
Day ?x? - Post-Credit Sequence

"Do you have a moment?"

Your shift had started but you hadn't begun your rounds tonight. You had come an hour before closing, having adjusted your shift to fit it. You found it just worked better to come in a bit early, better to gage customers and the technical state of things. Plus it was handy in the last hour in case any malfunctions happened.

It had been ██ ████ since the "trial by fire". The plex was doing good. Despite not being classified as an incident the ripples of the event could still be felt. Roxanne had gotten over your orders to Gregory and Moon but she was still pretty peeved about the whole 'knife-in-gut' situation. When you managed to get it out of Gregory what exactly he did you were surprised. You didn't think he and Moon had it in them to be that violent.

Chica, on the other hand was still upset at you. Even though you managed to convince her you didn't send her that trash bot as some "way to break her" (as she claimed), she was still upset you didn't come back to rescue her. You intended to bring her some trash today after all was said and done. Both Vanessa and the Rep had advised against it but you saw no other path to forgiveness.

At least the other band members and animatronics were happy. Monty in particular had become far more mature since that day.

Other than a few minor things the plex had not changed much since that day. You still occasionally had dreams about that yellow rabbit from that fateful night but just shrugged it off as paranoia. It would go away eventually. You thought.

Despite any animosity there were still shows to be put on. It was Halloween week after all. You were leaning on the railing looking down at the raceway. It had become a habit of yours to check out the race course just before starting your rounds. It helped it was so close to the entrance.

Kids were below racing the carts in their Halloween costumes. S.T.A.F.F. bots were watching closely and moving around the entire raceway helping out parents and the like.

They did not look like typical bots however. Instead of the usual two large eyes and no expression, their faces showed dark and twisted features. Two empty white eyes and a wide white smile like someone had painted them on. It took a bit of reverse engineering but you managed to figure out how to get the bots to display their 'corrupted' mode. You had gotten the okay from the Rep after you proposed it as something to make the plex for "Halloween" themed.

It was a hit with the kids who for the first time actually felt scared of the bots.

Roxanne was below doing a trick-or-treat scavenger hunt with some children. She was dressed as a pirate. Though she was advised to dress as a NASCAR driver or something more thematic she decided on dressing as a pirate. She said something about it reminding her of older times.

Seeing you were in she waved from below. You waved back and allowed her to resume her scavenger hunt.

You decided to make your way back to the entrance, see how things were going there. Despite the place closing in about an hour there were still a quite a few people around.

As you walked down the hall, one of the posters had caught your attention. You'd briefly seen them but never really looked at it until now.

The poster read "Who is the mysterious bunny?". It showed a silhouette of a person in a custom made rabbit outfit. It had a bright yellow hypnotic background behind it. The rabbit was staring at the viewer, eyes glowing red with a finger on her lip to "keep quiet". You of course knew who it was. It was Vanessa.

She had managed to convince the rep to not only allow her to keep Vanny's outfit but do her own little act in the plex. He was apparently a little apprehensive to the idea but relented. He mentioned to you something about her being incredibly proud of the costume and unable to let it go.

The head had to be remade from scratch and the Rep made sure security was around when she did it. He even made you audit it to make sure there was "none of those mind-controlling thingies".

She worked it out with a few other employees. They would wear the costume throughout the day and spooky children in rounds. She would end up coming either during the day or a bit earlier in the evening to do the last round of the 'scaring'. She loved the attention.

You decided to keep the ruined helmet as you still wished to study it. Sure, Monty turned it into a pile of rubble but you wished to at least know how it worked, and find its circuitry had any similarities to your ongoing 'investigation'. Though Vanessa filled you in what Vanny's origins she didn't have an explanation for the headpiece. She made it, but she was not an engineer. There was clearly something nefarious about it.

You had been too busy the past few ████ to check it out. In fact, between the fallout, Halloween prep and new additions to the plex you hadn't had much time to continue your investigation. All you knew was that Monty, Freddy and Gregory had been doing some sort of search as well.

And despite recent events there was another 'anomaly' that occurred. Someone or something had taken to calling themselves the "White-Winged Avenger" and were seen stalking the plex. They had stylized themselves as some sort of superhero, bent on taking down the "Rabbit" and saving the plex. At first you thought it something part of Vanny's routine but Vanessa confirmed to you private she had no idea what that was. Just that they were bent on defeating Vanny. Eventually Vanessa just went with it but refused to tell you when she figured it out.

The 'Avenger' had also taken to putting up posters of them all over the plex. It was well drawn but not by any of the artists the Plex had hired. You originally figured it to be some sort of viral advertisement campaign.

The Rep had an idea but insisted you figure it out yourself. He only smiled slyly when you asked if it was dangerous. Whatever, or whoever it was you had been extra vigilant to try and see them. You didn't have any luck so far.

In the main hall you briefly spot Gregory and some of his friends enter Monty golf. He was in tonight having come for the last hour with Vanessa. Despite nearly closing time the hall was ablaze with activity. Freddy was onstage with Chica doing some sort of show.

"Ah, (Y/N)! There you are." A jolly voice said from afar. It was the Rep. He was coming from Chica's bakery, no doubt having satiated his sweet tooth. You go to him, waving back.

"How are you?" You ask courteously.

"I am doing very good tonight. Say, (Y/N), there was something I wished to speak with you about. Do you have a moment?"

"Yes, sir."

"Alright then, come with me." The Rep started to go up the escalator. You followed him, minding the customers walking about.

"You see I have been in charge for quite a while now and usually I can figure out why and when something happens. It's all very...procedural. But some workers have stumbled upon something even I am perplexed by."

You were unsure of what he meant. "What do you mean?"

"Well. I would rather like to show you first, but it's something that should not exist...at least not anymore."

"But it does?" You were really confused. The Rep started going towards Bonnie's area.

"That's right. You see. An 'object' was found recently in parts and services from before the plex. I thought them all to have been destroyed but apparently not."

"You're losing me. What is this 'thing'?"

The two of you had entered Bonnie's area, now walking down the hall to the bowling area.

"Not something I would like to speak about out loud. I have stored them in Bonnie's old room. You'll just have to see it to believe."

Them? You caught that. Just what did he find?

You sighed. Why even discuss it in the first place if he didn't want to talk about it? You just hope that whatever it was the Rep found that it wasn't serious.

// THE END //

So that's it! At least for now. As I wrote on the other sites I am going to write a sequel. There were too many deleted scenes and scraps left over to not make one. This chapter is one such deleted scene and will likely be the first chapter of the second book.

My current project right now is this Friday Night Funkin' story I've been slowly publishing. Like this book it is a '(Y/N)' story featuring a ton of FNF and flash game characters (out now on my page). Also, like this story you aren't expected to know what FNF even is to understand it. (and if you're big into mascot horror you may find someone, or two popular characters appear). So check that out if you want to scratch that same itch.

Feel free to keep following this. When I start posting OBE2 I will release Chapter 2 as an additional chapter here to notify everyone.

Thanks for reading! ~ Hadair-Odaocer

This is the reason you stay after the credits!

odaocercreators' thoughts
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