
Chapter 13 Negotiations with Peary

Chapter 13 Negotiations with Peary

"In this afternoon's La Liga match, Mallorca, who had not won eight rounds of the league before, finally won a victory. At home, they defeated Rayo Vallecano, who was previously ranked third, with a score of 3-0. The youngest head coach in La Liga, Jose Alemani, led Mallorca to victory in his first game. However, the most surprising thing was not this. In the post-match press conference, Jose revealed that before the start of the game, he announced to all the players in the locker room that if he could not win the game, then this game would be the only official game of coaching in his life... …And Mallorca captain Ngonga and striker Tristan, who appeared at the press conference at the same time, confirmed that he did say such a thing. Jose said it was because he confirmed that Mallorca's strength in this game was better than that of Valle Cano, and his own coaching ability is better than Vallecano's coach Vazquez, so he made such an oath in the locker room. Which coach is better and which team is better , that is a matter of opinion, there are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people. However, even if Mallorca is indeed stronger than Vallecano, and Jose is indeed better than Vazquez, football is not a game. A game that can be easily converted, even if the best coach in the world leads a team composed of the best players, he cannot say that he will definitely be able to beat a professional team! The results of football games are the most unpredictable , to be able to make such a promise so seriously, it can only be said that this young head coach is also a crazy guy. If he is unlucky and loses this game, then his head coaching career has not even started yet. It's over...Fortunately, Jose's luck seems to be good. He won the game and won the qualification to continue coaching. It's hard to imagine that he will really resign after losing the game, but now, I The players who think of Mallorca have no doubt that their head coach will be a man of his word. Although Mallorca is still at the bottom of the list, their morale and state may return in the next game... ..."

By the time the "Journal of Parma" had published the headlines of Sunday's game and everything that happened in the press conference after that game, the crazy coach they said had already left Mallorca by plane Island, flew directly to Madrid, the capital of Spain.

Jose came for a man, a player who would go on to leave a deep mark on Mallorca's history and leave his name throughout Europe, the greatest African player since Weah, deservedly " "Run in the name of black people" striker - Cameroon international Samuel Eto'o.

It's just that Eto'o now, even though he participated in the French World Cup a year and a half ago, he is only a substitute in the Cameroon national team, and he can't get a chance in Real Madrid-he only played in Real Madrid last season Once, this season, Real Madrid introduced French striker Anelka at a high price, and Eto'o's playing space was more compressed. In the first half of the season, he only got the chance to play in two games.

Today is January 25th. Although Spain's transfer period ends on January 1st, if it is just a player on loan, the loan can still be successful, as long as the loan is completed before January 31st. .

When Jose walked out of Madrid airport, no one knew this young man with sunglasses, and Jose didn't care about it. After he walked out of the airport, he quickly called a taxi and drove to the Bernabeu.

From Entrance 55 of the Bernabeu Stadium, Jose walked into the headquarters of the Real Madrid club, and then he walked into the office of Real Madrid general manager Piri.

Jose Martinez Sanchez, nicknamed Piri, is one of the legendary players of Real Madrid. After retiring, he once served as the team doctor of Real Madrid. Now he is the general manager and technical director of the Real Madrid club.

The power of this position is quite large. Basically, the introduction and transfer of players must go through Piri. If Jose wants to loan Eto'o, he has to deal with him.

Before his rebirth, Jose didn't know about Piri. He only knew that Real Madrid's general manager and technical director were Valdano, Butragueno, and Mijatovic, but he really didn't know who Piri was. He Fangsheng, but after his rebirth, he realized how important the general manager of the Sanz era was...

"Mr. Jose? Hello, I'm Piri." Although it's a nickname, Piri is basically his name. When he shook hands with Piri, Jose was also looking at each other. He was born in Ceuta, a Spanish territory in North Africa. Although he is not black, he is also one of the few African-American players in the Spanish national team. Although he has retired for a long time, Piri has not gained weight. He has a firm face and a firm determination. Wisdom flashed in his eyes—this is not an easy guy to deal with, Jose thought to himself.

Compared with the fifty-five-year-old Piri, the twenty-five-year-old José is still very young.

"Mr. Piri, I came to Madrid this time to loan out players." After sitting down, Jose said straight to the point.

"I know your purpose, Mr. Jose." Piri nodded: "Samuel Eto'o, this is your goal... I also think it's a good idea to loan Samuel out, Although Real Madrid has only four strikers, the other three are rarely injured, he has no chance to play, he is nineteen years old and needs more games... But what I want to know now is that Mallorca loaned him, What benefits can it bring to Real Madrid? Maybe my words are a little blunt, but as an employee of Real Madrid, I have to consider the interests of Real Madrid first."

"Wouldn't it be beneficial for Real Madrid to let Eto'o get more training opportunities?" Jose smiled slightly: "Mallorca is a small team, but it is a team that can train players very well." Small teams... Needless to say, Ivan Campo, who is currently playing for Real Madrid, was transferred from Mallorca to Real Madrid, and now he has basically become the main force of Real Madrid."

"You're right." Piri laughed, "However, Real Madrid doesn't have such a choice. You know, even if Eto'o stays in Real Madrid, it will be a very good result for us. You know In the second half of the season we are fighting on three fronts, and it is not enough to have only three forwards."

"You also said that the other three forwards in Real Madrid are all players who can play for a long time." Jose said without discouragement: "Even the three of them may need to become the main force... Raul is the banner of Real Madrid, his The state is also very good, it is impossible not to play; the characteristics of Morientes can guarantee his main position, at least a high center forward like him is very useful in many cases, which is why there is always Ursais in the Spanish national team The reason why (Bilbao center forward) has a place... As for Anelka, I don't think even Real Madrid can let a player worth more than 40 million US dollars play as a substitute, not to mention that he is indeed very good , In this case, how many chances can Eto'o play? One? Two? He is not the seventeen-year-old boy two years ago. Training can no longer improve his ability. What he needs is competition. And Mallorca can provide him with enough chances to play."

"Not enough, not enough, Mr. Jose." Piri said with a smile: "This is really not enough. You know, Samuel was brought from Africa by myself, and the African boys who came with him at that time had a total of There are ten of them, and their skills, talents and physical qualities are almost the same, but I am most optimistic about Samuel, do you know why? Because in his eyes, I see unyielding fighting spirit and perseverance Will, you must know that he was only a fourteen-year-old boy at that time. In fact, I was not mistaken, he became the only player among the ten children who could enter the Real Madrid first team from the Real Madrid youth team. And Now, I see these things in your eyes too, you will be a great coach and you are a true Mallorcan, and you will be there until your father leaves the chairmanship of Mallorca. He is the head coach of Mallorca. We must know that Mallorca has caused us Real Madrid a lot of trouble in the past few years, which means that in the next few years, Mallorca may cause more troubles for Real Madrid. Then ..." Speaking of which, Piri stood up with the support of the table, and stared at Jose with hawk-like eyes: "Mr. Jose, please tell me why I want to loan such an outstanding player to Mallorca So that it will cause trouble for Real Madrid in the future? In the past few seasons, except for this season, we have not even gained an advantage against Mallorca in the two contests in the league! I think, maybe Mallorca's relegation is very important for Real Madrid. Said it was a good result."

It was not until these words were finished that Piri sat down and withdrew his gaze.

José was silent while he was speaking, and only when he was finished did José let out a burst of laughter.

"what are you laughing at?"

Obviously Piri didn't know the negotiation skills of the Chinese, let alone read The Deer and Cauldron...

Apparently, Jose had seen it, so knew how to use laughter to confuse opponents and give himself a chance to organize his words.

"I really didn't expect that Real Madrid would be so afraid of the little Mallorca." Jose shook his head while laughing. His expression and laughter made Piri feel that the young man in front of him seemed surprised and contemptuous. The same: "You know, Real Madrid is now aiming for the Champions League. Although the situation in the league is not very good, it is not impossible to win the championship... Such a century-old giant will be afraid of Mallorca, which is about to be relegated, and even hope To be able to get Mallorca relegated in some way... I didn't expect that."

After the initial surprise, Piri's expression quickly calmed down, he shook his head, and then said: "It's useless, young man, I'm thirty years older than you, and I've seen all kinds of people too Too much, on the court, there are countless defenders who want to irritate you, and on the negotiating table, there will be countless various characters... It is not so easy to make me angry."

Jose put the smile back on his face, then nodded.

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