

Midas, after taking a few moments to calm himself and regain his energy, got right back up again and moved towards the centre to go check out the next problem.

Looking at the words on the panel, Midas sighed in defeat.


`Problem 26`

`Solve the 50x50 grid Picture Puzzle within 1 Earth day. Click Start to begin.`



Picture Puzzle? Oh no…

Midas mentally clicked on [Start] and a new panel appeared with what seemed to be a Nonogram on it, making Midas widen his eyes in surprise and elation.

Finally, he wasn't required to save his life in a deadly situation. This might be a time scramble, but it was a solvable time scramble.

But after Midas thought this far, another thought crossed his mind.

Finishing this thing in one Earth day was easy… Something so simple… There must be a catch.

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