
Chapter XXXVII: Don't Move

Danzo's blood dyed the flower field red as the Susanoo arm squeezed him like a grape and slammed him from the doorway into the ground . Sasuke ran out into the large garden and looked at where he crushed Danzo, but he saw nothing except for a bloodstain.

Everyone ran outside after him and Sasuke's hair was disheveled. He yelled, "Where the hell is he?!"

Hawks stared at the bloodstain and everyone observed the surrounding field and farther off dojo buildings. Hawks stated, "Itachi mentioned this before, this is the power of the Izanagi quirk! Either way, he can't be far; he'll reappear somewhere!"

Behind the gift shop building, Danzo finished sending a text on his phone and gritted his teeth, peeking around the corner, 'Damn you, Hawks! What the hell are you doing here so soon?! That shouldn't be possible!' He tried to dial Kabuto's number, but it went to voicemail, 'Was he caught??'

He looked back around the corner again, 'This ruins everything, but no matter, all of my nearby black ops will be here soon. Just like your brother, I don't truly need you Sasuke, only your quirk.'

His eye bled as he stared at Hawks. A black flame chased after Hawks, but Tokoyami spotted it, "Hawks!" He knocked Hawks out of the way with Dark Shadow, and the flames ended up hitting a tree.


Sasuke spotted where the flame came from and shot an arrow with his Armored Susanoo. The arrow obliterated the building creating a cloud of smoke.

Edgeshot went wide-eyed thinking, 'I was going to reopen that shop…'

Danzo jumped out of it with a bloody arm, and Sasuke went into his mode, blitzing towards him, ready to slice his stomach open with his sword. Danzo clapped his hands and sent a wind slice that cut the blade in half mid-swing, but Sasuke was undeterred as he yelled and stabbed the jagged blade into Danzo's chest. Danzo tried to headbutt him away, but he retaliated by slamming him into the ground with Susanoo hands overhead. Sasuke stayed on Danzo as they fell.

Once they hit the ground, Sasuke drew a kunai and Danzo put his palm on Sasuke's chest, putting multiple slices on Sasuke's torso, but he ignored it and stabbed the kunai in Danzo's throat. Danzo choked on the blade before disappearing again

Sasuke stood up and Hawks, Edgeshot, and Tokoyami stood back to back with him. Sasuke's top fell off in pieces revealing the bleeding cuts on his torso.

Edgeshot asked, "You gonna be ok, Sasuke? We can take the fight from"—

"—No." He used his own quirk to quickly stitch the wounds closed. "Danzo is mine."

Edgeshot paused momentarily before turning to Hawks, "Are those 3 quirks the only ones he has?"

Hawks answered, "Yeah, they should be. Amaterasu, a wind quirk, and Izanagi. The one that can bring him back to life multiple times."

Sasuke asked, "How many times do I have to kill him?"

"Itachi didn't think it was based on a limited number of deaths, but rather a limited number of time, based on the original guy who had the quirk."

Edgeshot asked, "And how much time could the original guy keep reviving?"

"15 minutes."

Edgeshot stated, "Well it's been two."

Danzo revealed himself on the other side of the long garden with thirteen of his black ops by his side. He grimaced as he made eye contact with Sasuke and saw the image of Itachi.

Sasuke glared daggers into his soul and manifested a sword, "You always wanna talk so much, and now you won't say anything?!"

Danzo replied, "It's not as if you would listen. You're a lot like your disgrace of a brother."

Sasuke gritted his teeth, "Keep his name out your damn mouth!"

Danzo continued, "Neither of you have the foresight to see what's best for this nation. Too emotionally guided." He turned his gaze to Edgeshot, "It's a shame that the number 4 hero will have to go as well to cover this incident up."

Hawks glared at Danzo and made his feather sword, "You've gotten Itachi killed, you tried to have me killed, you got Nagant put on death row, and now you want to kill Edgeshot and Sasuke?! You've done nothing but make this nation worse!"

Danzo shook his head, "I don't expect children like you to understand the sacrifice it takes to clean up the rot of this nation."

Edgeshot braced himself, "I don't have nearly as much history with you as these guys, but if you want to kill my student and the rest of us, then don't expect any mercy."

Sasuke couldn't wait any longer and dashed towards Danzo. Danzo shot Amaterasu at him, but he blocked it with a Susanoo hand and tried to stab him.

Danzo weaved and sliced the blade before kicking Sasuke and pulling out a knife. "Such wasted potential! Imagine what you could have been!"

Danzo tried to cut Sasuke, but he dodged the swipes before grabbing the blade with a Susanoo-reinforced hand and crushing it, followed by punching Danzo to the ground, "Shut the hell up!"

While the other 3 heroes fought off Danzo's black ops agents, Tokoyami started getting pressured by three of them; although, before any could land an attack, one was burned by acid, and another was stabbed by an array of kunai that flew at him, making them yelp.

Tokoyami smiled and turned to see Tenten and Mina. Mina shouted, "Hey! Tenten let me know what's going on already. How's the fight going?"

"Sasuke is engaged in a fight with Danzo right now, we've been fighting off the black ops in the meantime."

Mina turned to see Sasuke and Danzo and froze. "That old guy???"

She recalled the lecture the old man had given her when Sasuke was hospitalized and gulped. Not only that, but the rage on Sasuke's face made her heart drop. Tenten put a hand on her shoulder, "Just focus on the other guys."

Mina stuttered and nodded, "Y-yeah..."

Edgeshot noticed them after knocking out one of the black ops, "Did you initiate the lockdown?!"

She nodded, "We're secure and the people are being kept in the main dojo!"

"Good, shouldn't have to worry about being seen then!"

Sasuke guarded against a barrage of wind slices with a Ribcage and formed an Armored Susanoo. He drew back the bow and shot it off, stabbing straight through Danzo faster than he could react. "How do you like the move you taught me?"

Sasuke had a sadistic smirk and dropped the Susanoo, looking around. 'Can I sense his aura?' He tried to focus on feeling the aura he saw earlier, and he felt something, but unfortunately, he reacted too slowly and was caught off guard this time by an Amaterasu hitting his back.

He screamed and collapsed to the ground. Danzo said, "I think I regret trying to play nice with you."

While Hawks cut down a couple of the men in robes, he looked back at Danzo and Sasuke. He called out to Edgeshot, "Edgeshot! Hold them off for me!"

"Got it!"

Edgeshot transformed and stabbed through multiple of the men in robes as Hawks flew towards Danzo and Sasuke. 'Not this time!'

Danzo clapped his hands together, "All I really need is your DNA since I know how your quirk works, farewell, SA—"

—A deep gash going down his back from Hawks staggered him. "That's for Itachi!" Hawks gave no recovery time as he spun into a stab through Danzo's heart and slammed him into the ground, "That's for Sasuke!" He twisted the sword for good measure. "And that's for me, bastard!"

Danzo grunted until he dissipated and Sasuke focused on having the Susanoo come straight out of his skin to get the fire off him. After succeeding the flames continued to burn the ground as he sweated and caught his breath, "Thanks. I won't get caught off guard again."

Hawks smiled and replied, "Don't mention it, I'm just glad I got him at least once."

Hawks went back to finish off the remaining black ops and Sasuke closed his eyes. 'Remember that disgusting aura with the red highlights... I can't just see it... I should be able to sense it too...'

He focused on the feeling, searching and searching, until he felt something, and his eyes shot open as he weaved out the way of an Amaterasu and swung at Danzo with a Susanoo fist. Danzo cut it to pieces with wind slices, but Sasuke followed through lifting the dirt and blinding Danzo with it before attempting another grab with a Susanoo arm.

A large blast of Amaterasu burned through all the dirt and made Sasuke back away as his Susanoo summoned a bow and shot another arrow at Danzo. Danzo could barely react as he used the wind to divert the arrow. Although, the arrow still hit his arm and pinned him as he groaned in pain.

Sasuke gave him no time to breathe as he flung himself back at Danzo and held him in the air, ready to crush him at any moment with a skeletal hand. As he held him, his glare intensified as he thought about his brother, "Why couldn't you just leave him alone and respect your deal?!"

Danzo chuckled, and Sasuke squeezed him harder in response, causing small cracks in his bones. "I... have no reason to respect deals with a criminal that wants to halt this nation's progress. Instead of rebelling, your brother should have stayed in his place and"—

—Sasuke crushed him before he could finish his sentence, and he disappeared again. Sasuke readied himself trying to sense where he would appear again, but he felt nothing.

Farther away Danzo ran towards the exit of the agency, 'I only have a few minutes left of Izanagi... I can't risk a head-on fight anymore. I'll have to continue this another day,' He pulled out his phone but saw that it was destroyed. He grunted, 'Damn that child!'

The remaining black ops members were defeated as Edgeshot slammed the last one on the ground. He asked. "Where did he go?!"

Hawks said, "He must have ran away... no, we can't let him escape! This is our only chance! If he gets away, this whole thing will become public, and we'll be labeled terrorists!"

Edgeshot turned to Tenten, "Tenten!"

She pulled up her phone, "Already checking the cameras!"

Sasuke's face contorted in anger. 'You think I'm gonna let you escape?!' He tried to sense further, locking onto the familiar presence. Eventually, he found him and instantly pursued the presence.

Mina asked, "Where are you going?!"

Hawks exclaimed, "He must have found him! Follow after him!"

They chased behind Sasuke who was already halfway across the agency. He locked eyes with Danzo, "DANZOOOO!"

Danzo sweated and sent a large barrage of wind slices at Sasuke, but Sasuke disrupted it with a shockwave of large clapping Susanoo hands together before getting closer to Danzo.

Danzo shot off a large Amaterasu to try and make Sasuke back away, and he got his wish. Although, he made sure not to turn his back as Sasuke's armored Susanoo appeared With a drawn bow.

Danzo grimaced and ran towards the main dojo through some trees. "Those arrows are too fast… maybe this will deter him."

Sasuke let off an arrow, but Danzo barely avoided it by running through the trees and using wind to divert it. He ran to the steps of the dojo, and tried to enter, but Sasuke let off another arrow without a second thought and destroyed the entrance, pinning Danzo's corpse to the wooden floor.

Screams and the sounds of dozens of feet stomping around could be heard inside the dojo, but Sasuke showed no sign of acknowledging it and sensed Danzo who reappeared on the roof. 'He completely ignored that there are people in here? Does he just not care? Or did he not know?'

Danzo's thoughts were cut short as he prepared a huge gust of wind as Sasuke drew back his arrow and let it off, but Sasuke created the arrow in such a way that it would pierce through the wind and kill Danzo as it tore through him and the part of the dojo roof behind him.

Edgeshot, Mina, Tokoyami, and Tenten caught up just in time as Hawks sent feathers inside the building and got people out of the way seconds before roof debris made contact with the floor.

Edgeshot clenched his fist, "Sasuke! Watch what you're doing and pay attention to what you're doing! What if Hawks didn't intercept those people in time?!"

Sasuke side-eyed him, "I was counting on it," he got rid of his bow and focused on Danzo's next spawn point.

Tokoyami stated, "He's getting way too erratic." Tenten ran into the building to check on people.

Sasuke sensed Danzo's spawn point close to the exit and dashed towards him. Danzo tried to make him back off with a huge wave of Amaterasu again, but he ran through it, covered in a layer of Susanoo armor with a manifested sword, and sliced straight through Danzo's stomach. 'Damned quirk!' Danzo recoiled and pulled out another knife, aiming for Sasuke's eye, but Sasuke jumped and kneed him in the chin, followed by gripping his hair and throwing him onto the bloodstained ground before stomping on his head with a leg reinforced by the susanoo and crushing it.

Sasuke breathed heavily and the other heroes watched the display with wide eyes. His body was covered in blood, and the old man's corpse lay at his feet.

He slowed down his breathing and locked eyes with Mina who oddly didn't look as bothered, but she clenched her heart. His expression softened but quickly hardened again as Danzo disappeared from his feet and reappeared behind Mina, holding a knife to her throat and backing away from everyone.

He whispered in her ear coldly, "If you try to burn me, this knife is going in your throat, and I can burn you back way worse too."

She gulped, and her hands shook as she instinctively grabbed Danzo's arm around her throat. Everyone turned to him with burning glares, but none were as hard as Sasuke's who glared him down so hard it seemed like he'd use Amaterasu on the spot.

Danzo stated, "Here is how this is going to go! I'm leaving, and you're all going to stay here! Follow me, and this girl dies!"

Hawks opened his mouth, but Sasuke walked forward and put his arm on his chest. Sasuke mocked, "You killed my brother. You tried to kill Hawks. Then you were gonna try and have all of us killed. And now you're pathetically using a girl as a hostage to save your own skin? It's ironic that you still keep trying to act like you're the supposed savior of Japan that will help the nation move forward; everything you've done has just been to save your own pathetic skin."

Danzo backed away toward the exit of the agency which was locked by a steel door. "I don't take pleasure in doing something like this, but for Japan's future, I must survive; I am the only one who knows what's right to bring about a golden age for Japan!"

"Sasuke! Help!" Mina called out to Sasuke, and he locked eyes with her.

Danzo shouted, "Enough talk! Do you all want to see this girl die or not?!"

Edgeshot clenched his fists, 'I doubt I could intercept him faster than he could put that knife in her throat…'

Sasuke tilted his head as his red eyes spun. Both his mind and face were unreadable as everyone silently stared between the two, "Mina... don't move."

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