
Diner Date

After following her for a few moments, hot pizza in hand, she points to a small table on the edges on the restaurant. The rest of the tables were all destroyed, their legs broken probably due to a raid for supplies done by people that passed by. Amidst the table cemetery, near the plastered walls of the building, there was still a table. It was surprisingly still standing, maybe the raiders didn't see it, or maybe they realised that breaking tables for no reason is kind of dumb? No matter the reason, it was good enough to at least put some food on for a few minutes. Against the wall was the sofa seats you would usually find at a diner that would be built into the wall. That was probably the reason why these sofas weren't destroyed as well, where all the other chairs have been looted. Why people looted the chairs, I have no clue but the sofa definitely seemed very comfortable to sit on as well. As I walk towards the table slowly and follow Toga, she runs in front of me and stands behind this table and hold her hands out in a fashion that draws my attention to it.

"Ta-da! What do you think?

Perfect little spot for the two of us!"

She seems to beam with happiness for some reason, like a kid showing off something cool they made to their parents and her tone is ridiculously cheerful. It is kind of weird that she seems to be happy, hanging out with a hero doesn't seem to be the best way to gain happiness, or whatever she's feeling but I shake the thought off. Again, even if she is faking it, I really don't see any way this could harm me.

"Yeah, good job."

She sits down on the sofa opposite to the table and stares me dead in the eyes.

"You could be at least a bit more enthusiastic…Hmph."

She pouts again and taps the sofa area next to her. The sofa extends for the entirety of the wall, so there's plenty of space on it but I think she wants me to sit next to her.

"Well, it's just a seat…you know? Nothing too insane."

"Yeah, but I found it! Give me some credit, will ya?"

I sigh, she really is like a kid. Needing praise after every little activity she does. After arriving right in front of the table, I place the warm pizza box on it and face the open side towards the seats. I take a slice of the pizza, and start to eat it slowly as to not burn my tongue when I feel a glare at me.

"Hey, I said sit here, why the hell are you standing?"

An annoyed voice comes out of the sofa and I turn to see toga with her arms crossed, giving me a mad stare.

"Next to you? Seriously?"

"Yes seriously! Do you think I'm asking you to sit as a joke, you idiot?"

Her annoyance becomes even more visible. Wanting to not start any conflict this late, I oblige to her request and sit next to her on the sofa. The sofa is still soft somehow, then again sofas don't really deteriorate that fast. Toga reaches over the table and takes a slice of the pizza. She very quickly starts taking small bites out of the recently heated pizza. It's pretty obvious she's very hungry right now.

"I know you're hungry but calm down, you're going to burn your tongue or something."

"I know I know, I'm not a kid okay?"

I let out a small laugh at her comment, not a kid? Well, you've definitely been one for the entire past few hours. I wouldn't even be surprised if she did burn her tongue right now at the rate she's going.

Just on cue, Toga lets out a squeak and starts to Hashafashasha (the thing you do when the food in your mouth is too hot).

"What did I tell you?"

I smack her head but not in a way that would hurt her, just as a way to tell her off.

"Fine, I know, you were right…But you didn't have to smack me over it!

That kinda hurt, you know?"

I mean, that was the point, wasn't it? I let out a slight laugh at her reaction. It's weird, this whole situation. I'm here, acting like best friends with an enemy that tried to kill me a few hours ago. Obviously, I still don't trust her one bit, but I've got to say I made the right choice in keeping her for now. This is a lot more enjoyable than just being alone. Well, I know the reason why I'm doing this, may as well as about hers.


Toga stops eating her pizza briefly to turn her head towards me. With her mouth still full, her voice is mumbled, but you can still make it out.


"Why are you doing this?"

She puts the last bit of her pizza slice in her mouth, and wipes her mouth with her hand. Probably to be able to talk better.

"Oh, you mean being here with you?"

"Yeah? I mean, I really don't see any reason for you to do this.

And don't give me any of that 'You're my prey' garbage from earlier, that sort of explains why you didn't let that villain shoot me, but not this."

She looks up into the ceiling and lets out a long sigh.

"Geez, you're getting to that already?

Can't even let me finish your pizza?"

I stare at her with a determined look and nod, I don't really care that much but if she doesn't have a proper reason, I'm kicking her out and running the hell away.

"Fine…you worry too much you know?

Well, I've been bored in our hideout for a while. You should see our place, we're moving from abandoned warehouse to abandoned warehouse and just sitting around…"

As she says this, I wonder to myself. The league of villains just sits around in random places like me? I thought they'd have some grand lair or something, but I guess not. Actually, if they did, they'd have been found much much earlier. I continue to stay quiet, and let her explain while keeping my gaze on her.

"So, I decided to visit my childhood house because I was bored and I met you, and you know the rest.

But you know, even though I have a team it does get quite lonely in there. Most of the team don't talk to each other and it's really tense, not the type of place you want to be in."

As she talks, she seems to lose her smile and get more and more serious in tone.

"And after fighting with you, I realised…

Deku, you're the same age as me, right?"

"Yeah, I think so?"

"Well, that makes you way more fun than my teammates to hang out with, they're always 'Oh toga, you have to be serious or else we'll get caught' and all that, blehhh

Dabi's the most like that, and everyone else is just so boring to be with 24/7"

Randomly, she places both of her hands on my shoulders and starts staring at me intently.

"With you, I can mess around as much as I want, or I think so anyways.

Also, I've never had friends before, or felt love or all that stuff you all get to do so easily."

I'm a bit shocked, but she does make slight sense. She's just bored like me, and wants someone to hang out with that she thinks is fun. But she's never had friends before? I mean, the league isn't exactly friendship material, but never?

"And now…"

After putting her hands on my shoulders, she jumps into my arms. Huh? Now what? I'm surprised, but I don't push her back.

"What the hell are you doing now?"

"What does it look like, idiot? I'm hugging you!"

Okay, she's got me really confused now.


She wraps her hands around me as I sit there, slightly stunned.

"Look, I don't care what you think of me.

This is the only time where I can literally do anything with another person.

I haven't had a hug since I was a kid, shut up and let me do it."

I tilt my head slightly in confusion, but I end up deciphering her words. Yeah, this is the only time when she can do any of the stuff you'd normally do with other people. Like hugs, and eating out together with them. But I guess that means she knows that this…won't last. After this, either I throw her in prison or she goes back to the league of villains and hides out and does her usual villain activities. Either way, she'll never get to experience anything like friendship, or even love.

I think I've failed to realise something the entire time she's been with me. She might be a psychotic mass-murderer, but at the end of the day, she's a girl the same age as me. Not some evil mastermind that's hell bent on destroying the world or anything. If she really is the same age as me, she probably wants to do what most people do in their youth.

I also have another suspicion, but I guess I'll ask that later. For now…this is…uh, a predicament. I know she's hugging me because she hasn't got one in a hell of a long time, but it's sort of…embarrassing? Because of this, my face slightly reddens as I stare down at her, laying on my chest as she holds me tight.

"What the hell are you doing? Hug me back."

"Look, I get that you've never done this before…but it's seriously embarrassing for me here…"

She looks up at me and growls angrily.

"This is such a big moment for me and you're gonna ruin it? Embarrassed? Who the hell is watching?"

Then, she forcefully grabs my hands and puts them around her.

"There, is that seriously that hard?"

My hands are dragged before I can react, but I just decide to keep them there, around her body.

"I've had plenty of experience with the insides

That I forgot how good humans felt on the outside…"

She buries her face in my chest as she keeps holding me. She's seriously cute right now, but I can't ignore what she just said. She's still terrifying, experience with the insides? I mean, I know her quirk uses people's blood, but that's scary.

"How long you gonna do this for?"

"As long as I want idiot, I'm not getting another chance like this for years."