
Chapter 93: Two Promises

Chapter 93: Two Promises

After the initial shock, Piri began to think. At first he thought Jose was joking, but it was obvious that Jose was not joking.

If Jose had made this request from the beginning, Piri would have refused without even thinking about it - although he was forced to resign, it was definitely Real Madrid that felt sorry for him, but he had no intention of retaliating against Real Madrid, you know. There are not many places he can go. Although some clubs will be wary of the impact of the "Pirie Report", there are also many pretty good clubs who want Pirie to serve in their clubs for various reasons - -Barcelona is one of them. In order to attack Real Madrid and retaliate against Real Madrid for poaching Figo, Gaspart once sent someone to contact Piri, but Piri refused without hesitation - he never I never thought I would be involved with Barcelona one day, no matter what the circumstances were.

In addition to Barcelona, ​​two outstanding clubs have approached him. Valencia's Cooper and Deportivo Irueta are keenly aware of how much such a talent can help them. Both clubs have sincerely invited Piri, and Irueta even flew to Madrid in person to ask for Piri - even though the two clubs are just competitors of Real Madrid and have no hatred between each other, and Piri has no regrets. He refused without hesitation because he did not want to be an enemy of Real Madrid, no matter what club he was in.

Piri has even planned his future path. As Spain's best star in the last five years of the 1960s and 1970s, as well as Real Madrid's outstanding technical director, it is still very easy for Piri to get a job. Whether he is a commentary consultant for Spanish TV or a special commentator for Marca and AS, Piri can easily find his position again. This is why he is not interested in other clubs. These Although the job is not as lucrative as working in a club, it is definitely enough for a person who is almost sixty years old. Only if Pili gets to the point where he cannot find a job elsewhere will he consider accepting jobs from other clubs. Invitation - Survival comes first after all.

But now Jose's proposal forced him to consider it.

First of all, the chat with Jose just now made Piri feel that Jose and he were very compatible - no matter in terms of thinking, accuracy in evaluating players, or understanding of the football industry, Jose made Piri feel People who are surprised and even think he is very good, not to mention that Jose is not only a head coach, but also the largest shareholder of the club. This means that Piri does not need to worry about Jose leaving due to changes in the club's top management, so that he can do what he wants. It's not interesting - Piri, who has experienced the change of Real Madrid chairmanship that led to his resignation, now cares about this.

Secondly, although Piri was a little discouraged, his ambition was not dead. After all, he is a person who once played a decisive role in a top club. Let him just go into seclusion and do TV commentary and write articles and comments in newspapers... This kind of casual work also makes Piri feel very uninteresting, and What Jose did just now was to value him extremely, and even gave him power that he had never had in Real Madrid. For Europeans, valuing themselves is more important than other things.

The last point is that the current Mallorca is not enough to become Real Madrid's opponent. Although Piri is very optimistic that Mallorca can reach a peak under the leadership of Jose, however, compared with a team of Real Madrid's level, No matter how superb Jose's methods are, he will not be able to compete with Real Madrid in a few years. After all, whether it is hardware, software or influence, Mallorca cannot compare with Real Madrid.

Taking into account so many favorable factors, Pili couldn't help but be tempted, which is why he started to think about it. Without these factors, he would not even consider it again.

Seeing Pili lost in thought, Jose waited quietly, but he was still worried in his heart, worried that Pili would not be willing to accept his invitation - although Jose had done his best in all aspects, but …

People in later generations said that the players from Barcelona were too loyal. Both Pique and Cesc Fabregas cried and wanted to go back after becoming famous. The exclusiveness of Catalonia also made Barcelona's youth training. Many players have a deep-rooted idea that "only Barcelona is my home", but in fact, Real Madrid's people's cohesion in this regard is no worse than Barcelona.

Piri will not say anything. After being treated unfairly by Real Madrid, he had no intention of retaliating against Real Madrid. He directly changed from an outstanding technical director to a commentator and critic with a bang. Another typical example is the current Real Madrid head coach Del Bosque - Bosque has made outstanding achievements in the position of Real Madrid head coach. He put out fires midway and won two league championships and two Champions League championships in four seasons. , this kind of achievement must be put on a pedestal by the fans and management no matter what club he is in. As a result, in only one season, when he did not enter the final of the Champions League and also won the league championship, he was beaten by Florentino. Fire him, and the reason for firing him was the almost insulting reason of "not handsome and not in line with Real Madrid's temperament". Anyone would think this was a great shame and humiliation, and they would try to find a way to make a comeback in other teams and then let him It is the most normal idea for Real Madrid to look at their own abilities - but Del Bosque did not do this. After being fired, he did not complain. He did not say that Real Madrid was unfair to him on any occasion, even when his resume was so brilliant. , no matter which team in Spain could get the head coach position, he went directly to Turkey - he went from Spain to Turkey to be a coach. The Turkish league at that time was not as rich as it was later. There was only one reason, That is, he does not want to coach any La Liga team that is an enemy of Real Madrid, or even a team that may encounter Real Madrid in the Champions League...

Although he encountered Waterloo in Turkey and was dismissed after half a year, Del Bosque also chose another extreme method - no longer coaching the club team. In the next few years, he almost disappeared from people's sight, if it were not for him after 2008 After taking over from Aragones and becoming the head coach of the Spanish national team and leading the Spanish national team to win the World Cup, people may think that he is a head coach who has occasionally had great success at Real Madrid...

It is precisely because of this factor that Jose is worried and unsure whether he can impress Piri.

Piri thought about it for a long time before sighing.

This sigh made Jose's heart feel cold.

Judging from this meaning, it seems that Pili is planning to make a difficult decision and then reject himself...

"I have to say, Jose, your invitation makes me very excited. I have received many invitations before, but I have to say, your invitation is the most exciting to me."

At this point, looking at Pili's expression, Jose felt that the other party was about to say the classic "But...", and then told himself like Li Wenxiu in White Horse Roaring in the West Wind: "That's all very, very good. Yes, but I just don't like it..."

Sure enough, Piri said a "but" next: "But... I still don't want to be an enemy of Real Madrid."

A wry smile appeared on Jose's face. He tried his best, but still couldn't impress Pili... But the old man who can stick to his principles and be loyal to the club is indeed worthy of his admiration.

One Torres and one Piri. The two most famous clubs in Madrid have proven their unparalleled cohesion. Chairman like Hill will take into account the emotions of the fans and be unwilling to let Torres go. Piri is unwilling to be an enemy of Real Madrid. And rejected his invitation...and what about Mallorca? Tristan, who had been cultivated for so long, left right away. Although it cannot be said that Tristan was blinded by money or anything like that, does it have something to do with Mallorca itself not being able to retain people? Even for Mallorca players, the biggest reason for performing well in Mallorca is to be able to play in a bigger club, right?

It takes a long time to change the image of this kind of club, and the way to change it is not difficult. It is nothing more than resolutely refusing to let go of valued players, and at the same time constantly strengthening its strength to change people's impression.

Jose knows how to do this kind of thing, but he can't do it now, because at least for now, buying low and selling high to earn the difference and becoming a human trafficker is his only way to accumulate wealth. Only by making Mallorca's income self-sufficient Only when we are self-sufficient and still have a surplus can we gradually change this impression.

Just when Jose sighed, Piri suddenly smiled and continued what he said: "It is precisely because I don't want to be an enemy of Real Madrid, so I hope you can promise me one thing - to stay in Malo When Card can become a competitor of Real Madrid, you must let me go, no matter how long the contract is at that time, you must let me leave for free."

Jose was stunned. He couldn't wrap his head around it for a while. It took him a while to understand what Piri meant: "You mean, now you go to Mallorca to be the technical director, and to be the technical director in Mallorca?" Will you leave when Cardiff grows enough to become a competitor of Real Madrid?"

"Yes, that's the request. If you agree, I can go to work in Mallorca tomorrow. If you don't agree, there's nothing to say." Piri shrugged.

"Then...under what circumstances can Mallorca be considered a competitor of Real Madrid?" Jose asked. He plans to hit the top four this season. The top four teams can also be regarded as competition for teams like Real Madrid. Rival...

"Being in the semi-finals for three or four consecutive years and having the ability to challenge for the league championship, and having a good performance in the Champions League means reaching the knockout stages... At least we have to do this to be considered a competitor of Real Madrid." Piri said with a smile.

Jose was relieved now. In other words, Piri would have to work in Mallorca for at least three or four years. With this time, Mallorca would basically be on the right track, not to mention that with Piri's age, three He will be 60 years old in four years, which is a retirement age no matter where he is. At that time, Jose will not let an old man live too hard. Maybe it will be easier to become a commentator and commentator. The job is more suitable for Pili.

"I remember there is an old saying in China, that is, a gentleman with good character only needs to say one word, and even a four-horse carriage cannot catch up. I think I can give you this promise. When one day Mallorca is strong, When you can become a competitor of Real Madrid, you can leave as long as you are willing to leave, and I will not cause any trouble for your departure." Jose stood up, and then extended his hand to Piri.

"I can also make you a promise." Piri held Jose's hand: "As long as I am in the position of Mallorca's technical director, I will not do anything to damage the interests of Mallorca, and in this Everything I know about my position will not be revealed to anyone even if I leave, and anything I know will only be taken into my coffin."

Jose nodded heavily. He knew what Piri's words meant. After all, Mallorca's youth training is also very famous. What is the modern club competing for? Players! The power given to Piri by Jose allows Piri to know almost all the players that Mallorca is optimistic about. If it is revealed, it may cause trouble for Mallorca.

Piri's promise reassured Jose that he would never do this.

Jose also believes that Piri will not do this, a loyal man whose character is always trustworthy.

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