

In a large room, where the morning light barely reached, stood a gigantic monster with a man on his arm. The creature was badly wounded and covered in dried blood. He was holding a person and scratching something on the wall with his claw.

Torterra was in a hurry to explain everything to the Marshal before the other people arrived. He didn't want to reveal all this information to anyone else because there were high chances of information being leaked. The person who has to make a Kaiju drift should not know any valuable information, but on the other hand, he should be a scientist.

It was difficult to draw everything so that it was clear. The moment when you need to close the portal or when to drift and who should do it, it was difficult to describe these things with ordinary drawings.

"Can I just text it?" Torterra thought, looking at Marshal, who was quite tense on his arm. One of the reasons he didn't want to reveal that he understood human language was because he was an anomaly in this world. Imagine if you met one more creature on the planet that could read and write without learning it and had never had contact with humans. What would you do? What scientists will do is spend their time and resources trying to unravel this phenomenon.

But Torterra is an anomaly, it shouldn't exist in this world. Maybe they justified his presence somehow, but every scientist wants to understand why he knows how to write. This mystery will rise to the level of something supernatural. Therefore, Torterra does not want to appear too human. When humans need to focus on developing technology and fighting for survival, they will spend those resources on exploring Torterra. Since Torterra is an anomaly, any research into its origins will lead to a dead end and be a waste of resources and time.

Time is of the essence. On the one hand, it seems like there is still a long time until Kaiju start appearing every week from the portal, but on the other hand, the technology development is too slow to reach the level needed to master portal and plasma weapon technologies. The Jaeger technology has been around for two years now, but even with the existing single drift technology, they still haven't developed the technology so that two people can drift at the same time. It's all very slow.

But this is Marshall. If he keeps all this information secret and takes control of the Jaegers program, then no one will come to him with research equipment. Torterra might not mind being studied, but he would prefer that these studies only concern the workings of his fire breath or the way he absorbs radiation. No esoteric research into his origins or his lore.

Bringing his claw to his mouth once more and hissing, he emphasized secrecy once more. Returning to the wall, he wrote his first words: "this is an invasion." Marshal, seeing that Torterra had written something, was very shocked, but said nothing.

Next, Torterra drew the Kaiju and many aliens, with a portal between them and some lines indicating a connection between the Kaiju and the aliens on the other side of the gap. On the other hand, he drew a robot and two people with the same lines indicating the connection between them and the robot.

"How do you know all this? Double Drift is the next generation of Jaeger, it is not finished yet and this information is classified," asked the Marshal. This question was to be expected, but Torterra didn't have an endless wall to explain, so he just snapped at Marshal again to stop him from asking questions.

"When the Kaijus come once a week" is what Torterra wrote next. After that text, he drew a Kaiju with a nuke in his stomach on the other side of the breach and punched it, making a dent in the stone wall. I think he understood what I meant, Torterra thought.

The reason he didn't want to close the portal earlier was that once the portal was closed, humanity would relax and the Jaegers program would be shut down. If this happens, then humans will be defenseless when the time comes for another alien invasion.

The next thing Torterra drew was a Kaiju in the form of a caterpillar with horns on its head. There was a human near the Kaiju, and they were connected by a line of communication, just like aliens and humans have with the Jaegers.

"Do what? Kaiju Drift! This is crazy, the human brain can't handle this!" - The sudden information shocked Marshal. "Come up with something," Torterra had to write to calm him down.

"Alright, but why do that? You've already shown how to close the portal, why would we do something like that?" - asked Marshal.

Torterra did not answer immediately, but began to draw. On one side was a human pointing at a portal and on the other side was a Kaiju pointing at a nuclear bomb. After that, he drew a portal with Jaegers standing above it and wrote: "War! They were before and they will be again! War to survive."

Marshal understood everything, as long as the enemy sits quietly on his planet, he will send his troops again and again until he wins. It is impossible to win without a counterattack. It seemed that this was all the necessary information, but Torterra wrote a little more.

"Traitor after the drift!" After writing those words, he drew a prison-like net around the Kaiju drifting human. Next, he drew a line between the Kaiju all the way to a picture of many aliens, and then above the aliens were nuclear bomb marks. With this, Torterra wanted to warn about two-way communication during drifting. We can extract the necessary information from Kaiju, but Kaiju can also extract information from a person.

"I understand, this person will be affected by the Kaiju after the drift."

"Kaiju blood as fuel." Another secret was discovered by Torterra. He wanted to give a boost to technology. With the new, super-powerful fuel, humans will even be able to travel around our solar system with ease.

The sounds of helicopters could be heard in the distance. It was necessary to end the conversation. "Tell them I was showing my drawings." The last thing Torterra wrote, then took a deep breath and breathed flames at the wall of pictures and melted it. The whole room lit up with an orange light, and the wall quickly turned red and melted. All information has been erased.

"What? What pictures?" A little confused by Torterra's words, Marshal was confused.

After leaving the house, Torterra walked over to the Jaeger and placed the Marshal back on his head. He walked over to the dead Kaiju, dipped his hand in his blood and walked to the outer wall of his house. To Marshal's surprise, he just started drawing blue blood on the wall. He drew some ordinary things like dolphins and fish.

"Understood, very resourceful!" The Marshal said as he walked back into the Jaeger to report to management.

After the battle, he didn't really want to paint. His whole body ached, but he had to be given a legend for Marshal. When he had finished, he sat down on the edge of his island and looked out over the ocean. Everything around was already covered in toxic Kaiju blood. Algae withered, and fish floated dead on top. All the nature that bloomed here last year has died. These were the effects of being contaminated with blue Kaiju blood.

"It's a pity, it was beautiful here, but now everything has died," he exhaled heavily. "But I found a great weed killer!" Having smeared the walls of the building with blue, he could drive away the weeds that were very annoying to him. As he sat and rested, the helicopters began hooking cables to Jaeger and took him away. Torterra watched the Jaeger fly away and exhaled heavily. "I hope everything will be fine."

He wanted to sleep, but first he decided to eat the Kaiju. It was not easy, but if you heated the shell, it could be split. After finishing his meal, he went into the house and and blocked the passage with a brick so that he would not be disturbed and that no one would suddenly attack him while he was sleeping.

POV: Marshal

"Report! What happened there? Why did he take you to the building?" After returning to Jaeger, Marshal immediately heard many questions from headquarters.

"Sir! It was very strange, he showed me his drawings on the wall and then melted them down when he thought I didn't like them. This guy is very strange!" Marshal answered almost truthfully.

"OK. You did a great job with that Kaiju, you'll be rewarded and promoted when you come back."

"Thank you, Sir!"

That day completely changed Marshall. He didn't know why Torterra had asked him to keep everything a secret and he needed to think things over before doing anything. This information was critical in this battle with the Kaiju. The fact that behind them is an entire race of aliens who want to exterminate humans made the current situation a hundred times more difficult.

A lot of things could go wrong, and the fact that after drifting with the Kaiju, all the information from the person would be transferred to the aliens, made the process very dangerous. If anything Torterra told him was leaked to the public, then there wouldn't be a single person on the planet who didn't know these secrets, and finding some person for Kaiju drift would be impossible. It was also necessary to close the portal first so that the Kaiju could not transmit the information. And finally, people really needed to learn the technology of the portals. Even if we can't win, we will have a chance to find a new home.


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