
Birthday Prank

As they continued exploring, they entered a popular bakery known for its delectable treats. The aroma of freshly baked goods enveloped them, and it was impossible to resist the temptation. They purchased a few pastries to enjoy as they walked, indulging in the simple pleasure of sweet treats.

Eventually, their impromptu adventure led them into a high-end designer store. The contrast between their casual attire and the glamorous surroundings was not lost on them, and they shared a private chuckle as they browsed through the racks.

"I can't believe we're just casually walking around here," Sam whispered to Lydia, clearly amused.

Lydia smirked. "Well, we might not look the part, but we can pretend for a little while, can't we?"

With that, they continued their exploration of the store, teasingly imagining themselves in some of the more extravagant outfits.

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