
Quirk Assessment- Season 1 - Chapter 8

So little rant, I hate having bad Wi-Fi like my stuff runs at 5 Mbps with an ethernet and I'm trying to download all the Kingdom Hearts game to play them in canonical order (Amazing Game Series BWT my personal favorite) but because it's on an extended storage and my breaker popped I had to restart the 1.5-2.5 Final Mix bundle 3 times which adds on hours though thankfully it hit like a save point and it keeps starting at 3/4 off the way.

Anyway not much I can think of saying right now story-wise other than thank you all as I hit 4.4K reads and 104 votes, I didn't feel like I was advertising my story well enough but it seems some people keep coming back and reading it, and for that I'm thankful.

Actually final note, I'm gonna do my best using the Wiki and what information I have and what I've changed for the Quirk Assessment/Apprehension test as it will be different, to some extent.



Heading outside with my fellow classmates we find ourselves in an open field with what seems to be a ball throwing area and a track field.

There are a couple other sports like areas but they're a bit of a ways away.

"You will all be participating in a test of quirks" at this many students start murmuring.

"What about the Entrance Ceremony or Guidance Sessions?" a girl with short brown hair, something similar to a bob cut, speaks up. She has brown eyes, a round face, and a short stature.

Nothing else to note at a passing glance in this clothing.

"You don't have time to waste on that kind of stuff if you want to become heroes, U.A. is well known for it's freestyle education system. we teachers are allowed to teach how we see fit as long as it makes progress", at this she quiets down as many look on with curiosity on how we're gonna be tested.

"In middle school you all took non-quirked standardized testing, this country prohibits quirk usage when calculating averages, it's not very rational, Bakugou" at this the ash-blonde perks up.

'And here I though he picked who ever went first, though picking the kid with the quirk that would excel at throwing is the smartest'.

"How far could you throw in middle school?" "Eighty-Four meters", at this Bakugou is thrown the ball.

'Hm?' hearing this I glance towards Bakugou, all though we did go to the same school I never really cared to pay attention when it came to physical exams as I always placed first, but still that number seems... off to me, why?

"Good, now try throwing this but use your quirk, also don't leave the circle", Bakugou walks over to the circle as he stretches his arm.

Reeling back his arm he throws the ball as hard as he can, a deafening boom echoing through the air.

"As heroes it's important for us to know our limits, that's the first step to to figuring out what kind of heroes you'll be." saying this he shows us a phone like objects, 1056.9 M.

Many students look on amazed at is throw, one even commenting how fun it will be.

'1056.9 meters, that's not right, I may not know everything but this test was something I definitely have memories off, it should have been 705.2 from what I recall, have things changed?' I look at the number with narrowed eyes, something is definitely off.

First the Omaezaki incident, then All-Might, and now Bakugou.

What all is changing, I know Setsuna's change is because of me and the butterfly affect but still.

All I can do is sigh and wait.

"-will be judged hopeless and will be expelled" at this I look at Aizawa as he glares at the class even sending shivers down some peoples spines.

'I really should stop spacing out'

"Your fates are in our hands. Welcome this is the hero course at U.A. High" he gives a huge grin while brushing his hair back with his hand, some students this time just get smiles on their face at the competition.

"But isn't that unfair, I mean it's the first day and everything" the same chick as before states, Uraraka right, odd why is her last name familiar though.

"Natural Disasters, pileups, rampaging villains. There are all unfair things that we can't control, life is unfair, as heroes it's our job to correct this unfairness. If you think we're gonna be dancing and enjoying our time eating food or something then you're in for a rude awakening, U.A. is gonna put you through the wringer, after all that's what it means to go plus ultra" hearing his words more and more students get fired up and straightened themselves up.

Event 1: 50 Meter Dash

"You think you're gonna do well, though I suppose with your quirk you should" glancing over I see Tokage standing by me.

"I'll do fine, I'm confident in my natural strength alone to out do quite a few here."

"Someone's being cocky, don't let others hear you, might cause a fight" she nudges me with her shoulder and a teasing smile.

BEEP "2.56 Seconds" "hm?" I let out an audible hum as I glance towards Ida as Asui hops behind him "5.06 Seconds"

'So things are different, it seems people are stronger and faster, but why', taking a moment to look at my classmates I don't notice much immediately only the absence of two faces, Ojiro and.. Mineka? I believe.

As I glance around I notice a couple classmates taking glances at me, specifically Tokiyomi(?) (MC questioning himself), Asui, and Jiro.

At this I can only give a questioning look.

"You questioning why they're looking at you" Setsuna walks up beside me having just finished her race, I nod at her. (Yes she finished it that fast, and yes the MC missed her leaving)

"It's your aura, I was gonna ask you about it in class but never got the chance".

"My aura?" "Dunno, you just have this feeling around you, it's kind of hard to miss, sort of like my Animal Instinct are kicking at me, to a regular person you're probably harder to notice, but those of us with a sort of Sixth Sense have a decently easy time noticing you in the area.".

At this the only thing I can do is let my thoughts run wild trying to come up with a reason.

"Y/N L/N and Ochako Uraraka your turn" we both walk up the our starting positions as I lighten gravity on my whole body and start preparing repulsion energy in my feet and hands.

BEEP. we both start as I explode through the air with both my light weight body and repulsions energy carrying me through the air, BEEP "2.89 Seconds".

Makes sense, I'm physically more able than professionals and and my quirk usage boost me an insane amount when it comes to speed.

I wonder what would happen if both me and Ida went at it at full speed.

BEEP "6.25 Seconds" I turn around as Uraraka stops beside me.

"WOW, you're really fast" she gives me a big smile as she rubs the back of her head.

"Thanks", I glance at her as I head back towards where I was standing.

Event 2: Grip Strength (gonna fly through them as there isn't anything else to go over as everyone is focused on testing instead of conversing)

Taking the Grip Strength tester in my hand I kneel down to the floor placing the top of it on the ground, gripping it tightly, 「x10 Gravity」.

Only for a moment do I increase the gravity on both me and tester as to not break either of us.

The floor beneath me cracks as a few students step back from where I am, looking down at the device it reads "1975 KG"

(The best grip strength in the world is 150 KG, the MC has super human strength though not by an insane amount yet as he doesn't actively work out, only using gravity as a form of weight training, so I upped it then x10)

A couple of students look on in amazement as I hand my device back to Aizawa, Setsuna nudges me mouthing 'show off' with a smile on her face.

Slowly but surely we blow through the rounds as I place well in every single one, including side stepping, increasing gravity one leg and decreasing it on the other is very useful after all.

Fifth Event: Throwing

Uraraka walks yo to the stand and throws her ball, easily scoring infinity.

Setsuna does ok, though if she could have sent a body piece out she would have done better.

Aizawa tosses me the ball as I stand in the middle, from what I know scoring infinity only requires you to send it out of the atmosphere.

I hold the ball in my hand sending energy into it creating a multi-layered Orb of Repulsion as well as Lightening it Zero Gravity I throw the ball as hard as I can, sending repulsion energy as I release.

I've never thrown it this far so I don't know if my Zero Gravity will drop at all, as it flies through the air the first layer breaks as a huge wave of repulsion energy sends it flying, as this happens a couple times before Aizawa brings up the reader

Infinity, I let out a breath of relief at my plan working.

In the off-chance Zero Gravity doesn't stay permanent I had set up an orb, this orb has multiple layers each filled with repulsion energy, each layer acts as a form of a bomb or a wave that I can command to send out or be set on a timer to send out, when a layer breaks/activates it then sends this held energy increasing the speed of the ball and sending it in a direction of my choosing as long as I'm in control of it, without control it's just random.

I walk back into line as I can feel Bakugou glaring at me, he has been do it almost this entire time but I have chosen to ignore his councils decision as it's a stupid one. (A lovely quote I definitely stole)

"Wow I guess you were being serious when it came to you doing well through all tests" I nod at her words.

"Many may take it as arrogance but I prefer the term realistic", saying this I watch Midoriya walk up to the circle as he throws the ball, though it seemingly falls short.

Aizawa walks over to him giving him some sort of speech.

"Hey" a familiar feminine voice comes from my left as I look over seeing Uraraka looking up at me, her reaching my chest height.

"Need something?" I questioningly look at her, she nods at my question.

"Your quirk might I ask what it is?" as she asks this I can notice a couple pairs of eyes looking at us as she wasn't very quiet with her words, if anything they were bit louder as she seems a bit nervous.

"Are you worried that the answer will be what you think it is?" she stares into my eyes a bit of surprise on her face, "so I'm right" says this with an unknown emotion in her voice as it's a bit harder to hear her now.

"Yes I possess Gravity Manipulation, though if you're going to look down on your own quirk because of it then you should stop. Your quirk from what I've felt nullifies Gravity, the most I can do at my stage is reduce it close to zero but not quiet, plus there will always be someone better, if me simply having a quirk that's your own but better is gonna stop you then you've already failed at becoming a hero" I turn away from her leaving my words to rest in the air as Aizawa brings everyone's attention back.

"Uraraka you should listen to what he says, heroes deal with quirks that are better than theirs on the daily, life is unfair the most you can do is strive to better, don't look at him like an impossible thing to catch up to, look at him like a wall to overcome, that goes for all you too, not Midoriya I'll give you another chance don't blow it".

Midoriya nods as he throws the ball, this time his finger being the only thing that broke as a tone of force flows through the air making a some people step back.

1257.6 M, a lot more than anyone else in the class excluding me an Uraraka, and again more than what I remember.

Bakugou rushes at Midoriya screaming and asking how he got a quirk.

"Kind of harsh don't you think", I give a questions hum at her words.

"That Uraraka girl, your words where a bit harsh, I mean I understand them definitely but still you could have sugar coated them I guess, not gonna get a girlfriend that way" she nudges me again.

"Meh, I don't really know her at all, plus I was just saying what felt right to me" she just grins at me.

"Sure sure, guess a girl might enjoy a guy who speaks his mind", I can only deadpan at her.

"Why are you talking about me getting a girlfriend again?", she shrugs her shoulders as she turns back, the revelation of Aizawa's weakness being heard.

A couple more events take place as we all stand in front of teacher, a device in hand, "Moving along, time for the results, your scores are based on an overall performance of each event" he clicks the screen as a hologram appears.

"Also, I was lying about expelling someone, a rational deception to bring out the best in everyone", it's rude to lie to students but whatever... Should I... Nah.

Looking at the Hologram I find my name and Sestuna's

1: Y/N L/N

9: Setsuna Tokage

She didn't do half bad, being decently physically fit and being able to use her quirk to support her for speed, flying, and a couple other things she did pretty well.

Aizawa sends us all of back to change and head home as today was supposed to only be orientation.

I watch as everyone leaves, Setsuna looking at me with a questioning look, I wave her to go on ahead.

"So how's your arm" I turn to look at Aizawa, he gives me a questioning look.

"Looking at my past may not have told me about my parents but it did tell me about the hero who found me, right Eraserhead" he looks at me as he nods in conformation.

"So that's what you mean, my arm is fine nothing ended up being permanent" "That's good" "You should head back to the rest of your class" I nod at him as I head to go change.

This was way to exhausting

<Acquisition at 25%>


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