

Seeing the armory stretching out before him, Alan couldn't help but break into a satisfied smile. This was precisely why he had refrained from using his hard-earned survival points to buy weapons from the shop. He had been banking on winning his way up the ranks and thereby unlocking the coveted reward the military had in store.

His gaze first fell upon the melee weapons section. Given his past life's proficiency with swords, it was only natural that he gravitated towards this particular category. With a sense of eager anticipation, Alan stepped closer to the assortment of blades displayed meticulously on the wall.

a selection of eight distinct swords adorning a sleek black metallic wall. Each weapon seemed to have its own story to tell, an untold history of battles fought and challenges overcome. Alan knew that his choice here would play a pivotal role in the rounds to come, and he was determined to make it count.


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