

The ten inmates stood before Alan, their expressions ranging from hostility to curiosity. Among them, the man with the mohawk hairstyle called Pinball locked eyes with Alan and asked, "You're the leader? you don't seem much like one" 

Another member chimed in, "Hey, he's that kickass sword master, right?"

However, the situation was defused when a skinny African American named Smiley intervened. "You guys, don't be rude," Smiley cautioned, "show some respect." He seemed to carry the weight of his past encounters with Alan. 

Alan silently observed the group, recalling the notes provided by Marsh. It was clear that each of these individuals had been convicted of violent offenses. Assault, robbery, and manslaughter—these were serious crimes, although they fell short of murder. Most of them appeared to have connections with gangs or illicit organizations that had landed them in trouble.

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