
Goodbye Old Life

The birds sang their songs with pride while soaring across the blue skies. The sun beamed down as it was a beautiful day. The streets of Fujitori was busy as always with students walking to school and people driving to their jobs.

"Big Brother!~ Is everything ready?~" A woman called out to me from the front door of my house.

This woman was my younger sister, Orimi Asato. She had long red hair, beautiful blue eyes, and a beauty mole under her right eye. She is currently 18 years old and pretty protective over me.

"Yeah." I said and yawned then walked down the hall to the front.

My name is Yoshida Asato. I am 19 and about as average as one could get. My features include messy dark hair, blue eyes, and a pretty average build. I spend most of my days looking after Orimi, watching anime and playing a few games. Our parents disappeared off somewhere when we were younger, but other than that, there's nothing more to it.

"Come on!~ We're going to be late!~" Orimi said and smiled at me.

I smiled at her and hurried to the door. We walked out the front door and I locked it with my key. We began our walk toward Iwakita Academy. As we walked, I felt someone pat my back. I grunted and stumbled forward.

I looked back and noticed a guy standing behind me. "Eh?! Fujin! You didn't have to sneak up on me."

Fujin smirked and crossed his arms. "Sorry, I just wanted to surprise you."

Fujin was one of my best friends from the academy. He is 19 years old like I am and in the same class as me and Orimi. He had lavender colored hair that stopped at his shoulders, cyan colored eyes that were somehow natural. He was not very masculine and wasn't too feminine either, swinging both ways as one would say.

"Wanna come walk with us to school?" I asked.

"You bet~" Fujin said and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and chuckled.

Orimi smiled at us and knew how close we were. "The more the merrier!~"

The three of us walked to the academy together and as we walked I got some shivers down my spine and looked back. I noticed a mysterious woman creeping about behind us.

"I know that's you, Mae!" I called out to her.

Mae Ara, a mysterious woman who has a strange infatuation with me. She's an 18 year old woman with short white hair styled into an a line bob hair cut, gray eyes, and a stoic look on her face. I'm practically the only person she really talks to.

Mae walked past us quickly and I watched her then sighed. We continued our stroll to the academy.


We made it to the academy and walked toward our class. Our class was Class 1-A, a class typically for the fourth years of the academy and the smartest people in the school.

"Yoshida, any plans for this afternoon?" Fujin asked and stood at my desk.

"Meh, not really." I shrugged.

Hearing this, Mae gave me a slight side eye. I could feel her staring at me, though I could clearly see her face buried into her book.

"Well, how about coming to the arcade with me and a couple of guys. I'm sure we will have fun." Fujin said.

"Negative." Mae said and lowered her book. "Yoshida already has plans with me. Yesterday he offered to walk home with me."

'That...is a goddamn lie.' I thought to myself.

"Oh?~ Yoshida, you break my poor heart! How could you plan a date with Mae before planning with me?" Fujin said dramatically.

I grunted softly and closed my eyes then sighed. The academy tune chimed and everyone took their seats. I was quite happy that the tune chimed because I did not want to explain how and why Mae straight up lied.

Our teacher walked into the class and smiled at all of us. "Good morning class!~"

"Good morning!" The class responded.

Our teacher, a good friend of me and Orimi, is named Ms. Chiziwa or Chiziwa Nakadame. She's 26 years old with long brown hair, brown eyes, and a slender figure that had the guys howling.

"So today, we will be continuing our lesson about World History! So many eventful things have happened around our world that shaped things to the way Earth is now! Yoshida! Name one!" Chiziwa said and pointed at me.

"Really?" I asked, dully.

"Mhm! Mhm!" Chiziwa smiled at me.

I sighed and rubbed the back of my head. "Erm...Mishiyo Tower?"

"Correct! The Moshiyo Tower holds great importance, but that isn't all! The battle in Shangqiu between Bai Xang and the Infinity Council helped shaped our world by giving us protection around our world! The Infinity Council are historical figures!" Chiziwa said sounding excited about the lesson then quickly wrote on the white board then turned back to us.

As she taught the class, I stared out the window as if I had the main character syndrome. Chiziwa noticed I wasn't paying attention and threw her chalk at me like a bullet. I caught it with two fingers and smirked.

"Not this time Ms. Chizi- GAH!" I started then groaned as a bucket hit my face.

The class laughed a bit and I groaned as I held my head.

I stood up quickly and barked at Chiziwa. "What the hell was that for?!"

"Pay attention, Yoshida!~" Chiziwa laughed.

I groaned and sat down then crossed my arms. Mae stared at me and gave a slight smile.


The bell rang and the classes were damn there over in a blink of an eye. I began to gather my things then noticed Mae walking up toward me.

"Yoshida." Mae said.

I looked up at Mae. "Hm?"

"Walk home with me." Mae said.

"Do I really have to?" I asked.

"Affirmative." Mae said.

"Mae I-"

"Affirmative." Mae repeated.

I looked at Mae and sighed then stood up. "Fine. Orimi, will you be with your after school club?"

"Mhm!~ It's fine if you leave without me, Big Brother!~" Orimi said then hurried to the door. She turned around and beamed a smile at me. "I love you, Big Brother!"

I grunted softly and noticed some of my peers looking at me. I blushed a bit and looked at Orimi. "I..love you too, Orimi."

Orimi giggled then hurried out of the classroom.

I grabbed Mae's hand then hurried out the class. Mae quickly followed behind until we left out the building then I let her go. Mae stared at me then watched me walk ahead then she followed beside me.

I could hear the audible silence between us. I decided to break the silence and cleared my throat. "So about that lesson, do you think the quiz will be difficult?"

"Negative." Mae said nearly immediately.

'Ah yes, I forgot I was talking to a literal mastermind.' I thought to myself.

"So uh...why do you only talk to me?" I asked.

"Because you speak your mind and are not afraid to explain your thoughts. You're not as reserved as the others. I like that about you." Mae said in her usual monotone voice.

"Seriously? Fujin is more talkative than me." I said and rubbed the back of my head.

"Fujin is not Yoshida. Yoshida is not Fujin." Mae said.

A bead of sweat rolled down my cheek and I sighed. "You're impossible to talk to sometimes. I can never truly tell how you truly feel.."

Mae stayed silent.

I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket then took it out. I noticed an alert and the alert notification was pretty loud.

{A Collosal Burst has been reported in Fujitori! A Monster has been spotted! All citizens of Fujitori, retreat to your homes or a nearby shelter! I repeat citizens of Fujitori, retreat to your homes or a nearby shelter!}

I stopped walking and grunted softly. "That's where we are...Mae!" I looked to my side and noticed Mae was missing.

"Mae?" I asked and looked around. She was nowhere to be found. I assumed she retreated home immediately so I did the same.

I ran down the path leading to my house then heard rustling in the bushes then stopped. I watched the bushes and noticed a white blob emerge from the bushes. I stared at it and it began to released putrid green clouds in the air toward me. I got a whiff of it then covered my mouth, ready to vomit.

I looked around and noticed a stick on the ground then hurried toward it then fell on my knees, feeling sick to my stomach. I quickly took a brown bag from my bag then vomited inside it. I coughed and panted then grabbed the stick.

The white blob lunged toward me. I stood up and wacked the blob with the stick. I noticed the stick had stuck to the blob. The blob gave a sinister grin at me then I freaked out and threw the stick with the blob on it.

"Ow!" A feminine voice squeaked as she was hit with the stick.

"What..?" I asked and looked at the bushes.

A woman crawled out the bushes and looked at me. "You...you threw this stick at me?!"

I looked at the woman's appeared and it wasn't human...She had snow white skin, long white hair styled in two ponytails, and glowing blue eyes. Her body was pretty slender yet a bit curvy. She wore a white dress and the same blob on the stick shapeshifted into a white bird and landed on her head.

"Fuck...my life..." I said then grunted and ran in the other direction.

The woman stood up and dashed toward me then appeared in front of me.

'She's fast!' I thought to myself.

I quickly stopped and ran the other way then picked up the same stick I threw. I turned back toward her and held the stick out at her. She stared at me and gave a sinister smirk.

"You want to battle? Fine, let's fight!" The woman said then dashed toward me and opened a void then pulled out a spear.

"Bruh." I said then looked at my stick.

The woman slashed and I tried to use the stick to block, but she cleanly sliced the stick in half. I looked at the stick and threw it at her.

She dodged the stick and jumped up then a giant blob appeared underneath her. She landed on the blob. "Kill that human."

The giant white blob grinned then opened its mouth gaping wide then fired a blue beam of energy at me. I managed to dive out the way and looked back. The beam hit a building and caused an explosion.

"Okay...I am at a loss here." I said to myself then stood up. I looked at the woman and decided to use persuasion. I stroked my hair from my eyes and looked at the woman. "Hold it!"

The woman stopped her blob from attacking then stared at me. "Begging for your life? All humans must die!"

"Why must we fight? Martin Luther King had a dream where we all united. We should create peace." I said.

"Who?" The woman asked.

'Man why do I even try..?' I thought to myself.

"Know what, I'm just gonna kill you." The woman said.

"Now hold on! Wait just a second! Don't kill me!" I said and clapped my hands together and bowed.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't erase your entire existence right now." The woman asked.

I looked at her and gave a nervous smile. "Because..? Look this is a mismatch! I know I can't fight you! What do you want? Money? Food?"

The woman looked at me then closed her eyes. "I just want to be left alone. I don't even know how I'm on this planet or what planet this is! I didn't mean to cause those Collosal Bursts!"

"So it was more than once..? Now that I think about it...the news has always talked about these phenomenas. But you have to remember, your bursts has killed over 200,000 people! You destroyed the City of Kanto and Tsugetsu Central!" I said.

"I didn't ask for this!" She yelled and looked at me with sorrow in her eyes.

I looked into her sorrowful eyes and sighed. "Alright...alright. Let's call it a truce and I'll take you back to my place...and hopefully not get killed or incarcerated.."

She looked at me with happiness in her eyes then sensed an attack. She turned around and held her hand out then opened a void. The missiles were sucked inside the void then the void closed.

"Unit Y4530 to HQ, the target has been spotted! Planning to eliminate!" The man said.

"Don't! There is a civilian behind her! That's Yoshida! If you shoot, you'll kill him!" A woman said through his earpiece.

The woman noticed the attack stopped then she hurried over to me. She grabbed my hand and began to run off. "Take me to your home!"

I grunted as I was being dragged by her and looked back at the man in a power suit.

"The monster is taking Yoshida hostage! I'm going after her!" The man said and flew after us.

The woman noticed as she looked back then opened a void beneath her. "Hold on tight."

"Wait wha-" I asked then looked down. "Fuck.."

We fell into the void and the void closed. The man stopped and looked around. He grunted as he noticed we had disappeared.

"Unit Y4530 to HQ. The target has escaped with Yoshida. Requesting orders." The man said.

"Retreat for now. We can search his house later." The woman said.

"Affirmative." The man said then retreated back to HQ.


A void opened inside my house on the ceiling then we fell out of the void. I crashed on the floor while the woman gracefully floated down and landed in front of me.

I stood up and held my head. "Man...this is the last time I'm taking that route home. At least we're safe for now."

I noticed the woman looking at me and she held her blob in her arms, keeping it close to her chest. "So uhm...what's your name? Wait let me start, my name is Yoshida."

"Yoshida...and my name? I don't have one...I was never given one. I am known as the Abyssal White Monster." The woman said.

"Well I'm not calling you that." I said then walked to the chalk board that was hung on the wall. I began to write three names on the board. "Rimuri, Ophelia, or Shira?"

The woman looked at the board and pointed at the first name. "Rimuri. I like that one."

"Rimuri it is." I said then erased the board. "My sister will be home at any moment, so-"

The front door opened and Orimi ran inside. "Big Brother! The news! I-" Orimi started then squeaked when she noticed Rimuri.

"Who is this woman?! Is she an enemy?!" Rimuri asked and got in defense mode. The white blob escaped her arms and shapeshifted into a dog then growled.

"Stand down!" I said then both Rimuri and the white blob looked at me. "Orimi...please don't say anything about this.."

"No! I have to re-" Orimi said then noticed Rimuri's spear pointed at her neck then stopped.

"I can't allow you to report this..." Rimuri said.

"Rimuri! I said stand down!" I commanded.

Rimuri grunted then lowered her spear and it disappeared. "I will eliminate her if I have to."

"You will not." I said then walked in between Rimuri and Orimi. "Orimi, this is Rimuri...the Abyssal White Monster. Rimuri, my little sister Orimi."

Orimi looked at Rimuri in fright then our doorbell rang. She looked back quickly.

"Mr. Asato! Come open the door if you're inside! This is Yaseo Sakamoto of the MHF!" The man said.

We all stayed silent, not knowing what to do. I knew I had to think of something quickly or else Rimuri would die. I could tell she was terrified because she grabbed my hand in fear. I needed to think of something quickly or else it's all over.

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