naked.

I grunted and sat up quickly and looked at Rimuri. I touched her skin and noticed she wasn't slimy at all. I sighed and heard Orimi grunting softly.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Big Brother..?"

I looked over at Orimi and smiled. I rubbed her hair then grunted as I felt a sharp pain in my arm. "I guess I haven't fully recovered yet.."

"Lay...down..." Rimuri mumbled and slightly opened her eyes.

Orimi looked at Rimuri and noticed she was naked. "Eh?! Rimuri! Put some clothes on!"

"No!" Rimuri whined and sat up. "I don't wanna! And I don't have to listen to you! You're not my human!"

"Put some clothes on.." I sighed.

"Fiiine.." Rimuri sighed softly.


The three of us walked into the living room and I noticed Mae sitting on the couch talking to Ochiyo on her phone.

"Yeah...I understand." Mae said then sighed.

"I'm not upset with you, but using your device for unauthorized reasons is a violation to the code. I understand you want to protect Yoshida, but your first priority is eliminating the threats." Ochiyo said.

"Yes, Commander." Mae said.

"As long as we're tracking." Ochiyo said then hung up.

"What was that about?" I asked.

Mae looked back at us then stood up. "Nothing much, just getting an earful from Commander Ochiyo for using my Signal Tracker to help you avoid the MHF. I've been put on a week suspension from all applications of the MHF, so I'm stuck here until next week."

"That sucks." I said then noticed Fujin making breakfast in the kitchen. "Good morning, Fujin!"

"Well good morning, Hero~" Fujin chuckled and turned off the stove and looked at us. "If you're all hungry, the food is ready."

I smiled and nodded. The house phone began to ring and I walked over to the phone and noticed it was an unknown number. I declined the call and it just called again. I declined and once more the phone rang.

I sighed and picked up the phone. "Hello? Yoshida speaking. If you want money, I'm broke. If you're wondering about my car, that shits totaled. If you're wondering about the house, it's a rental."

A woman laughed on the phone and sighed. "I'm not calling about that. I recently watched your two performances with Rimuri and Karasu. I'm interested in meeting up today."

"Who are you?" I asked.

Orimi and Rimuri stood close to me, seeing if they could hear anything. Mae and Fujin was also curious.

"My name is Himeko Amaya. Commander of the MPT." Himeko said.

"M...PT?" I asked. "If you're calling me to help with destroying Monsters, I decline."

"No no, love. I work with Protecting them." Himeko said.

I stayed silent a bit and put the phone on speaker so everyone around could hear. "Go on."

"After the first Collosal Burst that happened a month ago by Rimuri, I was too wanting to kill them since I used to work for the MHF 20 years ago. After seeing your performance and studying you, I think you'll be a perfect fit for the Monster Protection Team." Himeko explained.

Rimuri looked a bit surprised that there is a team dedicated to saving people like her. She stayed silent and looked at me.

"Where do you want to meet?" I asked.

"Let's meet at Asamaki Riverwalk." Himeko said.

"That's like a 30 minute ride by train, but I'll be there." I said.

"Great, see you soon~" Himeko said then hung up.

"Monster Protection Team. This is the first I've heard of them." Mae said.

"Yeah...me too." I said then put the phone back on the charger. "I'll leave here after I've eaten breakfast, I actually want to taste Fujin's excellent cooking."

Fujin smiled and nodded. "Let us eat then. I know you'll enjoy my culinary dish."


After eating, I got packed up to go meet Himeko at the Riverwalk. Orimi was like a doting mother asking if I had everything. I reassured her I had everything I needed.

"I'm off!" I said then gave Orimi an eskimo kiss then walked to the front door and was stopped by Rimuri.

"You're not leaving yet without kissing me!" Rimuri pouted.

I chuckled a bit and leaned forward to kiss her lips. Rimuri kissed back and felt some of energy being slightly absorbed. I pulled away and felt my heart beat hard once then returned to normal. My body gained a bit of a tingly sensation.

Rimuri blushed and held her cheeks. "That kiss was more than perfect.."

I smiled at her then felt Mae grab my arm then she pulled me into a kiss. Rimuri's jaw dropped as she watched. Mae deepened the kiss then pulled away, leaving behind a trail of saliva between us.

"Be safe." Mae said.

I nodded and a blush ran across my face. "I will."

"Yoshida!" Fujin called out then tossed me a bottle of juice he made from the fresh fruit he picked up before I had woke up.

I caught it and smiled. "Thanks."

"Go get em, Tiger!" He chuckled.

I nodded and left the house and ran toward the train station. My body felt more light as I ran, it was like I had become slightly faster. As I ran I felt movement in my bag then stopped to open my bag then noticed one of Rimuri's blobs poke out.

"What the hell..? What are you doing here?" I asked.

The blob was a different color than her usual blobs. It was light blue and actually had a cute face. "Hiya!~ I'm Bip!~ Rimuri sent me to look out for you because she's worried that this might be a trap."

"Bip. Well I guess you're stuck with me now." I smiled and watched Bip leap onto my head. I chuckled and continued to the train station. "So why do you look different from her other White Blobs?"

"Because I'm a Slime!~ She has others of all different shapes and colors. For her to make something like me, she used one white blob set me in nature. For me I was set in Water!" Bip said.

"Ahh. Do you have a gender?" I asked.

"I am a woman. In fact most Monsters are women. Very rarely do we obtain a male monster, but when we do he's used as the main breeding mate since most Male monsters are relatively weak." Bip said and looked around.

"I see, I see. Well you might want to hide since humans aren't too keen on monsters." I said. "Even cute ones like you."

Bip blushed and transformed into a necklace and equipped herself onto me. "I shall take the form of a necklace. Apparently to the Humans trapped in the TV, necklaces are very common."

I chuckled and walked onto the train. "They are huh."

"Yep!~" Bip giggled.


The train stopped at Asamaki and I got off the train then walked to a board with all the locations I needed. I located the Riverwalk and headed straight there. It was a bit of a long walk, but I soon made it.

As I walked along the Riverwalk, I noticed a woman with long crimson hair, light blue eyes, and a well developed body sitting alone at a table, seemingly waiting for someone. When the sunlight hit her skin, it was noticable that she had creamy colored skin and her skin was extremely clear. She wore a brown coat with white button up shirt, tucked inside her black skirt. She wore dark colored stockings and the way she sat let me know she was pretty tall.

I walked over to her table and pulled up a chair. "Are you by chance...Himeko Amaya?"

She looked at me and smiled. "Yes, and you must be Yoshida Asato." She said as she watched me sit down.

"I am." I nodded.

"I'm glad you could make it. I wanted to talk to you about something but first, let's get all the introductions out the way. I'm Himeko Amaya, I'm only 34 years old, and I am the Lead Commander of the Monster Protection Team. So far there are only four members and we were hoping to add you to our ranks." Himeko explained.

"Oh, well I'm Yoshida Asato. I'm 19 and I do attend Iwakita Academy all the way in Fujitori. I'm not too sure what to say about myself other than I am the one who tamed Rimuri." I said.

"That is enough said. We watched your performance with Karasu and although you were thrown right at that tornado, you seemingly took no damage from it. That's impressive and you came back to life twice. Maybe Lady Luck is on your side." Himeko smiled at me.

I couldn't really focus because of how attractive Himeko was. Despite her age she was still extremely beautiful. She noticed I was staring and just smiled at me. She leaned forward on the table and stared into my eyes.

"If you keep staring, you may never know what I have in store..~ I don't mind it, but...I am kinda on the clock~" She said with a sensual tone in her voice.

I blushed and cleared my throat, looking away. "S-Sorry.."

Himeko giggled a little and looked at her phone. "Anyway, our team works with stopping the MHF from killing monsters by trying to protect them...but our forces are a tad bit weak. The only one with combat experience is me and Naora."

"Naora? My mom?" I asked.

"Ahh yes, I forgot she was your guardian for the longest since your biological ones disappeared, but yeah. I don't know where that woman ran off to, but she's been helping from the shadows by making weaponry and things of the sort. After we reviewed your abilities, we saw you were the perfect fit. If you have any friends with you, they can tag along too." Himeko said.

"I do have my sister and Fujin, but I wouldn't count them as fighters." I said.

"That's alright, we offer a training academy in Yahoma. We already have your teacher Ms. Chiziwa over there as she transferred over there." Himeko said.

"Thank God Ms. Chiziwa is safe.." I sighed in relief. "But, Yahoma is like on the other side of Japan."

"That's alright~ We have an airship, but before all that...we have to get you trained. We've noticed your method of taming Monsters could be physical interaction...so to get you ready, I'll train you." Himeko said.

"What do you mean?" I asked and rose an eyebrow.

Himeko smiled and stared at me. "If you don't have a significant other already, say hello to your new significant other."

"WHAT?! You're old enough to be my mom technically!" I said with an outburst then Himeko covered my mouth.

"Shhhh!!!! Not so loud..!" Himeko said with a blush then sat back in her seat. "Besides what's the issue, I'm hot, I'm experienced, and you'll get to do whatever you'd like with me, even have se-"

"Enough!" I said with a massive blush on my face. "One, I'm still a virgin. Two, I'm not ready to handle an older woman such as yourself if I can't even handle two women constantly rivalling each other over me. Three, where is this even coming from?!"

Himeko chuckled a bit and crossed her arms. "It isn't a bad deal. If you think it's a trap, it isn't. I mean every word I say. You'll be first responder whenever a monster is present. We can even help keep track of your Monster Lovers. We've got the most advanced tech in all of Japan besides the MHF."

I sighed and scratched the back of my head. "So how will you help me with Karasu exactly?"

"Well we plan to help you by teaching you how to make Karasu and future Monster Girls fall in love with you. You see we did some digging on Karasu and we found out she's a Corvid Type Monster known as the Black Angel Tengu or commonly known as the Black Harpy. She's sadistic, tricky, cunning, smart, beautiful. So to beat her you'll need to outsmart her!" Himeko said.

"And me dating you will help me defeat her..?" I asked in disbelief.

"No you dating me will get your dating skills up. We've watched you and you're kinda good at dating but you're too...dorky. Mae and Rimuri are obviously madly in love with you. You need to be more of a man and who better to teach you to harden up than me~" Himeko said.

"As in harden up, you mean toughen up right?" I asked.

"We can go with that." Himeko giggled and stood up. "With that out the way, I need to handle some business. Take this."

I watched Himeko pull a new phone and an earpiece out her coat pocket. She handed it to me and I took them from her hands.

"Just so we can communicate and set up a few dates. Soon, you'll be a dating expert and a battle expert. Ahh~ I can see it now, walking along the sunset...Hanging out under the stars...cuddling in bed together...~" Himeko said and began daydreaming.

'Oh nah. Himeko is a hopeless romantic, I'm crying.' I thought to myself.

"Anyway. See you soon, Yoshida~" Himeko said then walked off.

"Well she's certainly a character." Bip said.

"You're telling me. Not only was I recruited but she wants me to be her boyfriend despite her being 15 years older than me.." I said then stood up.

"I'll take that as a win! She's incredibly attractive! Don't mess this up! Redheads are always incredibly hot and some of the best romantically!" Bip said.

I covered my necklace. "Keep it down, dummy!"

"Sorry..~" Bip giggled.


I had finally made it home and sighed. "I'm home!" I said as I took off my shoes.

"Bip is home too!" Bip announced.

"Yoshida! Bippy!~" Rimuri said and hurried toward us. "So how did it go?!"

"It's a long story, but let's just say I agreed to help the Monsters out. I have to go through a lot of training before I actually am able to tackle Karasu. Apparently the MPT are able to also track Monsters. There's no telling when Karasu will return so I have hope I'm as prepared as possible." I said.

"Wait, if you tame Karasu will she be another Girlfriend?" Rimuri asked.

"Most likely." I answered.

Rimuri walked over to Mae and held her hand out to her. "Mae. Let's eradicate these Monsters!"

"WHAT?!" Bip and I said at the same time.

Mae looked up at Rimuri from her computer and looked back down at her computer. "Request Denied. Killing Monsters will only bring them back in their Alternate Form just like killing you did the same. I'd rather Yoshida tame the Monsters now than for them to awaken their Alternate Form."

"E-Ehh?! But aren't you working with the bad robot people?" Rimuri asked.

"Yes, but at the same time...I agree with Nene's ideals. Killing you all only brings forth more destruction. So, I've decided to quit." Mae said.

Everyone looked at Mae. "WHAAAAT?!"

To Be Continued....

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