
Asking the Middle Boss to Join My Party [P10]


As Eilan and I evacuate the people around the square, I saw a hooded man talking through a communication device with anger.

"Leader 3! Answer me you lazy ass! Tch!"

I watched him take a black gem from his pocket, before swallowing it, his mana began to increase, and his body was transforming as he grew in size 30 meters high, until he turned into a weird ugly demon like creature.


The unknown cult leader roared like a beast. The shockwave from his scream destroyed the surrounding. Fortunately, there was no longer any people in the square.

I pulled out my sword as I was ready to finish him, but I was stopped by Eilan.

"Please, let me do this" I saw her frowning as she stared at the ugly beast with disgust and anger.

'Why is she angry?'

".... Okaaay?"


(3rd POV)

Eilania summoned her scythe, and walked towards the ugly beast with a cold eyes. The cult leader who turn into a demon looked at Eilania with intrest.

"Are you planning to fight me, little girl!"


Eilania didn't respond, but instead raised her weapon as she is ready to swing it. She began to remember the reason why she hated this ugly monster. It's because they 'End Cult' have ruin the festival time for the people and hers. She was happy to see everyone having fun in the festival, but when she saw the panic and the fear from the civilians as they all ran away, and the chaos, she felt pissed.

Just before she was about to swing her scythe, the infinity gem in her heart activated, unleashing a large amount of infinite mana through her body as she used her Ultimate Skill, which should have been originally belongs to the hero.

"Unleash" she murmured.

Eilania's hair changed from black to white, before she completely disappeared and reappeared behind the monster.


The giant half human-monster got confused and then turned around to look at Eilania behind him. But as he turns, multiple slice marks appeared around its body, before he exploded into pieces.


"Hmph" Eilania flip her hair as it turn back to black. Meanwhile, Nero was looking at her with a wide eyes.

'How did the Hero wasn't able to do something like that?' He smirked as he remembered that the hero character wasn't able to do this kind of moves in the game.


"What the hell happened here?" Martha, the knight heroine, asked as she saw the destruction sight before her.

Not too long after, she received a call that there was a terrorist attack. So she quickly ran to the city with her knights. When she arrived down at the city, she heard the sound of a roar and then a large explosion. But when she reached the place where the voice came from, it was already over. The only people she saw were there was Eilania, and the hero Nero.

"Looks like I will need some serious explanation" she said as she walked towards Nero with a serious face, while still hiding her true feelings.

Nero just nodded to her, with his usual stoic face, as he looked at Eilania who had joined in the conversation.

"You sure do"


Nero and Eilania went with Martha to the grand church to discuss about the incident with Rebecca.

Nero told them the full story and explained the situation, and about the enemy. The two Heroines, and the knights were shocked to hear that the End Cult decided to make their move on this day of the festival.


"How dare they do this to my people!" Martha slams the table in rage.

While Rebecca was trying to calm down her best friend, Nero dropped the information that he already know where the main secret hideout of the End Cult in the city kingdom. This news shocked everyone present.

"I-is this true?" Rebecca asked.

"It is" Nero nodded as he took out a map and showed the red X mark on it.

Martha and the knights looked happy when they heard this. But then, one of the knight shouted back with a displease tone.

"This is a lie! I don't believe in this information. It must be a fake"

Everyone turn their heads to look at the person who said that, and it was from the knight's general. Second in command before Martha.

"What do you mean by that, general Asshead?" Martha asked.



I tried to hold back myself from laughing when I heard Martha calling the name of the Mob knight. It still sounds ridiculous every time I hear it.

The reason why that Mob bold general disagree with my information and calls it a fake, is because he is a member of the End Cult.

In the game, the quest that is related to the End Cult was so long and many that it felt so annoying for me to clear it. That is because there is about 13 secret hideout in the city, which is also involved some bad nobles.

This long quest is also related to Martha's main quest.

[Heroine Quest: Help Martha and her knights taking down all the End cult's hideouts inside the city.]

[Number of Hideouts: 0/13]

In the last few days, I was trying to figure out the fastest way to clear this long quest. And to do that, I needed more information from one of their members who is a high rank.

And that was... general Asshead.


Anyway, if I am able to prove that he is a spy and reveal it to Martha with the information of the other locations of the hideouts, then she would be able to send all the Holy knights and the Royal knights to those places, and take them down.

"Princess, don't you think it's suspicious that he knows the location of the hideout, despite we all tried multiple time to find it. He must be Bla bla bla. Bla bla. Bla ba..." the bold general pointed his finger at me. I was only able to hear Bla Bla from him, with a stoic face.

"Stop it general. Your argument doesn't make sense!" Martha shouted back, and I agree with her, because the guy is panicking for no reason. He doesn't even know that the X mark on the map is actually a fake, because I don't really know the actual location, Lol.

What a dumb asshead.

"That guy is lying. Even if he is the Hero, that doesn't mean he is telling the truth"

I yawned as I looked at the clown shouting. So I decided to speed up the quest. I then used light beam magic and blast the guy to a wall.


The Heroine and the knights were shocked by what I did. I ignored them and told Eilan to chain the general with her dark magic.


"Nero, what are you doing?!" Martha asked, and her knights began to drew their swords. But they all stopped because Eilan chained them all with her dark magic, except for the two Heroines.

"The bold head is lying" I said as I walked towards him, while drawing my sword.

Martha was about to protest and draw her sword to stop me, but Eilania blocked her way using her scythe. In the end, she could do nothing but to watch.

The bold general looked at me in fear as I raised my sword.

"W-wait! You can't do this to me! I am a knight general! If you kill me-"

"Yeah yeah. Keep lying through your teeth"

I swung my sword and cut off his entire armor, revealing his naked body with his pink underwear still on. Everyone who were afraid to see me kill the boldy, looked dumbfounded at my action.

"Like I said. This guy is lying. He is a member of the cult." I said as I pointed my sword at his right chest, that has a black tattoo in a shape of a skeleton dragon. The knights were shocked to see this revelation.

"My lord. General, is this true?" Rebecca, who had a shocked expression asked with a sad tone as she covers her mouth.

"N-no! That's not true Saintess. I know nothing about this tattoo. I never bla bla bla bla bla..."

Again, the guy is still talking Bla Shit, despite getting exposed. I then took out a weird purple potion from my inventory, and them forcefully made him drink it as I shoved it in to his throat.

"Agh!... Cough! Cough!"

"What did you gave him?" Martha asked.

"A truth serem. Now, anything I ask, he won't be able to lie"

Eilania has already removed the chains off the knights, except for Asshead. I then looked at boldy's eyes that turned white because of the potion, and began to ask.

"Tell me. What is your true identity?"

".... I am Asshead Asswhole. One of the rank leaders in the End cult. Number 4"

I smiled widely as I saw the drug working, and continue to gather more information out of him in front of everyone.


I began asking more questions about the real locations of every hideouts in the city, while one of the knights write it down. Martha also joined the interrogation and asked about their members, their leader, their numbers, and everyone who are involved from the nobles.

After Martha finished getting all the information she wanted to know, it was my turn again to ask, as I wanted to hear some juicy secrets.

"Now tell me. What kind of dark secrets do you have that you don't want to share with anyone?" I grinned.

"... I stole the princess's favorite sword and sold it for 100 million gold coins."

"..." (Everyone)

"You Son Of A Bitsh! I will kill YOU!!!" Martha drew her sword as she wanted to stab him so badly. Unfortunately for her, the knights stopped her and Rebecca tried to calm her down.

I looked at the situation with an awkward face as it felt very funny. I then asked him again.

"What else? Is there any dark secret that you did to the people who are present here."

"... I stole the Saintess's Underwear"

"..." (My eyes widened in shock)

".....?" (Eilania eyes widened, but also confused)

"....." (all knights are silent)

"..." (Martha's eyes wide in shock, completely forgetting about her sword)

We all froze and kept silent, until we all felt a dark ominous air coming near Martha. As everyone looked at the source, we saw Rebecca, raising both of her hands to her chest, as she conjured a sphere ball of light.

"O Lord of the Heavens. Please give me the Strength, and Strike this Demon before Me. Send Him to the Depth of Hell..." Her voice was calm and soft, but also cold and scary.

Her face was lowered down as to hide her expression. Then, she looked at the general with a wide death gaze, as she moved the light burning sphere to the side with her hands.

'Is she going to Kamehameha?' I thought.

Fortunately, before the general was about to disintegrate, Martha and the Knights were able to stop her.


(3rd POV)

After that, Martha got permission from her father, the King to used the Royal, on her leadership, she commanded all the Royal knight and the holy knight. Dividing them into 13 teams, and attacking all  the13 hideouts at the same time, while her team attacks the main hideout in the south.

Nero, Eilania, and Rebecca went with her. Eilania used her shadow location spell to locate all the enemies and the boss. She even located where the hostages are kept in.

"Let's split up. Eilan has located some children and women on the left side. I am guessing they are keeping some hostages for sacrifices." Nero told them.

"And what about you?" Martha asked.

"Me and Eilan will be going to the right. You guys need to rescue the Hostages first, since they are important" Nero said with a serious face, as if he cares about the poor children the most.

His words made the knights and the two Heroines respect Nero more. Martha looked like she wants to argue, because she wanted to join Nero. But then, she shook her head as she agreed to what Nero has said.

'He is right. Rescuing the hostages is more important first' Martha thought.

They then split up in to two, Nero and Eilania were heading to where the boss leader is, while the others went to save the hostages. Martha was moved by what Nero said and did for her people. She thought Nero was an arrogant Hero like the other young Heroes before him. But she was wrong.

Little did she know, the real reason why he wanted to face the boss of the cult alone with Eilania, is because he wants all the rewards for himself.


As Nero and Eilania entered the boss's room, they both found themselves inside a great hall. There were about 50 people wearing a cloak of the cult, and the main leader of this cult is sitting on his throne.

The leader began to greet the Hero and welcomes him, saying some villain's monologues. But Nero didn't listen to him and kept quiet.

"....." Nero was frowning as he looked at the boss.

The reason is because he can't hear what the guy was saying. The great hall was too large and long that it made hard for Nero to hear what the leader of the cult was saying.

(A/C: LoL)

In the end, Nero decided to just skip everything, and both he and Eilania went to attack. Every member of the cult, including the leader were shocked by their strengths, as the two slice their way through like it was nothing. The boss then activated an artifact to summon multiple miasma monsters, but it did nothing.

As Nero was about to reach the leader, the boss activated his 3rd phase. Just like what happened to the 2nd leader, he swallows a big black gem and began to transform into a demonic ugly beast with four arms.

Nero used his ultimate attack and sliced off one of the boss's arms. He then passed by the boss, ignoring him as he touch the wall near the throne. When he touched the wall, and pressed a hidden switch, a hidden secret pathway appeared, leading to a hidden room.

The boss looked at Nero in shock, questioning how Nero knew about his secret room. The boss tried to stop Nero from entering, but Eilania showed up from behind, and slashed his back with her scythe.

"Eilan, I am leaving the rest to you" Nero said as he entered the secret pathway, before closing it.

Eilania nodded and looked at the ugly monster with a cold eyes. The boss looked angry at her, because of what she did. He thought she was weak since the Hero has left her.

Too bad for him, the guy was about to experience a hell of pain by her. After all, she was the middle Boss. The strongest Boss before the final Boss, the same being they are worshipping.



While Eilan was busy dealing with the boss, I reach the door of the hidden room and opened it, revealing a large room filled with treasures. From coins, gold, artifacts, weapons, etc. And in the middle of the room, is one of the legendary artifacts, [The Shield].

It has the ability to absorb 80% of the enemies attack, increasing defense by 300%, and it has two ultimate skills. [Perfect Block] able to block any attacks, even the Boss's Ultimate. And [Deflection] deflect 90% of any attack. Unfortunately, these two skill has a long cooldown.

I took the white gold shield and stored it in my inventory. My eyes then shifted to all the golds and others in the room. When I played Forever Land, I was only able to collect the shield in this hidden room, but wasn't able to take the gold coins. That because in the game, it was used for background design.

(A/C: this reminds me of a game where I found milions of gold coins in a large room, but wasn't to able Collect it)

But this time is different. I am not inside a game, but in a real fantasy world. Everything is real, even the treasures around me. With a mischievous grin, I quickly stored everything in the inventory, completely emptying the room.

'Wait. Shouldn't those treasures belongs to this country?' I thought.



"Nah! Who cares. It's mine now."


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