
Knight Order

If I hadn't mentioned it before, then I am mentioning it now.

The knight order under Donellan Grey was the most powerful order in the land.

They say they rivalled the order of other countries and some who were bold enough, would claim the Equites of the Argentinum Tigris or The Silver Tiger Legion was on par, if not better, than the order under the King.

They were in charge of upholding the safety of the country and this meant taking out anything that could pose a threat to the peace and safety within the nation.

The order was made up of subgroups in charge of different things.

One of the best known ones was the Knights of Darkness that were in charge of keeping things of a dark nature, in the dark. It was a dangerous job but an honourable one in its own right, and unfortunately, the novel only talks about these shadow knights briefly.

In any case, Donellan took on the responsibly of the entire order, but there were specific knights who were also in charge of their groups as well.

The most famous one being Serya Beauguard who made a name for herself through sheer talent but also hard work.

Although she wasn't mentioned too often in the novel, considering how little she interacted with Simuel, she was mentioned in the early chapters as Donellan's most trusted knight.

She was one of my favourite characters even though she didn't appear too often.

She ended up abandoning her family name when she was younger because she wasn't happy with the way they were so focused on money and power.

She was actually a part of the order under the church; et veritas in ordine divinae also known as the order of the Divine and Truth and was a powerful knight to say the least, but soon left when she met Donellan and wished to work under him.

She quickly rose through the ranks thanks to her talents and became first in command. I was honestly really excited to meet her in person and see if she lived up to her fictional reputation.

While I was lost in thought, we had finally arrived. Hecate led us to a long corridor that brought us to another section of the house.

Everything was made out of grey brick and just below, I could see a large group of people clothed in their training uniforms lined up with their head held high as they faced the person in front of them.

We were standing in what looked like a gallery so I couldn't quite see the person the were facing, but it didn't take a genius to know who was speaking at that moment. I knew in an instant that it was Donellan.

The energy around was strong and imposing, it made you want to stop and pay your respects to such an incredible being. In that moment, I couldn't help but be amazed at how incredible he was.

I had a new found respect for him and felt a little proud that someone as amazing as him was my father. I never had a father figure I could look up to, so this feeling was new and unfamiliar.

It almost left me feeling a little embarrassed but also a little insecure. I don't know what came over me, but I suddenly wanted to be in that man's arms, where it felt safe, so I made my way down the long stairs as quickly as possible.

"Young Master?!" Noor yelled in vain warning, not stopping me in time.

Hecate on the other hand only put his hand on her shoulder to stop her from going after me.

She protested but after seeing the look on his face, she could only sigh and watch from a distance.

She couldn't understand how a young child didn't fear such a cold and scary looking man. I guess they truly are father and son she thought with a smile.

As soon as Simuel made it down the stairs, he ran and called out to his father "FATHER!" and jumped into the startled man's arms.

Seeing how confused Donellan was, Simuel couldn't help but giggle.

He had the brightest smile on his face, his eyes sparkling with joy and excitement.

Donellan couldn't exactly rebuff his child when he made that face, leading his expression to soften in spite of himself.

But this was only for a millisecond because even though Donellan was happy to see his son, he was still in front of his knights and was forced to return to his cold and stoic demeanour.

However this reaction didn't go unnoticed by a particular someone.

The other knights were also a little confused and couldn't comprehend what was going on.

One moment they were almost shitting their pants at how scary their boss was and the next that same scary boss had a little kid in his arms.

They really didn't know how to react. The little boy in question turned to face them, his eyes scanning each and every single one of them, full of curiousity. And all of a sudden the boy spoke.

"Father," he said while facing him. "Introduce me." He whispered.

Even though Simuel tried to speak in a low voice, what he said was heard from everyone in that room.

Even Hecate and Noor who were upstairs heard what he said. It was no surprise since all of them were trained and therefore had superb hearing.

Of course Simuel knew this, but couldn't help whispering despite knowing. Old habits die hard I guess.

The other knights couldn't help but find this adorable and the once tense air became light again. Donellan cleared his throat.

"Right, well this is my son Simuel. Simuel these are my knights." He said simply.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his failed attempt of an introduction. I wouldn't expect anything less from him though.

"As my father said, I'm Simuel, thank you for your service and for looking out for my father. Your hard work is appreciated." I said with a smile.

Feeling so many pairs of eyes on me, I felt a little shy but I wanted to look brave in front of them, especially with my father at my side.

The room fell silent after that and I thought I said something wrong for a second, when suddenly everyone started expressing their appreciation all at once.

I looked a little confused and noticing my confusion, the knight standing near my father stepped forward and said: "It's rare for us to be complimented on our hard work, since our boss over here never really expresses his gratitude." She said while laughing.

Donellan gave her a glare which she completely ignored with the ease of someone who had grown accustomed to it.

I turned to look at her and came face to face with a beautiful woman who's face was framed with shoulder length white hair.

She had a smooth olive complexion which contrasted well against lilac coloured eyes.

Her knights uniform differed slightly from the others, instead of the regulation black and white, hers was lined with silver detailing.

Just from her aura and how bravely she spoke out against Donellan, I could tell who she was.

"I would think your generous pay is acknowledgement enough of your hard work." Donellan retorted back.

"Right. Anyway, my name is Serya Beauguard, first in command. It's a pleasure to meet you young master."

I couldn't help but blush. Her fictitious portrayal didn't do her justice. "It's nice to meet you as well." I said.

"Young master, how old are you now?" She was curiously.

"I'll be 7 in a couple months." I said, still feeling shy.

When the other's heard this, they couldn't help but gasp. Even Serya looked surprised.

"You speak so well for a 6 year old!" I couldn't help but smile at that. Of course this would come as a surprise.

Most 6 year old's didn't speak so eloquently. But I have to thank Simuel's intelligence as well as my own.

"Of course he does. He's my son." Donellan retorted back.

Although his face looked cold, I could tell Donellan was feeling proud. I snuggled closer to his arm as a sign of gratitude.

Serya couldn't help but smile at this.

I was feeling a little tired with everything going on, and couldn't help the yawn I let out.

Donellan then let his knights know that they were dismissed and were free to go back. He then carried me up the stairs to the gallery where Hecate and Noor still stood.

Noor offered to carry me back but Donellan refused and told her he would do it himself. We finally got to my room and he laid me in bed.

"I'll have Noor come and change you and get ready for bed."

"Yes father." I said while yawning.

And with that, he left, leaving Noor to come and get me ready for bed, after which I immediately fell into a deep sleep.

That night for the first time in years, I had a nightmare.

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