
I like you too, She admitted with a blush.

Sarah had long left, taking a quick Uber bike worth 8 dollars back home. I ran my figures through my thick curly hair as I silently cleared my throat. Lisa stood just three metres away, scrolling down her phone and ignoring me as she always did.

"Hey, Lisa?" I killed the weirdness as I approached. I admit I felt a little bit scared, not of her but of what she might say or react. You know what they say about expectations being the father of disappointment. But I just went ahead when she looked at me and smiled.

I felt love at this moment, a lusty love genre.

"Hey, August." Her response made me build a castle in the air as I forgot all the approach strategies I had aimed at her. "Are you alright?" She said.

I pulled out of my stance, my mouth was narrowly open, I think I had almost let a drool slither as my eyes carelessly stuck on her sexy posture.

"Do you mind if I buy you a drink, a soda?" I proposed as she seemed to think of it, narrowing her lips into a line and creating dimbles on her chubby cheeks as she shook her head in a rotation manner. A way that made her hair swoosh delightfully behind her neck.

"No problem." Her stare was straight at me as she waited for me to lead the way.

I felt my pocket, Sarah had left with my backpack. I knew I had ten dollars in my bag but my pocket was empty except for some penny coins that were just enough for two drinks.

We sat outside a shop, opposite the Commercial Bank as I handed Lisa her Kanta. She had chosen a cold kanta, orange flavoured as I had gone with Koke, a zero-sugar drink.

"Do you love reading books?" I broke the silence with a question that was out of the niche.

"Yeah, but it depends on what the story is about. I love romance and adventure... Sometimes I choose LGTBq but it just depends on the flow of the story." She said adding all that I was to ask as she gave me the look of What about you?

"I read only fiction." I was being linear as I added, "I write books during my free time."

This made her switch as she asked how many books I have written and if I'd got any published. The answer was just a no-book published with a hopeful face as I added. "I'm working on one at the moment."

I went ahead, to know more about her as I asked about her hobbies and interests. You see, I was not that close to her, this was my first time having a chance to talk to her.

Her list was subtle with a no swimming like, I didn't mind as her phone beeped and Sarah's text popped up. She was on her way back. I had less than ten minutes to convince Lisa or get her to date me.

"Will you be coming over to our place?" I asked as I hoped for a yes.

"I may tomorrow or Wednesday, God willing." That was alright as I fell silent for a while, watching her drain her Kanta empty. She was the kind of girl who didn't pretend to be a slay, she was herself not shy or embarrassed. I still had my Koke full, I had to drink faster.

"Eh, Lisa?..." My mouth betrayed me as I saw her raise her eyebrows waiting for me to complete my sentence, I didn't know what to say but again I found myself admitting to her. "I like you."

This made her smile and face down, did she blush? Gosh, her cheeks had turned pink as she placed the bottle now empty aside and tried hard not to face me as she replied," I like you too."

The world seemed to have stopped as I heard those words come from her mouth. I hadn't thought so, now I thought of telling her of my love for her but I decided against jumping to conclusions since her liking for me might have been way less than affection.

"Can I ask you something quite personal?" My voice almost trembled as I inhaled deeply, releasing the air that had built up in my chest out slowly, trying to calm my anxiety.

"yeah, ask...no problem." She dared to look at me now.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Yes, I do." She broke my heart as she waited for another question to come out but I just kept quiet, taken aback. "why do you ask?"

I had my chance, I thought I should just open out and tell her I loved her at first sight but again I withheld my words and explained it was just a question.

She was not convinced a bit as she gave me another of her questioning look and I blurted out almost loudly.

"I have been having feelings for you."

Sometimes you just have to say what you need to say and wait for the result later. I waited but she just gave me a weird sigh as she asked curiously.

"What about your cousin?"

That almost made me jump, "What with my cousin?" I acted callow as she smiled and gave a mocking chuckle that was irritating.

"Don't you love your cousin?" She was persistent as I shook my head and made a stop sign.

"how can I?"

Just as she was about to say something, her ringtone interrupted us, it was Sarah. I now knew Sarah had exposed our little secret, I felt mad.

"Sarah is waiting for us," Lisa informed me as she added thanks for the drink and company. I knew I had lost a chance to get closer to Lisa due to Sarah but Lisa turned over with a chuckle that I didn't know where she got it from. "Don't take me seriously, I was just kidding."

I heaved as I knew she knew nothing. "Do you mind if I invite you over to our place? Or we go for a walk someday later." I tried my luck with my fingers crossed.

"A walk would be fine." She accepted the request as Sarah came into view. All I needed to do now was to get Lisa into loving me, I hated the fact that she had a boyfriend already.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting." Sarah apologized as Lisa beamed and said she had had a great time. A sentence that made Sarah glare at me before they proposed to go shopping.

My head rang with Lisa's words all evening long, "I like you too!" I couldn't stop hiding my lustful eyes until the moment we had to head back home and this time Lisa hugged me, though lightly for less than a second.

"I will see you soon, bye," I whispered into her ear as she released her hug.

I was beginning to grow fond of this gender, I didn't know my life was taking a huge turn for the worse as my experience last night made me go for a turn, a wrong turn.


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