
chapter 12 : the holder of doom


Somehow, you will be pulled into a dark parallel world, but you can see perfectly. Everything will be reversed and where your shadow was, is your now colorful shadow. And your body is now turning into your shadow. Then exit the room.

You should still be in the same house, with everything now in the same state as when you were in the room. Your friend's shadow, or rather "The Calamity Holder"'s shadow, will be there. He will give you a stone that you must destroy within 4 days. If you fail to do so, you will be trapped in a world of shadows, where everything in your life will be perfect, where this will be torture for you.

Within the world of shadows, everything would be turned upside down. All the pleasures in life lead to pain in this world, happiness to sorrow, patience to anger, and so on. Shadows will continue to attack you with happiness for 1 month, until you see yourself broken and gone from the realm of existence and brought back home to crush stones again in 3 days. If you can't do that, the cycle will repeat itself. It's just that you'll get 2 full months of displeasure while you wait and 2 days to destroy the stone. And the cycle will continue to repeat until you are trapped in the shadow world forever, unless you escape.

Generally the reason Seekers were trapped in the world of shadows was because they assumed they believed they had to destroy the rock with their own hands. But this is not true. When any object in the world of shadows crosses your hand, you must bring it into the shadow. Any impact that occurs between the rock and the object will be able to shatter the rock, and thus, you can get a key inside.

At this point, are you going to open it with your hand or some object, you can hold the key in front of the Holder and ask, "Is this Gathering natural?" The origin of the object will then be told by him (or will be repeated if you have heard of it, but with the appropriate answer to the question asked). He will then give you the same rock you just crushed, but with a keyhole in it. However, do not insert the key into it. It will bring you back to the real world without the Object.

Instead, touch your imaginary friend's hand. One or several of his siblings would enter through the bedroom door at that time. He will approach you with an Object, in the form of a necklace amulet with gems. That's when you have to insert the key earlier into the keyhole to bring you back home. If none of your friends' relatives come, you can leave freely, but without obtaining the Object. However, when your friend's parents come in, hurry to get out.

The necklace you have now has the power to cause disasters such as tsunamis, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tornadoes, etc. This necklace can also transmit radio waves on every radio station (in a loud and loud "beep" sound) around the world when the necklace is worn. This wave will be monitored by you.

This necklace is Object 12 of 2000. It knows when it will appear.

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