
Hakonen Family

(Varis Hakonen)

Everyone acted normal in the great hall of Hakonen Mansion. Maids prepared family breakfast at the main table while every member of Hakonen ate casually.

'Did last night I was dreaming?'

"Dad, Mom, who are they?" Varis put some peanut butter on his bread.

"Who do you mean?" asked Mom, stopping her activity and giving Varis a confused look.

"Three elves girls that came here last night," Varis explained and was ready to eat his bread. "What do they want from us?"

Varion chuckled. His dashing look turned smugly at Varis, his little brother. "An elves girls? Are you wet on your bed? Ah, my little brother's first wet dream!"

"Shut it." Varis glared at Varion, the dumb nut that elected acted superior and saw his little brother as a plaything.

"So, you fuck them nice or rough." And he sometimes had a dirty mind. Varion whispered, not too low, so Varis and Lyanna could hear him.

"That is, you ruined everything." Lyanna Hakonen, Varis's older sister, dropped a scornful look on Varion. "Why did you ruin this morning with your pathetic mind?"

"Hey, I just ask, right? No big deal. Right, my beloved brother?" He destroyed Varis' black hair.

"Varion, don't do that to your brother," Mom said, then gave Varis an answer. "We had no visitors last night, let alone elves."


Before Varis could end his sentence, Cylin giggled. A girl with thick glasses said, "Perhaps my brother wants to visit an Elf realm. Nice try."

"No adventure for you," Mom answered. "Remember, before you learn an element, you will stay here, in our land."

Varis continued eating his bread. Stupid question. He should know by now Mom and Dad called them with your Honour. They followed whatever those elves said. Perhaps brother and sister lied because they were worried? Maybe they got memory wiped?

Varis does not give up easily. This afternoon after school, he visited Varion on Dojo.

His brother was on training alone; he swung the sword and fought against five holograms of soldiers with shields and swords.

"Brother, are you sure we had no visitors last night?"

"That question again." Varion got hit by a hologram soldier on the arm, and the training ended. "Go away. You ruined my concentration." Varion pulled the bottom of his wet white tank top and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

"One question. Do you remember anything last night?" Varis continued.

"The elves, you obsessed with them, huh?" Varion laughing. "Not blame you, the most beautiful, lewd, and sexy in the entire Arth. Are they beautiful? Big chest? Small?"

"One of them, yes."

"First time you had a wet dream, huh?" He smiled. "Go, and fuck some of your girlfriends. It was nice, and you will forget about that dream."

"You're sick."

"No, seriously. Fuck after a fight is the best. No leave before I burn you off. It's just a wet dream of a virgin boy."

"Well, I'm not sure, a dream or reality, but one of them crawling on my bed then pulled her hands up—"

"Go away. I have no time for your wet dream. Ask Lyanna or four eyes, or I will burn you." He created a candle fire on his finger, then fought again.

Such an annoying older brother. Varis pushed the switch button of the training hologram before leaving.

"Son of Bitch!"

"My mom, also yours!"

The next day, Varis stepped on the green grass on the hill toward a single willow tree. He failed to locate Lyanna on the archery field, so she must be here.

He was right. The tomboyish was there. Lyanna loves reading and lying on a willow bed, and Varis saw her horse beneath the tree.


"Oh, how rare seeing you here. What's up?" She closed her book.

"About that night—"

"No." She continued reading. "Go bother someone else with your wet dream. I am busy. Go away, or you want to taste my anemo?"

Varis decided to run away. Lyanna's treat was never empty. If his sister said that, then she meant that.

He was not giving up. Varis hardly visits the Culin room or laboratory, but now he decides to meet his little sister.

The room smelled of chemistry, and an alchemist table was next to a shelf full of strange elixirs—her lair. For Varis, Cylin was one step closer to being a mad scientist.

"Brother! It's nice to see you here. Please stand there and wet your left leg. Only a left leg."

Varis clumsily put his left leg on the water bucket as her little sister ordered. "Did we seriously not get visitors that night?"

"Stand there, don't move. Come on. I will give you my answer later."

As Varis stood beside the shelf facing his little sister, he hoped she wasn't doing a crazy experiment on him.

Cylin froze his legs. The left one froze faster than the right. Varis' eyes widened as he saw his legs.

"What the heck?! Cylin, what are you doing?!"

"First, I don't remember if we had visitors last night. Second, don't worry. In thirty minutes, your legs will be normal again." She busied herself with a window that popped out from her table. "AI, take a note. Water would accelerate frozen time for Cyro element."

Beeping noise echoed, followed by an AI voice. [Understood, Miss Hakonen.]

"You little shit! You treat me as a test subject?"

"Guinea pig, yes, but I paid you already, do I?"

"What? When? With what?"

"My answer, duh. Brother, I will give you two gold coins. Stay there while I burn your legs. I need more data for how Cyro responds to Pyro."

"No!" Varis yelled and tried to escape. He pulled his heavy leg, right and left, out of his little room before she would do crazy things again. "Help! Cylin tried to harm me!"

"Oh, no fun! Then go away, you useless shit!"

Varis ran after his legs returned to normal. He will never enter that mad scientist's lair again.

Every Hakonen said the same thing. They have no clue about the visitors. Varis started to question his mind.

'Do I dream or not?'

He hoped not. He remembered those elves talking about elements. Perhaps they wanted to give Varis an element?

The time went by so quickly.

It was almost a week after that incident, but Varis didn't get his answer. He was going through his dull, boring life as usual.

At the school, he sat next to the window.

"Open page fifty-seven." The professor ordered with a stern voice that echoed throughout the classroom, and everyone used their AI to open the same page.

Like others, Varis tapped his desk then the floating window came from it and became wide in front of him. He could see the teacher turn his gaze to another from behind his window.

Every student in class read in silence while listening to the teacher.

Studying was always dull for Varis. He prefers outdoor activities. He dozed off on the desk and gazed at the blue sky surrounded by puffy white clouds, just like his mind now, clouded.

'Am I dreaming that night?' It was about those elf ladies and a little spicy incident in his chamber. Even after almost a week, he tried to find the answer, but he failed. But it was all about elements! He desires that most. He wanted to learn the elements like all of his family did.

"Varis." the girl whispered.

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