
This is a Bowl?

"Who is this?"


Junko, who was sitting below deck in the wide sleeping quarters of the mages, was learning the concept of names.

Specifically, she was learning that other creatures also had 'names'.

Looking straight into the eyes of the man sitting in front of her for a solid minute, Junko could only look back at the woman who asked her the question and shake her head.

"This is Borton."

The female mage whom Junko met in the Jungle, Elaryn told her the answer as she pointed her finger at the man sitting opposite her.

Junko turned back to the man and stared at him intently. She was sitting on Elaryn's lap as the mages didn't let her sit on the hard wooden floor.

All that the mages and everyone else on the ship had were some few hammocks, pillows and blankets. Those who were unlucky slept on the floor. There weren't any chairs around to sit on.

"This is a Bortom?"

Junko asked while looking at the man only to receive a kind smile and a slight shake of the head in return.

"No, this is BortoN."


Junko corrected herself after learning the pronunciation again.

"Yes, good job~."

Elaryn praised with a smile as she pat Junko on her head.

"And who is this?"

Elaryn then pointed her finger at Junko and bopped her on the nose.

'What is Junko?'

And the little girl fell into thought as she opened her status and stared at it.

'Is Junko Apex?'

She stared at her Titles.

'Is Junko Terror? Is Junko Junko?'

Thinking about it intensely, her mind raced as a faint memory suddenly surfaced.

'Ah. Junko Class? Junko is Unchosen.'

She glanced at Borton, the mage who sitting in front of her with a faint smile while awaiting her answer.

'Then this Class is BortoN?'

"Did you turn her off?"

Borton asked as it seemed like the little girl wasn't going to answer after getting her nose 'booped'.

"Oh, shut it. She is probably confused since she doesn't understand the concept of names yet."

Elaryn spoke after lightly rolling her eyes.

"Well, she really is thinking quite hard about it."

"The mark of a good student."

Before the conversation could continue and before anyone could snap Junko out of her daze, the door to the mages' sleeping quarters opened and the shout of an adventurer was heard.

"Oi Ellie! The prince wants to see ya along with the rest of your adventure group!

With a sigh, Elaryn picked Junko up and placed her down on a hammock.

"Stay here, I'll be back soon."

Elaryn said with a smile as she made brief eye contact with Junko before turning to Borton.

"Make sure she doesn't fall off of there."

"Got it."

Elaryn then turned and left after sending a small wave to Junko.

The girl in question turned away from Elaryn after she walked away and focused on her status.

Picking the Class option, she was again face to screen with six options.

Reading and rereading through them all, Junko was again unsure of which to pick.

[Class Option List]

[1. Frightening Dragonling of Fear]

[Details: A Dragonling Child. New to Life.

This Frightening Child of the Apex Species holds Skills to inflict fear onto their enemies with ease, making even nature itself fear their Power.

Growing to become Frightening enough to scare off even the Gods.

Make them Learn Fear.]

[2. Dragonling of Gravitational Horror]

[Details: A Dragonling Child. New to Life.

This Horror of the Apex Species will soon hold power to turn the world upside down. With Gravitation as their spear and shield, none may approach while they learn to Gravitate entire planets at their enemies.

Grow to squash them like bugs as you fling mountains at them.

Make them Learn Horror.]

[3.Dragonling of Spacial Fright]

[Details: A Dragonling Child. New to Life.

This Frightful Child of the Apex holds Skills to inflict Fright itself onto all their enemies with ease, making even space itself shiver from their Power.

Growing to become Frightening enough to make even Gods struggle to sleep.

Make them Learn Fright.]

[4. Dragonling of Cosmic Dread]

[Details: A Dragonling Child. New to Life.

The Dreadful Child of the Apex Species. Cosmos Devourer and Void Consumer, grow to make All Dread your arrival. For the definition of Dread means to either Fear or Revere.

Grow and learn to create and destroy Galaxies as you please while devouring all else.

Make All Learn to Dread.]

[5. Dragonoid Child of Starlight]

[Details: A Dragon Child with a Humanoid Body. New to Life.

A Blessed Child of the Apex. Choosing humanity over simple power, they are born with both Talent and Potential that they will use to Protect instead of Destroy.

Seemingly Blessed by the Stars themselves, The One Born Under Starlight is fated to Grow and Bring an era of Prosperity.

Give them Hope and Dispel their Worries.]

[6. Dragonoid Child of Freedom]

[Details: A Dragon Child with a Humanoid Body. New to Life.

A Blessed Child of the Apex. Choosing the Mortal desire for Freedom, they are born with both Talent and Potential to be free and become anything they wish whether that be a fisherman, a gardener or an emperor.

Grow to be free and live a long, enjoyable life of exploration and adventure.

Give them Tall Tales to Tell and Enjoyment to Spread.]

"So? What are you thinking about?"

The voice of Borton the Mage called out to Junko who raised her head from the list to him.

"Klass. Class?"

Junko answered without much thought.

"Oh, what?! You're picking your Class?"

Borton asked with a loud voice as nearly everyone's heads turned towards the duo.


Junko answered with a small nod as she turned back to the list.

As she started to read through her options again, the door was kicked open as a group of adventurers rushed in.

"The little lass is picking a Class?! Now of all times?!"

One of the adventurers yelled questioningly as he ran towards the girl.

"Surely you'll pick an adventurer class considering you're from that terrible continent, right?"

He asked without expecting a reply.

This question however sparked the start of a commotion as mages and adventurers argued about which Class the girl should pick.

The arguments weren't specifically about Junko but more about which starting Class was best. One that focused on magic or one that focused on physique?

A few small scuffles started but Junko, who was busy making her decision completely ignored the ruckus.

She sat there and contemplated for nearly ten minutes and the scuffles and arguments had yet to stop.

Then, she picked her Class and a faint gentle light wrapped around her before shattering like glass.

[Class Recognized.]

[Class Skill Choice Available.]

[Temporary Skill: EXP Storage LV 28 is Activated.]

[Temporary Skill: EXP Storage LV 28 has been Partially Drained.]

[Temporary Skill: EXP Storage LV 28 Becomes LV 12]

[Level Reaches 20!]

[Tier 1 Level Limit Reached.]

[Tier Up Available.]

As Junko was about to read everything that suddenly appeared, she stopped suddenly as she noticed the silence that overtook the place. Looking up and around the area, she could see everyone staring at her with wide eyes.

Tilting her head to the side questioningly, she was surprised and suddenly bombarded with questions.

The adventurers and mages with Appraisal Type Skills tried to see what Class she chose but all that came up was...

[??? LV 20]

Confusion and an even louder commotion compared to before shot out of the mages' sleeping quarters.

One of the reasons for the commotion to grow louder was the colour of the light that wrapped around Junko as she chose her Class. Normally the colour signifies the strength and rarity of the chosen Class. White, Yellow, Green, Blue, Navy, Silver, Gold and Violet along with a few shades here and there in between said colours.

The colour that wrapped around Junko, although faint, was a deep and dark purple with hints of scarlet flickering like stars.

As far as everyone there knew, this had never been recorded in history.

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