

The initial days in captivity had Kenny on his toes, becoming an astute observer. He discreetly watched players, analyzing their patterns, and soon zeroed in on a particular group. They had that discerning look of determination in their virtual eyes; they were planning an escape. As Kenny shadowed their moves, trying to unravel their plot, he was wholly engrossed in their every gesture and whisper.

So engrossed, in fact, that he missed the subtle approach of a distinctive player - a young girl with ash-blonde hair that shimmered even in the dim prison lighting. She was petite, roughly up to Kenny's shoulder, but what truly made her stand out were her unusually large, expressive eyes. They seemed to be constantly in motion, capturing every detail, every nuance.

Breaking Kenny's focus, she introduced herself with an innocently cheerful voice, "Hi, I'm Izzie. let us be friend""


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