
[Mr. Farías]

In a prestigious locale, located in the central area. It was ostentatious and sumptuous, planned both architecturally and decoratively.

"High flower", was a restaurant only enjoyed by the high social class. The main heirs of noble families or immensely wealthy individuals.

The center of Athens was the smallest area, compared to the other four areas. On the surface it contained only four organizational forces, but in reality, noble families of great status and wealth had the opportunity to open businesses aimed at service or entertainment.

'High flower' was managed and financed by the noble Venz Family; it was composed of three sites: Exterior, interior, and VIP.

In the outdoor area, there were chairs and tables, aimed at individuals who wanted to enjoy the atmosphere, climate, and scenery.

The indoor area was located inside the establishment. Luxurious and elegant, aimed at entertainment.

The VIP area was on the second floor of the establishment. One even had to be a regular customer to access it, paying immense amounts of money. To enjoy a comfortable and quiet room to share time with others.

At one of the tables outside, there was an individual eating lunch comfortably. He was cutting a steak into small pieces, feeding himself with table manners. Every so often he would turn his gaze to the entrances of the Athenian Palace.

The restaurant High flower was located on the street leading to the Palace. The Venz family paid huge amounts of money annually to rent this place.

Finally, when the individual was enjoying a half-finished dessert, he rose from his seat, calling a waiter to pay his outstanding bill.

He was one of the men employed by Butler Liu. Their team had worked together for a few days trying to figure out a way to strike a blow against the Young Prince, Federick.

Their efficient work had paid off, uncovering a "variable"; like a needle in a haystack, "Leonardo Bicąncio Battlemman".

A young adult, adopted son of the Battlemman Family. His close family was small, consisting of his adoptive parents and a younger brother. Without any close support.

He had left the Palace. He was a part-time interim, in order to familiarize himself with that kind of environment.

When he finally left the outskirts of 'Alta Flor', he already knew his current task, pursue. He had been tasked with persuading at the young man him to harass the Prince, making sure that he would not enter the Palace gates again for a long time.

Why was he rated so highly, and as a "variable"? Because of several extremely pleasing factors... For them.

He rejoiced in it because he had been the one who had discovered these interconnected points.

In the Battlemman family, a belief in the "filial spirit" was cultivated, so there was a favor for his adoptive family. He had shared much of his life with his adoptive parents, as well as a few but substantial years with his younger brother.

Who had received an extremely high evaluation in the Battlemman Family Ancestral Test, finally taking a place in the "intelligence" faction. A fact that at the time became a scandal due to the commotion.

A public event that had leaked due to the extreme crying of the talented young man's Mother, but misfortune.

It was very likely that a grudge had been quietly cultivated, waiting to be picked up with some promises.....

Slowly he pursued him, following in his footsteps like clues. But when they left the vicinity of the Palace, he quickly caught up with him. Tapping him on the shoulder to get his attention, he arranged his best smile.

"Hello, how do you do, young man? A pleasure, I am the butler of the noble Wesley family." He pronounced eloquently, to direct his hand to shake.

"Hello, how do you do, what are you looking for me for?". The young man asked amicably.

"You can call me Farías. I know your name, Leonardo, a pleasure, I reiterate."

This struck a chord with the young man, after all, he was an small figure. It was not normal for strangers to know his name.

"I know you are on proof under Mr. Mazza. That's why I'm looking for you, I need you to deliver an urgent message." His tone of voice was miserable and his expression distorted to one of concern.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Farias, but I don't think it would be convenient to deliver a message of extreme importance to a probationary trainee," Leonardo said, ready to disentangle himself from any annoying matrix.

"Please listen to me, dear Leonardo. It is a matter of extreme urgency that befits the southeastern lands, in Wesley County. To enter the Palace and summon Mr. Mazza, I would have to go through a search that would take quite some time; you, on the other hand, would not. Please help me. Mayordomo Farias implored.

Leonardo felt it was a rather crude alibi from Senor Farias. It covered several loopholes and lacked logic in several circumstances. But he still decided to agree, because they were in the Central Zone of Athens; therefore, there should be no hidden dangers.

"If it is of extreme urgency, my duty as a public worker is to serve the homeland, its citizens. Please, I explained the matter in detail while leading the way." Leonardo expressed.

"It is not necessary. Nearby there is a local acclaimed by the clientele. Let's enjoy ourselves so that we can maintain mental clarity, thus explaining the situation in detail." The butler's attitude took a 180-degree turn.

This fact made Leonardo's hair stand on end, but he still decided to go ahead with his decision.

They walked a few dozen meters, while Farias talked about the terrible situation in Wesley County. Finally, they arrived at a place that served food.

When they took a seat far from other occupied seats, a smile appeared on the face of the man known as "Farías".

"Young man, my lands weep like a disconsolate mother and my ancestors look at with disappointment and weariness." Farías expressed in a low voice.

"A force arose in them, natural force, which led to the present state of our beloved lands." He spoke in the plural with a chuckle, Farias.

"A feeling of rancor arose in the communal spirit of the county, due to our neighborly solidarity... Haha, mothers weep, ancestors are disappointed and the devastating natural force remains. what do we do?". Finished with an unhinged smile Farias.

Leonardo's heart jumped at his words, but he kept his calm.

"Your current words, Mr. Farias... I don't understand them. Can you be more explicit, please?" Leonardo said a little anxiously.

"We want a promise of solidarity, support, and protection. Just as our grandparents and great-grandparents worked for promises of success, wealth, and growth... Hehe, sorry, my upbringing, that's how I was raised." He finished with a big laugh Farias.

"You're smart, Young Bicąncio. The disappointment in the ancestor's gaze remains, the disconsolate woman does not change... Battle against the devastating force, to fulfill the promises of our near and dear citizens." Farias finished.

Farias' speech was finding a climax until a waitress interrupted him. She had brought his orders.

"Good, good. For the young man, for the gentleman." She said and left.

Some simple, homemade, heat-fighting groceries.

"You know, our ancestors had to go through a meticulous series of steps, to get food. Today, we simply have to ask for it... Could that be why they are disappointed?". Farias said with a smile.

"You mention that I'm smart, do you know me, Mr?". Leonardo said as he ate.

"I know the ancestors and mothers of our people, how would I not know you?". Farias mentioned tentatively.

"You are quite reckless, but you have an outstanding memory," Leonardo said as he cut his appetizer.

"You forget my outstanding judging ability," Farías said with a laugh.

"The food chain is relentless... This social phenomenon, even repeats itself in our non-barbaric society. I asked myself, what is more harmful, the natural forces or the scepter of nobility? In my youth, a friend asked me that question". Farias said finishing his appetizer.

Before Leonardo could give any answer, Farias stood up abruptly, heading for the exit.

Even Leonardo's reaction to this act was slow. But he quickly pulled himself together, taking the lead from Farías.

"Sir, in your life, have you ever formulated any answer to this interrogation of yore?" Leonardo said anxiously.

"The wise test their disciples.... Fortunately, I am not wise but benevolent. The answer will be late, so for the moment, think for yourself". Farías ended with a smile to retire.

Personally, I would not be persuaded.... Maybe just for power stones.

p.s: I updated the previous chapter. Specifically the end. I recommend a rereading.

Thank you!

Finger_of_Shivacreators' thoughts
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