
Must be tiresome

The day has come when a small delegation of government officials approached the ship on a small boat from the Main Island.

Wu Long chuckled, after reading the letter that was given to him by Butler Bang, who was the one greeting the delegation.

"What is it?", Feng Yi asked as she looked at the letter in his hands.

"Nothing unexpected, I am summoned to the Royal Palace", Wu Long turned to his ladies.

"Because of that Sect?", Shen Min raised her eyebrow to which he nodded.

"It is, after all a Sect on their territory and they have to maintain a bare minimum of reputation. Although all that is just an excuse", he made a light laugh.

A big procession formed from the ship toward the capital of the Kingdom.

Wu Long waited for the official invitation because this meant that the Kingdom of Lihai has officially acknowledged the ship's presence at the Main Island, and thus it was safe to leave it with bare minimum of crew.

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