
Calamity Falls

Before we begin the story of what befell my people and my world, and the events that led me to where I am today, let me first introduce myself. My name is Connor Wolfe. I used to often get asked a lot if I missed life before the calamity, the truth is I don't know. It's been so long now I can barely remember what it was like. In order to properly tell the story I must start shortly before the calamity, though it will be very shortly as like I said, I don't remember much. Everything afterward though, I remember that clearly…

One of the few things I do remember is how much I loved nature, in particularly animals. I would watch eagles and wonder what it must be like to soar in the sky's. I would watch the wolves in the forest and wonder what it would be like to run in a pack hunting prey. I always felt a kinship with the animals and felt I could blend into the environment almost as much as them. But aside from small snippets such as those that tie directly into who I am today, I only remember the last couple of hours before everything changed.

It was the same as every other Tuesday afternoon. I walked through the woods with no particular destination in mind.

'I wonder if I'll see anything worth taking a photo of to sell today? I have plenty of food so I don't need to hunt, the least I can do is try to be productive.'

I kept walking to nowhere in particular for around an hour when I spotted a large bull elk standing in a field through some trees. I decided it might make for a decent photo to sell. I knelt down to take a picture, and just as I was about to snap the photo when a sudden rumbling sound began and startled the elk out of the frame.

"Damn! What the hell was that?"

I stood up to put the camera away but stopped in my tracks when I saw the normally blue sky was blood red. Before I even had time to wrap my head around what was going on a voice spoke sounding as if it came from the sky and the trees around me at the same time.

"People of the world known to you as Treth, you're preparatory period of isolation is over. I will explain the rest of the process as this will be the last you hear from me. The barrier around your world is being removed and a new particular is being allowed to enter your atmosphere. Call the particles what you will, I'm here to explain the changes they will bring. These particles get absorbed by every living entity and allow them to grow more powerful. To more intelligent creatures the particles will form an informative display in a way unique to each world that it's citizens can understand that aids in the ability to absorb these particles, strengthen oneself, and understand the abilities you may possess. To less intelligent creatures they absorb these particles by instinct alone, typically by killing and/or eating other creatures which makes even your more docile native creatures tend to turn violent, though they can absorb these particles passively at a slow rate. When I finish speaking the particles when begin flooding your planet and you will see what I mean by informative display, one hour after that the first gates will appear. Gates will take you to what you people would refer to as 'dungeons'. In these dungeons you can find weapons and armors strong enough to attack and defend the new creatures you will encounter, materials to craft your own items, and if you're lucky enough you may even find skills or abilities. If these dungeons aren't cleared in time they will break and release the creatures inside into your world. In one year portals will appear in addition to the gates. Portals are doorways to and from other worlds some of whom may be looking to have friendly relations, and others who may be looking to conquer your world. That's all I have to say. The rest you will either learn from the enlightenment the particles bring or you must learn from experience. Have a joyous Awakening."

And with that the voice stopped, the particles flooded our world, everyone gained a system, and all hell broke loose.

Thank you for reading and just a quick note, Treth is 5x the size of Earth though since earth doesn’t exist in this universe and it’s not transmigration or reincarnation it wouldn’t be appropriate to mention in the story.

OneWolfecreators' thoughts
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