
Chapter Seven

Toshinori knew that he shouldn't show up at Enji agency unexpected, but then again he's going to find out what is wrong with him one way or another. So, now Toshinori is seating in his car thinking how in the hell is he going to make his grand entrance in Enji agency.

'I could just walk in there peacefully and ask where Enji is... Nah fuck that I'm going to be hella dramatic he deserve no mercy.' He thought to himself as he gets out the car and closes the door. He walks up to agency and open the double door wide.

"Enji, fottuto idiota, perché cazzo hai evitato i tuoi dannati figli e la tua ex moglie!!!!" Toshinori yelled in Italian as everyone stop and look at him like a mad man.

He scanned the area and stop when he say Shoto, Izuku, and Bakugou looking at the him.

"You three where Enji?" He said walking in the building heading towards the trio.

The future big three looked at each other a point to the direction Enji went.

"He went to the break room for his lunch break..." Shoto said not wanting to deal with whatever wrath of the retired No. 1 hero and symbol of peace.

Toshinori forced a grin on his face and look at Shoto. "Thank you, young Todoroki I'll be right back..." He said while speed walking to the break room as the three boys look at each other trying to figure out what the fuck just happened.

"U-ummm should we be concern or...?" Izuku said still trying to progress what happened.

"Fuck no that's Endeavor damn problem." Katsuki said with a scowled on his face, not wanting to find out what Toshinori wanted to see Enji about.

Toshinori walked to the break room and burst open the door. He see Enji eating a kuzu mochi, Toshinori still do not know why Enji is eating sweets for lunch.

"Enji che cazzo hai che non va?!" He yelled as he walk towards Enji.

Enji swallow the reminding kuzu mochi and looks at Toshinori debating on what he should say. Toshinori only speaks in Italian when he is mad or irritated and that is never a good sign. Luckily for Enji he know a little Italian mainly because he is usually the one to irritate Toshinori for fun sometimes.

"What did I do something wrong....?" He said confused, not really knowing how to respond.

If Enji is being honest he doesn't really know what he have done to Toshinori but he do not want to make it worst than it all ready is.

"Why the fuck have you been avoiding your damn kids Todoroki." Toshinori demanded not calling Enji by his first name

. Enji choke on air and began to sweat drop nervously, knowing the that he got himself in deep shit.

'Shit how the hell did he found out?! Did Shoto tell him? No he wouldn't have... Then how the hell...' He thought to himself knowing that he'll have to answer Toshinori soon.

"Wait how the hell are you interning Young Midoriya, Bakugou, and Todoroki this whole time?" Toshinori asked it's almost impossible for Enji to avoid Shoto with Izuku and Bakugou there.

"I.....have....been.....avoiding....them too actually...." Enji said under his breath but Toshinori heard him.

In that moment Toshinori wished that Enji was joking. "So your telling me that every time they come here for their internship, you completely avoid all of them?!" He asked feeling more irritated and concern.

Enji looks at him nervously knowing he got himself in deep shit. "To answer your questions yes I have been avoiding them...." Enji stated feeling guilty it's not like he wanted to ignore them.

He just couldn't looked at them after what happen in his office, if Enji is being honest he feel disgusted in his self and he couldn't bare to look at them or be near their presence.

'Imagine how disgusted they'll be when they know the truth...' The raspy voice in Enji head said.

He sat there quite for a minute zoning out and didn't notice Toshinori seated in front of him until he hear Toshinori start to tap on the table lightly. Enji snap out of his trance and look up at Toshinori.

'I didn't even notice that he sat down, I really need to stop zoning out.' He thought to himself and cleared his throat a little bit.

"You were zoning out Enji, what's wrong?" Toshinori asked.

He knew that Enji wouldn't just avoid them for no reason, and than it finally clicked. There's no way Enji would avoid his children and Rei without saying anything.

'Unless his shitty father had something with it...' Toshinori thought to himself while Enji look at him nervously.

"What are you talking about there's nothing wrong." Enji said in a monotone voice.

"Enji I'm not an idiot I know that there is something wrong with you, now telling me what have been bothering you is it your dad..?" Toshinori asked already have a feeling that he knows Enji answer.

He know whens Enji is lying or when he's trying to hide something from him, he might can't get Enji to tell him everything but at least he tell him some stuff that have been bothering him.

"Well yes he came here to 'visit' and it didn't turn out to good, but it never turn out good with him." Enji said while sighing softly he didn't technically lie to Toshinori nor did he tell him the truth either and it's not like he can tell him that his father does more than just scolding him about not working hard enough or he's not training Shoto enough.

If he told any of his friends that his father abuse him emotionally, physically, sexually, and mentally they'll probably look at him in disgust and stop being friends with him hell he wouldn't be surprise if they stop being his friends now.

'I really don't deserve them at all and the fact that they became friends is hard for me to still believe...' He thought to himself.

"What happen while he was here?" Toshinori asked knowing that Enji father would scold him over the smallest things and if not that he'll tell Enji he need to focus more on being a hero over anything else.

Enji lightly began to tap his fingers on the table. "He didn't like the fact that Shoto got second place in the sport festival and he wasn't to happy when he found out me and Rei are divorce.." Enji calmed even though he didn't tell Toshinori everything that happen but it's better than telling him nothing.

'If I told him everything that happen he'll probably hate me and never want to talk to me again...' Enji thought to himself.

He doesn't want to ruin his somewhat bond with Toshinori, he would rather not tell him or anyone about all the abuse his father put him through if it means there's a risk of losing his closes and only friends he have and that is not something he is willing to do. Besides he don't want to draw any attention to him or to anyone else, he doesn't want to waste any ones time and be a burden to them.

"Well it's your decision and he have no say in that at all Enji." Toshinori stated while looking at Enji, he doesn't understand why Enji father can't be proud of his son and let Enji live his on life for fucking once.

Besides nobody is perfect and it's not like anyone cannot make mistakes once in their life. Enji sat their in silence thinking over what Toshinori had said and started to debating with himself. Deep down he know that Toshinori is right, but he is also afraid to stand up for himself against his abusive manipulative father. Maybe if he did than Rei wouldn't be in the mental hospital, Shoto wouldn't have a scar on his left eye, Natsuo wouldn't have any hatred towards him, Fuyumi wouldn't have to try so hard to bring them together as a happy family, and Touya would have never left. Enji suddenly felt a wave of guilty wash over him.

'I couldn't even help my family when they needed me... I can't even be a good father let alone a good husband.... I can't do anything right for once...' Enji thought to himself in disbelief.

"Enji...Enji.....Enji....Enji.....Enji!!" Toshinori shouted a little while waving his hand in Enji face to get his attention.

Enji snapped out of it and blink a few looking up at Toshinori only to see him leaning close to his face with a worry look in his eye.

"S-sorrry I zoned out what were you saying?" Enji asked as he blushed lightly at how close him and Toshinori face was, they're only a few inches apart and if either one of them lean any closer they would kiss.

'Not that I don't mind or anything but still...' Enji thought to himself.

"Are you okay Enji? You looked kinda upset so I tried calling your name but you didn't answer I got worried for a second." Toshinori stated truthfully as he cupped Enji face with his hand.

He can see a very light trail of freckles across Enji face, this cause Enji to blush more and try to avoiding eye contact with Toshinori.

"I-I'm fine T-Toshinori I w-was just thinking to m-myself is all.." Enji said while stuttering a few times.

'Shit he's too close to my face what am I going to do?!?!' Enji thought to him self while having a semi-gay panic.

Toshinori looked at Enji once more before he repiled back. "Are you sure Ji? Your face is really red are sick?" He asked the last question on purpose knowing that the only reason why Enji face is red because of how close they are.

He only did it to get Enji's attention at first but now he's only doing it so he can see Enji reaction.

'He look so cute when he's shy...' Toshinori thought to himself, he know for awhile that Enji have a crush on him but since Enji is a dense person when it come to feelings he decided to wait until Enji figure it out for himself.

Enji on the other hand was trying his hardest to not set himself on fire while Toshinori is right there in front of him.

"Y-Yes I'm s-sure Toshinori and n-no I am not sick.." He said while mentally cursing at himself for stuttering so much, they affect that Toshinori have on Enji is unbelievable.

Toshinori tilt his head the side and hummed lightly as if he was thinking to himself.

"If you say so Enji but you need to stop being so distance towards your kids, Rei, young Midoriya, and Bakugou..." He stated softly.

Enji open his mouth to speak but Toshinori cutted him off before him even spoke. "You don't have to tell them exactly what's going on if you don't want to but you shouldn't be avoiding them okay..?" Toshinori asked Enji, they both was quiet for a few seconds until Enji sighed softly and nodded his head.

"O-okay...." He said quietly and Toshinori smiled softly as he remove both his hands off of Enji face.

"Good and if you need anything just call or text me Enji, I'll answer right away now with that being said..." Toshinori got up and walk around towards Enji and kissed him on top of the head.

"I'll be going Ji see ya later and take care of yourself." Toshinori said as he walked out of the break room before Enji could say anything.

After a few minutes pass Enji face lit up in flames on he realized that Toshinori kissed him on the top of his head.

'Ohmygodohmygodhekissedmeontopofthehead!!!!!!' He thought to himself while having a full on gay panic.

He took a deep breath to calm himself down and process the conversation him and Toshinori had.

"Shit just how in the hell am I going to approach them after I was completely avoiding them...?" He said to no one but him self, he sighed deeply and he buried his face in his hands realizing that he got a lot of explaining to do.

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