
Cigarettes Amidst The Fight

Mark assessed the situation in front of the entrance: three wandering zombies. His hands and feet were clad in rubber protectors.

With swift movements, he silently sprinted towards one of them, swiftly twisting its neck backward. It was a weak and emaciated zombie, clearly deprived of sustenance for a long time.

"One zombie incapacitated. Two remaining," Mark reported.

"Good job, Mark. Take out the remaining two quickly and proceed to secure the communication center. Remember, prioritize efficiency and minimize any unnecessary risks," Alina acknowledged, her voice steady and encouraging.

"Understood, Alina," Mark replied through the earpiece, his voice filled with determination. He swiftly analyzed the movements of the two remaining zombies, strategizing his next moves.

Mark's reflexes kicked into overdrive as the two grotesque zombies closed in on him, their eerie growls echoing through the air.

With calculated precision, he seized the head of one of the undead creatures, his fingers digging deep into its rotting flesh.

Meanwhile, his feet swiftly found their mark on the other zombie's writhing body, exerting pressure to keep it immobilized.

In a breathtaking display of agility and strength, Mark launched himself into a graceful spin, his body cutting through the air with precision.

The momentum of his movement added an extra force to his actions, enhancing the impact of his next move.

Time seemed to stand still as Mark mentally counted each passing second. With unwavering determination, he exerted a twisting force, applying just enough pressure to snap the necks of the two zombies. Bones cracked, and sinewy tissue tore, filling the air with a sickening sound.

Despite their broken forms, the lifeless bodies of the zombies continued to twitch and writhe, their grotesque limbs flailing aimlessly.

The effectiveness of Mark's swift and lethal technique was evident as their movements became feeble and their threat neutralized.

The air hung heavy with a mix of adrenaline and triumph as Mark stood amidst the aftermath of his decisive actions.

His eyes scanned the surroundings, assessing the situation and satisfied with his accomplishment.

"Two zombies down," Mark reported, his voice filled with a mix of satisfaction and focus.

"Proceeding to secure the communication center now."

Alina acknowledged his progress. "Great work, Mark. Keep up the momentum and stay alert."

Mark nodded, ready to fulfill his mission.

One of the zombies that Mark had incapacitated inadvertently dropped a box of cigarettes and a lighter - perhaps from its trouser pocket.

"Hey, looks like you've got cigarettes!" Mark exclaimed, his spirits instantly lifted. He crouched down near one of the zombies, its grasping hands reaching out towards him, and retrieved a cigarette from the box.

With practiced ease, he ignited the lighter and brought it to the tip of the cigarette, watching as the flame flickered to life.

Taking a long-awaited drag, Mark savored the taste and sensation of the smoke filling his lungs. The familiar scent wafted through the air, momentarily providing a sense of calm amidst the chaos.

With a satisfied exhale, he released the smoke into the atmosphere, watching as it dissipated into thin air.

In the midst of their perilous mission, even a small moment of respite and indulgence, like enjoying a cigarette, served as a brief reprieve from the horrors they faced.

"Hei, don't forget to share the cigarettes with me," Alex interjected through the earpiece.

"Hey, who found the cigarettes?" Emily chimed in.

"Mark," replied Alex.

"Oh, I want some too!" Emily whined playfully.

"Hehehe, if you each contribute 1% of your abilities to me, then I'll give you all the cigarettes," Mark joked.

The playful banter lightened the mood amidst the mission's intensity.

Alex and Emily protested upon hearing Mark's condition for sharing the cigarettes, expressing their discontent and grumbling about the terms he had set.

"Hei, guys! We're in the middle of a mission. Stay focused," Alina interjected firmly.

"Roger!" they all replied, acknowledging Alina's reminder.

Gathering his focus again, Mark pocketed the remaining cigarettes, knowing there would be little time for leisure in the face of their impending tasks.

The mission awaited, and he would face it with renewed vigor, the taste of the cigarette's fleeting pleasure still lingering on his lips.

Inside the communication center, chaos ensued as the infected swarmed the area. Mark, known as "The Shadow," moved swiftly through the corridors, his combat skills honed to perfection.

The air was thick with tension as he encountered waves of relentless attackers, his movements fluid and precise.

Alina stepped into the laboratory building and moved with a deliberate and confident stride. The Moonfang sword, a beautiful and powerful weapon, was firmly gripped in her hand.

Its sleek, silver blade shimmered in the light, emanating an aura of strength and resilience.

With each step, Alina's senses heightened, her focus sharpened.

She could feel the subtle vibrations in the air, the presence of any potential threats lurking nearby.

As she ventured further into the laboratory, Alina's eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for any signs of danger or vital clues related to their mission.

The walls were lined with rows of scientific equipment and abandoned workstations, now covered in dust and debris.

The eerie silence that filled the air was occasionally interrupted by distant moans of the undead. Alina's grip tightened on the Moonfang sword, ready to unleash its power at a moment's notice.

While Tibby accompanied Alina into the laboratory, she carried nothing but a simple dagger—a makeshift weapon given to her by the facility's security guard, whom she had developed a close relationship with.

It was a modest blade, lacking the intricate craftsmanship and enchantments of Alina's Moonfang sword.

"Alex." Emily called suddenly - breaking the tension between Alina and Tibby who were walking down the lab hallway.

"Yes, Emily? I'm monitoring you. The supply depot appears to be secure from where I am. You should be able to enter without any obstacles," Alex relayed, providing an overview of the current situation.

"Thanks, Alex. I'll proceed to the supply depot now," Emily responded, her voice confident but laced with a hint of caution.

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