
Unraveling the Mysteries

Midas watched as the last of his people landed on the forest floor. Sam was extremely efficient, it seemed. And it also seemed that the man was going to send more if it wasn't for Julio telling him the situation had been stabilised somewhat.

The Reptilian Humanoids had already disappeared into the dense forest, leaving Midas and his people standing there amidst a swirling fog of uncertainty. 

Well… maybe this fog was only around Midas because everyone else at the scene, a number that neared a total of a hundred people now with over 30 Awakened Realm Cultivators and 10 Awakened Beasts along with over 50 Mortals that almost reached the peak.

They looked at Midas with a million questions, their demeanour looking as if they were ready to burn the world to nothing if it meant getting rid of the threats that stood ahead of them. Midas, on the other hand, couldn't help but smile wryly out of both relief and intrigue.

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