
__System Fortress Cleansing started_

"I tell you, it was like something out of a nightmare. But I stood my ground, and with a few well-placed strikes, I managed to come out on top."

Hobe listened intently, marveling at Jensen's bravery and skill. Despite his youth, Hobe admired Jensen's experience and the wisdom he had gained from his many missions.

Meanwhile, Carlos, who was usually more reserved, seemed to come alive with each passing story.

He interjected with witty remarks and humorous anecdotes, adding a lighthearted touch to the conversation.

"Ah, but have you ever faced off against a horde of zombies armed only with a can of beans and a spoon? I have!" Carlos joked, earning a round of laughter from the team.

Hobe chuckled, appreciating Carlos's ability to find humor in even the most dire situations.

The three of them continued to exchange stories, laugh, and enjoy the moments of togetherness in the car.

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