
Another side of the coin

The banquet's grandeur had faded, leaving the academy's pathways dimly lit as the event concluded.

Derek Raven, his senses heightened, moved with calculated steps toward his dorm.

A premonition gnawed at him, a palpable anticipation of an impending attack.

His recent dance with the academy's best girl had garnered him unwanted attention, sparking jealousy in the hearts of his pursuers.

As he navigated the shadows, the air grew tense. Echoes of footsteps followed his every move.

The soft rustle of clothing betrayed the presence of three trailing individuals.

Derek's grip on the hilt of his sword tightened, his keen instincts telling him that his assumptions were accurate.

The moonlight revealed fleeting glances of his pursuers, their eyes fixed on him with sinister intent. He paused, feigning ignorance, allowing them to draw closer.

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