
Chapter 76 Imperial Conversation Part 3

--- 8th of April 1897 ---

--- 3rd Person POV ---


"The current French president? What could be his intentions?" murmured Viscountess Fatima Catherine of Tudela, her brow furrowing in thought.

For her, she couldn't comprehend why a nation they clearly disdain, in comparison to their treatment of the British, would seek to visit Sooraj and mend relations. To her and a few others inside the pavilion, such efforts would be undesirable for their nation.

"The man himself is still struggling to gain full control of the empire, even after the sudden transition to a republic... Seriously, aren't they tired of overthrowing monarch after monarch? What's even more laughable is that a monarch somehow manages to be reinstated time and time again.

Calling them a total circus of a nation wouldn't be an exaggeration, in my opinion. The only saving grace for them this time is that they managed to achieve a somewhat peaceful transition from monarchy to republic," Baroness Anika Elizabeth of Maligaya remarked, fully echoing the ridicule expressed by her fellow Abagaanay of the empress.

Baroness Anika Elizabeth of Maligaya's remarks elicited laughter from Empress Alice and her fellow abagaanays, who found amusement in recalling the news they had read about the events unfolding in France. Meanwhile, others joined in with smiles tinged with ridicule.

They mocked the Bonaparte household and the nation itself, pointing out the fragility of its governmental system. In contrast, they highlighted the stability of Asian monarchies, particularly in Butuan, where monarchy, alongside the revered temple of Butuan, stands as an institution unlikely to falter. While acknowledging that Butuan's government is still in its infancy, they emphasized the resilience of its core institutions.

While the current government bears some resemblance to the pre-semi-constitutional monarchy era, it is significantly shaped by the governmental framework inherited from the British Empire. This influence has rendered the current administration susceptible to corruption and subject to the oversight of the emperor, who retains the authority to dissolve the government.

Even the House of Lords has faced ongoing scrutiny from the present Imperial Family. Despite its members' continued support for imperial legislation by adopting laws originating from the House of Commons, there has been a growing concern over certain members of the House of Lords seeking to amass greater power.

This is a significant concern as the majority of the members of the House of Lords are heads of the cadet clans of the Imperial Clan of Shaja. Their arguments have escalated to such an extent that in 1894, Emperor Siagu XV issued a stern warning to all heads of the Imperial Clan, with the approval of the Imperial Clan Council. The warning stated that any cadet clan involved would forfeit their noble titles and lose 80% of their property. Furthermore, they would lose their membership in the Imperial Clan and their seats in the House of Lords.

This warning effectively silenced the entire House of Lords. However, in recent weeks, the Lords have once again become quite vocal, much to the annoyance of not only the emperor but also other members of the imperial family.

"King Rama V sent me a message some time ago regarding the incoming president of the French Republic," Emperor Siagu XV stated calmly, as the pavilion returned to a state of calmness following the jests about the current state of the French Republic.

Imperial Prince Sharvil curiously inquired, fixing his gaze on his older brother, the emperor. "And? What did he say, brother?"

Emperor Siagu XV replied, his attention divided between his food and his brother. "Nothing much, really. He just cautioned me that President Félix François Faure's visit to Sooraj and Bangkok might be a trap set by the French to lower our guard against them, especially regarding the situation at the border between French Indochina and the Lower Champa region and Siam."

"A reasonable piece of advice... Given the complexity of their relationship with the French... It was suggested by Dowager Duchess Jayanti that one should heed King Rama V's advice regarding the appropriate response and approach towards the current French republic," commented Dowager Duchess Jayanti, gracefully fanning herself.

Imperial Prince Sharvil chimed in, "Notably, the recent standoff between soldiers in French Indochina and those of Butuan and Siam has not only displaced communities near the borders but has also nearly escalated into a firing standoff," reminding everyone of the recent tensions between Butuan-Siam and the soldiers of French Indochina.

The majority of individuals in the pavilion displayed expressions of sourness, recalling the inconveniences and problems caused by the soldiers of French Indochina in the area.

"However, their forces in the region have surprisingly remained relatively silent over the past few days following the overthrow of the Bonaparte Dynasty and the ascension of President Félix François Faure," remarked Imperial Princess Haimi indifferently.

"And they should be… President Félix François Faure's assumption of power drastically altered the political landscape of France. According to the news I had heard, murmurs of rebellion in the African and American colonies were gaining traction on the streets, prompting the government to reinforce its control over these territories by deploying troops.

Governor General Joseph Athanase Paul Doumer of French Indochina demonstrated astuteness by promptly declaring his allegiance to the current republic," Empress Alice stated calmly, her abagaanays nodding in agreement.

"A prudent decision indeed… but what surprises me further is President Félix François Faure's audacity in openly declaring support for Butuan against the Japanese. He even pledged to enhance relations between Siam and France, thereby complicating King Rama V's decision-making process," commented Duchess Marie of Cebu.

This elicited murmurs from the others as they voiced their opinions on the matter. It further complicated their plans for the future. However, they also saw the potential benefits of improving relations between Siam-Butuan and France, as it would enhance their respective countries' connections to Europe.

Their discussions delved deeper as time passed, culminating in their final topic: their plans concerning the Qing Empire. Initially, Emperor Siagu XV regarded the Qing Empire as an adversary—a formidable foe that would require considerable effort to overcome. This sentiment was exacerbated by the Qing Empire's claims to sovereignty over the Islands of Hainan and Taiwan, which had long been under the watchful eye and control of the Butuan Empire.

With recent developments in the relationship between two nations, a secret alliance has emerged between the Qing, Russia, and Butuan – three formidable empires. This alliance aims to assist the Qing Empire in expelling all Westerners from their territories, particularly missionaries.

Dowager Duchess Jayanti, Empress Alice, and Imperial Princess Haimi have expressed deep concerns about this alliance. While they acknowledge the potential financial gains and access to raw materials it offers, along with the acquisition of additional land from the Qing Empire itself, they vehemently oppose the notion of achieving these benefits at the cost of aiding and inciting conflict with the entire Western world.

In their view, the Qing Empire isn't deemed worthy of assistance from the Butuan Empire regarding its issues with the Western Countries. The Qing Empire is notorious for its instability, making the prospect of aiding it seem less viable. Given its reputation as the most unstable empire in the entirety of Asia, the likelihood of the Qing Dynasty being toppled by a rebellion far outweighs any potential benefits from forming an alliance. The only silver lining to such an alliance is the presence of the Russian Empire.

Emperor Siavu XV has expressed keen interest in aligning fully with the Russian Empire. This interest stems not only from its vast territory but also from its abundant resources, which could fulfill Butuan's needs similar to those of the Qing Empire. A significant advantage, particularly for Dowager Duchess Jayanti, Empress Alice, and Imperial Princess Haimi, lies in the fact that the Russian Empire could serve as a land connection between Asia and Europe, bypassing sea routes for trade through railways.

Their concern about Butuan being dragged into conflict by the Qing Empire against the Western countries was addressed directly by Emperor Siagu XV himself. He explained that, according to their agreement, Butuan would only be required to assist the Qing Empire if the forces loyal to Dowager Empress Cixi began to falter. In return for this assistance, Butuan would receive the islands of Taiwan and Hainan, the Xuwen County, a 100-year lease on Leizhou County, and an exclusive trade agreement.

This arrangement prompted Emperor Siagu XV and Defense Minister Ali Ahmadi bin Haji to dispatch military officers to train Dowager Empress Cixi's soldiers and provide them with weaponry for warfare. While it may seem that Butuan will be at a disadvantage in the future, recent advancements in Butuan's weaponry capabilities indicate that the currently circulated firearms will not be sufficient to counter their developing arsenal.

Weapons that will not just protect Butuan but will also spread its influence.

Their conversation took a significant turn when Dowager Duchess Jayanti broached the topic of the widespread discontent among the empire's nobility. With the nobility demanding reforms in power distribution, advocating for greater authority to be vested on them. This unprecedented stance from the nobles caught even Emperor Siagu XV off guard, as he had been unaware that such sentiments and plans were brewing among their ranks.

"Are you certain that this development is underway?" Emperor Siagu XV inquired with grave seriousness, his gaze fixed upon his mother-in-law as she nonchalantly sipped her tea.

"My dear... do you doubt my sources?" Dowager Duchess Jayanti countered, shifting her attention to her son-in-law. Her words seemed to hang heavily in the air, casting a tension over the entire room, as the most senior member of the Imperial Clan regarded the emperor with a serious expression.

Despite the nation's deeply ingrained patriarchy, respect for elders, regardless of gender, remains paramount. In Butuan culture, reverence for elders is both a social and religious imperative.

"No… he is not," replied Emperor Siagu XV.

"A few years ago… those nobles also attempted some reforms within the government… seeking to reclaim some of their former power. And now, eager to ride the wave of the emperor's current popularity, they now seek to exert control over the lands they once owned," commented Empress Alice.

"Yes... but unlike previously, when they pursued legal means by advocating for reforms, I've heard that they now seek to bolster their forces and orchestrate a coup to compel your compliance," Duchess Dowager Jayanti asserted with solemnity, her gaze fixed upon Emperor Siagu XV as she tapped her finger against the small table before her.

"I am unaware of their specific locations for amassing forces, but I must caution you, Emperor, that addressing this issue is as crucial as reclaiming our ancestral lands in Taiwan. Given the considerable wealth of many involved, it wouldn't be surprising if they could muster a significant following to initiate an uprising," she continued, her tone conveying the gravity of the situation.

"And what about the rest of you? Does anyone here possess knowledge of the potential noble figures implicated in this matter?" Emperor Siagu XV responded icily, causing the entire pavilion to fall silent, with even the music ceasing to play. Only the rustle of the wind through the bamboo and trees in the garden could be heard.

For Emperor Siagu XV himself, he can be a trusted friend and ruler, but he proves to be a formidable adversary. During the initial years of his reign over Butuan, he orchestrated the clandestine eradication of an entire bloodline within the imperial clan, disguising their demise as the result of fires and robberies. The Singhon clan, a prominent and affluent cadet branch of the Shaja Imperial Clan, fell victim to his machinations.

Established in 1707 during the reign of Rajah Siagu X, the Singhon clan attained noble status through a royal decree under the auspices of the Shaja clan. However, Emperor Siagu XV's ruthless campaign saw the brutal annihilation of 250 members from the cadet lineage, sparing none, including women and children.

The reason? Empress Alice was mocked, and disparaging remarks were made about both the monarchy and the religion. Emperor Siagu XV, renowned for his devout adherence to the Aylashanism religion, chose to dispatch his trusted members of the Imperial Household Guards to retaliate against the cadet clan. Subsequently, members of the Singhon clan began perishing under mysterious circumstances; some were poisoned, others succumbed to stab wounds, and some went missing, never to be seen again.

The demise of the Singhon Clan reached its culmination when a fire erupted at their compound in the municipality of Tikala, Bukidnon. The entire compound was engulfed in flames, claiming the lives of its remaining members. Presently, the area lies vacant and is under the management of the Imperial Estate.

(a/n: Tikala or Ticala, Bukidnon is what is now known in the Philippines as Claveria, Bukidnon. Tikala is the old name of Claveria. I opted to choose Tikala as its name as it did not sound Spanish in any sort.)

Since that time, no nobles have entertained the notion of challenging the current emperor with reckless ideas. However, a shift occurred recently, as they observed their gains and harbored desires to revert to the old ways of the empire, where they wielded authority over their respective lands with minimal constraints.

Once again, silence pervades the pavilion, with uncertainty lingering regarding those involved in the uprising plot aimed at reinstating noble rule over their domains.

"I... I am acquainted with some of them, Your Imperial Majesty," Baroness Anika Elizabeth of Maligaya nervously asserted as she rose from her seat, bowing deeply towards the emperor. He merely cast a glance at her before turning his gaze towards his wife, Empress Alice, with a grave expression.

The entire assembly in the pavilion, including those who had been silent since the gathering commenced, turned their attention to Baroness Anika Elizabeth, intrigued by what she might say. They were keenly aware of the potential ramifications for the nobles and their families if it were proven they were involved in the scheme.

Baroness Anika Elizabeth's companions, Viscountess Fatima Catherine of Tudela and Duchess Advika of Haikou, stared at her with a mixture of shock and intrigue, eager to hear her words.

After taking a few moments to compose herself and summoning the courage to speak, Baroness Anika Elizabeth finally disclosed what she knew.

"In the circle of nobility, there has indeed been discussion about asserting greater control over the government. While the world may perceive our nation as united and indestructible, the nobles have grown increasingly restless since ceding their power to rule.

To my knowledge, the majority of the nobility in the empire have embraced this plan to restore traditional governance. Despite legislative efforts in the parliament, they find these measures insufficient. Their desire for more influence has only intensified, particularly following constraints placed on their income," Baroness Anika Elizabeth remarked calmly, surprising others who had expected her to falter once more.

"As far as I understand, this initiative originated with the northern nobles, who have been clandestinely advocating for it throughout the empire. Even nobles in the Hainan Region are being courted by these individuals," Baroness Anika Elizabeth continued.

"How did you come by this information?" Imperial Prince Sharvil inquired, his gaze icy as he fixed it upon Baroness Anika Elizabeth, who stood resolutely behind the empress, flanked by her co-abagaanays.

Before Baroness Anika Elizabeth could respond, Imperial Princess Mahati addressed the musical courtiers.

"Continue the music... I refuse to let this rest day be marred by tension without even a hint of melody," commanded Imperial Princess Mahati with graceful authority, her tone serious. Her directive was promptly obeyed by the musical courtiers, who resumed playing the kolitong in perfect harmony with the wind.

"My husband, Baron Rajendra Dayangdang of Maligaya, was approached by Duke Varun of Kudat to join their scheme. However, he declined the offer," Baroness Anika Elizabeth announced to the assembled guests in the pavilion as she settled into her seat.

The revelation sent shockwaves through the pavilion, evident on the faces of everyone present, including Dowager Duchess Jayanti herself. The surprise wasn't merely due to Baron Rajendra being approached and asked to join but rather because of the identity of the man extending the invitation: Duke Varun of Kudat.

Duke Varun of Kudat, a 65-year-old individual, currently heads the esteemed Buntag Clan, one of the oldest cadet clans of Shaja. Established during the reign of Rajah Agusan IV in 1250 AD, the Buntag Clan is renowned for its staunch conservatism and adherence to tradition. Duke Varun's traditionalist views are exemplified by the fact that female members of his clan are prohibited from attending formal schooling and instead receive private tutoring from a lady.

He is also recognized among the nobles of the empire for proposing the idea of separating the temple from the empire, an absurd notion given that the emperor serves as the head of the Temple of Butuan. One of his other outlandish proposals within noble circles involves the reinstatement of slavery in the empire, a notion supported by the majority of the nobility. However, before it could advance beyond the Parliament, it was thwarted by the House of Commons and the constitution, further exacerbating the dissatisfaction of the nobles who backed Duke Varun.

The Imperial Clan Council wields tremendous power and influence over other clans, complicating matters further as the Buntag Clan is one of its members. This complicates matters significantly, thought the people present in the pavilion. Knowing that the emperor is receiving some advice from the Imperial Clan Council on various empire-related matters.

One such decision was joining the alliance of Qing and Russia, facilitated by advice from the Imperial Clan Council. With its eight members, excluding the emperor, the council serves as the voice of the cadet branches of the Imperial House of Shaja. And currently, it is Duke Varun who holds most of the power, after the emperor. Influencing not just the members of the cadet clans but also the other noble families.

One might depict the members of the Imperial Clan Council as the whisperers to the emperor's ears, with one positioned to his left and the other to his right. The former represents the council's influence, while the latter symbolizes the Prime Minister's role in advising the emperor. This imagery underscores the council's persuasive power over the emperor's decisions.

"Duke Varun repeatedly highlights, Your Majesty, that you've broken a long-standing tradition of your ancestors by permitting the marriage of your children, who are from the main branch of the imperial clan, to foreign royals. Essentially, he accuses you of compromising the purity of our proud lineage, branding you as a pawn of foreigners rather than a sovereign dedicated to your people.

As such, he seeks to rally the support of all noble families in the empire to exert pressure on you to comply with his demands. His aim is to revert the empire to its former glory during the reign of its founding emperor, undoing the progress you've achieved for the betterment of the nation," Baroness Anika Elizabeth further asserted, leaving the entire pavilion astonished by Duke Varun's audacious statements.

Even Dowager Duchess Jayanti, who has known the Duke for quite some time, is amazed at his audacity in accusing her son-in-law, the emperor and head of the Butuan temple, with such allegations.

"Duke Varun... The man who champions traditional values while challenging the teachings of the temple... He holds a pivotal position within the Imperial Clan Council, representing the fourth oldest cadet branch clan. Notably, he wields significant influence over the nobility," expressed Imperial Princess Mahati in disbelief, her gaze troubled as she observed her younger brother, Emperor Siagu XV, who remained fixedly focused on the center.

Concerned murmurs rippled through the crowd as they noticed the emperor's prolonged distraction. His ability to concentrate seemed compromised after hearing Baroness Anika Elizabeth's words.

Minutes later, the emperor, who had been staring blankly, suddenly broke into a smile of amusement and contentment, turning to address the gathering with evident happiness. Bewildered, those present sought clarification, prompting Emperor Siagu XV to respond gleefully.

"Ahahhh… Isn't this a wonderful thing? Hahaha, I never imagined that this day would finally arrive," Emperor Siagu XV exclaimed joyfully, his laughter echoing through the pavilion and leaving those present in a state of bewilderment. Even his wife, Empress Alice, regarded him with a quizzical expression.

A few moments later, the remaining seated individuals joined in laughter, their merriment blending with the music played by the courtiers. Everyone had finally grasped the meaning behind Emperor Siagu XV's words. Even the courtiers, previously bowing their heads, now revealed expressions of delight and anticipation.

The attitudes of the emperor and the imperial clan towards Duke Varun and other members of the nobility are not a secret among those working within the Imperial complex. This discontent began a few years after Emperor Siagu XV ascended to the throne and has continued as the empire increasingly opens itself to the world, allowing Butuan to achieve its current economic and military strength.

Over the years, despite presenting a united front publicly and to foreign delegates, a growing divide between the nobility and the imperial clan has become apparent. Dissatisfaction among the nobility has steadily increased since Emperor Siagu XV denied their desires to revert the nation to absolute monarchy, instead favoring the current semi-constitutional monarchy.

Since the initial divide emerged in 1894, the noble faction has consistently grown dissatisfied with the emperor, seeking to increase their own power and reinstate old laws, particularly regarding slavery—an effort recently led by Duke Varun himself.

Emperor Siagu XV views the current number of noble families as excessive, considering them a threat and a nuisance. Of the 600 noble families in the Butuan Empire, more than half support a return to the old ways, while the rest remain loyal to Emperor Siagu XV.

Emperor Siagu XV plans to uproot these nobles and their families, revoking their noble titles and bringing them to the same status as commoners. He also intends to purge nobles involved in attempts to overthrow the government and reform the House of Lords, appointing ministers loyal to him to lead the chamber.

While Emperor Siagu XV initially planned to implement these measures within the next 15-25 years, an unexpected turn of events suggests that action may be taken sooner, possibly within a few months or years. Baroness Anika Elizabeth noted that there have been no recent developments regarding the plans of Duke Varun and his allies.

"They are foolish to cling to their past power and think it will endure. Times are changing, and people will still prefer the emperor over the corrupt nobles. They are destined to fail.

Rather than greedily seeking more power, they should have remained silent and content with their current status. A chicken cannot swallow a dragon, but a dragon can easily consume a chicken," Emperor Siagu XV stated mockingly, as the people in the pavilion observed him with meaningful looks, excitement, and joy evident in their grins.

Their conversation continued for a few more minutes until their respective children entered the pavilion, followed by their courtiers. The children returned with smiles on their faces, a rare sight for imperial heirs to break into a sweat.

The day concluded with a lavish family dinner, prepared by the finest cooks in the empire. Laughter and celebration filled the Imperial Complex, an event as rare as a zeppelin gracing the skies of the empire.


Sorry for the delay everyone. I was really busy for the past few days and is still continuing. Especially that my graduation day is fast approaching.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Holy_Slayercreators' thoughts
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