
Awaken - Part 2

As Malique falls to his knees, writhing in pain, Michael struggles to stay conscious. The shockwave caused by Malique's ascension not only knocked Gabriel back but also shattered the matter that Michael had built. As a result, Michael is now free and lying on the floor, barely able to move.

Despite his weakened state, Michael is grateful that his eyelids, arms, and other organs are still functioning and trying their hardest to keep him alive. His legs and wings, however, no longer obey his commands.

Suddenly, Malique lets out a blood-curdling scream of agony, causing Michael to look up. He sees that the light that had protected Malique is still visible and shrinking closer to his back. Is the power surging into him too overwhelming to bear?

"Malique, what's happening to you?" Michael asks weakly.

Malique does not respond, his body writhing in pain. His fingers claw the floor with full strength that is digging the surface while chipping his fingernails and smearing blood on them. Saliva dripping from his gritted teeth as the overall sight of Malique suggests that he is becoming a madman.

Michael struggles to move closer to Malique to see what is happening but is too weak to do so. All he can do is pray that everything will be alright. For himself, Malique and also Lucifer, who already got severed into two. After all, there is nothing else that in his power that he can offer to help.

As Michael watches, he sees two tips of a pair of wings emerging deep through Malique's spine. They are located directly beneath the original pair of Angelic wings he had, and the holy circular light diffuses itself onto that wing.

The sight is unsightly and painful to behold. Malique's body contorts and twists as the second pair of wings force their way out of his back. His skin tears and rips and blood spurts out of the wounds, soaking his clothes and the floor beneath him.

The process seems to be taking a toll on Malique's body, and he continues to scream in agony. Michael can only watch in horror as the transformation takes place, wondering if Malique will survive the ordeal.

All around them, the energy in the room crackles and sizzles, as if reacting to the emergence of Malique's new wings. Michael can feel the raw power of the transformation, and he realizes that this new version of Malique will be much stronger than before.

As he lies there, barely conscious, Michael continues to pray for their safety. He knows that whatever happens next, the world will never be the same.

"You motherfucker!"

Suddenly, a sharp cry of fury pierces through the air. Michael looks up to see Gabriel, who had recovered from the shockwave, staring at Malique with rage-filled eyes. Without warning, Gabriel forms a couple of spikes with his energy and throws them at Malique, who is still writhing on the ground, defenceless.

However, just as the spikes are about to strike Malique, one of the wings that had been slowly growing out of his back suddenly gets a growth spurt and knocks the spikes away. Gabriel's attack has failed.

As Malique's transformation finally comes to an end, Michael notices that the second pair of wings on Malique's back look exactly like a Demon's wings. They are black, and leathery, and have sharp, pointed edges that seem to gleam with dark energy. Michael cannot help but feel uneasy at the sight. He has never seen an Angel with wings like this before, and he wonders what it means for Malique's future.

"How...how can this be?" Gabriel questions, his voice barely above a whisper. "Why do your wings look like a Demon's?"

Malique slowly stands up, wincing in pain as he does so. His new wings stretch out behind him, their edges brushing against the walls of the chamber.

As Malique stands up, Michael notices that his eyes no longer have a pupil. They are now a solid white as if his consciousness is no longer his own.

Malique's body seems to be emanating a dark aura, and Michael can sense that something has changed within him. Malique takes a step forward, his new wings spreading out behind him like a dark, ominous cloud. Gabriel takes a step back, his eyes widening in fear.

"What have you become?" Gabriel asks, his voice trembling.

Malique does not respond, his gaze fixed on Gabriel. He spreads his wings even wider, and Michael can feel the power emanating from him. He knows that Malique is no longer the Angel he once was. Something dark and sinister has taken over his body.

Malique slowly advances towards Gabriel, his new wings casting long, dark shadows on the walls. Gabriel takes a defensive stance, forming a barrier of matter in front of him. Malique ignores the barrier and continues to advance, his eyes now empty and devoid of any emotion.

As Malique approaches, a katana materializes in his hand, the blade gleaming with dark energy that seems to match his new wings. Gabriel's eyes widen at the sight of the weapon, realizing that Malique has gained new abilities along with his wings.

Gabriel's matter-forming ability is a powerful defensive tool, but he knows that he cannot keep up with Malique's speed and agility in a physical fight. He takes a step back, keeping his barrier in front of him and trying to buy himself some time to come up with a plan.

Malique swings his katana, the blade leaving a trail of dark energy in its wake. Gabriel's barrier deflects the blow, but the impact sends shockwaves through his body. He grits his teeth and forms a counter-attack, hurling a large boulder at Malique.

Malique effortlessly slices through the boulder with his katana, the dark energy easily overpowering Gabriel's matter. Gabriel quickly forms a shield in front of himself as Malique charges forward, slashing at the barrier with his katana.

"You are not Malique," Gabriel grunts as he blocks another strike from the katana.

"I am Malique. Just...improved," Malique responds with a smirk.

Gabriel knows that he cannot keep up this defensive strategy forever. He needs to find a weakness in Malique's new powers and exploit it. He tries to create a distraction, forming several smaller projectiles and hurling them at Malique from different directions.

"You have no idea what you've done," Gabriel warns, panting heavily.

"I know exactly what I've done," Malique says as he lunges forward with the katana.

Malique dodges the projectiles with ease, his new wings allowing him to move with incredible speed and agility. Gabriel seizes the opportunity and charges forward, forming a giant hammer made of matter.

He swings the hammer at Malique, who raises his katana to block the blow. The impact sends a shockwave through the room, shattering the walls and causing debris to rain down on them.

As the dust settles, Gabriel sees an opening in Malique's defence. His katana has been damaged by the blow, and he is momentarily off-balance. Gabriel forms a large spear and charges forward, aiming for Malique's heart.

Malique quickly regains his balance and parries the blow with his damaged katana. The force of the impact sends Gabriel flying back, and he crashes into a nearby wall. As Gabriel struggles to get back on his feet, he sees Malique charging towards him, katana at the ready.

Gabriel quickly forms a shield in front of himself, but he knows that it won't be enough. Malique's new powers have made him too strong and too fast. He braces himself for the final blow, wondering if this is the end.

Gabriel realizes that he needs to act fast if he wants to outsmart Malique. He knows that he cannot match Malique's strength, so he decides to rely on his speed instead. Gabriel closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, centring himself before opening his eyes again.

In an instant, Gabriel is moving at a speed that is almost too fast for Michael to follow. He circles the hall, creating after-images as he goes. Malique tries to keep up with him, but his movements are sluggish compared to Gabriel's. He swings his katana, but Gabriel is too quick, and he dodges effortlessly.

Michael watches in amazement as Gabriel moves around the room, his movements are fluid and graceful. He is like a dancer but with deadly intent. Malique, on the other hand, is like a lumbering giant, trying to catch his prey but failing at every turn.

Gabriel continues to circle Malique, dodging his attacks and striking back with quick jabs and kicks. Malique tries to keep up, but he is soon out of breath and panting heavily. Gabriel, on the other hand, seems to be getting stronger, his movements becoming even more fluid and effortless as time goes on.

As Michael watches the two Angels, he realizes that things are going to get much worse before they get better. He knows that Malique's transformation is just the beginning and that there are dark forces at work that they cannot even begin to comprehend. But he also knows that they cannot give up. They must continue to fight, no matter what the cost.

Fact no. 33: The Great Wall of China is not visible from space with the naked eye.

Since many people believe that we can view it from space, this is the truth.

Aki_Kurecreators' thoughts
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