
Chapter 4 - Pleasurable Punishment

"There, I found something!"

Even though she's in the library by herself, naked through her husband's command, Rias still stares down at the book she's been researching, whispering to herself in disbelief. In the midst of her search for a way out of her marriage to Riser, she inevitably landed on a page in her current book.

"If I had them on my side, with their abilities, this could work...I should be able to form a plan off of this..." Rias says to herself. "This is our best bet it seems. I just need to get in contact with him, then." Forming a magic circle by her ear, the princess of ruin waits for a response of some kind. "Are you well?" she asks the person receiving her call. After pausing for response, she smiles. "Good, I'm happy to hear. Don't worry about us, we'll be fine. Yes, I know, Koneko has been eager to break someone but I'm keeping her in check. But there's a big favor I need from you..."

After the call is over and every detail is delivered, Rias sighs as she leans back in her chair. With the Princess of Ruin's mission for the day complete, Rias leaves the library, ignoring the stares of the guards as they continue to stand outside the room. Even as she sways her hips from side to side she knows they're trying to get a peak at her body, but refuses to even acknowledge them. Not that there's much she can do, not even cover up with her hands given Riser's orders. Speaking of which, Rias checks the time on a nearby grandfather clock, realizing that Phenex would be home soon from his business matters. Then she realizes that Akeno and Koneko haven't been seen in a while, likely still fulfilling their work duties for the day.

"I hope they're okay." Rias says to herself, heading off to find her friends. Though she didn't have to go far; one turn of the corner is all she needs to find Akeno and Koneko, the former wearing nothing else but an apron, while the latter is adorned in a ruined sexy maid outfit, their faces and bodies coated in white seed. "I see you two have been busy." Rias says calmly, despite the shocked expression in her eyes.

"Yeah, the cooks were a little rough with me." Akeno explains. "They wanted me to keep testing their 'secret sauce', as if saying it over and over again is going to change anything. Or make it funnier."

"The butlers were overzealous as well." Koneko says. "I wanted to punch them after the fifth time I had to change our own bed sheets when their jizz kept flying over my head."

Taking in what her friends have gone through, Rias's shocked expression quickly turns into a smile. "Hopefully you won't have to go through this much longer." she says cheerfully. "I managed to find a solution, and I've made contact with him. Hopefully we'll be hearing back from him soon."

Akeno and Koneko look at their master, a small glimmer of hope in their eyes. "So can I start talking back to the staff and punch them in the dick?" Koneko asks.

"No, not just yet." Rias giggles. "But hopefully soon enough. I just have to wait and see when he responds."

"I hope it's soon." sighs the white haired neko, staring at the ground with her permanent glare. "I can't handle much more of this without wanting to put my fist through the wall."

"I hear you, Koneko," Akeno says, using her apron to wipe her face, "but you know Rias, we won't act without her say in the matter. Just be patient."

"I'm losing my patience over having to BE patient..." Koneko grumbles.

"We'll talk more about it in a bit." Rias says, waving for the two to follow her. "Maybe in the shower before Riser comes home."

"Only to be covered in his jizz too?" Akeno asks with a shrug. "Well I guess we'll be needing multiple showers anyway once this is all done..."


A few days later, Rias is finally let out of the house, though it's only to help Riser with his business matters. The crimson haired devil is just thankful that she's allowed to wear clothes for a change, having been without them since before the wedding. It may simply be a business suit with a short pencil skirt, with enough cleavage exposed to show off her enormous breasts, but it's at least something.

Sitting across the table from her and Riser is a noble devil, one of a more polite and pleasant nature. He's definitely lived the high life, being of large weight with a rotund torso. He smiles continuously throughout the meeting, even with his smile barely covered by the brown mustache, the only hair he has on his whole head. Rias sits patiently while Riser and the noble continue to speak, with attention turning her way occasionally. Her mind is in and out of the discussion, otherwise thinking about how things are going with her outside source. But then she hears Riser say something to the noble that catches her attention...

"...But sadly things have been a little slow with the production of our Phenex tears." he explains to the noble. Rias recognizes that as the product the Phenex family sells, one that can heal any wounds. It practically acts as an extension of the immortality the family has been gifted after all these centuries. "Our supply has been reaching the lowest numbers in our entire history, so Riser is afraid that we may not give you the number of tears that you had been asking for in our recent discussions."

"Ah, is that so? That's quite a shame to hear, young Riser." says the noble.

Riser nods. "Indeed, with demand being so low as well Riser afraid that prices have had to rise just to keep our matters in the black." Upon hearing this, Rias raises an eyebrow in suspicion. Over the last few days she's been allowed to continuously venture the mansion, even if it means she's had to please the guards along the way. But she had been able to look over the business records while Riser was out, and she could see for herself that the stock of Phenex tears is perfectly fine. Though she recalls checking some other books in the office as well...

"That is sad to hear." says the noble, reaching out for his check book. "I suppose it would be worth it, as we do need the supply."

Just before the noble devil puts his pen to the check, Rias loudly scoffs, her eyes shut as she wears a smug grin on her lips. "I can't believe you actually bought that story." she says.

"I beg pardon?" asks the noble, confused by her outburst. Riser looks over at his wife as well, nervous about where she intends to go with this.

"Our supply of Phenex tears is doing just fine," she says, "business has never been better, according to the records. But I see exactly what my 'husband' is doing here." She of course uses the term loosely. "He intends to give you that smaller supply, overcharging you for the actual worth. And the extra money he'd have left over? It wouldn't even go back into the hands of production, but rather to get a special pill that would fix up some of his 'performance' issues in bed." Turning to Riser, she says to him, "and trust me, I have noticed."

There's a silence in the room as Riser looks at his wife with the deadliest of stares, while the noble leers at the Head of Phenex. "Well, I must say, you have a surprisingly honest wife, Riser." he says. "It really doesn't bring into question why it was an arranged marriage at all. I suppose with this knowledge, we should perhaps discuss a more reasonable price then?"


After they teleport home from the meeting, Riser and Rias end up in the bedroom, with Phenex furious towards his wife. With his grip still on her wrist, Riser throws her forward, her body landing on the foot of the bed. "How dare you embarrass Riser like that in front of a noble?!" Riser shouts. "You ruined what could have been a great sale for our Phenex tears!"

"And give you the satisfaction of loading your own pockets for your own needs of pleasure?" Rias asks, shifting on the bed until she's sitting at the foot, facing Riser with a harsh stare. "That isn't how you run a business, Riser, and I wouldn't be happy to find out as the Head of Gremory you manage to pull off these same tactics! That is a besmirch to both our family names!"

Riser glares at the crimson haired devil, upset with her for his own reasons. "You were not even meant to be there to discuss business, only to look pretty and be Riser's eye candy to get through this meeting." She can see the leer in Riser's eyes, one that tells her she's in trouble with him. Although there is no punishment Riser can throw her way that she isn't adjusted to by now, no longer caring what he has to throw her way. Even as Riser changes out of his clothes before her, she knows what he intends to ask for. "Now you've gone and riled Riser up. Undress yourself, and stick his mighty rod between your breasts."

"As the husband wishes." Rias snarks, undoing her business attire to show off her chest, while her husband's cock rises slowly to the air. "Are you certain that you don't require your special medication, my darling Riser?" she asks, sitting back down on her bare behind.

The Head of Phenex says nothing, approaching Rias at the foot of the bed, presenting his shaft to her. The crimson haired devil raises her chest up to the cock, squeezing her breasts around the member. Slowly she strokes it along, massaging the veiny flesh into her mounds, hearing heavy breathing coming from Riser's clenched teeth. The head pokes out between her breasts, with Rias staring it down every time, expecting him to blast his load onto her face. "Now lick it as you stroke it with your breasts." commands Riser, with Rias leaning her head in to do so. With her tongue sticking out, Rias lashes away at the slit, slowly tasting the precum as it trickles from the shaft. She tastes it flowing down her throat,gliding down her tongue as it makes way through her intestines. As Riser continues to thrust the cock between her breasts, Rias can feel him throbbing between her breasts, ready to shut her eyes for the inevitable impact the cock is about to make on her face...

...Only for Riser to pull out. As Rias drops her breasts, the crimson haired devil looks up at him in total confusion. The Head of Phenex looks down from his wife, a slight chuckle escaping his lips. "Riser sees that you're numb to this as a punishment," he says, "and he'll be quite frank, my dear Rias, he doesn't get the same joy out of using you as his pleasure device." With a grin on his lips, Riser kneels before Rias, startling the former Head of Gremory as he parts her legs, staring at her exposed pussy. "In fact...Riser thinks it may be time that he pleasure you instead, like a good husband should."

"What, but Rise-Haaah!" Rias's head tilts back, her body arching as she feels Riser's lips press against her pelvis, his arms wrapped around her legs. His tongue soon comes out to lash away at the folds, his touch surprisingly gentle to her body. As she sucks on her lower lip, Rias realizes how wonderful the sensation is, having never been treated in such a way by Riser since this marriage began. It feels...pleasant. Wonderful. All these things that she never thought she would experience under a marriage to someone like Riser. When his tongue pushes in between her folds, Rias winces, biting down on her knuckle while her other hand grabs onto the bed sheets As the tongue pushes forwards, flicking away at her vaginal cavern, the crimson haired devil takes deep breaths, her eyes shut as she visualizes the movements that Riser makes within her body.

Moments pass before Riser pulls his tongue out, pecking at Rias's clitoris before parting with her groin, smiling as a string of saliva departs from her snatch. Wiping it off, Riser turns his attention to his wife's breasts, using one hand to fondle her lightly while his lips press around the other, giving it a gentle suckle that gives the young devil goosebumps. She whimpers through shut lips, trying to hide her arousal, only to gasp when she feels her husband's fingers slide inside of her pussy. She squeezes her thighs around his hand, though the digits had already made their way between her folds for her to avoid them. Even as he continues to suck on the crimson haired devil's tit, Riser wears a smug grin, hearing the heaving of Rias's breath while her chest pushes out as a result. His fingers soon reach a spongy area within Rias's pussy, giving it a gentle massage that causes her moans to grow louder.

"Oh god..." Rias moans. Riser pulls away from her breast, chuckling as strings of saliva are formed between the two.

"Did you think Riser was incapable of delivering passion?" he asks. "He did have a harem before you, if you recall. There was plenty of practice involved, Riser assures you." Before Rias could have a retort, his fingers spike up into the spongy area, his lips back on her nipple while his thumb pushes down into her free nipple. Such a surge caused by these many factors pushes Rias over the edge, causing the crimson haired devil to let out a whimper, only one syllable long:


Rias grabs the bed sheets with both hands, gripping them tightly as she squirts out onto them, her fluids pooling up and against Riser's bare chest, coating him in her juices. Riser remains in place, his fingers still poking into her vagina while she hoses him down. The squirting juices trickle to the floor, creating another wet spot in the carpeting until Rias's orgasm dies down, leaving the devil girl a heaving mess, a glazed over look in her eyes. She feels so angry at herself for having done so, as if the passion Riser provided overwhelmed her to the point of pleasure."So," Riser asks, wiping her juices off her face, "did Riser please his bride?"

Rias says nothing, still in disgust from allowing her husband to make her cum. She had never once thought she would feel as sensational as she did after Riser treated her like, well, a wife, but after that, she realized it was the best orgasm she experienced in all her life. And she hated it.

"There's still more." Riser says, crawling on top of his wife. He presses his lips into her neckline, hearing little gasps of air escaping Rias's lips. His member slides against her wet pussy folds, arousing the crimson haired devil once more. "You enjoy this feeling, my dear wife?"

"I don't..." Rias moans, her arms reacting through instinct as they wrap around Riser's shoulders. She shivers, a chill running down her spine as his shaft continues to rub against her folds. Riser guides his shaft between her lips, Riser slides it between her legs. Rias's grip around Riser's shoulders tightens as he juts his hips into her body, thrusting into her pelvis as he continues to press his lips into her neck. Rias takes deep and heavy breaths, her eyes shut as she once again visualizes the activity going on within her vagina.

"As Riser had always thought." Riser laughs, studying her figure while continuously grinding into her body with his shaft. The Head of Phenex knows he's doing a good job, of course, as Rias's hips buck into his body, a sign that she wants it harder. Riser obliges, going a bit more aggressive, though not too fast for her, as he wanted her to have the first orgasm.

"Riser, please, I-" Rias's words are cut off by an unexpected kiss from Riser, one that had more passion in it than anything she had ever experienced with him. She moans into his mouth, but in such a manner that let Riser know he was doing something right, even opening his eyes briefly to see her eyes are closed, though he fails to notice the furrowed brow of the crimson haired devil. Their tongue start to move in on one another, pushing into each other as Riser continues to thrust into Rias, hearing further moans echo into him. With her orgasm growing close, Rias holds Riser's head closer to hers, her fingernails almost digging in as she nears her climax.

Soon Rias's backside arches off the bed, her juices splashing about again as Riser's cock plugs her hole up. The crimson haired devil cries out in beautiful agony while she hits an incredible climax, with Riser soon pulling out. Rias quivers atop the bed, holding onto the bed sheets while Riser tugs at his shaft until his own fluids escape his slit, hosing her body down with his milky seed as it shoots from his cock as far as her nose.

As Riser stares down at his pleasured wife, seeing her glassy eyed expression stare at the ceiling, he sighs to himself before leaning into Rias's face, ready for a kiss. The crimson haired devil rolls onto her back,trying to avoid another kiss from her husband. All this does is make Riser upset, though he realizes he has one last punishment for the wife. "It just occurred to Riser...you've never taken my cock in your ass, have you?"

"No, but-" As if that was all he needed to hear, Riser sits over Rias, guiding his cock into Rias's asshole, the crimson haired devil gaping as she feels her ass stretched out for the first time, her head lifted off the bed from the sudden shock. The feeling is not as pleasant to her compared to the passion he had provided. Soon enough, Riser becomes more aggressive with her anus, feeling as though it's his time to be pleased now after finally delivering pleasure to his wife. Rias bites down on her lip even as Riser continues to thrust into her body, her asshole involuntarily squeezing down on his shaft. All this does for the Head of Phenex is give him more pleasure than the crimson haired devil had intended. Though it takes a few minutes, Riser and Rias feel the shaft pulsing inside her anal cavity, a sure sign that Riser is about to cum. The Head of Phenex does so, biting down on his lip as well before he blasts his seed inside of her anus, the milky substance pooling up within her. Without giving her one more moment of orgasmic pleasure, Riser leaves his wife's ass, his cum dripping over her body. He sees that his wife is tired out, sweating all over herself from what he imagines to be an incredible experience.

"You're very welcome. Now...rest yourself up. It's time for Riser to take a shower." With a peck to the cheek, Riser leaves the bedroom, with Rias all on her own as she collects her thoughts about what just happened, especially when he was most passionate to her. It still shocks her, that Riser could actually pull off such a moment of passion, thinking of her needs over his. Though she wouldn't admit it aloud, Rias felt wonderful. She felt pleased. She felt...as if her body betrayed her.

Never once during this marriage did she thinks she would enjoy a moment of sex from Riser, but here she is, left melted by his touch. She curls up into a ball, laying on her side on the bed, as she realizes how dirty she feels about the whole experience. This isn't at all what she wanted for herself or her friends, nor is this the husband she wanted, one that cared more for her status than for who she is. Yet she worries that if she enjoyed those few minutes with Riser even just once, could she enjoy more future experiences? Was he growing on her...?

After Rias crawls to the head of the bed, her cum coated face landing into the pillow on the bed, a red circle forms around her ear. "Please let this be good news..." groans the devil, her voice slightly muffled by the pillow.

"It sounds like my master is having a bad day."

As she recognizes the voice, Rias jumps from her position on the bed, sitting up as hope returns to her eyes. "Kiba! I was worried I wouldn't hear from you again!"

"You did tell me to call if I found anything." Kiba laughs. "Sorry it took me a few days, but I had some...business...to take care of involving swords."

"That's fine, Kiba. I understand." she says, smiling. "Just tell me where you are, and I'll do my best to be there in a few days."

"I will, my master. See you soon."

After the call ends, Akeno and Koneko walk in, their bodies once more coated in semen. "Hey, is everything cool? Who were you talking to?" asks Akeno.

"It was Kiba." Rias says with excitement. "And we may have a solution to our problem. I'm going to meet him soon, but I'm going to need you to help me with something."

"Anything." Koneko responds. "So long as it means we can get out of here soon."

"I'll need you to distract Riser so I can sneak out to meet with Kiba."

"...Anything but that." Koneko backpedals.

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