

When I looked out the window of the house I was currently in, I found myself amongst gazes. My every move watched. As I languidly took a sip of the water in my cup. 

As I walked from the window and further into the roof. Contemplating what I had seen. 

It was of thousands of people, dressed in odd garbs - for that was what they had - all cleaning the debris of the previous day. 

Of the celebration at our victory. Of course there was quiet whispers of some sort of influence that took hold within their minds.

But it was a quiet minority. Their voices of reason silenced by the celebration. By all of the food and drink that had been found. There was even a full bar of alcohol for them to take if they so desired. 

I smirked. They would be cleaning it up for days. But that wasn't the main point. The main point was that they needed something to work for. They couldn't just be told to work with no reward in sight.

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