
Salem's Magic, Apple Tree Manor, and Hidden Secrets

"Adrias, do you know why both Dantian's mana and Heart's mana are referred to as the same 'mana'?" Salem asked.

His words made me pause and think.

Why were they both lumped together and called 'mana' when they had different purposes, just like oil and coal among fuels?

"It's because they are literally the same energy source. There's no need to complicate it," he explained.

"Well, um..."

It was such an obvious statement that I had nothing to say.

However, if I delved deeper, I wondered how he knew that it ultimately came down to them being the same energy source.

'It's the research of the magicians to figure out such things. They probably discovered this fact,' I thought.

As if expecting my lackluster response, Salem added further.

"Now, think about it. If it's ultimately about the same energy source, can't they be interchangeable?"

"Are you saying that you can use Dantian's mana for magic and Heart's mana for physical enhancement?" I asked.

"What do you think?"

I pursed my lips at his question.

If that were possible...

"If it's possible, then people like me would have double the amount of ordinary individuals' mana," I said.

"It depends on which mana is more developed, but that's the idea," Salem nodded.

In the game, I had never thought of such a method.

It probably had its limitations too, as ultimately it was just a game, and my imagination was confined within that framework.

"Of course, as you know, mana has its own nature, so using Heart's mana for physical enhancement comes with side effects. Depending on the nature of the mana, the color of the aura changes. Conversely, using Dantian's mana for magic weakens its power. In this case, it's because of the unfamiliar nature," Salem explained.

"Are you saying that it's currently possible to switch?"

"No, it's more like a sense of movement rather than switching. Let's learn it first. It's the original magic I created."

Salem started drawing graffiti on the ground while explaining the ritual and the arrangement of mana. This time, the explanation was easy for me to understand.

"It's simple, right? Besides, there aren't many people who can use this magic to begin with. Unique cases like us are not that common," he said.

As he spoke, he said I could take notes if I wanted to.

Since only Dual Cores could use it anyway, it didn't matter if it spread around.

"The name of the magic is 'Mana Transference,' but honestly, you can call it whatever you want," he said.

Mana Transference.

Looking at the ritual, it felt like moving mana to the heart or from the heart to Dantian.

"Still, I went through quite a bit of trouble creating this. It may not seem like much, but I think I've done the ritual two or three times," Salem said.

"Can I try it right away?"

"Sure. Since the ritual itself is easy, activating it should be easy too."

Confirming that the mana consumption during the ritual was minimal, I immediately transferred mana from the heart to Dantian.

"It's quite intense."

As if piercing through an obstruction, I felt a sense of pain from within. Along with the sensation of my internal organs contorting, mana slowly gathered in Dantian.

"Are you doing it?"

"Yes. It's not moving as much as I thought."

"Ah, you're even talking? Doesn't it hurt?"

"I can endure it."

"As expected, you're the eccentric I recognized. Hahaha!"

I left him laughing without understanding what he was saying and activated the mana.

The mana that was originally in the heart mixed with the mana in Dantian, enhancing my body.

'A sticky energy.'

Unlike usual, a damp and sticky energy enveloped my body.

Drawing my sword and infusing mana into it, the blade was enveloped in a pitch-black aura.

"Well, it's a bit like that."

"Don't worry. No one will suspect you. Besides, Dantian's mana comes in various colors, so it doesn't mean much."

That was true, but the color still felt ominous.

Even so, I felt secure as if I had taken out an insurance policy, regardless of the color.

"Thank you once again, Salem."

"It's nothing. It actually feels inadequate," he said, revealing a smile, and sheathed his spear again.

"I'm going now. The toy is a bit far away," Salem said.

"Are you leaving already?"

"Why? Do you want me to stay longer? Whether you get support or get roasted, it's up to you."

"Just a moment. Can I ask one last thing?"

"What is it?"

I asked him about something I had been curious about since our last meeting.

"You mentioned that you knew about my father. About our family and everything. What do you know?"

"Well, your father was a disciple of Morne. Didn't you know that?"

What is he talking about?

Father was a disciple of Morne? Then that means father was also a necromancer?

My head spun with a secret that hadn't been revealed even in the game.

"It's quite peculiar. So you didn't know and still became a necromancer without knowing it? Fate truly is incredible."

"What exactly happened? Why did father...?"

"I don't know the details either. I asked Morne out of curiosity, but he didn't tell me. You'll have to find out the rest on your own."

With those words, he emitted light from his back and flew up into the sky.

"Just a moment!"

My cry fell on deaf ears as he disappeared using magic.

Left with sudden doubts, my mind became complicated.

'Cain Cromwell, in other words, our father was a dark mage?'

It was a story that hadn't been revealed in the game.

In the first place, father didn't leave behind any last words when he passed away, so I had no way of knowing.

'He didn't not leave anything behind, but rather couldn't leave anything behind?'

The information was lacking.

Even though I had cleared the game twelve times, I felt that the information was insufficient.

In the first place, Adrias Cromwell wasn't a character with a significant presence in the game.

But thinking about it, Adrias was still the thirteenth playable character, so his presence couldn't be negligible.

"Perhaps it was inevitable for me to become Adrias."

I couldn't know for sure.

The only people who could have information were Salem and Morne.

The fact that I had just learned magic from Salem was such a joyful event that it was overshadowed by this great shock.

'Let's go home for now.'

There's no use pondering here.

I decided to head to the Welton Estate.





After parting ways with Salem, I immediately headed towards the Welton Estate.

Amidst the tumultuous thoughts in my head, I didn't forget to practice the magic that Salem had taught me.

"Right. Let's calm down for now."

There's no use finding answers through overthinking.

Perhaps my father left something behind at the Apple Tree Manor.

Although it had been auctioned off, I shouldn't have high expectations.

I soon arrived at the estate after getting off at the station and catching a carriage.

"It's been a while..."

Or should I say that?

As familiar landscapes passed by, it felt more dreamlike than joyous.

Returning to the Welton Estate after nearly three years, nothing had changed.

The long road stretched ahead, flanked by fields on either side. The bare apple trees stood bleakly, their branches stretching out without a single leaf.

Finally, standing at the entrance of the small city of Welton, the guards checked my identity.

"Quite a journey even late at night."

"I sleep a lot during the day anyway."

"May I ask who you are, sir?"

"Just a moment, please. Sir?"

As the gatekeeper was about to speak, I opened the carriage door first.

"You can drop me off here. I'll walk from here."

After saying that, I approached the guard who was stationed to inspect carriages.

"Ah, Adrias?"

Then, he quickly covered his mouth and lowered his head in a hurry.

Now that I think about it, I recognized him as someone I knew.

"Oh, it's been a while, Adams."

He had been a guard ever since I set foot in this place from the Cromwell Estate.

He was a man with a carefree personality, often drinking with my father. To me, he was like an uncle.

"How have you been all this time?"

"Ah, Adams, you've grown a white beard. Can't fool your age, huh?"

"Haha! My lord, oh no, Your Highness, well..."

"Just speak comfortably. When did we start being so formal?"

"You've become more elegant."

"Is that so?"

As I calmly replied, his expression noticeably brightened.

Perhaps it was because he met someone familiar after a long time.

We exchanged various conversations in front of the door for quite a while.

"So you still have two more years until graduation."

"That's right. But why are you doing night shifts, Adams? Isn't that not suitable for you?"

"Haha. Well, recently I got into a little accident while drinking at the tavern. Thanks to that, I've been doing night inspections for a month."

"Adams, you're still the same even as you age."

"Haha, I feel embarrassed."

Adams let out a laugh and looked at me.

"You seem to have changed a bit."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. You used to give off a feeling of being restless before."

He must be referring to the time before I became Adrias.

I understand it well enough.

Adrias, who used to be restless, and Adams, who says I've changed.

Thinking that I should go inside soon, I bid farewell to Adams, saying we'll meet again tomorrow, and entered the city.

As it was late at night, the entire town, except for the mana lamps, was dark and quiet.

I walked slowly through the streets, observing my surroundings.

Familiar landscapes.

But there was something unfamiliar about it.

"I'll gradually get used to it."

Now that I am Adrias Cromwell.

As I approached the residential area, I saw the distant Apple Tree Mansion.

With its low fence, overgrown grassy garden, and a mansion with a quaint, outdated design.

I don't even know why it's called Apple Tree Mansion.

There isn't a single apple tree around.

I easily jumped over the low fence and went to the front porch of the mansion, knocking on the door.

After knocking and waiting for a while, I heard someone's voice.

"Who is it?"

It was the voice of Alki, the husband of Lupine, who used to be a butler.

He worked as an apprentice at the village blacksmith and had a strong and fit physique befitting his position.

"Alki, it's me. Adrias."

As I spoke, the door opened slightly, and someone peeked through the crack.

Then, it opened wide, revealing the burly figure of Alki.

"Young master, no, Your Highness. I didn't expect you to come all of a sudden. Please come in."

"Sorry for coming so late."

Upon hearing my words, Alki's eyes widened, and he extended both hands in front of him.

"No, no. Please come in quickly. Let me wake up my wife. Should I prepare something for you, just in case?"

"It's fine. No need to wake her up. Is there a guest room, by any chance?"

"Yes. I will guide you."

From his expression, it seemed that he was somewhat surprised and puzzled.

It was a look as if he wondered if there was something wrong with what he ate. But considering the previous Adrias, it was a reaction that could easily be understood.

"Go in and rest."

"Yes. Young master, Your Highness, please make yourself comfortable."

The room Alki guided me to was the same room I used before.

Surprisingly, the furniture and belongings were still the same.

Of course, it wasn't precise as my memories were a bit hazy.

'Now it feels a bit more real.'

The place where I spent most of my time until entering the academy.

I finally felt the sensation of reclaiming my home as I quietly unpacked and lay down on the bed.





"It's a relief that you're safe."

In the morning, when I returned home, the residents of the mansion welcomed me.

To be precise, Amy welcomed me, while the others were reserved, but it didn't matter.

Amy seemed to know about the attack that occurred during the academy evaluation since she worked in the capital city. Although she was already informed of my safety, seeing her in person brought even more relief.

After having a light breakfast at the dining room and getting up, Amy stopped me.

"Brother, I found something at home."

"What is it?"

"Follow me."

Was it because of the urgent message in the letter?

I decided to follow her.

She led me to Father's study.

As far as I remember, I had never been inside the study since access to it was strictly restricted.

'Come to think of it, Amy got scolded severely when she went in once as a child.'

Entering the study, I saw a neatly organized room.

Books were neatly arranged on the shelves on both sides, and the desk in front of the window was clean.

"I'm here for the first time."

"Right? But there's something even more amazing. Try pressing this."

Amy pointed to a small dent.

Well, it wasn't exactly a dent; it was something ambiguous.

"What is this?"

"Just press it."

While scratching my head, I touched the dent as she instructed.

Then, I felt a sharp pain as if a needle pricked my finger, and blood started to well up.

"What is this?"

"Look, Brother!"

Following her words, I reflexively turned my head while pressing my finger to stop the bleeding.

And there, I saw a massive magic circle being drawn at the center of the study floor.

"As expected, Brother can do it too! I actually tried it with Lupine, but she only had her finger bleeding, nothing else. Maybe it's only possible for Cromwells!"

Amy's excited voice resonated.

This is...

"Dangerous... isn't it?"

By piecing together the experiences I've had, I discovered that there is a secret chamber in our family.

Surely, this was also related to him.

Did Father hide this?

Soon, I conjured a round door that covered the entire floor from the magic circle.

The door was attached to the floor, and when opened, it revealed a structure leading underground.

"I tried to open it, but I couldn't."

"Why did you take such a risk? You should know what this is."

I gestured for her to step back, and then I touched the door.

And there, I found a hole that resembled a keyhole.

The shape seemed somewhat familiar.

"A signet ring?"

As I contemplated the pattern resembling a signet ring, I couldn't be sure. Should I examine it closely? But what would come out?

While I was contemplating, Amy asked, "Do you know what it is?"

"No, I don't either."

Since deliberating wouldn't provide any answers, I decided to give it a try.

Considering that it could be dangerous, I asked Amy to leave the room. She hesitated for a moment but eventually nodded upon seeing the seriousness in my expression.

"If something happens, call for help."


Once she left the study, I immediately placed the ring into the hole.

As I did, an unknown magic within the door was triggered.

The door moved like a snake, making a subtle sound as it transformed into a form that could be opened.

With caution, I opened the door and noticed that it was much smoother than before.

Behind the open door, I saw a descending staircase.

Given the structure of the house, it was impossible for such a staircase to exist. It seemed that the power of magic was at work here.

"I need to investigate."

My father, who was also a necromancer.

He was said to be Morne's disciple. I wondered what was lurking beneath and what secrets would be revealed.

As I walked down the stairs, there was no light, yet the surroundings were brightly illuminated.

In addition, a powerful surge of mana filled the air.

"This energy is..."

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