
Chapter 1 - DC Comics (1)

[Karma available: 444 444]

The blank soul looked at the number slightly confused, unable to judge it as a good or bad number.

Besides, his confusion didn't only emanate from the floating words and numbers in front of him, in a language both alien and incredibly familiar.

No, the confusion was mainly produced by the lack of knowledge regarding himself or anything he was supposed to be before the present moment.

In clear, everything that made his character, be it his experience, knowledge, likes, and dislikes disappeared the moment he appeared.

However, from his point of view, he wasn't... until he was. It was a weird feeling, one that he not completely understood but didn't dwell long on it as newer words appeared.

[Destinations available:

Random Hell

Random Heaven

Random World


Each destination had some description attached, supposedly to give a larger idea for anyone that read these lines at understanding what they truly represented.

[Random Hell]: A random dimension filled with evil spirits, extra-dimensional demons such as devils, succubus, ghosts, or even evil deities. Most are connected to one or several timelines in one or several universes and obey the wishes of the strongest. Choosing this destination would unlock several races such as [Pure-Blood Demon], [Lesser Evil Spirit], [Lesser Demonic Beast], and their variants according to available [Karma].

[Random Heaven]: A random dimension filled with good or neutral spirits and several races, all serving the deities reigning the dimension. Most of the time, the souls and entities residing there do not have to do much for all existence. Choosing this destination would unlock several races such as [Pure Angel], [Lesser Divine Spirit], [Lesser Divine Beast], and their variants according to available [Karma].

[Random World]: A random universe through the entirety of all existence. The higher the tier of the world is, the stronger its entities are. Souls are sent to the existing territories there while concepts of good and evil are entirely subjective. Choosing this destination would unlock several races such as [Human], the existing alien races, and [Evolutionary Beast] and their variants according to available [Karma].

[Non-Existence]: Souls that chose this destination gets erased from all plans of existence, returning to utter non-existence.

The soul quickly read through all information, the words being imprinted directly into his mind.

It quickly summarized everything, weighing the pros and the cons.

First of all, [Non-Existence] was simply out of the question. There was no point in choosing this even though it knew that some already did choose this. either as a joke or believing it to be some sort of secret option.

Second, both [Random Heaven] and [Random Hell] were quite tempting however, something bothered it with the idea of obeying someone else possibly for the rest of eternity or at the very least until he could climb the ranking or something similar.

So it chose the last one that seemed neutral enough and didn't outrightly limit his potential.

The whitish silhouette pushed the [Random World] and the interface changed once again.

[Random World selected: DC Multiverse (Alternate Universe) [Difficulty: SSS-]]

[Select your race:

Human: According to a certain philosopher, it's simply a featherless biped... one of sufficient intellect to build a relatively civilized society despite their inherent weakness, given enough time. Universe-wise the weakest in all except potential. [1000 Karma] (Earth)

Meta-Human: A variant of the human, this version has a much higher potential and has a random superhuman ability within its DNA, ranking them far above humans in terms of physical and mental capabilities. Their lack of variety regarding their assigned power is outshined by the huge rate of improvement and boundless potential. [1001 — 300 000 Karma] (Earth)

Homo Magi: Another variant of the human, these humans are capable of wielding magic without trouble or pact with other entities. Some are born with inherent magic defying what most are capable of, however, a huge amount of practice is needed to wield these abilities. [1001 — 300 000 Karma] (Earth/Hell variations)

Atlantean: Descendants of both ancient humans and homo magi. Some are capable of magic, others not. Living within the deep city of Atlantis on Earth, this humanoïde creature is eerily similar to humans. Adaptation to years of living beneath the surface of water gave them the ability to breathe underwater, and have superhuman levels of strength. [50 000 — 100 000 Karma] (Earth)

Kryptonian: Another humanoïde creature, this one externally identical to humans. The internal organs are vastly different, explaining their ability to release and perfectly well use the solar energy they passively absorb. Kryptonian's weaknesses are found in several forms, such as the variation of kryptonite however their potential is one of the greatest found in the universe. [400 000 Karma] (Krypton)

Czarnian: A grey-skin humanoïde creature of supreme pacifism. Practically immortal, it is rumored that only a czarnian can kill another one. Their advanced technology makes them a dangerous species although unintentionally, their more than powerful physiology too. [200 000 Karma] (Czarnia)

New God: Evolved due to their proximity with the Source, they achieved genetic stabilization and evolutionary perfection giving them much stronger physiology than Homo Sapiens. Some are gifted with powers beyond their physical ability, this concept is, however, quite variable. [300 000 — 400 000 Karma] (New Genesis/Apokolips)

Daxamite: A race extremely similar to Kryptonians, their difference however lies within their weaknesses as Daxamites are deathly allergic to lead, and unlike their Kryptonian cousins, their weakening is not temporary. [200 000 Karma] (Daxam)

Green Martian: Although humanoïde, their physical appearance is one of the most 'alien' with their large globulous eyes and greenish skin tone. However, their control over their body is exceptionally good, allowing them to adopt any form they desire. Also capable of wielding large amounts of psionic power they are a force to respect. [300 000 Karma]

The huge possibilities made even the soul blank out for a moment, admiring the different choices he was capable of choosing with his available points.

It would simply have taken the most costly one however a last sentence at the hand made it rethink its choices.

[Next Page: Special Gifts]

Most certainly, karmas would be needed there too and since there was not any kind of backtracking available, he simply acknowledge the fact that it would need to think about its choices very carefully.

Thinking about the prices and the advantages of the races, it wondered why there was an undetermined price on some of them.

Fortunately, it did not need to for long before another window opened, giving the explication he internally asked.

[The more pricey the race is, the stronger the abilities are.]

Once again, the soul looked closely at the races and quietly thought.

With its available karma, if it takes the highest race so either a Kryptonian or a New God, it will not have much to use in the next section, and considering the name, it would benefit it quite well.

So it chose. Not that enthusiastic about being on another planet, it took the only option he considered reasonable, giving both high potential and fast learning while leaving him with enough points to use in the next section.

The glowing finger clicked on the window once again, the words [Meta-Human] lightening up for a few seconds before a small window opened at its side.

[Insert the montant of Karma used on the race.]

As it already made up its mind, it quickly inserted the maximum it could.

[300 000 Karma]

This time all opened windows disappeared, before a golden one, different from the previous blue ones appeared.

[Congratulation! Meta-Human (Atomic Manipulation) obtained]

Not really expecting nor fully comprehending this kind of powerful ability, the soul merely nodded before dismissing the window, making the last one appear.

[Available Karma: 144 444]

[Special Systems available:

Hentai System: A system made for the ones wielding it to enjoy a world made purely for carnal pleasure, free from any kind of worries. [140 000 Karma]

Dating System: A system made for the lonely ones, unable to find love without outside help. 25 000 Karma

Kingdom Building System: A system that would perfectly suit one whose goal is to conquer and build their very own kingdom and manage it with ease. [100 000 Karma]

Mission System: A system uniquely made to assist the most clueless ones. It gives the one wielding it some kind of waypoint in an unknown world. Also provides a way for the wielder to improve through various quests that are without consequences if failed, outside of the natural ones. [140 000 Karma]

Hero System: A system made for hero wannabes, raising them into full-fledged heroes through various quests that raise their abilities. It, however, forbids any kind of villainy thus, making the wielder a force of pure good. [90 000 Karma]

Villain System: A system made for villain wannabes, edgy boys. It helps them commit the worst kind of crimes and acts, making most of the world their plaything as their infamy is raised through various questions just as their abilities are. Doing any kind of good action is just as impossible as for its counterpart, the [Hero System]. [90 000 Karma]

NTR System: Wants to get cheated on? Or cheat with other people's partners? If so you are scum but worry not, this system will gladly help you with this task, showing you the most efficient way to achieve your filthy dreams. [50 000 Karma]


Looking at the system with its full attention, the soul couldn't help but mentally throw up at the last system. Quickly forgetting about it, the choice it made was quick as only one truly interested him in there.

Clicking on the last choice he would make here, the words [Mission System] shone as it always seem to do before everything faded to black, a faint voice coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time echoing through his confused and fading thoughts.

"Good luck, young one."

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