
Chapter 4

Third Person's POV

Harriet looked at the SHIELD facility before her through the binoculars that she had brought with herself. They had drove to the west, 50 miles out and found SHIELD agents swarming the entire place. "There is no satellite here, if it were, then they would have taken away the wreckage, not build a mini city around it." Harriet said frowning while looking around the area. Thor took his plat shirt off, leaving himself only in his black t-shirt. "You're going to need this." Thor said before he placed the shirt over Harriet's shoulders. "What! Why?" Harriet asked. Then suddenly the sky boomed with thunder. "Now, stay here. Once I have Mjölnir, I will return the items that they have stolen from you." Thor smiled down at her. "No. Look what's down there. There are way too many agents there, you won't be able to just walk in and out of there." Harriet said with worry evident on her face. "No. I'm going to fly out." Thor said with a grin before he left Harriet, who just gazed at his retreating figure.

"Really, stelly?" Draco said as he came from behind her, Harriet wasn't even surprised, she had sensed his magical signature walking towards her a minutes ago. "What are you doing here, just standing?" Draco asked her. "I'm waiting for thor to come back." Harriet replied. "He went inside?! Alone?!" Draco asked her with incredulity clear on his face. "Draco, look." Harriet said with her now widened eyes, whilst she looked up at the sky. Draco turned and his own eyes widened. There, above the facility a storm was starting, and not any storm, but a Magical Storm. A magical storm is made by an elemental spell, only Elementalist's can perform or cast such spells, the only known Elementalist in the world currently is Harriet herself. But it wasn't her doing this, there wasn't a single trace of her magic in this storm.

"He's good, I'll give him that." Draco said as he and Harriet watched Thor fight off the agents inside the facility with a simple spell to see what was going on inside. "Yes." Harriet said, looking at Thor's fighting skills, they were indeed very good, as if fighting was a normal occurrence for him, and with the way that things are going, it just might be true. Harriet suddenly saw an arrow being shot Thor's way before she used her magic and deflected it. Harriet and draco watched intently as Thor wrapped his hand around the hammer's handle and pulled, but, nothing happened. To everyone else, nothing happened, but the two magicals felt it, the strong surge of magic rushing outwards from the hammer after thor had tried to pick it up. Harriet watched as Thor broke down before he was taken into custody by the agents. "Get him out of there." Harriet said and Draco nodded in agreement, knowing better than to deny harriet right now.

Thor was placed in the interrogation room and left alone there. However, when Thor looked up slightly, he saw Loki standing there before him. "Loki, what are you doing here?" "I had to see you." Loki said. "What has happened?" Thor asked, not liking the concerning tone in Loki's voice. "Tell me, is it Jotunheim? Let me explain to father." Thor said, but Loki stayed silent, as if contemplating something before his eyes glowed slightly, however, this went unnoticed by both Thor and Loki himself. Loki opened his mouth and spoke. "Father is dead." Loki said. Thor felt as if someone had harshly stabbed him in the gut. "Wh.... What?" Loki swallowed a lump in his throat before he spoke again. "Your banishment, the threat of a new war, it was too much for him to bear." Loki said. Thor had tears running down his face now. "You mustn't blame yourself. I know that you loved him. I tried to tell him so, but he wouldn't listen to me." Thor looked down at the floor. "It was so cruel to put the hammer within your reach, knowing that you could never lift it again." Thor inhaled. "The burden of the throne has fallen to me now." Loki said. "Can..... Can I come home?" Thor said. "The truce with Jotunheim is conditional upon your exile." Loki said to him, loki looked down avoiding looking into Thor's eyes. "Yes, but... couldn't we find a way...?" Thor began speaking, trying to think of a solution. "And mother has forbidden your return." Loki said with hidden reluctance in his voice. That was a massive blow to Thor's heart. "This is goodbye brother. I'm so sorry." Loki said with sincerity, loki knew what he was apologizing for. "No. I'm sorry." Thor said whilst he looked up at his brother. "Thank you for coming here." Thor said, feeling the genuineness of Loki's feelings. "Farewell." Loki said and then he started vanishing away from Thor's sight. "Good bye." Thor said and just then Coulson opened the door to the interrogation room.

A few hours later the doors opened and Thor looked up to a familiar face. "Oh, Thomas! Thomas! It's all going to be alright! I'm taking you home now." Draco said, as he led Thor out of the facility, patting Thor's back to comfort him. Draco wore an all black suit, which made the other agents' suits look as if they were second hand, this was done on purpose, draco had taken out his best suit to wear as he got Thor out of the SHIELD Facility. Thor saw Harriet's notebook on an otherwise empty desk and he quickly grabbed it, stealthily placing it in his pocket. "Mr. Malfoy, please keep him away from bars." Phil coulson said from behind them. "I will! Good night to you." Draco called back before he dragged Thor away. "Where are we-" "Shush! I need a drink. All of this is giving me a bloody headache!" Draco exclaimed before he took Thor drinking for awhile.

The two men sat down at a table in the local bar. "You know, I had it all backwards, I had it all wrong." Thor admitted to Draco. "Finding out that you don't have the answers to all things is not a bad thing. You start asking the right questions after that." Draco said. "For the first time in my life, I have no idea what I'm supposed to do, where I'm supposed to go." Thor sighed. "Anyone, who is going to find his way in this world has to start by admitting that he doesn't know where the hell he is, that is what Harriet told me once." Draco said. "Thank you for what you've done." Thor said. "Oh don't thank me, thank Harriet. She threatened to cut my head off, if I didn't help her in getting you out of there." Draco said, waving off Thor's thanks. "Harriet...." Thor smiled just by remembering Harriet's beautiful emerald green eyes. "We went to the same school, y'know. At that time, we always fought with each other, we were troublemakers, in our own sort of way. We always tried to do what was in our hearts, but we never did listen much to our parents' warnings, especially my mother." Draco said with a far away look in his eyes, remembering the past. "Neither did I. My father was trying to teach me something, but I was too stupid to see it." Thor said with regret. "I don't know if you are acting or that you're just actually severely bonkers and mental. Just be careful with harriet, I've seen the way you look at her, and more importantly I've seen the way that she glances at you, she may not understand it herself now, but in the future she will." Draco said with clear promise of pain in his voice towards thor, if Thor hurt Harriet. This news shocked thor, his insides fluttered with mixed up feelings of desire, excitement and hope, that Harriet could like, or even care for him in a romantic way. "I swear to you, I mean her no harm." Thor said sincerely. "Good, but you still don't know anything about what harriet's been through, you don't know who she is, how she lives her life, and who she cares for, you might want to talk to her about all of those before you do anything." Thor nodded at Draco's advice. "Now, let's get drunk." Draco said.

Harriet got up from her desk after she heard the front door of the lab being slammed open. "What the- Bloody hell!" Harriet exclaimed as she saw thor walking inside with an unconscious draco held up and over his shoulder. "What happened?" Harriet rushed over to them, worried for draco. "He's fine. Not injured at all." Thor said, making harriet slightly sigh in relief. "What happened?" Harriet asked. "We drank, we fought, he made his ancestors proud." Thor said with a grin. Harriet sighed whilst she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Come on, this way." Harriet said and led thor to Draco's room, to lay draco down on his bed. Darcy had already passed out in her own room. Thor laid draco down on his bed. "I sstil don think yur da god of tshundrrr!" Draco said, speaking in such a clear way that indicated that he was completely drunk. Draco reached out a hand and patted thor's cheek. Draco then looked at Harriet and smiled at her, "Stelly!!" Draco exclaimed like an excited child. Thor chuckled at Draco. Harriet had to stifle in her laughter, Draco looked so cute right now! Harriet smiled mischievously and took out her phone, before she focused her camera at him. "Dray, smile!" Harriet said and draco gave the camera a goofy and cute smile, and harriet took several pictures of him, intending to send them to the kids the next morning. Harriet led thor out of Draco's room and closed the door behind her. Draco had passed out on the bed after getting his pictures taken. Harriet walked over to her bedroom.

"Are these your chambers?" Thor asked as he looked around at the clean bedroom that belonged to harriet. "Yes, um, would you like to go outside? I was planning to star gaze." Harriet said, gesturing to the outside and thor smiled down at her, "Yes. I would like that." Thor said. Harriet returned the smile back to him before they got out of the HQ. Harriet set up the fire pit, before she and thor sat down next to each other on the lounge chairs. "I'm really glad that you're safe." Harriet said as she rubbed her hands together. "You've been very kind to me, and I've been far less grateful than you deserve." Thor said sincerely. "Well, to be honest, I have hit you with our car a couple of times by now." Harriet said with a light chuckle. "So, I guess that just even things out." Harriet shrugged elegantly, and Thor swore that only harriet must be capable of shrugging her shoulders with such elegance on the whole earth. "Perhaps, I had that coming." Thor laughed before he remembered something. Thor reached into his pocket and pulled out harriet's notebook. "Oh my! Is that...." Harriet gasped. "It's all that I could get back. I'm sorry that it's not as much as I promised you." Thor said handing it over to harriet.

"Oh no, thor! This is everything! The other stuff and all of the equipments are replaceable but this has everything that I've ever researched!" Harriet said with a bright smile at Thor, who felt his cheeks heat up  at harriet's beautiful smile. Harriet opened the notebook to see that all of the pages were blank. "But, the pages are blank?" Thor said with a frown. Harriet chuckled lightly before she waved a hand over the book and writing started to appear on the pages. "What was....?" Thor gasped. "What are you? Are you a Trollkvinne?" Thor asked harriet with clear surprise. "What?" Harriet asked with confusion at the unfamiliar word. "A Trollkvinne is the formal term used to address a powerful sorceress, who practices magic." Thor explained and harriet nodded in agreement. "Yes, I am a sorceress." Thor nodded in understanding before he looked down at the notebook in harriet's hands. "What happened to your book?" "Well, I placed a spell on it to make the ink disappear if someone ever stole the book from me. But, now that I have it back, the spell reversed itself to make the ink appear on the pages again." Harriet explained.

"Although, even with this, I'm nowhere near finding what I've wanted to find." Harriet sighed with defeat. Thor's insides painfully twisted, he hated that look of defeat and that frown on harriet's face. "No, harriet, listen to me, you must not give up, you must finish what you've started." Thor said encouragingly. "Why?" Harriet asked him with a sigh. "Because, you're right." Thor said. "Here, look." Thor took the notebook from her hands and opened it up to a page with a drawing of the cosmos. "You and your ancestors call it to be magic, humans call it science. Well, I come from a place, where they are one and the same thing." Harriet smiled, highly interested in the topic. Harriet stared at Thor as he drew in the notebook, Thor was beautiful from this view, but, Harriet shook her head. Looking down, Harriet looked at what Thor had drawn on the page, it looked like a tree. "What is that?" Harriet asked looking at the page with curiosity. "My father explained it to me like this, your world is one of the Nine Realms of the Cosmos, they are linked to each other by the branches of Yggdrasil, The World Tree." Thor explained. "Now you see it every day without even realizing it, humans see these images, they are glimpsed through ... What did you call it? Hooble Telescope?" Harriet chuckled at thor's mispronunciation. "Hubble Telescope." "Hubble Telescope." Thor also chuckled along with harriet. Harriet unconsciously leaned into thor slightly. "Tell me more." Harriet said with sparkling eyes. Thor didn't mind Harriet's closeness, his heart welcomed it more than even he, himself knew. "So, in the Nine realms, there is Midgard, which is Earth ... This is Alfheim ... Vanaheim ... Jotunheim ... and Asgard, and that's where I come from." Hours later, Thor stared up at the sky, he took off his jacket and placed it over Harriet, who laid asleep, cuddled next to thor on the lounge chairs. "Thank you Harriet." Thor said as he gazed down at her beautiful face, she looked very peaceful at this very moment.

Suddenly, a ringing sound came from harriet's jeans pocket. Thor looked at her as Harriet started to stir before she got up. Thor swore that she was the cutest thing that he had ever seen in all of his years of life, the sleepy look on harriet's face was the most precious thing that he has ever seen. Harriet yawned slightly before she took out her phone and answered without looking at the caller ID. "Hello?" "Mom!" Came the yell of her daughter from the phone, and harriet flinched before she came out of her sleepiness completely. "Hey, sweetie! How are you? Are you alright? Did something happen??" Harriet asked her daughter questions rapidly. It wasn't normal for Aster to call Harriet this late into the night. Thor sat there in shock, Harriet had a daughter?! "I'm fine, mom. I just wanted to tell you that we got a month's detention and you might get a letter from minnie!" Aster said in a way too cheery voice for someone who had just gotten a month's detention. "What did you and teddy do?" Harriet asked her daughter. "Well, remember the prank book that grandpa sirius left us? Yeah, we did the prank number 420 on the sixth floor near the gryffindor tower." Harriet's eyes widened before she sighed. Prank number 420, was the prank where you'd flood a whole floor completely with colored water and release different types of frogs into it. "Alright, I'll await minnie's owl. You better not get into anymore trouble, little Slytherin." Harriet said with a fond smile. Aster had been sorted into Slytherin and Teddy had been sorted into Hufflepuff and Harriet get more prouder of those two. "Alright, thank you, mom! I'll talk to you tomorrow! Bye!" "Bye, sweetie, and say goodnight to teddy from me too." Harriet said and aster gave an affirmative answer, before they both hung up the call. Turning her head, Harriet saw thor looking at her with wide eyes. "Thor?" "You have a daughter?" Thor asked quietly. "Ah, yes I do, along with a son." Harriet smiled. "Her name is Aster and my son's name is Teddy." Harriet said before she looked up at thor with sparkling eyes. "Do you want to see their pictures?" Harriet asked and thor could only nod his head before she summoned the photo album to her, she had made that album over the years ever since Aster and Teddy were born.

"This is when Aster was born, I was at my friends house, things were not quite good at that time." Harriet said, going quiet towards the end. Thor looked at the first picture in the album and found himself smiling at the beautiful picture. In the picture, was Harriet with a small baby in her arms, looking exhausted and extremely tired, but she still had a small smile on her face as she gazed lovingly down at the small baby held securely in her arms. "Where is teddy?" Thor asked unconsciously, as he traced the picture with his fingers slightly. "Oh, teddy's not actually my biological son, he is my godfather's son. He was born a few months before Aster was born." Harriet explained. Thor made an 'Oh' sound before harriet turned over the page and showed thor another picture. In this picture, Harriet was standing with two babies in her arms, they were held close to her chest, while she stood in front of what looked like a small palace. "This is when I first moved into my ancestral home with the kids, I had recently adopted teddy after his grandmother had died. Before that, his parents had already passed away." Harriet said. Thor hummed to her explanation before they continued on seeing the pictures. There were pictures of the times, when aster and teddy had taken their first steps, broke their baby teeth, and started to talk, their first word being 'Mama'. Then there were the pictures of Harriet, Draco and the kids with a red haired woman, who Harriet introduced as her twin sister, and Thor could see the clear resemblance between the two sisters. Aside from the hair, they both had the same green eyes and facial features, but harriet's eyes were brighter than Natasha's, that was Harriet's sisters name. While looking through all of these pictures, Thor noticed something. There wasn't a single picture where Thor saw a male other than Draco, whom harriet introduced to him as her husband or even as her daughter's father, if they were divorced and separated or something like that.

"Where, if I may ask, is Aster's father?" Thor asked Harriet quietly and Harriet paused. Harriet's face fell at the mention of Aster's father and Thor immediately regretted asking her that question. "I apologize for overstepping my boundaries, I'm sorry for making you upset, Harriet." Thor said quickly. "No, no, it's not that!" Harriet shook her head quickly in denial. "It's just...." Harriet trailed off, not knowing what to say. "Did- Did he leave you, before Aster was born?" Thor asked hesitantly and Harriet looked up at him with wide eyes before she took in a deep breath and let it out slowly from her nose. "Technically yes, but not in the way that you think." Harriet said and Thor gave her slightly confused look. "Well, you see eleven years ago, there was a war going on," Harriet began and Thor listened to her every word with rapt attention. Harriet told Thor everything that happened in the war and how the war had started even before she was born, how her parents had taken part in the war, how she had been dragged into the war after returning to the magical world after 11 years herself, how she had lost both of her godfathers, and her friends. Harriet had intended to tell Thor only the basics of what had happened but the conversations started to flow and she couldn't stop herself from going into the details. Thor was amazed. Despite being forced into dangerous and life threatening situations time and time again, without any help from others, Harriet still managed to come out of them victorious through her quick thinking and bravery. That was something extremely praise worthy.

Even Thor had not faced a basilisk at the age of twelve with only a sword as his weapon that he had no knowledge of how to wield, and that was saying something. Thor felt anger when harriet got to the part where she found out that she was destined to die since the very beginning, since she was 15 months old, and it was all planned by the man who she trusted, who she thought of as her grandfather, as well as she had several dozens of compulsions placed on her, interfering with her every decision until she had painfully broken free from them herself. "I gave birth to Aster in fleur and bill's cottage, I made them take an unbreakable oath to protect my daughter whilst I went back to hogwarts. They would have sent Aster away to teddy's mom and grandmother, if I had died and didn't return to them to take her back. I'm still very grateful to them for keeping Aster safe while I was away." Harriet said with a fond and grateful smile up to the sky. Thor smiled down at her in return. "When I got back to hogwarts, I found out that-" Harriet cut herself off and looked down to the ground, she swallowed the lump in her throat and started to speak again. "Cedric had been tortured and killed by the carrow twins for not giving away the information of my location." Thor felt pain in his chest as he looked down at harriet, the look on her face was of utter longing and pain as she thought of how painfully her lover, her fiance, had passed away. Harriet continued on and told thor about what had happened in the battle of hogwarts, saying that the killing curse didn't work on her. "I finally cut ties off with hermione and ronald a few months later, because they kept pestering me to start dating ginerva. Ginerva was also getting annoying with her constant stalking, I placed several restraining orders against and also quite a few law suits to keep her engaged with. I still maintain contact with the other weasley's and my friends from hogwarts though, especially Neville and Luna, my godbrother and his wife. A few days after I cut off ties with the annoying bunch, I started to live in my ancestral mansion with the kids and Draco. But, after thinking for a few days, I started my own business in the human world. I also build an orphanage for muggleborn kids whose parents either mistreated them or were dead, and a primary school for muggleborn, half-blood and pureblood kids, so that way they wouldn't be overwhelmed once they are 11 and ready to go to hogwarts." Harriet said with a small smile, happy with her decisions. Thor smiled brightly down at harriet, what harriet did were noble acts, building an orphanage for kids who were orphans like her. Truly, Harriet was the kindest woman that he had ever met. "Alright, it's getting very late, we should go to bed." Harriet said before she got up and gave Thor her hand to grab. Thor looked down at her hand and grabbed it with a smile before he got up smiling down at her. Harriet led thor to the vacant room near her own bedroom to rest for the night, before she went to her own bedroom to go to sleep. That night, they both fell asleep with smiles on their faces, one was relieved after talking about her burdens with someone who understood her and the other was happy as he learned more about the woman, whom he was slowly falling in love with.

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