
Interval 1 PART 2 - Fight and Rescue

I couldn't help but wonder what happened as I ran toward the screams. Was there a fight? Did the machines take a resistance patrol by surprise?

I think it is unlikely. This part of the city is far from the resistance camp, there is nothing to them here. I only walk through these parts out of necessity, after all, I need food and prefer to avoid fights.

The gunfire got louder as I ran through the streets, but I quickly backed off and hid next to the wall of a building g when I turned a corner. There were three machines on the street ahead, two Small Stubby and one Medium Biped.

The stubby was clumsy and barely reached my belly, but the biped leading the group was the problem, being much taller than me and having humanoid arms and legs which gave it a lot of versatility, not to mention, of course, the possibility of it punching me with its metallic hands.

The eyes of the three machines glowed red as they stood in front of an abandoned store.

I saw a female android inside the store, she lay on the floor, leaning against a bookshelf and pointing a pistol at the machines. She pulled the trigger frantically, but nothing happened, the gun was out of bullets.

What situation did I get myself into? The machines didn't see me. I can get to my house safely if I turn around, however, the android will die if I do that, and this would weigh on my conscience.

The other option would be to save the android, but I would risk dying by the machines. What should I do? What should I do? I had to decide soon because the machines advanced toward the store.

I slowly put my hand in my pocket and felt the hilt of my weapon, technology has advanced a lot in terms of weaponry during the millennia, and I saw many interesting weapons in my travels around the world.

However, most were too heavy for me to carry when traveling, so I chose something more practical, I named it Thunder Knife.

The knife was a beautiful piece of technology, shaped like a combat knife, but completely black with striped camouflage patterns. The blade was made of steel and extremely sharp, great for cutting or piercing.

The handle had protection to keep it from slipping out of my hand, and the knife could release an electrical charge that completely fried the circuits of machines and androids.

The knife also recharged with solar and kinetic energy, the perfect weapon for me.

Now I need a plan, I couldn't just rush the machines, it would be suicide. So I used the silent approach, there were cars parked in the street, and I could hide behind them and take out the machines one by one.

I crouched down, readying myself, but a voice spoke beside me, scaring me to death. I turned around while clutching my racing heart, seeing POD 000 staring at me.

"Question: Whaaaaaat is it happening?" POD 000 spoke monotonously.

"SSSHHH! We got a problem!" I put a finger in front of my lips while pointing at the machines with my free hand.

"Claim: I see." The POD replied as if it had not almost revealed our location to the machines.

"I have a question since you are here. Can you fight somehow?"

"Claim: Yes, this uniteeeee is equipped with a weapon sssystem." The POD replied, shaking madly.

"Great, I will save the android while you will shoot the machines if something goes wrong, do you understand?"

"Claim: Affirmative!" the POD replied.

So I took a deep breath, crouched down again, and walked towards one of the cars, with the machines far from each other. I acted carefully, removing the Thunder Knife from my pocket, holding it with the blade facing down, and hiding behind a car.

A Stubby stood next to the hood of the car, looking towards the store. I approached slowly, pressing a button on the handle of the knife as electricity flowed through the blade.

I lifted the knife when I was right behind the machine and lowered it with all my might on the Stubby's head. There was no scream, the machine shook violently, and its circuits fried until it went still.

I slowly laid the machine on the ground and focused on my second target. Another Stubby stood further ahead, near the sidewalk. There was nowhere to hide, so I walked one step at a time.

Unfortunately, I didn't notice the glass shards on the ground and stepped on them.


The sound of breaking glass caught the Stubby attention and it turned towards me, but I stabbed it in the middle of its face before it did anything. The machine struggled for a few seconds until it went limp.

Repeating the process, I laid the machine down on the ground. Now, only the Medium Biped remained. The Biped was at the store's door, I could easily stab it in the back, but since nothing in life is easy, something had to go wrong.

The android noticed me when I approached the store, but she screamed for help instead of standing still and letting me finish off the Biped.

"HELP!" She screamed while I nervously put my finger in front of my lips.

It did not help much as the Biped turned toward me. I saw the android realize the mistake she had made. I quickly jumped to my feet, preparing for the fight.

"ANDROID, KILL!" The Biped screamed, trying to punch me with its left hand.

I rolled out of the way, the punch leaving a hole in the street. I stabbed the Biped in the elbow joint without a second thought, the machine shuddered, but it still fought using the other hand.

The Biped grabbed me by the back of my coat and threw me away. I rolled down the street, trying to recover from the fall. I saw the Biped's left arm hanging limp when I got up.

The Biped could not move it anymore. I smiled slightly at that, but my joy ended when the Biped ran toward me.

"POD NOW!" I yelled.

"Claim: Affirmative, opening fire!" POD 000 fired a flurry of energy projectiles at the Biped.

The machine used its remaining arm to shield its face as the shots slowly pushed the Biped back. The shots didn't destroy the machine but ripped off metal chunks of its belly.

"POD STOP!" I ordered, firmly gripping my knife as I ran towards the Biped.

"Claim: Affirmative, ceasing fire!" POD 000 stopped firing.

The machine stopped protecting its face when the attack ceased, but it was too late. I stabbed the opening in the machine's belly and released the entire Thunder Knife charge. The machine thrashed madly until it finally dropped to the ground.

So, I stood there, with my hands on my knees, breathing heavily while trying to catch my breath.

"Proposal: You should verify the condition of the android in danger."

"Wow, thanks for the concern, POD!" I replied sarcastically.

"Claim: You are welcome." POD 000 answered, ignorant of my jab.

Well, there is no use in staying here complaining. I went towards the store and saw the android on the floor.

She wore a standard resistance outfit, black boots, camouflage pants, a white shirt, and a holstered belt for the pistol and ammunition. She also had fair skin, a small nose, pink lips, brown eyes, and black hair tied in a ponytail.

She was a normal android and she seemed fine, except for her broken and sparking left leg.

"Are you ok?" I asked, approaching her.

"Now I am, thanks to you! Thanks for helping me, and I am sorry that got you in trouble! However, I have to ask, are you okay? I saw the machine throwing you down the street." She asked worriedly, looking down ashamed.

"Don't worry about it, I'm fine, I'm tougher than I look." I said, patting my chest while smiling, making the android laugh a little.

Good, she calmed down, now it is time to ask some questions.

"Tell me, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the resistance camp?"

"I should, but I used my break to come here because I like to collect things related to humans. Things like books, photos, and interesting objects. I thought I could get something new and return to the camp before anyone noticed, but the machines surprised me. I thought I would die until you arrived. If it's not too much to ask, can you help me get to the camp?"

I sighed mentally, I wanted to go home, but I couldn't leave her here.

"All right, I'll help you get to the camp." I replied, offering my hand to her

The android smiled, took my hand, and I helped her to her feet, putting her arm over my shoulders and walking out of the store.

"My name is Alan by the way, and that one over there is POD 000. Say hello POD."

"Claim: Greetings..." The POD shook and smoked, but suddenly stopped as if nothing had happened. The android, on the other hand, widened her eyes as she watched the POD.

"Are you part of Yorha?!?"

"No, I just found the POD!" I said nervously, I don't want other androids thinking I'm part of Yorha, that would only get me into trouble. So, I quickly changed the subject.

"You still haven't told me your name." I asked, and the android stared at me for a few seconds before answering.

"My name is Kokio." Kokio smiled

"It is nice to meet you Kokio." I replied, returning the smile.

Therefore, the three of us went to the resistance camp, we had a long walk ahead of us. However, I realized something; I left my fish on the riverbank! Damn, I'll have to look for food again! 


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