
25. Harlem fight part 3

Ross pov

In a military helicopter, General Ross was furiously trying to talk to one of his soldiers down on the street. He had just gotten a confusing piece of information which was making him anxious as he felt like another threat was upon them.

"What do you mean, soldier? How can the Hulk be down there? Have you lost your mind?" He shouted as he looked at the man beside him.

With black hair and a good-looking face, that man's identity was of Dr. Robert Bruce Banner, one of the leading scientists in America, especially on the subject of Gamma radiation but the monster inside of him was something that General Ross feared.

(*Note Mark Ruffalo is Bruce Banner but a younger version)

Due to an experiment gone wrong, Bruce had turned into a ferocious, primitive creature that had been on the run for several months. They finally managed to capture it in the end and he will gonna spend the rest of his life being experimented on like a test subject.

When General Ross had finally taken a sigh of relief, his soldiers had reported that the Hulk had attacked them

Now That monster is in his palm. Ross was very happy and didn't show his happiness to anyone. But to his bad luck, something worst going to be happening.

"Soldier, the Hulk can't be there! What are you talking about?" General Ross asked.

"There's a monster that attacked us, Sir. Two of our soldiers lost their lives and currently, he's moving through the streets, destroying everything in his path! But suddenly 10 Teenagers who had the same face look appeared and started to save everyone. They also can heal others and they can move very fast sir. ".

"What's going on?" Bruce stood up from his seat and asked, having heard the entire conversation.

"Nothing." General Ross grunted and ignored him. "Tell me your coordinates and turn on your body cams. Let me see what's going on there, damnit!"

"121st Street. Heading North to Broadway!"

"Turn around."

The soldier told his coordinates and the pilot turned the helicopter towards them on General Ross's orders. Then, the old general, the other soldiers, and Betty Ross – Bruce's lover and General Ross's daughter looked at the screen where the footage from the soldier's body cam was displayed.

On the screen, a screen straight out of hell was playing out.

A green, ugly monster was throwing cars around and destroying everything in his way.

But suddenly all vehicles stopped in mid-air. And a white hair kid is floating in the air.

Ross felt shock and fear because he thought Magneto came to this place. But it was not him. It is a Kid.

The police took out the rocket launcher, prepared it, and aimed at the monster. The rocket struck, but it merely caused a small explosion which didn't seem to even hurt him.

But the rocket did shift the monster's attention to General Ross's men and white hair kid. He grinned at them and began to sprint towards them, destroying the road and pushing out the people in front of him.

But suddenly all vehicles crashed into him. That attack can not even scratch him. Even after that, he rushed at them. The army men saw him coming their way and run away leaving the kid only.

But that kid rushed at that monster and punched him. Then a Shockwave came from the attack and destroyed the camera

"What… What is that thing? What happened to that kid? " Betty put a hand on her face as she looked at her father.

"That kid must be a mutant, maybe he is the son of terrorist Magneto," Ross said and thinking about how to throw all this mess on mutants in public news.

"Do you know who that monster is?" his daughter asked.

"Is he one of your men?" Bruce also pitched in, still horrified by what he had just seen.

"Do you know what you have done?! One monster is enough for this world. Why are you creating more of them? And a kid sacrificed himself because of you" Banner shouted.

"Emil Blonsky. One of my best soldiers."

"And now, a monster destroying Harlem. If not for that kid. That place would have destroyed"

General Ross didn't say anything in argument as he simply looked away from Bruce and his daughter and gave out an order.

"Tell all the units to move to Harlem. We need to destroy him or he will burn down the whole city."

Before the soldiers could even act on their orders, Bruce stopped them and said,

"Stop! More soldiers won't work. He's burning the whole city and your soldiers will just become ash alongside the city."

"Then, what should I do? Run away?" General Ross grunted back.

"No, let me, let me handle this," Bruce said, getting a worried reaction from Betty.

"Bruce, what are you saying? You don't mean–"

"I mean that. No one other than what's inside of me can fight off that… Abomination."

"But you don't even know if that… thing inside of you will help you. You said you… cured it. You are just gonna die… like this." She said, her voice cracking.

"I won't. The Hulk won't let me die."

He looked at her and squeezed her hands, reassuring her. They both kissed. Then, he raised his head at General Ross who looked unsure of his idea.

"Are you sure you can do this? You can't even control that thing. I certainly don't want two monsters destroying the city. You have already killed a lot of people in that form!"

"No, trust me. It will work. I can't control it but I can aim it. Aim it at that monster. Please trust me. A kid sacrificed his life. I don't want his sacrifice to be in vain. "

General Ross took a second before looking at the pilot. He wasn't sure of Bruce's idea but if it worked, it was way better than what they have.

They were running out of time and it seemed like the best idea.

"Open the back door!"

The back door opened as Bruce walked towards it. Facing Betty, he nodded his head at her and opened his mouth.

"Don't worry everything will be alright."

"Just be okay," she said and tears came from her eyes.

Then, he jumped out of the helicopter.


Nick fury pov

Nick until now saw the monster's destruction. But suddenly out of nowhere, a kid appeared and saved many people.

"Who the hell is this kid? A new mutant. He had the power to create clones. And telekinesis like magneto" Nick said.

"But it seems he will die in the monster's hand. After the signal was lost we didn't see what happened to him."

"No, That kid didn't die. That kid is more powerful than the monster"

He felt this kid is more dangerous than Magneto. If he became a threat Shield needs to know more information.

"Find out who is this kid. "

'Such a powerful kid can't be missed by Xavier, He is more than a mob' Nick thought.

"Keep his name on the black list And find who is he. "

"Yes sir," Hill said and went to find This new mutant kid.


Mc pov

"Hulk..." Abomination says ignoring Rudra and deciding to go for the Hulk, who rips off a piece of a tattered shirt that stays on him and rotates his shoulder a little.

'Buddy did that ugly ass ignored you, that bitch, Buddy, don't show mercy to him.' Regis said.

Both monsters slowly inch closer to each other before they break into a sprint, roaring at each other. They then jump lunge towards each other as the Hulk is tackled by the spine monster before being thrown in a flaming bus. Rudra notices this and rushes toward the Hulk with amazing speed. Then, he kneels to check if he's ok, but seems to be a bit dazed by the throw as he stumbles back down to his knees and groans a bit from the dizziness.

"Hey, Hulk, are you okay? Can you get up?" Rudra asks him, and the Hulk turns to him with a semi-shocked face before Abomination, stands on top of the flaming bus and chuckles.

"Come on! Show me what will you do" Abomination taunts Hulk and Rudra, waving its hands to come closer for a fight.

Rudra says

"A single attack... I'm going to unleash an attack so big that will blow you away. "

Rudra took position and started to gather mana into both hands.

"KA...ME... HA... ME... HAAAAAAAA" Then Rudra created a Purple color ball that is glowing and then released that attack on Abomination. That attack sent him to crash into 3 buildings.

'How is this attack, you bitch, it is Goku move, hahaha' Regis said

Hulk was shocked to see such a powerful attack.

"Hulk, let's show him what we can do, didn't he ask for it," Rudra said

Hulk can not able to say anything because the first time someone showed Respect to him and treat him like a Friend. He felt an emotion that he didn't understand. He was always treated like a monster and was hated by everyone. Rudra doesn't have any hate in his eyes.

Then both went near abomination.

"This move I learned from the greatest hero in the universe whom I respect and admire," Rudra said to the monster who is getting up.

"I will kill you all, You both don't deserve this power. I am the strongest one" Abomination roared at them.

Then Abomination and Hulk started fighting. Then Rudra remembered Hulk can fight with weapons. Rudra wanted to create a weapon for Hulk with Mana.

'Regis give me an idea to create which weapon for Hulk' I asked Regis

'Buddy, how about Hercules's weapon from God of War? Create that weapon.' Regis said

Without wasting time, Rudra gathered mana and started to Construct Gauntlets that resemble Nemean Cestus from God of War. It has a purple lion and is glowing. The gauntlets also feature spikes on them, some curving back and others curving forward.

Then Rudra used telekinesis and threw Abomination on a building.

"Hulk, take this weapon and beat that bastard" Then Hulk took the weapon and Then he slams them before roaring and charging at Abomination.

Hulk's new weapon manages to send Abomination to the ground and relentlessly punches him in the face. But suddenly Abomination grabbed Hulk's hands and stopped him from attacking him.

[Mana output 10%]

Then Rudra increases his Mana output and he became more powerful. Then he kicked Abomination's face and broke his tooth. Blood coming from his face.

"Did you forget about me?" Rudra said.

Now his attack is 25 times stronger than the first attack. Anodite is a strong being. This is the reason why Gwen never uses her powers without holding them back.

"Don't dare to look down on me" Abomination punched the ground and used this chance to escape from Hulk and Rudra.

Then abomination punch Rudra who blocked his attack but sent Rudra away into a building.

'I didn't feel Pain' Rudra thought when he blocked Abomination attack.

Seeing this Hulk rushed at Abomination and attacked his face, at the same time Abomination sent an attack on Hulk's face. When Their attacks landed on their faces and a shockwave generated and sent both of them away. Hulk's right-hand Gauntlet was destroyed.

Rudra landed on Abomination's shoulders and attacked his head with both hands. This attack slammed the abomination to the ground.

Regis understood that Gwen in the Ben 10 series always hold back but Rudra won't hold back like her. Instead, he wants to use full power. He hoped Rudra won't lose Humanity.

Then Both Hulk and Rudra started to use Abomination as a Punching bag. Rudra felt happy, he want to release all the anger and stress, and Abomination is the best Choice.

'Why do I feel sorry for Abomination, no that asshole deserves this' Regis thought while watching how both Hulk and Rudra beat the shit out of Abomination

Abomination screams out in agonizing pain as he desperately tries to escape from them.

"Get up, fight back," Rudra said with a smile and punching him without wasting a second. While Abomination is covered in Green blood.

"HULK SMASH!" Hulk slams his hands down on the Abomination.

Then again Abomination started to heal. Then Both Hulk and Rudra came near him.

"Stop!" Betty tells both of them,

'No, why stop us, an hero won't bully weak, we only bully strong villains ' Regis said.

Then General Ross came and said to Rudra.

"Hey, kid you are under arrest for Using your Mutant powers and destroying public property." He said.

'What' Regis screamed to see how shameless Ross is.

Rudra came near General Ross and slapped his face.

'Haha, a bitch slap makes a bitch know his place' Regis laughed. Betty covered her mouth.

"What is your problem bitch with heroes, are you jealous of your daughter," Rudra said and he don't know why Ross always follows Hulk like a obsessed girl.

Ross's face became red because he felt embarrassed no one said such words to him in front of his daughter.

Then Rudra turned his head and cast Genjustu and sent Betty to Sleep. Then she was about fall to the ground but Hulk caught her.

"Betty..." Hulk said and worried about her.

"Hulk she is alright, she is just sleeping" Rudra felt angry, Ross didn't care about His daughter when she fell but instead he saw hate in his eyes.

Then Rudra grabbed Ross's head and started to alter his memories and changed Ross into a fan of Hulk.

'Regis create a portal to our home' then Regis created a portal.

"Hulk, come with me," Rudra said. But Hulk saw Betty.

"Don't worry, she will be alright with us, Just believe in me, my friend" Rudra said and went into the portal. And he created new clothes for himself. So Artoria won't find out he did fighting.

"Betty... Friend...and Hulk... Together." Rudra's eyes widen at the Hulk's words before nodding. Then Hulk also came with Betty to Savage Land.

Then Hulk saw a Beautiful Sunrise. And he saw Betty sleeping in his arms.

But Rudra saw Artoria is still waiting for him outside.



Anime bullshit science

When Rudra increases his Mana output his power will be Multiply.

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