
Chapter Forty-Two

"What are you doing here?"

I asked, staring into the fire absently, resting my hand on my knee.

"My assistant was required, so I agreed..."

Ryuu answered, sitting next to me at a respectful distance away.

I hummed, leaning back slightly and narrowing my eyes in thought, feeling out the area absently.

Nothing yet.

I looked down at the fire again, as the two of us sat in silence.

"You don't come around the Hostess anymore."

She pointed out and I looked at her for a moment, my expression still neutral as I observed her for a moment.

"I don't have the time, I'm a captain now, I have responsibilities."

She stayed quiet for a moment, her eyes meeting mine, the two of us observing each other silently. She was the first to break the silence again.

"Is it not because of Syr?"

I raised an inquisitive eyebrow. Syr? Why would she dictate my behavior? She was inconsequential, I didn't care for those who hid themselves behind a mask.


I spoke bluntly, carelessly, I didn't care what she thought of me because of that, I didn't know her well enough for her opinion to matter.

... Man, when did I get so edgy? I need to stop monologuing.

I sighed internally, as the quiet descended again, uncomfortable, but still, it was silence.

"She still likes you."

I wanted to allow my eyebrow to twitch. Seriously, what the hell was wrong with this one? Were you defective, woman? What are your factory settings?

I sighed.

"And I still don't return those feelings."

I pointed that out again, as if stating a simple fact of the world.

Could I come to love a goddess? No. I was still coming to terms with not hating Hestia, but that was that and this was this.

"Why is that?"

She was persistent, I would give her that.

"I don't want to talk about it, Ryuu, not now, not ever..."

I stood up, turning around and heading toward my tent, which I got from the spares the Hermes Familia brought along.


I bid her farewell and walked inside, leaving her at the fireplace.


"Was that speech really necessary? We could have been here much sooner..."

I muttered, my purple flames burning away the black scorpions monsters produced by Anteres as we made our way to the castle.

"And why are you here?"

I turned to Hermes with a raised eyebrow, he just decided to come along, no explanation whatsoever. I thought handling a small horde. You'd think that dealing with a small horde of weak monsters would be more safer then dealing with one that could wield divinity.

Lock? Nonexistent with that one.

That's why I left Shohei, Eva and Hestia behind with a few of my shadows, it would be a lot safer for them.

Hermes shrugged.

"I feel a lot safer with you guys around here."

He just proved my point.


I felt a tap on my armor, and I raised an eyebrow at Ais, only to see her pointing at a... Bigger scorpion. Really? I know you're a monster, but come on, be creative, at least...

I raised my finger, Blaze concentrating on the tip before blurring forward, the small fireball burning into the shell, exploding the scorpion from the inside.

"How did that one come about?"

I asked absently, looking at the remains for a moment as they disintegrated.

"It grew when you were not looking."

Ryuu responded, looking forward and scanning the area.

Oh, that made a lot of sense...

Well anyway, disregarding the lack of variety of the monsters, the group continued forward, conserving the energy at my expense...

So lazy...


I go by Develish_Beta on Pa-Tre_on, there are two more chapter available right now.

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