
Fighting Klein (Part 2)

Jiwoo, Jisuk, and Subin again engaged with the Klein brother, this time working as a team.

Subin created daggers made out of ice that she uses to fight at close range.

However, the enemy's pyrokinetic powers were so strong that they melted daggers as soon as they came into contact with them.

The enemy's way of using pyrokinesis was simple yet very efficient.

He used the flames to cover his fists and used the ability to generate massive heat all around his body. This increased his defenses, and the already-generated flames on his hands made it faster to launch a long-range attack while also helping him in close-range combat.

Even though he was in a state of hypnosis and control and couldn't fight at his full strength, he was still powerful enough to take care of the three opponents in front of him.

Subin, with her daggers destroyed, was vulnerable to the counterattack launched her way. But she stepped to her right, allowing a space for Jiwoo to enter the fight, and at that moment, Jiwoo used his speed to land a punch using the opening created by Subin.

The enemy flew back due to the force of the punch, and Jisuk added on to it by using his wind to attack the enemy, who was in mid-air.

"Subin! Are you alright?"

"Yeah. I am fine." Subin replied to Jiwoo and continued, "This is bad. He sure is one hell of a notorious criminal. He is fighting all three of us like it's nothing."

"Fuck! I knew he was damn strong from fighting him before, but this is just..."

Jiwoo looked at the two of them, who had a scared look on their faces.

'I need to do something. At least buy some time until Jiyoung or Mr. Kayden could come here.'

Jiwoo clenched his fists and resolved himself to fight and give it his all. This was, after all, a fight to survive.

"I will fight him in close proximity. You two attack him with all your might." Jiwoo declared.

Jisuk and Subin looked at him with a baffled look on their faces.

"You have got to be joking! I know you are fast, but it's still a long shot." Subin yelled at him for saying something so ridiculous. "He is on a different level from anyone you have fought before." She said

"We need to wait for more people to come here and just buy some time. Also, where is that bastard Owen?! He was the closest to this place after Jiwoo." Subin said

"It doesn't matter. He is not here right now. Besides, my attacks lack power. They can't do any damage to him. So the two of you have to do it. So, while I restrain him in close range, you guys attack him from afar." Jiwoo said

Subin looked at him. She is still refusing to go according to his plan, as she deems it way too risky.

"Do you even hear yourself? That means you will have to fight him all alone. And besides that, you could get hurt from our attacks." Subin said, still trying to persuade Jiwoo.

Jisuk, on the other hand, stood still, thinking about Jiwoo's plan.

"I know. I will dodge them as well," Jiwoo said confidently as he continued to keep an eye on the enemy.

Jisuk started charging up his power to launch a powerful attack.

"Hey Jiwoo." He called him out. "We can't take him down with whatever mediocre skills we have been using up until now." He looked at Jiwoo directly in the eye. "That means you have to hold him off until Subin and I can gather enough power."

"Wait Jisuk! Are you seriously going to do as he says?!" Subin yelled

"Yeah. I am aware," Jiwoo said

"Jiwoo! You are going to kill yourself!" Subin yelled

Jisuk let out a sigh and said, "Then I will trust you and gather up my power without moving an inch from here."

"Ugh, Fuck! Fine!" Subin yelled and started gathering her powers as well.

The enemy noticed the two of them were going for a big attack and decided to engage them.

Jiwoo noticed this and used his speed to directly jump in front of the enemy.

Jiwoo continued to engage the enemy, throwing out multiple punches without stopping. Even though he was feeling the burn from the enemy's defense.

He continued to get faster and faster in order to annoy the enemy more and keep his attention.

He continued to do this until Jisuk and Subin were ready to launch their attack.

"JIWOO!!" Jisuk yelled

Jiwoo looked back at him and saw that the two of them had already launched the attack.

He contemplated whether to dodge or not, but decided against it.

If he dodges now, the enemy will dodge as well.

He continued to engage the enemy and let the attack get closer to him, and when the attack was just an inch before hitting him, he moved out of the way.

The combined strongest attack of Jisuk and Subin struck the enemy, and he was sent flying away into the building, where a huge explosion took place thanks to Jisuk's wind and Subin's ice.

Jiwoo returned to Jisuk's side, huffing and puffing from the fight.

"Good job, Jiwoo." Jisuk said

"If you have a death wish, then just say so." Subin said

"Hehe," Jiwoo laughed

"What the fuck are you laughing about?" Subin said this and smacked Jiwoo's back

Right when they thought that the fight was over,

"How ridiculous of me to get beaten by a bunch of kids. But still, thanks to you guys, I managed to snap out of it." The Klein brother said this while getting up from the rubble, shocking the three of them who had given their all in the previous attack.

"Albert, that bastard. How dare he take control of me while I was incapacitated? Huh?"

The Klein brother looked down at his arms to see them in terrible condition.

"I can't believe that all three of you have such exceptional abilities at such a young age," he said. "I would love to take you guys with me, but since I am not at my best, that seems kind of impossible."

"Then should we just part here and go on our way?" Jisuk said innocently

"Yeah, that sounds great. I am sure we are all busy with our own stuff." Subin added on, agreeing with Jisuk for the first time.

"Judging by your ice powers, you are from the Union. And you are the younger brother of Shinhwa's Jiyoung Yoo. Both of you are incredibly important to your groups, and I actually have to pay both of those groups back for what they have done to me!!"

Flames covered the enemy's body. This time, it was much stronger than before and was raging hot.

"How do you think they would feel if I killed you right now?" he asked as a wicked smile dawned on his face.

As soon as he said that, he let his power flow outward and blasted numerous fireballs in their direction.

Jisuk and Subin used their powers to create a shield of energy to defend against the attack.

But the enemy smashed the shield with his own hands and then went on to attack Subin.

Before the fiery claw could harm Subin, Jiwoo attacked and managed to divert the attention.

"Ah, yes. You annoyed me the most," the enemy said and attacked Jiwoo, forcing him to retreat.

The flame from his hands followed Jiwoo and exploded before contact.

Jiwoo, who was caught off guard by the new attack, felt the complete burn of the attack and was left injured and tattered as he let out a painful groan.

"With your speed, you must have been able to defeat many people of the same combat level. But against someone with higher skills and experience, that is the most useless skill to have."

"Jiwoo!" Subin yelled and launched ice daggers before he could deal the final blow and kill Jiwoo.

But now she was the one who needed help, as she saw the fireball launched by the enemy completely shattering her attack and hurtling towards her.

Jiwoo tried to move but couldn't, as he realised that he had already exhausted his powers.

Jisuk launched an attack towards him, forcing the enemy to launch an attack to counter, and Subin used the opportunity to slash the enemy's abdomen using her daggers.

Even though he was still stronger than before, the enemy had already sustained too many injuries to properly control his energy, which made such an attack possible.

The joy, however, was short-lived, as the cut wasn't deep enough since the daggers melted after coming into contact with him, and as soon as Subin turned to face the enemy again, she was punched hard, which sent her sliding back on the ground.

She had successfully defended against the attack, but as soon as she put her arms away from her face, she saw a kick right in front of her face.

It was a few centimeters away from smacking her, and if this attack landed, it would render her unfit for battle.

Jiwoo was unable to fight, and if she went down as well, it would leave Jisuk alone to fight him, and she already knew what the outcome would be if that happened.

This was a checkmate.

However, just as the kick was about to connect to her, she felt a pull, and she opened her eyes to see herself sitting away from the battlefield alongside Jiwoo, who had the same surprised look on his face she did.

The Klein brother turned and looked at the person who interfered in the fight, scared that it might be Jiyoung. He knows after fighting her that she is above his level, and so he didn't want to fight her, especially when he was not at his best.

But he felt relieved as he recognised the person who was standing before him.

A blonde teenage boy with striking blue eyes, the same age as the kids who were fighting him, is, in his mind, a person whose interference will only prolong the battle taking place but will not effect the result.

"Owen Knight," he called out

"You know me?" Owen asked with his eyebrows raised

Jisuk, after noticing Owen, joined him and stood beside him.

"Of course I know you. The #1 rookie in the world," he said

"I never thought I would say this, but it's good to have you here." Jisuk said. "He has pyrokinetic powers; he can use them both to defend and attack, but he mainly uses fireballs as attacks. The attack pattern is simple, but he is way too strong."

"Alright." Owen said. He glanced at the three people beside him and said, "Jiwoo is in no condition to fight, and the two of you aren't in perfect shape either, so I will lead the fight. Join in when you can, but for now, focus on recovery."

"What the-? Are you out of your mind? That's suicide! We have tried that before, and it didn't work." Subin said

"Yeah. Let's just try to stop him for as long as we can until Inhyuk or Sis get here." Jisuk said

"Wait! I'll help!" Jiwoo said, trying to get up on his feet but failing.

"Jiwoo, just focus on recovering for now. If you step in right now, you will become a burden. Recover your powers and only join after recovering enough." Owen said.

"I ain't got the entire day to play with you brats!" The Klein brother yelled and sent a massive fireball towards the group.

Jisuk and Subin tried to defend the same way they had done before, but Owen ran towards the attack. His arms transformed, and the colour of his skin turned completely black as his punch connected with the incoming attack.

The punch connected, and the fireball was destroyed. The enemy, who was going to attack them the same way as before and was closing the distance between them, retreated back to avoid getting damaged by his own attack.

The blast that occurred ended up affecting Owen, as his clothes were now in tatters and his fist had steam rising from them.

He didn't feel the burn as his fist was protected by his haki, but it still left a stinging sensation.

"Just follow my lead, okay?" Owen said this and disappeared from his place, appearing right in front of the enemy.

He threw out a punch; the enemy countered with his own punch, but he felt hitting the air as the Owen in front of him was simply the result of a speed mirage. Just a moment later, he felt a huge blow at his sides and was sent flying.

He winced in pain but didn't close his eyes, as that would make him lose sight of his opponent.

This, however, didn't help him, as he saw at least 15 images of Owen around him.

In frustration, he launched an AOE attack in his immediate surroundings in order to attack Owen and give him some breathing time to adjust to the speed as he had been caught off guard.

Owen, however, used Sky Walk to avoid the attack and landed an axe kick on the enemy's head.

Even after getting hit by such an attack, and that too at a vital spot, the Klein brother didn't falter and created a wall of flame originating from right below Owen, who was still in the air, with the intention of incinerating him.

Owen was forced to back away and retreated back to Jisuk, Subin, and Jiwoo's positions.

After retreating back to them, he noticed the surprised look in their faces.

The three of them had heard about him being very strong for someone his age, but they never expected him to be this powerful.

He did as much damage to him as they did combined, and not to mention, he was dominating the fight just now.

Owen, however, felt that they had misunderstood his strength. He did dominate the small encounter just now, but that was only because his opponent didn't expect him to be this fast.

The Knight family is rather famous among the awakened, so everyone knows what powers they have, and that is pure brute strength.

The enemy just now also had that in mind and was thus caught off-guard by Owen's speed.

It isn't uncommon for an awakened person to have more than one powerful ability, but it is quite rare for someone to develop two abilities at such a high level at his age.

The fight from now on will become a lot tougher now that the enemy knows the level of his strength.

Jiwoo, however, instead of just being surprised, felt a little overwhelmed by Owen's speed.

'He is as fast as I am. No! he is faster!' Jiwoo thought

Owen had no time to speak to the three of them, as their enemy was back on his feet once again.

"Jisuk, Subin, make sure to launch your strongest attacks." Owen said, and once again he disappeared from his place and engaged the enemy.

This time, however, the Klein brother managed to keep up with him. Launching attacks at the same time, Owen was about to connect his.

'That guy is responding well to his speed.' Jiwoo thought. Even though Owen showed incredible strength just now, he is still struggling against the enemy.

'His pyrokinetic defence not only acts as a shield but as a spear as well. Since whoever attacks him gets hurt as well,' Jiwoo thought and started focusing on gathering as much power as he could with his force control.

If his normal attacks don't work, he is sure that he will be able to do some damage to him by using his final move.

Jisuk and Subin were also concentrating on gathering their powers while keeping a watch on the fight.

They saw Owen and the Klein brother fighting each other on equal footing. Even if the enemy's defence also acts as a powerful attack, it doesn't seem to be having much effect on Owen, and he is able to comfortably land his punches while sustaining minimum damage.

But it still isn't enough to defeat the opponent in front of him.

One direct hit of his attack, and they will be done for.

Jisuk's and Subin's attacks will act as the winning moves in this fight. Otherwise, Owen wouldn't have asked them to gather their powers in the first place.

The Klein brother, however, felt intense pain from each of Owen's punches. They weren't that heavy, but he felt they were accumulating more and more damage.

And, as the battle continued, a shocking thing happened.

The Klein brother couldn't generate his heat shield for a few seconds and coughed up blood.

Owen, utilising this opportunity, landed a perfect punch in his abdomen with his full strength, sending his opponent flying through the air and colliding with a bunch of rocks.

This came as a surprise to everyone on the battlefield, including Owen.

He activated his observation haki to look at his opponent's state and was surprised to see the amount of damage he had sustained.

The threatening aura he had seen coming from him a few minutes ago was nowhere to be found.

Owen looked back at his three friends with a slightly amazed look.

'They managed to do a lot more damage to him even before I entered the fight. He was probably at just 60% of his strength before fighting with me, but now with the amount of damage he has taken, he can't control his energy properly, and not to mention, he has already completely exhausted himself. It looks like I underestimated these three, especially Jiwoo.' Owen thought

'Though I am not in good condition either, the fight before coming here had already exhausted about 70% of my energy.' Owen thought

The Klein brother got up once again, and the look on his face was a sight to see.

The guy who was so threatening and powerful was gritting his teeth in frustration and annoyance.

"Jisuk, Subin, don't bother with it anymore; he has already lost." Owen said, and both of them complied.

"You!! I will make sure to pay you back one day!!" The Klein brother yelled

"What makes you think that you are going to leave this place alive?" Owen said, making him clench his fists.

The level of humiliation he has gone through today is simply unacceptable to him.

To be defeated by a bunch of kids was a shame to his title as one of the top 200 awakened ones. He was incredibly angry at the kids standing before him, especially the blonde kid who joined the fight later on.

Everything was still under control while fighting the rest of the three, but as soon as he joined in, the flow of the battle changed, and the damage he sustained by fighting him was much more than the three of them combined.

However, what Owen said afterwards made him truly lose his mind.

"I will make sure that you meet your brother in hell." Owen said


A wide smile spread across Owen's face. "Your brother's dead," he declared. "He encountered Inhyuk Goo from Shinhwa and died in seconds. A pathetic end to a pathetic life. Haha." Owen laughed as he finished.

The look on his face turned scarier than ever as he heard the news about his younger brother dying and this kid ridiculing his now-dead brother.


He yelled and charged towards Owen in rage. He had already lost the ability to control his energy, and he was now just running on fumes.

Owen easily dodged his charge and launched a series of punches directly at his face. From afar, his attack looked like a gatling gun. In just one second, he was launching 10–12 punches, and he continued to do this for 10 seconds.

When he stopped, the enemy's face was a completely bloody mess. His face was completely unrecognisable from before. The only thing that could distinguish him was his fiery red hair.

Not stopping there, Owen kicked him and sent him afar, tumbling down to the ground.

Owen used his powers to jump high in the air, land a kick directly on his face, and stand over him with his foot on top of his face as he lied on his back.

"Good Bye." Owen said, but before he could deal the final blow, Jiwoo interrupted him.

"Wait! Don't kill him!" he yelled

"What?" Owen asked

"He has already been defeated, right? Just turn him in. The union will take care of him."


Owen stayed silent for a while, looked at the person lying beneath his foot, and contemplated for a few seconds whether to comply with Jiwoo's request or not.


He decided against it.

His foot crushed the enemy's skull.

The Klein Brothers syndicate was annihilated.

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