
Wolfstein Empire's Unimportant History

Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add.

Note: Some softcore smut


Putting the thought to the back of his mind, Feng switched his gaze to the patrol teams who have already noticed their group by now and were charging at them.

Unlike the wolfmen Feng remembered seeing in the Land of the Fallen Star during his previous life, the Wolfstein palace's patrol teams moved in a well organized formation while being outfitted in matching uniforms and carrying various weapons and shields, seeming like well-trained soldiers on a battlefield as they charged as one.

Deciding to let the rest of his guild members deal with the approaching enemies, Feng stood back and allowed them to use the opportunity to train some more in group combat, as unlike the monsters they previously faced, these Wolfstein patrol teams seemed to have high individual combat standards, while their teamwork as a group would make it difficult for normal teams of players to face them.

This was also a good chance for those that have recently acquired different Legacies and Class Changed into them to test out their new skills and abilities, so instead of Feng just going ahead and massacring all of the Wolfstein Soldiers and Captains, he relaxed in the back while observing his guild members' progress as well as the surroundings.

Despite there only being a couple of Wolfstein patrol teams with each having only ten members, if another one of White River City's powers were to face them, they'd be wiped out unless they possessed overwhelming numbers, in which case they'd only suffer severe casualties.

For Zero Wing, though, there were no issues taking care of the patrol teams with only five hundred members. In fact, there weren't enough enemies. The regular members split up into groups to face the Special Elite ranked Wolfstein Soldiers, while the remaining wolfmen were dealt with with a restored member.

As for the Wolfstein Captains, they were similarly being suppressed by a restored member each, becoming completely unable to retaliate and land any hits on their opponents despite being Chieftains, only having their HPs drained.

The rest of the unoccupied restored members just sat around and grew bored as they watched all of the enemies being played around with, deciding to be faster next time in order to have an opponent to fight against and test out their current strength.

Naturally, these pups weren't of any threat to the restored members, as after promoting to Tier 1, many among them could even deal with all of the patrol teams present with enough time. The only reason they didn't immediately eradicate their opponents was because of the Chieftains' somewhat large HPs and them wishing to properly judge their current strength.

After a minute or so, the Wolfstein Captains that didn't have a lot of HP remaining noticed the situation their teams were in and that they were quickly losing, so they raised their heads to the sky and let out loud howls; the calls for help echoing through out the giant hall and the multiple hallways connected to it.

Footsteps could soon be heard approaching as another three patrol teams arrived at the giant hall, instantly surveying the situation and charging at the intruders who were fighting their comrades. The idle members immediately sprang into action, racing towards the just-arrived patrol teams and available opponents, with Flying Shadow and two other elite assassins being the first to reach them and take on the three Chieftains; while the rest of the Wolfstein Soldiers were quickly taken up as well.

Among the thirty players that occupied the new opponents, all were melee classes or Rangers, as their speed far outpaced the mages whose spells' attack range wasn't enough to reach the enemies who had just arrived.

Though, some players like Feng didn't even bother competing for the pups, as they felt it wasn't worth the effort.

The three patrol teams' arrival changed nothing as they were very quickly beaten down as well, which caused the three new Wolfstein Captains as well as the original ones that were still alive to howl once more within half a minute.

Upon the inclusion of another four backup patrol teams, more of Zero Wing's members gained opponents to test their strengths on, and within another half a minute, more howls echoed through the palace's halls.

It would seem that if the Wolfstein Captains aren't killed fast enough, they'll continuously call for backup in order to exhaust the players to death. But the members of Zero Wing didn't mind that, and even fought with more fervor as more EXP and loot delivered itself to them.

Although Feng himself wasn't killing the wolfmen, and almost none of the other members had any points in Luck, once a player obtains a high enough amount of Luck points, not only would the drops from the monsters they kill increase exponentially, but even their mere presence will influence the happenings around them; like the loot dropped by the monsters killed around them.

With Feng's Luck, all of the monsters killed around him would leave behind items as if every member of his team had between one to four points in Luck. Of course, depending on the number of people in his team as well as their distance from him, the amount of Luck spread out would vary.

Thus, on top of these monsters being high ranked and in White Fog Canyon's unique environment, the loot Zero Wing's members managed to obtain from the wolfmen was much greater than normal.

This time, though, apart from five patrol groups arriving after the call for help, another wolfman that was obviously larger and better equipped than the Wolfstein Captains led the patrol teams.

[Wolfstein Captain Leader] (High Chieftain)

Level 30

HP 1,200,000/1,200,000

The Wolfstein Captain Leader howled in anger upon seeing Feng's group, before charging over. Those opponentless Zero Wing members instantly reacted and rushed towards the new arrivals, each wanting to test their current strength against something stronger than a Chieftain.

But before those members could get far, a shadow whizzed by them and appeared in front of the High Chieftain in an instant. The Wolfstein Captain Leader reacted quickly and swung its greatsword at the human in front of it, but the attack was easily dodged by the figure as her daggers that sparkled with electricity bit into the wolfman's large body.

As around half of the Wolfstein Captain Leader's HP disappeared, Fire circled around its body, avoiding a second attack, and stabbed her daggers into its back, taking away the rest of its HP.

Fire previously didn't bother going for the Chieftains, knowing it would be useless since she could easily take down even Lords before her Class Change Quest, and that it wouldn't allow her see how much her strength had improved, but Fire figured she might as well try it out on the High Chieftain to test the waters; quickly confirming that she'd need monsters of a much higher strength in order to gauge her current limits.

Upon seeing Fire going for the Wolfstein Captain Leader, the charging Zero Wing members immediately switched their targets, going for the remaining five Wolfstein Captains and Wolfstein Soldiers.

The fight didn't last longer after that, though, as no matter how much the wolves howled and cried out for help, no more backup showed up.

After all of the loot had been collected and distributed, of which there was a lot due to Feng's Luck and large number of high ranking monsters, Feng randomly picked one of the hallways that split from the large hall and passed through it with his group.

They kept going through the various hallways and halls that branched off for a while, encountering more patrol teams along the way. Some called for backup up like the first teams, while some were taken care of too quickly or simply fought to the death without trying to at all.

Apart from the patrol teams, there was also the danger of traps, but with players like Fire who previously had their Trap Disabling being of a high rank in the previous timeline, as well as sometimes just using brute force to get rid of them, the traps were quickly proven useless.

Treasure Chests of various ranks were also found during their exploration of the Wolfstein Empire's Ruined Palace, with multiple of them being Iron rank and even one Secret-Silver Treasure Chest.

Though, the number of patrol teams and their strength also increased the deeper into the ruined palace they went, with each team now possessing multiple Wolfstein Captains, while the Wolfstein Captain Leaders showed up much more often as well as sometimes multiple of them at once after calling for help.

After a bit over an hour passed since Feng's team entered the Wolfstein Empire's Ruined Palace, the howls of three Wolfstein Captain Leaders echoed through the surroundings, causing more patrol teams to arrive along with a couple of High Chieftain ranked wolfmen and one Lord ranked wolfman leading the charge.

[Wolfstein Commander] (Lord)

Level 30

HP 2,500,000/2,500,000

Before the Wolfstein Commander could issue a howl or any of the Zero Wing members could charge at it and the enemies that had just arrived, Feng, surrounded by a golden glow, suddenly appeared above the Lord ranked wolfman, whose eyes began to widen upon noticing the human.

Slashing down the Pandemonium Lashblade, the blade extended to over three yards and split the Wolfstein Commander vertically in half, its divided sides falling over as its HP bar instantly emptied out.

Both the players and wolfmen stared at the scene for a moment, not expecting the Lord ranked monster to be sent on its way as soon as it arrived, before they went back to charging and fighting, while Feng went back to the rear and simply observed the battle.

Although he didn't really care about the High Chieftain wolfmen and the rest of the weaklings, he couldn't let off any Lords since he needed their souls for upgrading Icarus's Heart.

Apart from them, Feng didn't plan on killing any of the rest, merely observing and sometimes moving around to get closer to the some of the Chieftains and High Chieftains that are about to die in order for his Luck to better influence the drops.

The rest of the wolfmen were soon killed as well, and the Zero Wing members continued onward after collecting and distributing the loot.

From that point, the strength of the patrol teams grew even more, with most of the Wolfstein Soldiers becoming Level 29 while each patrol team had at least four Level 29 Chieftains being led by a Level 30 Wolfstein Captain; along with Wolfstein Commanders starting to show up more often. Feng naturally preferred this, as he'd be able to upgrade Icarus's Heart much quicker this way.

A few hours later, though, apart from the Wolfstein Commanders that showed up as backup, a Wolfstein General appeared as well.

[Wolfstein General] (High Lord)

Level 30

HP 3,700,000/3,700,000

Feng naturally immediately killed it along with the Wolfstein Commanders. He had also discovered that, apart from Lord rank monsters giving him one point in upgrading Icarus's Heart, the Wolfstein General had provided him with two points, while the two Great Lord rank Wolfstein Guards he previously killed had each given him five points.

Their journey continued with the Zero Wing members slaughtering their way through the ruined palace, using the various Wolfstein forces to train, get loot and level up; with one of them collecting the souls of the high ranking enemies to upgrade his Necklace.

Several hours later, Feng and his team exited a hall and arrived at a large empty battlefield covered in blood.

As the Zero Wing members looked around, the entrance behind them closed, while many wolfmen started appearing from the horizon, surrounding them from all sides.

The eyes of the unrestored members widened upon seeing the huge amount of monsters quickly surrounding them in formation, not expecting to suddenly be thrown into a battlefield against a giant army. Just from a glance, they could tell that there were probably tens of thousands of wolfmen glaring fiercely at them while emitting low growls.

Feng scanned the battlefield with the Eyes of Truth, his eyes glistening as he noted there were over ten thousand Wolfstein Soldiers, thousands of Wolfstein Captians, hundreds of Wolfstein Captain Leaders, sixty Wolfstein Commanders and twenty Wolfstein Generals. It would definitely be more than enough to upgrade Icarus's Heart to Iron rank!

This number of forces was also multiple times higher than the total number of Wolfmen that they had encountered so far. Moreover, a valiant looking wolfman wearing a distinguishable suit of armor stood at the vanguard of the army.

[Wolfstein Warchief] (Great Lord)

Level 31

HP 10,500,000/10,500,000

As Feng observed the Wolfstein Warchief whose eyes were locked onto him as well as it silently observed, he noticed that apart from its armor and rank that separated it from the rest of the wolfmen as well as the two Wolfstein Guards, another thing that was different about the Warchief was its fur.

Until now, all of the wolfmen he encountered had either black or grey fur, with a few rare ones having red, but although this Wolfstein Warchief was mostly covered in black fur as well, there were some silver threads that stuck out from the rest of the dark coat. The Warchief's aura also gave him a similar, yet different feeling than the rest of the wolfmen, as it gave off a bit of a primordial and familiar feel; almost like Feng had felt it recently.

"Trespassers of the Holy Land, die!" As Feng was mulling over the Wolfstein Warchief's characteristic, the Great Lord bellowed in fury while glaring at Feng's group and pointing one of its giant sabers at them "Charge!"

The members of the Wolfstein army released howls and growls as they charged at Feng's team of five hundred players from all directions.

Zero Wing's members looked towards their Guild Leader, hoping to seek his reassurance and instructions, but they suddenly noticed that he was already flying towards the main group led by the Wolfstein Warchief.

"The Guild Leader will take care of the gathered Lord rank monsters and above. Everyone else, stay in formation in order to deal with the incoming enemies." Fire commanded as she glanced at the flying Feng. She, too, wanted to charge into the group of high ranking monsters and slaughter to her heart's content, but considering that Feng needed their souls in order to upgrade Icarus's Heart, and the guild members behind her which might get trampled by the horde of monsters, Fire decided against it.

Although the unrestored members have rapidly improved through the fights and under the rest of the members' instructions, to the point they could fight Special Elite rank monsters by themselves, and some even kill their opponent, there were over ten thousand Wolfstein Soldiers, outnumbering Zero Wing's members twenty to one. If the unrestored members were to face such a force head on, they'd end up massacred.

There were also the numerous Chieftain and High Chieftain rank wolfmen. The unrestored members would have to form a group to face just one of the thousands of Wolfstein Captains, not to mention the Wolfstein Captain Leaders who needed around fifty of the members in order to be taken down.

Moreover, even though most of the Wolfstein Commanders and Generals were gathered around the Wolfstein Warchief, there were still a few among the army. If they were to attack the Zero Wing members along with the rest of the army, the unrestored members would stand no chance at surviving.

Thus, Fire and the rest of the restored members with high enough Agility needed to take care of the stray Lords and High Lords, which were the largest threats, as well as prevent as many or all of the High Chieftain rank wolfmen from reaching the Zero Wing members behind them; while the MTs stayed behind in formation along with the healers and unrestored members to tank and take care of the many lower rank enemies that reach them.

Thankfully, there was a bit of a distance between the Zero Wing members and Wolfstein army, allowing them enough time to take care of the troubles.

Rushing forward, Fire sliced through all of the Wolfstein Soldiers and Captians in her way, the pups' HPs disappearing as her daggers bit into them while she made her way towards one of the Wolfstein Generals in the approaching army.

The rest of the melees that weren't Shield Warriors and Guardian Knights similarly followed after Fire, ripping through the wolfmen along the way, while the mages used their spells to take down and slow the charging pups as the MTs stopped them in their tracks.

Of course, the unrestored members didn't just sit around as they fought against the Wolfstein Soldiers and continuously dealt damage to them and the Wolfstein Captains.

Despite Cola and the other MTs being vastly outnumbered by the thousands of wolfmen that were attacking their group, they didn't seem to be having any trouble withstanding the onslaught with their attributes and techniques. Not to mention they had incredible healers with Violet being the main healer who did the job of a hundred Clerics by herself.

After Class Changing into a True Saint, although Violet's fighting capabilities weren't as high as they would be with a Class like the Astromancer, her healing capabilities were unmatched. Though, until she acquired better equipment and skills, or better control over Mana the fighting head on and damage she could do will be limited.

However, with Violet's combat standards, even in her current state, she's far more powerful than the rest of the players throughout God's Domain.

Meanwhile, on Feng's side, he flew towards the Wolfstein Chieftain and the grouped up high ranking monsters with Wind Rider as he switched to the Aura of Fire and activated Divine Providence. The wolfmen at who he was rushing towards narrowed their eyes at the flying human.

The Wolfstein Warchief wanted to attack the incoming enemy along with its troops, but the human was moving through the sky too quickly, not giving them a chance to prepare or aim as he quickly reached them.

Scanning the crowd, Feng cast Firestorm on the place with the most number of grouped up wolfmen, enveloping over a dozen Wolfstein Commanders and two Wolfstein Generals. With Firestorm doing damage per second much higher than his regular attacks, the Wolfstein pups were unable to last for long as all of their HP disappeared; and their souls got absorbed by Icarus's Heart.

Enraged by the human's blatant attack on its soldiers, the Wolfstein Warchief attempted to charge at Feng while hurling a skill at him, but before it could move far from its position, Feng had already arrived at another place with Wolfstein Commanders grouped up a bit more.

Although the wolfmen wanted to retaliate and save themselves, a beam of fire came out of Feng's mouth as Dragon Breath passed through the Wolfstein Commanders, turning them into ashes.

Following which, Feng looked at Icarus's Heart's information.

Previously, he had killed many Wolfstein Commanders and Generals along the way to this battlefield, needing less than thirty more points in order to upgrade Icarus's Heart to Iron rank. Now after he had cast Firestorm and Dragon breath, killing multiple more of the wolfmen, he should have collected enough souls.

[Icarus's Heart] (Necklace, Mysterious-Iron Rank [Can be evolved])

Equipment Requirement: All Attributes 120

Level 20 - Level 80 (Currently Level 29)

All Attributes +17

Luck +7

Additional Skill -

Divine Providence: Temporarily increases player's Luck by 25 points for 30 seconds.

Cooldown: 45 minutes

Evolution Condition: Absorb the Life Force of 300 players to evolve to Secret-Silver Rank. (0/300)[1] 

As Feng was inspecting Icarus's Heart's new information and feeling glad over the upgrade, he noticed that the Wolfstein Warchief and the rest of its troops had taken advantage of his pause to launch many attacks at him. 

Weapons and skills flew through the air at high speeds towards Feng as he floated in mid air, threatening to pulverize him. Feng merely scoffed at the attacks as he placed Icarus's Heart back in its place while sending a punch at the incoming projectiles with his right hand.


A shockwave spread out as all of the attacks in its way got either extinguished and destroyed or got sent flying in different directions.

Sending a glance at the Wolfstein Warchief and remaining Wolfstein Commanders and Generals, Feng felt it was a good opportunity to try some of his newly acquired skills. Ever since Feng bought his new equipment from the War God's Temple, he had been either too busy to test out their skills, or up against opponents who were too weak to withstand them and allow Feng to properly gage their capabilities. 

Now he finally had practice targets that were strong enough to survive a few of his attacks, so he'll be able to test out one or two of his new skills. 

Though, he also needed to prevent any of the pups from running away and joining the rest of the army, as it could create some problems for the Zero Wing members who were currently defending against the many wolfmen's attacks. 

Considering that, twelve pitch-black and two platinum blue swords appeared behind him, as the golden glow previously surrounding him, which had disappeared after Icarus's Heart got upgraded, reappeared, this time glowing even brighter, before sending the swords flying towards the Wolfstein Generals who had scattered around after his previous AoE skills. There were still around twenty Wolfstein Commanders and fifteen Wolfstein Generals near him from the original group. 

Controlling the fourteen swords, Feng had them fly at the wolfmen around him. Although the phantom Abyssal Blades could only deal 50% of Feng's damage, they could still do an astonishing amount to the puppies baring their fangs at him. 

The Wolfstein Commanders that stood in the phantom swords' path lost a third of their HP and were left with large scars as the force threw them to the ground, while those that were unlucky enough for the attack land on vital spots or receive critical hits lost even more; with a few really unlucky ones who got both directly dying from the first wave of attacks. 

Being the main target of the phantom Abyssal Blades, the Wolfstein Generals fared even worse. 

Feng also got to see the Mysticsteel Pauldron's mysticsteel swords in action. Apart from possessing far greater strength and speed than the phantom Abyssal Blades, the Mysticsteel Dualblades were also far more flexible and could be exercised with greater control and accuracy. The two platinum blue swords ripped apart any wolfmen in their way, the Wolfstein Commanders becoming completely crippled upon being caught in their trajectory, while the Wolfstein Generals' HP was quickly drained under a few of the swords' slashes. 

Meanwhile, the Wolfstein Warchief could only look on in rage and helplessness as its soldiers became Feng's test dummies. Although it tried attacking Feng, before switching to the flying swords after realizing that was useless, it quickly found out that it wasn't able to land any attacks on the nimble swords or prevent them from attacking the rest of the wolfmen. 

It had even tried standing in front of a Wolfstein General and protecting it, its attempts proving useless once again, though, as the flying blades simply circled around it, avoiding it and its attacks completely, and sliced apart the poor High Lord. 

Seeing that it couldn't do anything to stop the massacre, the Wolfstein Warchief switched its gaze to the Zero Wing members fighting against the army of wolfmen, before charging in their direction. Since it wasn't able to stop the powerful human, it might as well attack the human's comrades. 

Feng's eyes moved to the Great Lord that was rushing towards his guild members. As it would have taken a bit to drain the Wolfstein Warchief's HP by just relying on the flying swords, Feng had ignored it, opting to take care of the Lords and High Lords first before dealing with it. 

Of course, although he had payed it no mind until now, Feng naturally wouldn't let it go off and cause trouble for his subordinates. It also served as an opportunity to test out another of his new skills, so Feng kept using his fourteen swords to slaughter the wolfmen while he flew towards the Great Lord. 

Sensing the human coming after it, the Woflstein Warchief waited for the final moment, before abruptly turning and slashing its saber. Feng had already flown very close to it, and its saber was less than half a yard from him, so the Warchief believed there was no way for the human to avoid its current attack like it did the previous times. 

Though, Feng wasn't planning on avoiding it this time. 

Flipping from his head-first flying position, Feng sent a kick at the approaching blade. 

Internal Shock!

When Feng's foot and the saber that was bigger than him collided, the Wolfstein Warchief's hand was thrown back as it lost grip of the saber in it, while the Great Lord was forced to retreat by a couple of steps. 

The Warchief's arm slumped to the side of the wolfman's body, crimson blood flowing between the gaps in its wrist armor and gauntlets. The Wolfstein Warchief's eyes widened in shock, not expecting this to be the result of its calculated strike. 

Although it had known that the human's strength was greater than its own, it had thought that at most, its attack would be deflected and it would be forced to take a step back. However, the current situation was far beyond its initial expectations. Not only had its strike failed and it had been forced to retreat by multiple steps, its arm had become completely numb and unusable from the exchange as well. 

But before the Wolfstein Warchief could react, Feng appeared before it as his fist struck the Great Lord's chest. The basic punch should have only been able to make the Warchief stumble, but, surprisingly enough, the Wolfstein Warchief's entire body was nearly sent flying as it tumbled to the ground and spewed out a mouthful of blood. Crimson blood also started flowing from its eyes and ears as it turned to the floating human with a fearful gaze. 

The Shock-Inducing Fists' Internal Shock effect and skill not only allowed Feng's strikes to ignore almost all of his target's Defense and increased his damage but also did piercing damage to the target's insides. Currently, despite the Wolfstein Warchief only losing around 10% of its HP from Feng's attack, it has entered a Heavily Injured state while seemingly unable to get up from the damage his strike had caused. 

Of course, the damage Internal Shock's effect could cause were limited to the user's Strength and damage dealing capabilities as well as the target's Defense and Physique. It was only because Feng's Strength and Attack Power were so high in relation to the Wolfstein Warchief's Defense and Physique that he had been able to do so much physical damage to it and place it in the state it is now. 

Moreover, aside from his normally impressive Strength, Feng's attributes were also currently being boosted by the Boots of Slaughter's Vanquisher's Surge and the effect of Reaper from the Pandemonium Lashblade after killing all of the Wolfstein Commanders and most of the Wolfstein Generals that had been grouped up. 

Fear soon disappeared from the Wolfstein Warchief's eyes and was replaced with rage at being beaten down this badly by the intruder. The fur on its body started rising as the few silver hairs that were mixed in with the dark ones started glowing. A powerful aura spread out from the Warchief that attracted the attention of the rest of the Zero Wing members and wolfmen who were fighting off in the distance, while the aura made Feng pause for a moment; his eyes widening slightly in surprise. 

It wasn't the strength or might of the aura that surprised Feng, though, but instead the instinctual warning he received upon sensing the Great Lord's aura, as well as finally realizing why he had the faint, familiar feeling from the Wolfstein Warchief. 

"I see... you can die now." The Woflstein Warchief heard Feng's impassive voice as it struggled to stand up, before two mysticsteel blades stabbed through its legs while the extended Pandemonium Lashblade slashed apart its armor and head; causing the Warchief's remaining HP to disappear. 

After sensing the Wolfstein Warchief's change and the primordial aura coming from it, Feng was reminded of where he had recently felt it. Only, it had been brief and kind of inconsequential to Feng at the time, so he hadn't been able to immediately narrow it down. 

Meanwhile, the primordial aura that the Wolfstein Warchief gave off was similar to the aura of one of the Primordial Beasts Feng had killed during the Twelve Trials, the Moon-howling Silver Wolf. Of course, the density of the Primordial Beast's aura was many times greater than of the Warchief which seemed to only possess a smidget of the Moon-howling Silver Wolf's blood in it. 

Though, it had still surprised Feng to find a remnant of a Primordial Beast's blood in a place like this, especially in a mere Great Lord who served as only a Warchief, when Feng could still sense many auras as powerful and even much greater than this Wolfstein Warchief's deeper in the palace. 

He even began to wonder if the Wolfstein Empire's connection to the Moon-howling Silver Wolf's bloodline was the reason for the power it held according to the information Feng received from his guild members; and what other secrets the Empire and this palace were hiding. 

After which, Feng flew back to the rest of his guild members and helped wipe out the Wolfstein army, causing an exit leading back out of the ruined palace and one leading deeper into it to appear upon the death of the final wolfman. 

The battle, which was more like a massacre of wolves, had provided a huge amount of loot for the Zero Wing members, which had taken over an hour to collect even with everyone's efforts, as well as abundant EXP. Just the Level 30 Secret-Silver equipment they had obtained was enough to outfit all of the members in the entire Guild, while the amount of Iron rank equipment was even greater, and there was also a huge amount of Fine-Gold and Dark-Gold rank Weapons and Equipment; not to mention the Epic items dropped by the Wolfstein Warchief. 

As for the rest of the items like rare materials and Magic Scrolls, the amount was so large that along with the equipment, if not for Feng having the Epic rank Spatial Bag, they would not have been able to store all of the items. Though, Feng's bags were now nearly completely full as well. 

Looking at his bags filled with items, an idea crossed Feng's mind, before he told all of the Zero Wing members to rest for a while, as the fight had indeed been intense and draining on their Stamina, and used Coordinate Marking to mark his current location. Following which, Feng activated Spatial Shift, teleporting out of the Wolfstein Empire's Ruined Palace and nearly out of White Fog Canyon. 

Although the White Fog Canyon and places like the Wolfstein palace had restrictions on using items capable of teleportation, with the Space Helmet being a Fragmented Legendary item as well as possessing the Spatial Liberation Passive Skill, Feng remained unaffected by such weak restrictions. 

Afterwards, using Space Movement, Feng teleported out of the White Fog Canyon and used a Return Scroll to teleport to White River City. Emptying his bags, Feng placed the materials and Magic Scrolls in the Bank while putting the weapons and equipment in Zero Wing's Warehouse. Though, he didn't allow regular members to see the Level 30 items, allowing them to exchange for only the many Level 25 Weapons and Equipment from Bronze to Dark-Gold rank using Guild Contribution Points. 

Feng then used Echoport, arriving back in the Wolfstein Empire's Ruined Palace among the resting Zero Wing members, which became surprised upon seeing their Guild Leader suddenly appear out of thin air with no warning. 

Aside from the loot, the EXP everyone received allowed every player to level up at least once. 

Previously, they had killed a huge number of wolfmen along the way to the battlefield, and as all of the monsters were Level 29 and Level 30 as well as high ranked, which would normally give them an astonishing amount of EXP far surpassing other monsters of the same rank, not to mention when in White Fog Canyon's unique environment, even the lowest level player had been close to Level 29, with most of the regular players being Level 29 and many of the restored core members being high in Level 30. 

Though, players like Feng, Violet and Fire who had Peak Legacies, as well as many of the others who had Advanced Legacies, leveled up much slower due to needing more EXP. The players with Advanced Legacies usually needed anywhere between 1.4 to 1.8 times more EXP than other classes, while Feng and Violet with two of the Ten Great Saint Legacies needed twice as much EXP; as for Fire who possessed the Atrocity Legacy, a Top-tier Peak Legacy, she needed 2.2 times the EXP regular classes required in order to level up. 

Thus, all of them with better Legacies had still been Level 29 before they arrived at the battlefield. 

However, after killing so many of the Wolfstein forces, thousands of which being Chieftains and hundreds of High Chieftains along with dozens of Lord and High lords, every one of the five hundred Zero Wing members had reached Level 30, with many becoming Level 31. 

After everyone had rested and regained some of their Stamina, the group marched on deeper into the ruined palace. 

A little over a day later, Feng stood over the corpse of a Great Lord rank wolfman which had guarded a gate before it was relived of its duties by Feng. Though, unlike the other Great Lord rank wolfmen which Feng had encountered until now, this one was dressed much differently and had what seemed like a pair of glasses on its face. 

[Wolfstein Library Guardian] (Great Lord)

Level 33

HP 0/11,800,000

As Feng finished collecting the librarian's loot and was about to open the gate, the system alarm he had set sounded. Looking at the system clock that displayed the current time, and then at the Zero Wing members with exhausted looks on their faces, Feng came to a quick decision. 

"You can all take a break now. Rest or log off if you want to. We'll be continuing the exploration in a few hours." 

Everyone breathed a collective sigh of relief and slumped to the ground upon hearing Feng's words. They had spent an entire day fighting through the ruined palace all the way to here, and although they did take breaks every so often to regain Stamina and rest, those were only short temporarily breaks that did little to relive their mental exhaustion. 

The regular members had started coming close to collapsing, and even some of the restored members were beginning to have trouble keeping up with the high intensity fights. Although they had experience being in fights of scales many times larger and more consistent even in the real world, their physical bodies and minds weren't currently the most optimal due to lacking high quality resources, and on top of having to deal with the fights and many powerful monsters with their current attributes and capabilities, as well as giving instructions to the regular members on how to improve, they were showing signs of struggling a bit as well. 

Of course, they had been warned beforehand that it was unknown for how long they'd go without taking any breaks and that they would most likely be fighting nonstop, so that the members could either clear out their schedules or not go on the exploration at all. Naturally, though, if the members had some peasant things to do like working a job, Feng simply gave them a month's worth of salary and they'd be good to go. 

Feng also didn't make them put in all this work for nothing, as aside from getting the extremely rare chance to upgrade their combat standards and levels very quickly, the members could also choose to immediately exchange for suitable equipment from the dropped loot if they had contributed enough, or simply receive Contribution Points for their work to use later on. 

Still, the unrestored members had not expected that they'd be going for an entire day without a proper break, and they had began faltering due to not knowing when they'd get a chance to rest and being mentally exhausted. 

Having noticed this as well as that it was soon going to be a similar time to when he received a call from Manager Xiao about the competition in order to get what he wanted from the Big Dipper Training Center as in the previous timeline, Feng decided to take a longer break than usual and let everyone get some rest while he logged out to deal with the Big Dipper business. 

During this day of exploration, the Zero Wing players had fought their way through the ruined palace in which the wolfmen guarding it grew continuously stronger the deeper in they went. After leaving the battlefield, the patrol teams no longer possessed any Special Elite rank wolfmen, as every patrol team member was at least a Level 30 Chieftain while the patrol leader was a Level 30 High Chieftain.

Patrol Teams were also much more numerous now, as well as the Lord rank backup they call whenever they start losing. Apart from the increase in numbers and levels, another change was that the higher ranking wolfmen like High Lords and a few rare Lords now possessed silver hairs similar to the Wolfstein Warchief, and it seemed like their hierarchy was also based off of the purity of the primordial bloodline within them. 

On the bright side, the increase in powerful enemies gave the regular Zero Wing members a chance to improve under stress even more, while the restored members could gage their strength all they wanted now, since Feng had stopped killing all of the Lord rank and above wolfmen himself ever since he upgraded Icarus's Heart. The number of high ranking monsters also allowed them to obtain many more items of higher quality.

Though, it also made their progression slower and more difficult, which was why Feng sometimes steps in when the pressure gets too high and he judges it would take a long time for the rest of the members to take care of the situation. 

Their leveling speed also decreased drastically after they reached the same level as the enemies they were killing, so very few players had managed to level up with only the players who had already been high in Level 30 getting enough EXP to reach Level 31. 

This was still despite their group entering another battlefield similar to the first one, except with the high ranking wolfmen being much more numerous and there being three Great Lord rank wolfmen on the scene. 

Naturally, this also provided plenty of loot after all of the wolfmen were killed, forcing Feng to make a trip to White River City and still not being able to transfer all of the items they received in one go. 

Plenty of Treasure Chests from Bronze to Fine-Gold rank were also found everywhere throughout the ruined palace, enriching the Zero Wing members who found them since Feng let anyone have whatever is inside a Treasure Chest they find unless it's useful to the guild, in which case Feng gave them the corresponding Contribution Points,, with the only condition being they let him open the chests due to him having a huge amount of Luck points. 

None of the members naturally complained about this and were even enthusiastic about it, as they had seen the Luck their Guild Leader had and the great items he gets when killing monsters and opening Treasure Chests. 

Though, any Dark-Gold Treasure Chests found along the way were a different story, as Feng kept them and didn't open them immediately. After all, the highest ranking items you could get from a Fine-Gold Treasure Chest were Dark-Gold rank, which weren't of much use to Feng overall. From Dark-Gold Treasure Chests, however, one could receive Epic items and items of equivalent value, which could still be useful to Feng, as long as one was lucky enough. 

Thus, Feng decided to wait until he upgraded Icarus's Heart all the way before opening the Dark-Gold Treasure Chests. Though, there was also the fact that some Treasure Chests of high ranks like Dark-Gold needed keys or some other special conditions in order to be opened, so Feng currently wasn't able to open both of them even if he wanted to. 

In comparison to the rest of the Treasure Chests, though, Dark-Gold Treasure Chests were much rarer even in a place like the Wolfstein Empire's Ruined Palace, as even until now, they had only managed to obtain two Dark-Gold chests; whereas they've already found more than a dozen Fine-Gold ones. 

Aside from the times after the battlefields, Feng also had to make a couple of trips earlier to store the items in the Bank in order to empty everyone's bags, while placing any suitable items up for exchange in the Guild Warehouse like the Warfire Set Equipment. 

Meanwhile, when the other members of Zero Wing saw the large stock of Level 25 equipment and multiple Warfire Sets, they all grew excited. Enthusiasm filled every one of them as they actively completed Guild Quests and made contributions to the Guild.

Level 25 equipment was currently the pinnacle of equipment to God's Domain players.

Even before everyone had reached Level 25, the Guild had already prepared a large number of high-end Level 25 equipment for themselves. This had extinguished the Guild members' worries about obtaining Level 25 equipment. Now, the only thing they needed to do was frantically accumulate Guild Points. By the time they reached Level 25, they could simply exchange for the Level 25 equipment. This point alone made Zero Wing superior to every other Guild.

The appearance of Level 25 equipment in Zero Wing's Warehouse had undoubtedly punched a big hole into Overwhelming Smile's poaching plan. Now, those who originally planned to defect from Zero Wing started hesitating.

Although the benefits offered by Overwhelming Smile were very high, the equipment it possessed was unable to keep up with the times. Meanwhile, if their equipment fell behind, how would they hunt for even better equipment? How were they supposed to grind and level up quickly?

Once behind, always behind.

Not to mention there were also the multiple complete Sets of the recently discovered Warfire Set Equipment, which could be upgraded to Fine-Gold rank and Level 30. 

At this moment, many players who had previously defected from Zero Wing to Overwhelming Smile began regretting their decision. 


"Just how did Zero Wing manage to get so many Level 25 high-end equipment? I hear that a guy who was a lot weaker than me has already obtained a Level 25 Mysterious-Iron chest piece. As soon as he reaches Level 25, he can replace the Level 20 Mysterious-Iron chest piece he is wearing. If I had known something like this would happen earlier, I would never have left Zero Wing. I might already have enough points to exchange for a Level 25 Secret-Silver Equipment by now..."

"I couldn't agree more! A guy I know who was previously about equal in strength with me is now very well off. When I chatted with him six hours ago, he told me that he had managed to accumulate enough points to exchange for a Level 25 Secret-Silver Equipment. He is only Level 22 right now. By the time he reaches Level 25, he might accumulate enough points to exchange for five or six pieces of Level 25 Secret-Silver Equipment."

In White River City, many of Overwhelming Smile's members started having heated discussions in the bars, sighing enviously.

"Why are all of you lauding the spirit of the enemy and belittling that of our own? The higher-ups of Overwhelming Smile have already sent people to investigate the source of Zero Wing's equipment. Soon, with our Guild's strength, we can definitely obtain a large number of Level 25 high-end equipment much more easily than Zero Wing."

"Zero Wing can only remain arrogant for now because all of our Guild's core members are focused on raiding the Great Lord inside the Ruined Shrine. After they finish with it, not to mention Level 25 Dark-Gold Equipment, we might even get Epic Equipment."

Many Overwhelming Smile members had expressed their disdain regarding Zero Wing's recent performances. They firmly believed that Overwhelming Smile was a lot stronger than Zero Wing.


The Virtual Gaming Cabin opened as Feng logged out of God's Domain. After taking a moment to stretch, Feng looked at the time, then at Fire's lithe body that was similarly stretching after logging off, a smile forming across his face as an idea came to Feng's mind. 

Sensing Feng's gaze that was anything but pure, Fire had a bad premonition for some reason. 


"Ah~♡! Ah~♡! Ah~♡!"

Di... Di... Di...

The sound of beautiful moans of pleasure and flesh colliding against flesh echoed throughout the bedroom, followed by the sound of a quantum watch ringing. 

Looking at his quantum watch, which was the only thing remaining on his body, Feng discovered that the caller ID of the person calling him at this time of love making was Manager Xiao of Big Dipper Training Center; from who Feng was expecting to hear from during this period of time. 

Fire's eyes widened upon hearing the quantum watch ring and seeing that Feng was about to answer it. She quickly tried to stop her loud moaning, but failed as Feng drilled deeper and increased his pace even more instead of slowing it. 

Unable to contain her voice, Fire could only turn back to Feng from her doggy style position and give him a pleading look; not wanting her moans to leak through the call and be heard. Just the thought of it caused her face to turn beet red from embarrassment. 

Feng's smile turned sadistic as he gestured to Fire to be quiet with a finger over his lips, before pushing her body lower to the bed and burying his little brother all the way. Another ecstatic moan escaped Fire's lips as her eyes rolled to the back of her head, but was quickly suppressed by Feng's hand as he covered her mouth while accepting the call request, only allowing for audio to come from his side, however, without displaying his image. 

Manager Xiao's exhausted image became displayed by his quantum watch. It looked as if the man had not slept for days, and there were even dark circles beneath his eyes.

The man was a martial artist, though, so his physique was far from that of an ordinary person's. He also had the benefit of the Nutrient Fluids. Even if Manager Xiao had stayed up for a few nights, he shouldn't look this miserable. 

Of course, Feng didn't care enough to ask about Manager Xiao's current condition. 

"Master Shi Feng, regarding our previous discussion, I've reported the situation to my elder brother. My elder brother held a Director's Meeting specifically for this purpose. In short, we agree to your conditions. However, we have a condition of our own."

"Ugh- What condition?" Feng simply asked while trying to hold in his groans after burying the entire length of his rod inside of Fire's tight cave, knowing full well that Big Dripper wanted to test him. 

Currently, God's Domain's popularity had exploded. An increasing number of people had become addicted to the battles in God's Domain, and many had lost interest in the fights in real life. Naturally, this would affect locations such as training centers and dojos.

Based on Manager Xiao's appearance, Feng was sure of it.

Big Dipper Training Center's business was declining rapidly, so much so that it had caused even those in power in Big Dipper to tremble. Hence, they needed someone that could revitalize Big Dipper.

Although fighting competitions were becoming less popular, there was still a market for them. Only, other than possessing first-class facilities, Big Dipper had nothing else to offer. Compared to the dojo commanded by Jin Hai City's champion fighter, Chen Wu, Big Dipper Training Center was significantly inferior.

If they had a martial arts master to lead the training center, helping them forge a name for themselves and acting as a combat instructor, they could save themselves from their current decline. After all, the combat techniques displayed in God's Domain were mostly evolutions of the combat techniques found in real life.

"Master Shi Feng, is everything alright? Did I call at an inopportune time?" Manager Xiao weirdly asked upon seeing Feng's displayed image being completely black and the odd noises coming from the quantum watch. 

"No... it's fine. I'm just in the middle of a session, so say what you have to say." Feng answered while having to speak slowly and pause mid sentence due to feeling Fire's walls tightening even more and having to stop himself from cumming as a faint glint appeared in Fire's misty eyes that had nearly become overcame by lust. 

"Oh, is that so?" Manager Xiao nodded in understanding upon hearing Feng's response, thinking that Feng was currently conducting a training session, before explaining "We require Master Shi Feng to compete against a well-known fighter. As long as Master Shi Feng wins, we have no issues agreeing with all of the conditions you have previously stated. May I know your thoughts on this?"

"Fine... but I have another condition." Feng answered as he started moving his waist once more and drilling down deeper into Fire. 

"Master Shi Feng, please don't hold back." Manager Xiao said excitedly upon hearing Feng's reply. 

"If I win, I want ten virtual gaming cabins and fifteen S-rank Nutrient Fluids."

S-rank Nutrient Fluids were something that he could not buy even if he had the money. The virtual gaming cabins were similarly in high demand. Currently, Zero Wing's Workshop was still in its development phase. If he wanted to improve the Workshop quickly and allow the restored members to show their true capabilities, he needed a large number resources. 

However, until this day, Zero Wing only had a measly five virtual gaming cabins. Ignoring the ones dedicated to himself, Fire and Violet, there were only two cabins available for the other core members of the Workshop. 

"This..." Manager Xiao felt cornered upon hearing Feng's request.

Fifteen bottles of S-rank Nutrient Fluids. With Big Dipper's connections, they could barely obtain so many. As for the ten virtual gaming cabins, there were no problems on that end, either. However, these items together were worth around forty-five million Credits. Even to a successful corporation like Big Dipper, this was not a small sum of money.

Normally, they could have afforded to agree to Feng's request. Now, however, Big Dipper's business was not doing too well... 

"No good? If you can't do it, I can only look elsewhere." Feng casually spoke, while Manger Xiao could hear the faint sound of cheeks getting clapped through the quantum watch. 

His demands were not particularly extravagant. After all, as long as he won the match, Big Dipper would double their profits. Moreover, forty-five million Credits was spare change to Big Dipper. If they were unwilling to pay such a small price, Feng might as well start his own training center.

Live combat was not without danger.

It was especially true in a fight between experts; injuries were commonplace. Although the current medical facilities were top-notch, capable of healing a large majority of injuries very quickly, there were still some injuries that one could not fully recover from. Not even S-rank Nutrient Fluid could cure them.

Moreover, martial arts masters were extremely rare; finding one was like finding a needle in a haystack.

Hence, it was incredibly costly to invite martial arts masters to face each other in the ring.

Even a martial arts master who had recently become famous would charge an appearance fee of over one hundred million Credits. This was in the case of an exhibition match, let alone an official match.

Moreover, martial arts masters normally fought using internal force. Internal force possessed great power. Even if an attack containing internal force did not strike a vital point, it could still cause significant damage to the opponent. Regardless of whether they would win or lose, martial arts masters would not agree to fight one another if there without sufficient potential gain.

This was why battles in God's Domain were gradually replacing fighting competitions in the real world, becoming increasingly popular among the public masses. Not only were the battles in God's Domain safe, but players also had no scruples when they fought each other.

Furthermore, players in God's Domain possessed physiques that far surpassed their bodies in the real world. They could easily perform actions and combat techniques that were impossible in the real world. 

Of course, there was no actual threat to Feng losing or getting injured, but the higher-ups of Big Dipper must be dreaming if they thought they could get him to fight for free; even if it will be an easy victory. 

Manager Xiao frowned in the video, hesitation appearing in his eyes. Suddenly, however, a disembodied voice addressed Feng.

"Mister Shi Feng, I agree to your demands. If you win, we will deliver ten virtual gaming cabins and fifteen bottles of S-rank Nutrient Fluids to your doorstep."

"Elder Brother!"

The other voice from the call was Xiao Yan's elder brother, Xiao Yu, the true wielder of the power of Big Dipper.

Xiao Yu then took over the call and spoke with Feng directly.

Although Xiao Yu and Xiao Yan had very similar appearances, after being the Chairman of Big Dipper for so long, Xiao Yu projected an aura of natural dignity and power with both his voice and demeanor. This aura made one unconsciously bow with respect before Xiao Yu.

However, this aura of authority was naturally useless against Feng. 

"When is the battle?"

"We still need to prepare for this, so the fight should be in roughly four days. As for the exact time, we will contact Mister Shi Feng with the details in the future."


After Feng and Xiao Yu set their appointment, the video call disconnected.

"Elder Brother, Big Dipper has already spent a huge sum of money on nurturing the student fighters. If we spend another thirty million, it will have a massive impact on Big Dipper's future plans." Xiao Yan looked at Xiao Yu skeptically.

"The premise of paying for those items is that Shi Feng can win. Before the battle has even begun, you are already so confident of his victory. It seems that this Shi Feng is not a simple man." Xiao Yu glanced at Xiao Yan. He then shifted his gaze as he examined the test record on his table, smiling. The data on the test record was precisely what Feng had left behind at Big Dipper. "Such a young man is actually capable of using internal force and achieving a punching power 780 kg. He can even compare to those other martial arts masters. This appearance fee is not expensive at all. If we deepen our relationship now, it will benefit future cooperation."

"I understand." Xiao Yan helplessly nodded.



Meanwhile, as soon as the call ended, Feng thrust down with all his might as the eruption building up until now finally exploded while he removed his hand from Fire's mouth, who immediately let out a final moan of pleasure as she felt Feng's seed rushing deep inside her, causing Fire to reach her climax as well. 

The two of them separated after reaching their peaks, with Fire breathing heavily while Feng laid beside her with his eyes closed and a faint smile. 

"What was that all about?!" Fire couldn't help but turn to Feng with a faint glare in her eyes. She had originally been feeling great after they immediately started doing it as soon as they logged out, the urges and stress building up in her body from over an entire day of fighting, and not getting any, being relieved. 

But as soon as she heard Feng's quantum watch ring and him not seeming surprised by it, Fire immediately knew that Feng had something else in mind, which was quickly confirmed when she saw his smile. 

"It's called experimentation, my dear, and don't act like you weren't getting excited during it." Feng simply answered with the same smile as he opened his eyes and glanced at Fire. Apart from spending his free time on making plans about his future actions, Feng had also spent some time pondering over the new dynamic between himself and the girls, as well as their current way of having sex. 

Although there was no problem with the way things were going right now as all of the parties involved were satisfied, Feng felt that just vanilla would grow boring after some time. So he, as a responsible man considering the satisfaction of his ladies, had began considering all the ways to spice things up a little. 

Though, Feng couldn't really say that he was knowledgeable about the topic, as it wasn't anything he had researched in the past, so he could only come up with something off the top of his head; the play on Fire just now being the first opportunity Feng thought of to try something different. 

And he could tell that it got some results, as although she had resisted and been embarrassed at first, as he continued his conversation with Manager Xiao, Feng could feel that there was an unfamiliar sense of excitement building up in both him and Fire at the prospect of doing it in the middle of a talk and possibly getting caught. 

"W-well, you could have at least warned me beforehand." Fire stuttered as her face turned a bit red upon Feng mentioning this. Although she had indeed felt a weird sense of excitement in the middle of the call, and it had even caused Feng and her to finish quicker than usual, thinking back on it, Fire couldn't understand where the sudden feeling of pleasure came from; and she couldn't help but grow embarrassed upon being reminded of the excitement she felt from being listened in on while having sex, even if it was only her muffled moans and the other person not knowing anything about what was actually happening. 

Though, this couldn't really be helped, as Fire had been a virgin until only recently with no experience in this type of pleasure, while Feng's entire comprehension of sex had only been of something done for pleasure due to his past experiences with it during his first life; the idea of there being something more to it never crossing his mind. 

After having an actual meaningful and intimate relationship with someone, it was like a whole new world was opened to Feng, and the two of them weren't much unlike a pair of youngsters experimenting for the first time; despite their mental age and experience actually being far greater. 

"That would have just ruined the fun. Anyway, get dressed. We should eat something before logging back in to explore the Wolfstein Empire Palace's grand Library." Chuckling at Fire's reaction, Feng's mind immediately went back to work and business as he got up and put on a pair of boxers before going to the kitchen. 

Fire just nodded in response before putting on some underwear as well and leaving the bedroom. 

After Feng and Fire had a meal and drank a bottle of A-rank Nutrient Fluids each, they logged back into God's Domain. 

As everyone was still on break until Feng decides it's time to continue moving, the surroundings were fairly empty with only some players resting and chatting. 

Feng walked up to the Library's gate and pushed it open, revealing multiple rows of bookshelves spread throughout it. Though, the place not only seemed completely deserted, it was also destroyed in many places with the bookshelves fallen over and very few books actually remaining in any of them. 

Pacing through the Library, Feng scanned the surroundings and the remaining books, not finding anything of particular interest until he suddenly noticed an isolated, small bookshelf at the back of the large Library. Feng also noticed there was a Magic Array protecting the bookshelf, which piqued his interest. 

Walking up to it and placing a hand on the Magic Barrier, a flash of surprise appeared in Feng's eyes as he identified that the bookshelf was protected by an Advanced Master Magic Array. Wondering what items were valuable enough to have such a layer of protection, Feng closed his eyes and focused his mind on the Mana inside of the Magic Array. 

Under Feng's will, the Magic Array's Mana started moving as Feng began decoding it. Although Feng had been an Advanced Grandmaster Magician in his previous life and his control over Mana as well as his knowledge of Magic Arrays were incredible, due to his current Concentration and the level of control over Mana he could exhibit, controlling and decoding this Advanced Master Magic Array was a bit tricky. 

Still, after about ten or so minutes, the Magic Array before him released a dazzling light as Feng finished opening it. 

A moment later, the sound of a system notification entered Feng's ears. 

System: Congratulations! You have become a Master Magician.

System: You have become a Master Magician. Rewarding the "Great Magician" title.

'Oh, right.' Feng was suddenly reminded that as long as players displayed skills and abilities high enough, they could automatically skip through the ranks and become Magicians of a corresponding rank to their abilities. Thus, Feng had been able to directly skip ahead and reach the Advanced Master Magician standard immediately. 

[Great Magician] (Title)

Maximum Concentration increased by 10% 

Mana control improved by 10%

The Mana control would normally help players with their utilization of skills and spells as well as control over their Mana Bodies, but since Feng was only a Tier 1 player right now, the title's help would be much less. 

Though, his promotion to Advanced Magician and regained title do still provide him some assistance, as eating Olivia's Chocolate Sticks would now become much easier. 

Feng then switched his gaze to the old looking items on the now unprotected bookshelf. As he used the Eyes of Truth, the information of the items becoming revealed to Feng. Of the 36 items on the small bookshelf, 4 were some kind of history books, 12 were Tier 2 Magic Scrolls, 5 were Tier 3 Magic Scrolls, 1 was a Tier 4 Magic Scroll, 7 were various Forging Designs and Recipes, 6 were skill books and 1 was a Master rank Magic Array Design. 

Glancing through the Magic scrolls, Feng stored them in his bag, not placing much importance on them, before switching his attention to the Forging Designs and Recipes. Of the seven designs and recipes, all could be used to create valuable items of at least Master rank, and Feng figured they would be of use to Zero Wing's early development. 

Of the six skill books, three were Tier 2 skills, two were Tier 3 skills and the last one was the Tier 4, single target sure-kill skill, Moonchaser.

Considering that any of his basic attacks were already nearly at the Tier 4 standard, Feng only learned Moonchaser while leaving the rest for his guild members. Thankfully, God's Domain had only been through one evolution so far, and players didn't need Completion Rates in order to learn a skill; it still being possible to learn a skill and use it with just the press of a button. 

Though, there was still the demand for the Physique in order to use the skill as well being able to utilize such a powerful skill for low Tier players. Not to mention, it would still be necessary to be able to master the skill once Completion Rates become a thing. 

Of course, using a Tier 4 skill wasn't a problem for Feng regardless of the necessary attributes and Physique as well as mastery over it, regardless on whether Completion Rates are a thing or not, with the only problem being actually learning the skill as a Tier 1 player; since players couldn't learn skills of a higher Tier than themselves unless said skill is a Taboo Skill or a skill that levels up with the user's EXP. 

Thus, Feng and most of his restored guild members could still easily learn these skills and use them before the second System Evolution prevents them from learning these types of skills so simply. 

As for the Magic Array Design, it was for creating a Master rank summoning Magic Array, which summons a Moon-Howling Silver Wolf when activated. Though, the wolf's strength and primordial bloodline highly depended on the quality of the Summoning Scrolls created through the Magic Array Design as well as the strength and capabilities of the 200 Summoners necessary for using the Summoning Scrolls. 

After looking around the Library and not finding anything interesting, Feng found himself a seat and started skimming through the four books he obtained from the small bookshelf. 

The books had information in them mostly about the God's Domain's history, of a lot of which Feng already knew about, some other trivia details and specific information, as well as the Wolfstein Empire's history; which was the only thing that caught Feng's interest. 

The book only had some limited information, as many of the pages seemed to have been torn out, which spoke about a few details of the Woflstein Empire's rise and fall. Though, the only thing that Feng actually cared about from the things he read from the book was the part where it said that, although much of the Wolfstein Empire's wealth and treasure was lost during the war in which it had disappeared, a part of it still remained in the Imperial Treasury connected to the Wolfstein Palace's Throne Room. 

Feng's pupils turned into gold coins for a moment upon seeing this piece of information, wondering if he'll be able to get the Wolfstein Empire's remaining wealth if he killed his way through the palace and Throne Room. 

"Watcha reading about?" As Feng thought about the possibility of obtaining the dead Empire's leftover items, a soft body embraced him from behind as two mounds of flesh pressed against his back. 

"Another way to quickly get rich." Feng answered casually, knowing that Fire didn't actually care about what he was reading and just wanted some intimate time when no one else was around. 

"Is that so?" As if confirming Feng's thoughts, Fire didn't pay any attention to the book he was holding as her hands slid along his neck and chest while she rubbed her face against his. Although Feng couldn't feel the softness of Fire's hands due to his armor, the intimate gesture pretty much told him what was on Fire's mind. 

"I knew it! Big Sis Fire, you're too shameless! You already get to have Big Brother Feng all to yourself in real life, yet, you're all handsy on him even in God's Domain when it's my turn." As the two of theirs moment was about to turn a bit more passionate with a kiss, Violet's voice came from the side as she quickly approached them, breaking the mood as she glared at Fire. 

"It's first come, first served; and first cum, first creampied. I can't help it that I love Feng so much while you're so slow." Fire immediately defended herself in a self righteous manner, as she faintly hid behind Feng from the glaring Violet. 

Violet narrowed her eyes at the smiling Fire, before hopping onto Feng's lap, grabbing his face and stealing his lips. Feng naturally wouldn't show any bias or refuse such a delectable offer as he returned the kiss while wrapping an arm along Violet's slim waist.

The kiss grew more passionate with each moment as Feng's hand slipped into Violet's robs while she clung onto him tightly. 

Fire's eyebrows twitched upon Violet's sudden intrusion and then her taking Feng's lips all to herself. Although Fire waited patiently for her turn while nuzzling next to Feng, she began to feel annoyed after more than ten seconds passed and Violet still showed no signs of stopping for a breath. 

Following Feng's example, Fire's hand slipped into Violet's robes as well. Before Violet could react to the hand inside of her robes that was obviously too soft and delicate to be Feng's, Fire's fingers had already reached Violet's small breasts, before she pinched one of Violet's already hard nipples. 

A moan escaped Violet, and she was forced to open her mouth to the sudden feeling and pleasure. Taking the chance, Fire turned Feng's face towards her and dived in as their lips connected. 

The mood quickly started turning passionate and a bit odd as Feng's and Fire's saliva mixed together, along with some of Violet's that still remained inside of Feng's mouth. Although Violet attempted to retaliate, Fire's hand was still on her breast as she started playing with Violet's flatlands, causing Violet to pause and her body to freeze in place due to the intense stimuli since Fire wasn't really being gentle with her hand movements. 

Of course, Violet wasn't planning on giving up and letting Fire have her way, but due to Fire wearing Leather Amor unlike her Cloth ones, Violet's hands wouldn't be able to slip in as easily to Fire's breasts as she did to hers. Thus, Violet had to chose another location as her hand trailed down to between Fire's legs where there was the least protection from the armor and slipped through the gaps of the armor, Violet's fingers pressing against Fire's entrance which was only being protected by thin panties. 

The sudden pressure to her secret cave forced Fire to release a moan as well and free Feng's lips, which Violet immediately took for herself, greedily savoring her man's taste. 

Such an exchange continued for a bit as Fire and Violet played this weird game of tug of war with Feng's lips while continuously both obstructing and pleasuring each other. 

However, before the situation could turn either violent or into a threesome, it being completely unknown where it was going as of now, Feng squeezed both of the ladies plump butts, forcing both of them to stop their motions by the strong force Feng was squeezing their bottoms which brought them both pain and pleasure. 

"Alright, that's enough for now. We'll continue this where we left off another time. For now, let's go back and continue the exploration." Feng stopped the situation from escalating any further, knowing that they'd only end up becoming horny and not being able to properly relieve it due to God's Domain not being completely realistic yet. 

The two girls reluctantly nodded and got off of Feng before using the system to clean themselves up. The Main God's System was all versatile and even had such an option for the players, only it would cost them a few coins to use it. Naturally, though, such a small amount wasn't of any consequence to the three of them. 

Following which, the three of them packed up any useful records from the Wolfstein Library while Feng gave the two Tier 3 skill books to them. Although the skills weren't exactly the most suitable for their classes, they were still ones the two of them could use as a mage and melee player. Feng then had all of the members gather and continue going deeper into the ruined palace. 

A couple of hours later, though, the group had explored all of the various passages, arriving at the end of the last one where a giant golden gate with many ancient inscriptions stood. 

Meanwhile, standing straight in front of the door, there were nine Great Lord rank wolfmen with more than half of their fur being silver, as well as one larger wolfman with nearly all of its hair being completely silver and shining with a majestic glow. 

[Wolfstein Guard] (Great Lord)

Level 34

HP 14,500,000/14,500,000

[Wolfstein Guard Captain] (Grand Lord)

Level 35

HP 36,000,000/36,000,000

'Oh, this is a bit more interesting.' Feng smirked slightly upon seeing the lineup of wolfmen. 

With nine Great Lords, it would indeed make things a bit difficult for the Zero Wing members, as although Fire and Violet had strong enough attributes to fight against a Great Lord and potentially kill one, it would be impossible to do so with nine Wolfstein Guards hounding them. 

As for the other restored players, even though some could kite them and survive against the Great Lords, while MTs like Cola and Ye Wumian could tank one or two of the Great Lords, it was impossible to contain the wolfmen for long, which meant they'd be free to massacre the unrestored members. 

Not to mention there was also the Grand Lord rank Woflstein Guard Captain, which none of the other members could fight against while some could only survive its attacks, thus...

"I'll handle them. You guys stand back and watch if they call for any reinforcements." Stepping forward, Feng gave the command while pacing towards the golden gate and the wolfmen guarding it. 


1. Since Feng had used the Holy Grail in order to upgrade Icarus's Heart to Iron rank in the OG novel, and it isn't 100% certain that it would need Lord rank monster souls to be further upgraded, for my own convenience, I'm gonna say that it would need Life Force in order to evolve to Secret-Silver and above anyway without using the Holy Grail. 

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