
The Darkstar


(One month later)

Daeron was in absolute bliss as he lay on the large bed with his wife Rhaenys and their two children between them, he started to believe that maybe this was the life that suited him most, a simple one where he lived with his wife in a small keep on the coast and grew old while they watched their children grow. It was hard to believe that Daeron had only just turned 15 name days old and he was already a father of two children. Though he can't say he regretted it and if faced with the same choice again he would never stray.

He reached over to his wife who wore a loose silk negligee and kissed her on the lips, this wasn't the hot and passionate kiss he would usually give her but one that was slow and romantic as he poured his feelings of love into it.

She looked at him tiredly but with affection in her eyes, her body was still exhausted from giving birth and so she spent most of the time in bed, Daeron had not left her side at all and would look after the children while she slept, she did not want a wet nurse and insisted on nursing them herself as they were her children.

And servants were rather unnecessary when Rhaenys had several girls willing to do anything they could to take care of her and the babies, Myrcella being at the top of the list. The children also had the protection of two dragons each of which felt as if they shared a relation to the children as they had the same father and mother.

Daeron however was very tired, he'd been up a lot since the birth making sure that Rhaenys was healthy and that the babies were okay, perhaps it was because of the fate that his mother had faced as she was taken in a birthing fever. He wouldn't know what to do if he lost his sister in such a way but he was glad he wouldn't have to find out.

"Daeron... go and get some fresh air and something to eat, Myrcella will be arriving soon and she can help but for the rest of the night" Rhaenys said gently as she stroked his face.

Daeron shook his head "I am fine my love, I can eat later" he states however he gets a stern look from Rhaenys.

She then smiles again "I'm sorry my love but it seems that you believe I was asking you... I was not," she says in a voice that sends a tingle down his spine.

Daeron sighs and kisses both Jaehaerys and Alysanne on their heads before getting up and leaving the room, she was right he was hungry and exhausted, but he wanted to spend every moment with his children. He headed down the corridors going towards the kitchens when he bumps into a woman that he had seen only briefly.

She had long dark curly hair similar to Rhaenys but her skin was more tanned and her eyes were dark, her bust seemed slightly bigger as well though that could've been because she was a lot shorter "I'm sorry my lady, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going" he said with a smile on his face.

Arianne smiled back a small blush dusting her cheeks "Please call me Arianne, it wouldn't be fitting for my cousin's husband to be so formal with me" she said in a sweet voice.

"May I ask where you were going?" She asks in a curious tone.

"I was just heading to the kitchens to get some food, I have not had the chance to eat in these past few days," He said sheepishly.

She smiles and loops her arms around his "I was thinking of doing just the very same, I hope you wouldn't mind escorting me"

Daeron smiles but rolls his eyes slightly "Of course not Arianne" he says as they walk towards the kitchens, he can feel her bust pressing into his arm almost engulfing it if not for the fabric that separated it. Daeron thought he would be used to the attentions of a woman by now and yet he still felt himself blush at the short woman's soft body pressed against him.

"So tell me Arianne, what is the heiress to Dorne doing in Starfall," Daeron asked with genuine curiosity.

"I did not wish to take part in my father's machinations, I had hoped that the Darkstar would be here but it seems he has business at High Hermitage," She said bitterly.

Daeron nods his head in understanding "I can understand that, but if I may ask who is the Darkstar?"

"His real name is Gerold Dayne, he is the Lord of High Hermitage a cadet branch of the Dayne family" she explains getting a nod of understanding from Daeron.

"Why do people call him the Darkstar?" Daeron asks feeling a bit embarrassed even saying the name.

Arianne sighs "He tells people to..." she says with slight exasperation.

Daeron looks at her slightly shocked "I see... why did you run away to find him?"

Arianne shrugs "I'm not sure myself, perhaps I wished we would marry and I'd be free from my father's control or perhaps I'm just weak for a pretty face," she says while looking directly at Daeron with a sultry smirk.

Daeron successfully keeps the redness of his cheeks as he looks ahead once more "Do you think Rhaenys will ever tell her uncles about her being alive?" Arianne asks.

Daeron shrugs "I'm sure she wants to but she worries for more than just herself, while she trusts Oberyn and Doran she doesn't trust them to leave her out of their plans"

"She's also a mother and will put her children above all, though once we have some security I don't see why she wouldn't tell them" Daeron finishes.

Arianne nods her head slowly as she leans closer to Daeron "Umm, Arianne you're pushing into me with your-"

"I know"


It was in the morning of a new day when a man rode across the hill with Starfall appearing in the distance, this man had shoulder-length pale silver hair with a strip of dark hair, he had a handsome face and was tall and slender.

This man was Gerold Dayne or as he liked to be known as 'The Darkstar' he had no intentions of coming to Starfall but found himself annoyed as of late. He had been receiving letters from Arianne his lover for months, she had been desperate to see him but he denied her and he relished in the feeling it gave him, the Princess of Dorne coming on her hands and knees begging for the Darkstar, he had no interest in her romantically.

He easily could've seen the Princess but found it gave him much more pleasure to see her beg and ask for him to come to her only for him to deny her anyway. This led to his annoyance as she had stopped writing to him, it had been a month and nothing. High Hermitage was barely a day away from Starfall so a Raven wouldn't even take half as long, and yet she stopped writing to him, HIM.

So he rode there to remind her of her place, he would give her the attention she so desired and she would quickly go back to begging for him.

Darkstar smirked at the thought of it and was even slightly aroused, perhaps he could also convince that old cunt Beric to relinquish Dawn to him, it was a crime he had not done so and Darkstar simply didn't believe that it was lost. No, it was there and Darkstar would find it, the sword belonged to the best swordsman in House Dayne and that was who he was.

He was the best Swordsman in Dorne and maybe even Westeros so he would take what was his.


"Come on Daeron stop being a woman and come in," Arianne said as she splashed at him from the edge of the pool, after they had eaten she asked if he would spend some time in the Godswood they had which he agreed to, in the Godswood similar to Winterfell there was a pool though this one could not chill a man to the bones but rather a refreshingly cool one for the hot Dornish whether.

Daeron signed as he took his boots off sitting on the edge of the pool, it was shaped similarly to a fountain and had a statue of a sword in the middle, he lets his feet soak in the water as he closes his eyes allowing himself to relax. Though all of a sudden he's pulled into the water by Arianne soaking both of them as she laughs.

Daeron can't help but laugh at her childish antics as she lets herself float on the surface of the water, he just leans against the wall of the pool, he was soaked now so he might as well enjoy it.

He grunts as Arianne straddles his legs with a smirk on her face "Arianne? What are you doing?" He asked in a nervous voice as he smiled.

She leans in and whispers into his ear "I did say I'm weak for a pretty face" she says before grabbing his cock inside his breeches and stroking it.

Daeron groans as he feels himself get hard "Perhaps we should stop this, you have a man do you not"

Arianne snorts "He was the best looking and strongest available, but that is all he was, he calls himself the Darkstar and thinks the sun rises just to greet him"

"Still perhaps we should both-"However Daeron is silenced by Arianne's lips pressing to his own as she quickly undoes his breeches releasing his cock from within.

Arianne's eyes widen as she feels the thick throbbing meat between his legs and moans into his mouth, not wanting to hurt he he gently pushes her away "Arianne we should stop before-"

She lifts herself and sinks down on Daerons cock moaning as the large appendage almost splits her in half, Gerold was not so gifted in this aspect and he was a man grown. She bounced herself on his cock holding onto his shoulders as she splashed around in the water, she kissed his neck and bites it as she grips tightly, his cock made her feel like she was a maiden again and she had to place her lips on his otherwise she would be screaming in pleasure.

Daeron felt his cock almost get choked by her sex as she lost herself on him finishing time after time, Daerons will to not do this had been subdued long ago and he felt his hands on her hips forcing her down even harder into his cock, she had a smile on her face as she looked up with her eyes closed before biting her fist and screaming as she finished on his cock.

Daeron kept on thrusting inside her and eventually finished his seed shooting out of his cock and drenching her insides, she sighs in contentment as she leans into him "I think I've found a better man than 'The Darkstar' she says in a mocking voice.

Daeron can't help but chuckle at the name once more, however, they are both brought out of their thoughts when they hear footsteps in the Godswood, Arianne quickly dismounts Daeron and they right themselves climbing out of the pool.

They only just got out when a man walked into their field of vision, Daeron had never seen him before which wasn't too unusual since he hadn't spent much time here but from Arianne's reaction, she seemed to know him well as she looked shocked.

The man smirks "I would've thought you'd be happier to see me, Arianne"

"G-G-Gerold I-I didn't know you'd be coming, in your letters you said you were busy" Arianne stuttered out nervously.

He didn't answer however and narrowed his eyes at her as if awaiting something "I-I mean Darkstar" she said as she backtracked. Which caused him to smirk once more.

"I found myself with a bit of free time and thought I'd come to spend it with you" he stated as he walked closer running his hand along her face causing her to tense.

Arianne forces a smile "How kind of you, but I think I should get changed and dry myself" she said as she walked away shooting Jon a quick smile as she left.

Daeron found himself alone with the man who called himself Darkstar, he turns to him "Boy... next time be careful if I catch you in such a position with my woman again I'll cut you down" he says simply as if discussing what he had for lunch.

Daeron gave him a bored expression, he wasn't impressed by the man in the slightest "If Arianne was wearing a shorter dress you might be able to see my seed dripping down her leg" he simply said as he walked away from the man.

Darkstar was shocked, for moments he just stood there staring at ten receding forms of Daeron, though that shock eventually turned into anger and from that it turned into a spiralling inferno of rage and hate for this peasant that had dared touch what was his, had dared to mock him.

'I swear I will kill you' he thought to himself.


Daeron was once again sequestered in his room with his two young children, he held them both in his arms as he rocked them to sleep, Rhaenys had gone out to spend some time with the girls as she hadn't had much chance to socialise after giving birth he had placed them in their crib that they shared. They both refused to be too far apart which made Daeron smile, he wondered if they'd grow up to share the same affection that he and Rhaenys do or perhaps their namesakes.

He is brought out of his thoughts when he sees Joy enter the room with a smile on her face 'Myrcella, not Joy' he thought to himself, she had told him the truth a few days after he arrived however it didn't change much for him, she was still the same girl he had always known.

He smiles back at her and she walks up to him falling into his arms and sighing in the content he lifted his arm and stroked her hair which made her snuggle in more, she liked this kind of attention and Daeron was all too happy to provide for her.

"Rhaenys won't be back tonight, she and the other girls are staying in Sansa's room to get to know Margaery," Myrcella said

While Daeron was disappointed he was glad they were all getting along so well "I'm glad, she deserves to rest" he said with a smile.

Myrcella nods her head and smirks "She does... but so do you" she says in a whisper as she falls to her knees and expertly releases his cock from his breeches. Before Daeron can even protest his soft cock is in her mouth and she sucks it hard making him groan as the blood rushes down to his groin. Myrcella lets it grow in her mouth never taking her head away as it expands down her throat, this was something new that she was trying on Daeron and it seemed to be working as well because he gripped her blonde curls in his hands as he thrust into her mouth.

All the while she palmed his balls and squeezed them lightly as she allows him to rock himself down her throat "Gods! Myrcella you're so good" Daeron groaned out and Myrcella felt herself squirt her nectar into her dress as she didn't wear any small clothes, something that made her feel good was being praised by Daeron, it has such a strong effect on her being able to make her finish without him even touching her.

Daeron felt himself explode inside the slender girl's throat, of all times a girl had used their mouth on him this was by far the best. He withdrew his still erect cock from her mouth strings of drawl still connected to her tongue, he looked at her with pure lust and it sent tingles down her spine as she knew what this finally meant. She removed the shoulder straps of her dress allowing it to pool down to her feet her small shapely breasts with dark pink pointed nipples were revealed and the small bush of golden blonde pubic hair between her legs was exposed, she also removed her footwear before jumping on the bed keeping her self on her hands and knees as she looks back at him.

"Is my dragon going to mount me?" she said in a teasing voice that sent a primal instinct straight into Daerons cock. He looked at her body from her small soft feet to her skinny legs and shapely behind, her sex was dripping and her other hole was twitching. Daeron almost ripped off his clothes as he approached the bed and climbed behind her, her blonde curls lay on her back so he moved them out of the way and leaned forward biting her neck causing her to moan.

"You're mine now" he whispered to her as he gripped his cock and started prodding her hole.

"Take me any way you want, I'm yours" she whispered to him as she breathed heavily.

Daeron pushed against her sex as it started to widen accepting the head of his cock, he feels the incredibly tight and warm sensation of her sex, she was a maiden till now so he knew how tight it would be. He finds himself coming up to some resistance but with a quick thrust of his hips he breaks past it causing Myrcella to moan slightly, this confused Daeron a little as most maidens would find losing their Maidenhead painful, but the feeling of Myrcellas cunt hugging his cock is too much of a distraction for him to think clearly.

He grips her hips as he starts to thrust inside her, Myrcella tenses and seems to eject more juice onto his cock, this only serves to spur Daeron on as he goes deeper his cock almost filling her completely as she feels like she's about to be split apart at the large cock entering her, but she doesn't care she's wanted this for a long time and now Daeron was finally doing it.

He had her bent over the bed as he bred her like a bitch, something that caused her to squeeze her sex with everyone she thought about. Daeron kept on thrusting much to Myrcellas delight, her sex felt so incredible that Daeron found himself growing more animalistic as he started to become tougher with the slender girl.

He found his hand tracing her backside as he circled her other hole making her sex clench even tighter, he then took a risk and wet his finger before slipping it inside "OOOOOOOHHHH" Myrcella yelled as she squirted all over him and tensed, her arms then gave way and her upper body fell to the bed. However, Daeron wasn't done and he grabbed her hair lifting her by it as he started thrusting again "ITS SO GOOD!" Myrcella shouted as she was treated so roughly.

"PLEASE BREED ME. FILL ME!" She shouted as she started to become incoherent at Daerons thrusting, while he just revelled in the feeling of her tight sex constantly contracting around him, eventually, he found himself getting close and started to thrust even harder making Myrcella scream in pleasure.

He pulled her hair back hard as he thrust his cock as far inside as it will go his seed starts exploding forwards into the girl's womb, she can feel herself being completely filled and with a dopey smile on her face goes limp. Daeron hadn't felt that good in a while so he was glad he had done it in the end, he lay next to Myrcella who eventually turned around and started to run her hand up and down his cock once again.

He was definitely in for a long night he thought with a sigh.


She had just finished writing her letter and lacking all of her clothes, it was time for her to go as much as she didn't want to leave she knew she had to. Knowing she couldn't be with the man she loved was breaking her heart, she'd return to her family in the iron islands and hope that she could go back to her normal life.

She placed the letter on her bed before she left her room, seeing Rhaenys with her babies made her ache for some of her own, though she only wanted them by one man.

She did wish she could've seen him one last time but it was better this way.

'Goodbye Daeron' she thinks to herself as she heads towards the docks.

(AN: so a bit slice of life and introducing Darkstar, I think the next two chapters will be a bit slice of lifey before leading into the start of the Dornish war and their exile to essos, anyway hope you enjoy the smut. As you can tell I'm adding Ashara and Arianne to the harem since it was pretty even)

If you want to support me or read any chapters early head to my supporters page, I try to post there daily but some stuff is harder to write than others


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