
Chapter 357: Conversation between Father and Son of the Taylor Family

After hearing Kylan Taylor's words, the glimmer of hope Ethan Smith had just developed disappeared immediately.

For a moment, he even found himself repulsed with Kylan.

"I truly don't understand why people like you always fancy themselves superior," Ethan said, shaking his head.

"All these distinctions of high-low, noble-vile are made by you. We toil all our lives, and in your eyes, we become the butt of your jokes."

"Mr. Yan, honestly, I think the one who is laughable here is you. You treat others as slaves, but that doesn't mean others will respect you."

Ethan looked at Kylan squarely, without avoiding his gaze.

Kylan's face gradually grew cold.

"Stubborn to the core." Kylan said icily.

"I detest your self-perceived spirit of resistance,"

Ethan replied coolly, "And I equally detest your lofty airs."

Their negotiations failed.

This was Ethan's second round of negotiations with Kylan, and they were still unsuccessful.

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