
An idle conversation with Salem

Adam stared at the woman in front of him with intensity, his eyes glowing ominously

The blonde woman looked at him for a moment and... smiled.

Her glamor wore off when he discovered her true identity, exposing her true appearance to the world

Her skin seemed a deathly white color, covered with deep red and purple veins that ran up her arms and face. 

The sclera of her eyes are jet black and her irises are red, without any emotion reflected within. She also has a black, diamond-shaped marking in the center of her forehead

She is wearing a very long black cloak with red designs resembling eyes. She has platinum white hair formed into a bun with six offshoots from which ornaments are suspended

"Nice to meet you too"

She spoke out, her tone was deathly calm for someone who has been exposed. 


Adam simply narrowed his eyes at her calm face and indifferent attitude

This was it... The woman at the peak of Remnant below the brother gods. 

This woman, Salem, has been immortal for countless years, plotting in the background and wanting humanity to be destroyed

"So..." He repeated himself, asking her again "What are you doing here, Salem?"

The silver-haired boy wasn't afraid of this woman, far from it. 

Although she was strong, manipulative, and smart, he was confident that he could take her on in a direct fight... Or at least survive and escape

Well, that wasn't entirely true.

He is a little nervous as this is the first time he is meeting such an old being, and she is Remnant's strongest, so for him, this is a new experience

.... Veldora doesn't really count, as that dragon, although powerful, isn't scary at all

There was also the fact she was once a good person.

Before Ozma betrayed her, she loved him wholeheartedly, and she even tricked the brother gods and humanity in order to resurrect her husband. 

Even after jumping into a Grimm pool and becoming this... 'abomination', she still loved Ozma and was a good mother to her daughters

But after he betrayed her....

 Well, she went ballistic. She killed her husband and her daughters in a fit of rage

'I suppose this is what happens when one betrays a yandere.... Tsk, tsk, stupid Ozma'

Adam playfully thought to himself, even going as far as to mock Ozma. 

After all, he couldn't help it; although that immortal wizard did it for the 'Greater Good', he made several mistakes that could have been avoided easily.

Even so, that guy's attitude annoyed him. 

The silver-haired boy never liked self-righteous people who betray their loved ones just for the 'Greater Good'

"My, whatever do you mean?"

Salem tilted her slightly, a calm smile adorning her face as she looked at him with blank eyes that made him uncomfortable

"I'm simply enjoying the virtues of humanity"

'Uh-huh, I believe you' That's what Adam wanted to subconsciously reply, but he held himself back. 

Instead, he stared at her with deadpan eyes, clearly showing his thoughts with his expression

"I suppose it is difficult to believe" She nodded, acknowledging the ridiculousness of her words "But it's the truth. Humanity's creativity is unmatched, and their innovation is praiseworthy"


This woman made him uncomfortable. The ease with how she spoke to him unnerved him. And the fact that he couldn't get anything out of her face didn't help with that. 

Except for that small smile that seemed to always be present, the rest of her face was frozen, lacking any emotion

... There was also the fact that she hadn't asked him anything yet. 

It was as if she was deliberately giving him the lead in this conversation

"Hn? And I suppose a small tavern in a remote place like this is aptly suited for you..?" Adam raised an eyebrow at her, staring at her cold red eyes that betrayed no emotion

"Of course, such a fascinating name this place has." She replied, not bothered "A human has so painstakingly maintained this place, for this, It would simply be a pity to not enjoy a Tavern that was specially made for me"

Ah, yes. 'Grimm's place', such is the name of this tavern. 

Adam supposed that for Salem who is the commander and often times the creator of Grimm, the existence of this tavern is akin to an open invitation

...Or a provocation, depending on how one sees it. After all, humans are supposed to fear Grimm and cower in fear at those ferocious dark creatures. 

So, for someone to dare use their name for comical purposes is a heretic who is seeking death

Or that's what the silver-haired boy thinks. 

Salem is either amused... Or she is annoyed and wants to kill the human who used 'her' name. 

He thinks that it is more likely the former, as despite what she seems like, the immortal witch gives credit where credit is due, so it is more likely that she would be amused that someone has the guts to pull something like this

"Is that so....?"

Adam spoke out, tapping his fingers on the table continuously as he stared intensely at the woman in front of him

"Indeed, it is so"

The pale woman's lips curled upwards, a hint of amusement present in her features


The silver-haired boy's blue eyes started glowing.

The atmosphere tensed, turning serious as battling intent flowed outwards from him

"Oh?" She continued, her red eyes glowing in return "Do you intend to kill me?"

There was no trace of fear in Salem's voice.... There was only pure curiosity present

"No, but I bet that you'd be quite delicious"

Adam narrowed his eyes as he licked his lips lasciviously, staring intently at her figure. 

He was looking at her as if he was looking at a mere piece of meat... And in his circumstances, he really was

"Then should I be flattered?"

Salem's expression didn't change in any way. 

Instead, she replied, dry sarcasm in her voice as the amusement in her eyes became more prominent

"Actually...." He trailed off, tilting his head slightly "You should. Your Grimm were disgusting, yet I still want to taste you"

"... Is that so?" She narrowed her eyes at him

"Indeed, it is so"

The corners of Adam's mouth curled upwards into a subtle smile as he used her words against her. 

It was quite comical, really


Her smile was wiped off her face.

An indescribable pressure started seeping out of her as she narrowed her scarlet eyes at him

The atmosphere was suffocating, any normal person would probably have difficulties breathing- if not even faint outright. 

But it is such a pity that... Adam is no normal person.

Even without all the power he currently holds, he would still be able to bear this pressure and stand in front of Salem

Having experienced death already makes it difficult for him to be affected by such pressure. 

And after spending time in the void between dimensions... Safe to say, the silver-haired boy won't be scared so easily

"How about giving me all the Relics?" Adam smiled at her, following up on his words "If you do that, I won't obstruct you. You can wipe out all of humanity, and I won't get in your way"

Salem just stared at him menacingly, her gaze so intense that it could probably burn a hole through his skull

She opened her mouth-


A cold feeling washed over the silver-haired boy as he shivered.

His senses blared in alarm, his instincts screamed, and all his considerable combat experience was telling him-! 


Adam was flung backward by his own force, the chair he was sitting on disintegrating to atoms as his body flew away

Gravity was all but ignored as his back touched the wall for 0.1 seconds before it too disintegrated, opening the way for him to escape outside of the tavern

He slid on his feet, exposing himself to the environment as he found himself on the streets of this remote town

The silver-haired boy looked towards the tavern with narrowed golden eyes, tensing his body in preparation


The tavern exploded, getting destroyed as a pure blast of concentrated dark magic power blasted the building from the inside out

Under Adam's widened eyes, malicious shadows started creeping into the outside from the destroyed tavern. Darkness spread from within, snuffing out any light left

There, at the center of this darkness, the majestic visage of Salem stood, her scarlet eyes intensely locking with his

'Fuck, did I overestimate myself...?'

A trace of doubt could not help but sprout in his mind. 

It was his first time battling an opponent of such levels, and alone without any support, too

But that doubt was instantly snuffed out, his eyes glowing and staring back in turn at Salem with equal intensiveness

After all, he remembered just what abilities he had. 

It would be shameful to lose to Salem, much less get killed with the abilities he is in possession






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Adam: Hey Salem, I want to eat you

Salem: In what way? I don't suppose it is the literal sense?

Adam: It's both. I want to have intimate contact with you, and also devour you with [Gluttony]

Salem: .....

Adam: What? You have that 'Step on me, Mommy' aura on you.... I really can't resist that


Yeah, the fast phrases of Webnovel got too boring.

So I settled for something different in this chapter's Author's Thought

AdamFlorescreators' thoughts
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